Reminder: if being a nice blue-pilled person who respected women actually worked, then r/foreveralone wouldn't be full of permavirgins.

69  2018-05-07 by niveasoftt

But it is. Looks are pretty much all that matters. LDAR boyos.


Nah personality does matter. You just need to stop respecting women at all, because women are lesser than men, and start treating them like they are a bratty little sub adult who would be lucky if you even bothered to speak to her.

Of course none of that will work until you stop being a gross obese NEET loser nerd whose greatest accomplishment is hitting level 50 in WoW

fatcel = volcel fucktard, you'll get shit on for admitting to being fat, here you stupid red pill cunt

Then do the first part.

Or is my incredibly simple shit posting, that I've dumbed down over and over for you guys, still just a bit too complicated?

Fuck off, RPtard. Black pill or nothing.

No no I've been a part of this community so much longer than you it's ridiculous. Most of you guys are indeed fat NEETs.

Some of you guys are high earning, fit, guys. But brown or black, and skinny. Really good dudes a lot of you, smart AF, smarter than me. But you don't understand what women really want.

My fav one of you guys started fucking hookers two years ago, started to really chat with and get to know them, fell into ONEitis with one, went totally insane (in the best way), and last I chatted with him was deep in the bottle and in danger of losing his job.

Even though his paid for whore GF straight up told him the black pill and the red pill. Even though he knew it, he didn't accept it. And neither do you.

My advice may not help, my "I'm gonna execute amog27.bat" may not help. But fuck you if I don't try. It's more then any of you fags do while you larp ldar and larp taking the black pill while dreaming your blue pill cuck fantasy and continuing to lose.

Most of you guys are indeed fat NEETs.

This is a place where you'll get shamed if you don't gymcel hard and have a greek god body despite still having an ugly face. Tell me, why do you think most of us are fat? The "fatcel = volcel" meme exists for a reason.

But you don't understand what women really want.

In what way do I not accept the black pill, bitch?

Sorry, but most incels can't just lift and alpha their way to Chaddom. It's either betabux or LDAR alone. Or suicide.

Most of you guys, but certainly not all, could looks max your way to success. You just have to red pill after you looks max, and then accept that success means banging the broken slots we have created as modern women.

It's not enough to only looks max cause the black pill is only half. The other half is the red pill.

A lot of guys don't want a life of banging sluts, or a life of marriage to a post slut. That's fine go mgtow, which you can't even do anymore since egalitarian fucktards destroyed mgtow.

Anyway no duh betabux is the way. It always was. If you can't handle betabuxxing a girl who has been sodomized by three pathetic losers who are probably in jail, and are just a drop in the bucket of her pathetic life, then absolutely do not. Do not even try.

But if you are one of the guys who has actually taken the black pill then you can indeedy start taking the red pill. You'll end up just as sick as when you took the black pill. Get through it and maybe you can own a 25 year old wife in your thirties and have an acceptable marriage.

As far as your claims about the entire community? That is unfair to your brothers. A great many of them can not manage to looks max, they struggle to even start.

No one wants to be a betabux, fucktard. We want a woman who genuinely loves us. Doesn't matter if she's hotter, uglier, or our looksmatch.

And many here have looksmaxxed without resorting to literal plastic surgery and leg lengthening procedures. Many failed.

You still believe in love 😂

No wonder it's ldar at the end. You can't ever catch the dragon.

It's kind of sad that so many of you guys will take the black pill, but cling to your blue pill conditioning, regardless.

Women do not want a blue pill man. He is too easily controlled. They would rather make a thug baby than risk a blue pill slave baby. And thank God for that or we'd have the bugman hive the blue pill cuck dreams of.

Thank you God that a woman's vag turns to sand at the very idea of letting a bugmans sperm infect her.

Biggest problem with incels is they still believe the egalitarian, mob based, demonic, bugman dream.

Praise to the cuties with their thugbebes rather than birthing an army of bugbabies. Think about it. Women are choosing freedom over slavery, and you guys are upset that they won't join you in your cage.

You still believe in love 😂

We don't. I do not believe women are capable of loving a male that isn't her son. I believe women only want Chad, but women don't even love Chad. He's nothing more than a fancy, fun toy women can show off. We just wish it wasn't this way.

True that.

But they also do indeed want a beta bucks to provide for their children, and maybe try to get sociopathic children from Chad and trick beta Bob to pay for them.

