Why does IT think exceptions debunk lookism?

44  2018-05-07 by Uggocel



For them, feels > reals.

the real issue is that men consistenly rate women WAY TO HIGH "yea my friend is ugly and hes banging that 7/10 girl"

i guarantee you shes not a 7

And more than likely the guy isn't truly ugly. Normies have high standards.

not even sure about high standards

they dont want to rate too low because they are insecure about their own looks

normies like to think theyre always slightly above average so if a guy with similar facial features comes along they rate him higher for example

Honestly, I think "normies" are bluepiled or maybe delusonal about looks.

Also to combine on that women always underrate guys. Saying he is so ugly when he is probably average.

very good example for this phenomenon

They just don't get it.

I get it

They say shit like that and that women arent hypergamous "my wife or me dont do that duur."

Thats because theyre both fat and ugly, post on reddit and play Nintendo switch and world of warcraft. Not to mention say shit like YIKES, and only communicate using sarcasm to hide the fact that theyre dumber than a bag of bricks. Like no shit you arent slaying.

Delusional idiots live in a fantasy world.

When an ugly guy finds a girl, they make an article explaining how amazing it is. for the rest of us we dont get an article because we dont find anyone and we're still sad and ugly.

  • The Incels that post their picture are all normal looking guys.
  • There are millions and millions of normal looking guys that get into relationships.

You really think that truly ugly incels would post their pictures if they know they're ugly? Go to /r/AmIUgly

It's a living example of non-ugly people posting their pictures asking if they're ugly. Notice there are rarely any actuallly ugly people.

There are millions and millions of normal looking guys that get into relationships.

Why are you telling me this as if it's relevent? I'm not normal-looking. Do you think that just because of the few people that post their pictures aren't ugly lowers the chance of people here actually being ugly?

Correlation doesn't imply causation.

I've had guys who say they are ugly DM me their picture and they haven't been ugly either. Even some guys from the original r/Incels sub (who are now on the .me site) who said they were ugly are not.

I realize that these aren't all guys that post on this sub, but it's a sampling.

No offense but anecdotes are worthless and this is still not relevant to my post.

"It isn't relevant if I'm delusional" incel logic 101

Am I delusional because I have opposing views to you or because I pointed out that it's not relevant to my post? Because it actually isn't. It has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. Especially if my post is talking about genuinely ugly people. I'm not sure when Board's original reply comes in. She doesn't clarify what point she's arguing against and just randomly throws out some anecdote that has nothing to do with what I was trying to say.

If I was talking about how most incels think they are ugly but aren't then sure, I'd let it slide, but I wasn't. The only thing our two posts have in common is the topic of anecdotal evidence. Of course you'll take that as me being delusional because to you I'm some evil cartoon character who isn't capable of rational thought and I'm willing to bet your next reply will be accusing me of things I haven't said or done.

I wouldn't think your delusional until you prove it by how you conversate with me. Is that not how it should be?

Because they think they will be the exception. Like a moron who keeps buying lottery tickets believing they are the chosen one to win millions.

Those exceptions don't even mean anything. For one, the presume that the women don't branch-hop the moment a Chad expresses interest.

Moreover, how many of relationships in which an ugly is dating an attractive woman are such that the woman is dating him for him as opposed to dating him for his resources? Subhuman manlet currys like this guy got loads of poon, but only because they're rich and successful.

But, this sub is entirely based around specific examples? I don't see much statistical evidence being used.


I wanna make a documentary that involves interviewing 1000 college aged men and women, as well as taking photos of each one for rating. I wanna (once and for all) prove lookism by comparing and contrasting the lives of attractive and unattractive people.

I just dont have the money to do this :/