Millennials are turned off sex, study suggests, with one in eight still virgins at 26

56  2018-05-07 by advancedatheist



must apply to males only. the cock carousel is running 24/7.

Reminder that women ALWAYS lie, in massive numbers, in any kind of study that asks about their sex life.

Isn't it funny how they're always going on about how they're proud of being sexual or a slut but then will go very far just to hide their sex history? LUL

"t-the past is the past!"

Femoids are turned off at the thought of having sex with a sub-8/10 male.

I'm not turned off by it. In fact I've been made fun of or even asked how I was able to "bring myself" to have sex with my overweight, balding 40 year old ex-boyfriend whom I dated for a year.


Teehee? Something funny? Genuinely curious.

Why'd it only last a year? Too ugly?

No, I wouldn't have been with him at all if I thought he was too ugly. I broke up with him because he was an alcoholic and started becoming abusive.

What did you do for him to turn that way? Did you tell him it was about over and you liked tyrone

No, he has PTSD from Iraq and mental illness. He was an alcoholic before I got with him it just took me a while to see the signs.

Ok I'll give you a pass on that one,I wouldn't want a alcoholic either. But I would try to help them some but they probably wouldn't want it.are you in the usa

I did try to help him, and I actually started hanging out with him again a year after we broke up because he had started therapy and stopped drinking. And yes I am American but I'm living in England now.

Holy shit you moved to England lol

I did. Off topic, but it's a much better place for me than America. I just spent a month there getting my visa and I hated every second of it.

So you're originally from England? You don't seem shy of a camera you're a hottie

No, I'm from America. I moved to England to marry my fiance. And what does my nationality have to do with me being camera shy or not?

It doesn't lol just wanted to say it

I just audibly teeheed

In fact I've been made fun of or even asked how I was able to "bring myself" to have sex with my overweight, balding 40 year old ex-boyfriend

Which is the mentality of the majority of women.

Women date by group consensus. They have to get approval of all their friends first and every decision they make has to be approved by their friends

and the BF has no idea who is voting for and against him.

define majority

thanks for proving the point

How do you mean?

Hey, I give you props for dating a fat balding old guy. If only more women were like you. The other incels are just upset that you're a girl (which is usually justifiable)

How is that justifiable at all?

Because women are shit

So mature

Yes the great relearning. As more and more women end up as bitter gross cat ladies due to the no rules sexual jungle a chunk of the youth will react by checking out. All predicted decades ago and happening just as predicted.

If the predictions hold a significant enough chunk of said people will find their own new rules to follow for courtship, that will bizarrely be pretty much just like the old rules that worked for thousands of years and will always work because we are fallen human beings.

It's what I've done and I have been able to create my own little patriarchy in my own bubble. I just have to keep away from the cuck blue pill normies who watch my marriage with a subtly desperate thirst for the loving supportive wife I have, but who react in abject horror and a desire to destroy the truth if I ever honestly tell them how I met such a great woman (I made my unicorn) and how I treat her (she's my property).

They ain't "checking out" brah it's just that the ugly ones can't "check in" no one holds off to have sex

It's even scarier in Japan, where it's 42-44% of both males and foids.

I keep telling people that the Japanese have a funny way of living 20 minutes into the future.

I look forward to the population decline

I look forward to the population decline

Unless you're Japan and closed off to immigration, population will still be growing, even as IQ keeps dropping.

I guess I've been getting more isolationist since we started pumping that North Dakota oil. If the rest of the world turns into even more of a hell hole all of the professionals from the country will move here and we can tell the rest to just go to Europe somewhere. That way the population would probably still decline and we'd get all that extra talent.

lol like jap femoid would admit to being sluts

got a source for that? seems way too high

It was a Japanese governmental study that has been covered by CNN, The Telegraph and The Guardian, take your pick

Wow. Mind boggling

LOL "turned off" "waiting longer" like they're deliberately and concsiously choosing to not fuck.

This is how normies work, even if they stare the black pill directly in the face they won't see it.

The millennial guys aren't turned off by sex; the girls are turning more and more of them away.

Was that also part of the article? I didn't read it because you outlined the important points very well in your post.

Its higher.

young people waiting longer to have sex may be because of a "fear of intimacy"

Sex =/= intimacy. Even with women as most millennial women have no qualms with getting fucked by a hot guy in a ONS.

The women are always up for it with beautiful hard bodies and the men have permanent erections.

Exactly, it's just incels that are struggling. Women want sex 24/7 and get it, men want it too but some can't get it.

it's 25% of men & 0% of girls, this article is stupid

Millenialls are beta orbiters that can't get sex. They're the new incels, they just don't know it yet.

Applies to men only

Millennials in the 2000s were hyper-sexual, how things change in just a decade.

they still are, its just the bottom 20-30% of males are being left out thanks to online dating/smartphones and the hypergamy it fosters.

women are only going for tyrone or chad but there are more male incels than ever before

It’s obvious to anyone who opens their eyes to the world around them.

With technology and online dating, women can have a 7+ male in their apartment in minutes. Why the fuck would any woman go through the dating process just to get dick from a sub7 when Chad is just a click away?

The top 20% of men will have 80% of the sex. Me, you and everyone else in this blackops2cel brigade will never have sex. Go to work, gymcel and LDAR. That’s all that’s left to do.

Wow to think i want a long term relationship before having sex. Or that i dont participate in one night stands fucking degenerates.

the science is on our side

Bluepilled cucked article frames it like it's evenly down. No, its just male sex that is down due to hypergamy & online dating, females are shunning the bottom ~20% of males and sharing the top 80%

I'm not turned off by it. In fact I've been made fun of or even asked how I was able to "bring myself" to have sex with my overweight, balding 40 year old ex-boyfriend whom I dated for a year.

I look forward to the population decline

Unless you're Japan and closed off to immigration, population will still be growing, even as IQ keeps dropping.

So mature