Failing that they will rejigger society so that every hard working beta man is forced to pay for it, by other hard working beta men. Who they will whisper sweet promises to, to get him to do their dirty work.

Hey you can't blame her she's just a poor women trying her best to raise three thugbebes. Pay up. Plus maybe you'll get social security lol.

I know what the dream is. I loved that dream. But thankfully after so many years, I no longer have it.

In the real world we all wear rags, eat shit every day and smile when there's some garlic powder to leven it up, and love our wives who look down and see the actual shit sandwich in front of them, and smile back at us. As we plan to do our best, such a small amount we can actually do, to make things better.

Meanwhile roving insane mobs move around everywhere outside, in the asylum, chanting their screeds, "we are all equal", and necklacing anyone they see as they dance around the body of any man who tries to speak to them.

The truth is as bad as you know things are, they are actually even worse. After the black pill? It only gets worse.

But the only thing you can do is accept it. Because this is reality.

The truth is why I plan on killing myself once my folks pass

Cool let me know how you plan works out for you. I'll definitely let you know how my plan works out for me.

It'll work because being dead with no pain > being alive with massive pain

Pain. Make that pain work for you. Change the story in your head from the story that you deserve it, to the story that this is your path. The path of pain.

Which is it though? For you? Did you really do something to deserve the pain? Maybe. Maybe you did. Exalt the pain.

I have no doubt. That no one. Could ever. Inflict more pain than you.

Or maybe is that wrong? Maybe? How much have you been able to do? You can do? You can go up? Can you? But what about the pain?

Is all of the pain just so you could walk into darkness and go to sleep? Is that why you have fought for this long? Lol can you breathe bro? Try. Try harder.

The rope is right there. But what if the rope only wakes up up to the darkness, tied the right knot? Because you finally open your eyes, and see. Darkness. No escape. No closing your eyes again. There is no escape.

Only fighting back.

And yes. This is really how things are.

ReeeeeeSCHRreeeeeeaaaaaEEAAAAMMMS into the darkness.

The darkness won. Because I accept it now.

Loneliness? I expected to for it, intensify? Right? Right?

But no. I'm never alone anymore.

I'm right here. With me. The man I know better than anyone. The man who has hurt me the most. The only man I love, and the only man who will ever love me. I'm never alone. In fact? I'm incredible.

I can imagine being a man who would lie to you. I could imagine being a man who says to you, "please bro, tell me about your pain. Cause I really car"

There is a man who actually care though. He's not me. And he's almost dead, he just told me. Maybe you can find him and ask him, what he really wants in his rags, as he eats his morning bowl of shit. Which he has always done.

God your childhood must have been fucked up? Do you have no friends who's parents are still together?

You sound a bit like a schizo. Take your meds and fuck off, RPtard.

Nice assumptions, dumbass.

Oh sorry bro I forget they raised the level cap to 62. Didn't mean to shit on your amazing accomplishments

I don't play that. You're the one who brought up being a gross obese NEET loser nerd. Maybe you shouldn't put yourself down like that.

Exactly. There's 40 year old virgin men who are bluepilled as hell and have always been. At least we all know that women are disposable beings. Worth nothing. Better to be one of us and virgin than to be a soyboy and a virgin.

Keep telling yourself that

Keep telling yourself that

Soyboy shit is Alex Jones isn't it

u/InadequateThought good job deleting while I was replying I guess.

Why would I want to be a women worshiper and a virgin if I could just be a rightful misogynist and a virgin?

It's woman worshipper or.misogynist what about normal person who doesn't give subscribe to any of this bullshit

If you aren't one of us, then you can't be anything other than a woman worshiper. It's okay, there's lots of those out there.

Whatever gives you strength bro

Why don't European incels search girls in Asia if all good women are extinct in Europe?

Women aren't disposable.

Lying again huh?


She's right. Women aren't disposable. Sub-8 men are

Of course a woman would think that.

Do you think that being disparaging, disrespectful and outright hateful toward women makes you more or less attractive to them? Genuinely interested.

Are you telling me that my mean comment didn't earn me any Pussy Points? Oh noes!

Genuinely interested.


Women are more attracted to 8+/10 abusive men than 8+/10 nice guys.

Not true. Completely untrue. Your bs grading system is subjective and your premise is based on your prejudice against women. It’s the latter that makes you guys completely unattractive.

