Been talking to this girl for a while now, and finally told her I like her and she replies with Ewwwww

38  2018-05-06 by Player123123123

Go to university together and been talking back and forth for a while now, and get hit with ewww just fml🙃🙃🙃


It's time to choke the bitch.


it's over for you bro

It's rope time baby.

Stand your ground and obliterate her self esteem

This, if she rejects you then fuck her feelings. Destroy her self-e-steem and ignore her.

Then they laugh and say your salty lol

Don't do this OP. Men reacting poorly are not rare. And it's only the wildly insecure ones who do it. It only makes you look desperate and worse. Makes you look small. Lashing out as a man is such a bad look.

I have never been a dick like this chick and said ew. But i have politely declined before to see dudes go batshit crazy and I usually lol and tell them it appears I made the right choice.

This behavior is also why women are generally non confrontational and just let you figure it out instead. Scary ass behavior like this.

Keep your dignity OP and whatever you do, don't keep talking to her

Fuck off roastie

Out out out out out out out!!!!

Seconded, just ignore her it would hurt ten times more than whatever words you use. Because that thot obviously is conceited asf.

You nasty roasties always come backed up with your white knights to upvote your garbage.

The cunt said ew, really disrespectful. Deserves a good yelling at at the very least.

What that girl might hypothetically deserve and what you should do are two different things:

1.- An emotional reaction to her unpolite decline does nothing but remark how much of an effect anything she does or thinks has on you, which only serves to boost her ego.

2.- From her perspective, a confrontational response only further validates her choice to decline.

As counterintuitive as it might seem, calmly feigning surprise while you point out the rudeness, shrugging it off with a smile and completely ignoring her from there on does a lot more to hurt her than anything you might yell.

People hate being ignored and not having any influence whatsoever on other people's feelings, and women even more so.

No lol. If I roll up to the foid and tell her to watch what comes out of her mouth and warn her that's she's going to catch it one day in an aggressive manner will make her think twice before opening her mouth again. Anyone who takes such disrespect with a smile is a cuck.

Cut all contact otherwise you will become her emotional tampon. She is a cunt

“Teehee eww I only like you as a brother anon. Oh could you tell me about Chad who works with you?”

What a cunt. Even though many of us are bitter, blackpilled, assholes I bet not one of us would react like that. Even if the girl was a hideous 400 pd monster. The needless cruelty of women always amazes me.

lb. The annotation is lb. Just a lil FYI.

I'm a little drunk


Yes, I’m sure you wouldn’t respond to her as a landwhale or roastie. You realize you are being judgmental when you use the example of a “hideous 400 lb monster”

“Muh incels dont try”

Sorry to hear that man, that's really rough.

I probably don't have to reminds you of this, but it's important you cut her off in every way possible. Don't let her use this to manipulate you into being her emotional tampon



That's fucking cold blooded, but then again, so are roasties.


What a terrible personality, she must be a virgin.

Naah she wouldnt say that to a Chad

You just got to have cuntfidence bro

Get revenge. Legal revenge, revenge which doesn't violate Reddit's content policy (or US law).

But get revenge. It is a cruel world. Everyone will take her side. But letting her get away with it is the most egregious injustice.

I want to Tell a Girl about my Feelings i have for her but shes Just gonna das " i Like you but Just a friend" which basically means "stay around in Case im sad and need Somebody to Talk to"

Thanks for all the replies, think I’ll probably just stop speaking to her and move on, tbh wish I had never started speaking to her in the first place.

Sorry she wasted your time, that's the real kicker out of all of this.