The media is already starting to portray us as a hate group. It’s a matter of time before the government labels us a terrorist organization and starts arresting incels who come out in public
Cool, we will be like the Orcs in Lotr, we hate ourselves and most probably each other, but we will join together to make the world a shittier place, just because it is shitty to us and we have no other choice.
1 chadbhava 2018-05-07
How insecure do you have to be to write for fking Nyt under that name?
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-07
Genetic cleansing is here. Stay safe brothers.
1 HomelessJew- 2018-05-07
The media is already starting to portray us as a hate group. It’s a matter of time before the government labels us a terrorist organization and starts arresting incels who come out in public
1 Blade22 2018-05-07
AR15 sales will go up..just saying
1 oneredguy 2018-05-07
The nose knows bro
1 Parara_papapapaVeis 2018-05-07
Cool, we will be like the Orcs in Lotr, we hate ourselves and most probably each other, but we will join together to make the world a shittier place, just because it is shitty to us and we have no other choice.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
Is it going to be like the movie purge ,but instead of an all out kill everybody it'll be good looking people vs uglies.
1 bcat124 2018-05-07
Highschool basically.
1 191132 2018-05-07
This is workout fuel.
1 sfcel 2018-05-07
Can't lift the chin.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-07
"I personally think the guy on the right is cuter tee hee"
1 Trees_Are_Racist 2018-05-07
Arm yourselves brothers!
1 azucel 2018-05-07
Miss Andry kek
1 eredin_breac_glas 2018-05-07
The "incel terrorist" has a pretty good side profile
1 bcat124 2018-05-07
Holyshit I really look like the dude on the left but with with uglier eyes and lips. I fear the incoming genetic cleansing.