Normies are fuckin clueless, man.

Women don't want to be respected deep down, they want a superior man they can look up to and respect

I love when people come onto this sub to tell us why we are incels. And then we point out that there are still virgins in this world who aren't incel. They stammer and admit they have no idea what is the problem with other adult virgins which proves that they don't have all the answers they claim to have.

When people say personality, they mean more than “be nice to women.” They also mean that you have to engage with women and be fun/interesting. No women would date boring people.

You must also be physically attractive. No woman wants a guy who isn't good looking. Why you normies do not get this baffles me.

Cause loads of ugos get girls. I seent it

You must be overestimating their supposed "ugliness" because I rarely see a guy who isn't good looking my age with a girl, while I see not good looking women (almost always obese) with slim, decent looking men all the time

Uglier guys than the pictures I've seen in here. And at least some of the guys with fat chicks you see is because her body changed and dude kept loving her the way people in here say they would really love a girl. I dunno it happens.

>woman gets fat, doesn't matter guy still loves her

>man gets fat, or hell even suffers a gruesome injury that deforms him, girl leaves his ass

I've seen enough to know that's not true but I doubt I'll be able to change your mind. How old are you if you don't mind me asking

I'm not trying to preach true love here but you guys preaching the other extreme. The truths in the middle

No such thing as true love

Yeah it helps a lot I’m not going to deny that, but what I’m trying to say is, is that good personality is more than respecting women, and most incels don’t get that.

You can treat women like absolute dogshit and still have girls hoarding you if you have good looks

See: Chris Brown

I haven’t heard of Chris brown getting the spotlight since when he was arrested. Most people have probably moved on from him. Those who haven’t yet (if they exist) only still care about him because the better parts of his personality overshadows the worse parts of his personality.

If you look like a Chad you can beat the shit out of women and she'll come back for more you dumb fuck

A lot of times that’s because she’s scared of what he’ll do if she leaves him.

No it's because they find him attractive. Women can leave him and call the cops but they never do. Women find dominance from conventionally attractive men hot.

They’re scared that the guy’s going to kill them or something, (which actually can happen.) No women I’ve met before said that she liked getting beaten up.

But they do

I’m not saying that I’m a women expert or anything, but I’m confident in saying that I’ve talked to women more than you and can confidently say that women don’t like being beat up.

Go spend some time at a women's shelter and tell me they enjoyed it, you ignorant pig.

Why not a men's shelter?

Their comment was specific to women. They said women enjoy being beat up, so that's why I suggested a woman's shelter, to get perspective from women who have been beaten up. Had they said men enjoyed it, I would have suggested a shelter for an who had been beaten up.

Women do enjoy violence, though. Especially sexual violence. It's a vestige of your reptilian brains. Are you denying this? You retards love to state we're proof of natural selection in action yet you'll deny the evolutionary psychology of male in female violence?

That's a sweeping generalisation you've made there.

I'm sure most women would want to avoid being beaten up, and would be just as horrified if a man they knew was beaten up.

The kind of people who beat their partners up are not the right people to look up to or praise, whether they be female or male.

Seriously go talk to rape and domestic abuse survivors of all kinds and ask if they love violence.

I'm not praising anyone. I'm simply stating the facts. Sexual violence is real, played an important role in our evolution and proliferation as a a species, and whether we like it or not - some women really do get off on it.

Some women, yes. But no where near the numbers I believe you're thinking of.

Society changes over time, what was common place 100s and 1000s of years ago may not be today.

Until women fight back against their abusers, stop going back to them and stop dating them, they get no sympathy from me

Some do, some can't. Very ignorant of you.

They could but they don't. And FYI I am not an advocate for domestic violence. I find the act of beating women to be absolutely horrid, but it pisses me off when women keep rewarding these terrible men because of their physical attractiveness and because of their dominance that women love so much.

There's a lot of factors effecting their ability to leave, they may have children with them, they may be tied to them financially, they may not be able to get any help to leave them. Abuse May be all they have known. I don't think it's ever a simple as they're just attractive.

These people rule by fear, they're not just physical abusers they're mental abusers too.

no woman SAID

Most people have probably moved on from him.

Kek. He beat the shit out of rhianna in 2009. Looks like he's just as famous as ever. Videos released 5 years after her beating are close to a billion viewers. You incelqueers are so hopelessly out of touch.

This should be perma stickied

Lol, I really want to know. Do you have the same opinion of your female family members?

I think women have the instinctive desire of being with a strong man that doesn't hesitate to show that strength, even if that strength is sometimes directed towards her.

I'm really confused, is that how your dad got with your mum, by beating her and being attractive? Do you think your sister is a lying whore?

Also looks are subjective, define attractive please? Because not all women look for the same things.

Also looks are subjective


I'm really confused, is that how your dad got with your mum, by beating her and being attractive?

Considering that until the age 16 they fought all the time, then my mum tried to gear me against dad? Maybe not beating but something was sure amiss. I don't really like my dad either (I'm pretty sure they matched pretty equally in terms of shitness of their PERSONALITIES) but that's still was a low-blow from my mom.

Do you think your sister is a lying whore?

Yeah, she is.

Also looks are subjective

No they aren't.

Well it sucks that you had a bad childhood but it doesn't mean that every relationship works out that way. I think it's sad that there hasn't been any positive role models for a good relationship in your lives.

They are subjective. I don't find Megan Fox attractive. I don't find Ryan Gosling attractive, yet people do.

Well it sucks that you had a bad childhood but it doesn't mean that every relationship works out that way.

It literally does. Oxytocin fades and then you either cheat and fight, or fight and quit.

I think it's sad that there hasn't been any positive role models for a good relationship in your lives.

I don't care what you think, because you're not really sad, you're saying "you're sad" because you want to show off how virtuous you are to others.

They are subjective. I don't find Megan Fox attractive. I don't find Ryan Gosling attractive, yet people do.

Let me get you a fMRI? I'm pretty sure you're full of shit but since we're on the Internet, I'll just have to take your word for it.

Why would I find them attractive? Because society says they are conventionally attractive? Maybe to a majority of people they are, I personally don't find them attractive, I'm not saying they're ugly people, but I'm not going to change my mind because of what other people think.

And hey buddy I have to take your word for it too, your story could be bogus.

No I don't lose sleep over it, I just think its sad that there are people who have experienced bad things and as a result can't see good things for what they are.

But hey man, I'm not going to change your mind, you're not going to change mine, I love a good debate but I can see neither of us are going to gain anything from it, rendering it pointless.

My dad did beat my mom.

not all women look for the same things

Lmao imagine being this delusional

I think you'll find you're the delusional one.

I’m starting to think Incel is just a troll site to encourage lonely young men to commit suicide.

You have no concept of consensual acts do you?

Not sure what's meant exactly by "respect women" in that context. Or being "nice", for that matter. Or why you would assume that such things should work.

Regardless of the answer to the questions above, it's a widely known fact that whenever you hear someone describe himself as "nice, respects women", you can safely bet that such person is a virgin. That should tell you something.

Agreed but but the black pill is mostly made stuff too

You still believe in love 😂

No wonder it's ldar at the end. You can't ever catch the dragon.

It's kind of sad that so many of you guys will take the black pill, but cling to your blue pill conditioning, regardless.

Women do not want a blue pill man. He is too easily controlled. They would rather make a thug baby than risk a blue pill slave baby. And thank God for that or we'd have the bugman hive the blue pill cuck dreams of.

Thank you God that a woman's vag turns to sand at the very idea of letting a bugmans sperm infect her.

Biggest problem with incels is they still believe the egalitarian, mob based, demonic, bugman dream.

Praise to the cuties with their thugbebes rather than birthing an army of bugbabies. Think about it. Women are choosing freedom over slavery, and you guys are upset that they won't join you in your cage.

Why not a men's shelter?

Their comment was specific to women. They said women enjoy being beat up, so that's why I suggested a woman's shelter, to get perspective from women who have been beaten up. Had they said men enjoyed it, I would have suggested a shelter for an who had been beaten up.

Well it sucks that you had a bad childhood but it doesn't mean that every relationship works out that way. I think it's sad that there hasn't been any positive role models for a good relationship in your lives.

They are subjective. I don't find Megan Fox attractive. I don't find Ryan Gosling attractive, yet people do.

Until women fight back against their abusers, stop going back to them and stop dating them, they get no sympathy from me

Some do, some can't. Very ignorant of you.

I think women have the instinctive desire of being with a strong man that doesn't hesitate to show that strength, even if that strength is sometimes directed towards her.