The reason IncelTears men think guys who get laid don't say tons of sexist stuff is because they never had a close group of friends or played sports

98  2018-05-06 by rileymils


No lol it's because they play that white knighting virtue signal game to try to get a chance with dumb roasties and feminists.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

Nice cope. No, whiteknighting will not get you laid.

That's my fucking point.

Lol Chad's are at least good for the humor if kept at a safe distance.

Lol this is extremely accurate

IT men are bigger cucks than male feminists. The only reason they post so much defending women is because they can't speak about women since their mouths are filled with the BBC of their wive's boyfriends. #bbccel.

I can practically hear your boner growing fapfapfap

That's not his boner you hear growing , fag. It's your own

Yup he just said he’s fapping right now imagining incel boners.

Haha nice one 'em...

Probably also social status. Currently working a blue collar job 1-2 days a week on the side and it's full of manly men showing off how manly they are (which involves a good deal of sexism), pinups and dirty cartoons on lockers in the changing room, women only being hired for office work, etc.

Think about all of the most used, mainstream misogynistic words.

"Hoe", "thot", "bitch", "slut".

Who uses these words the most? Guys like him, of course.

Can confirm. Played baseball, basketball and football in high school and college.

Most folks continue maturing after that...

And this is why women stay in relationships with men who refer to them this their 30s and 40s.


Made up stats are made up...

It's called common sense.

Making things up is common sense now?

Making note of abusive relationships is making things up now?

No - thinking that they’re the majority is. How does this community react when someone posts one or two photos of less attractive men with more attractive women? Do they respond by accepting that as the rule or do they rail against it?

I question the circumstances, and usually my suspicion has some merit.

And now we’re into anecdotal evidence and baseless generalization again. Most people do silly things in their teens and early 20s because they are immature. To think those people are still doing that much later in life neglects the fact that the only constant is change.

And to think that these things don't happen is ignorance.

Far less frequently than you’re trying to portray...

But enough to make an otherwise valid point.

Exceptions don’t prove rules.

You said that it has to be a rule, not me. Nice strawman.

Abso-fucking-lutely. The amount of sexist shit you'll hear in locker rooms or in the gym is absolutely insane.

They don't realize that not everyone is like them: an upper middle-class, college-educated, liberal person that values personality over looks. Most people aren't like that.

Poor, uneducated Trump supporters aren't like that?

Man you fags are so butthurt about him winning you'll bring him up even when he has nothing to do with the argument. Low IQ

Sexism is everywhere it’s not really a class or partisan issue. I would hear it online in my counter-strike games where I wouldn’t use my mic and get to hear all the raunchy crap guys say when they think a girl isn’t around.

College educated liberal? It’s amazing how more education makes people dumber. Uni was the biggest waste of time.

Only if you don't take classes that will benefit you. I feel like my accounting, finance, MIS, and stats classes are useful. But I suppose only time will tell.

That you may not be college educated or upper middle-class is a fair point, but there’s no reason you can’t go to college and get a middle or upper middle-class life.

The reason we don’t get into sexist shit is that we’re older than you are and we’ve gotten past that point in our lives. You—incels—can’t make being an asshole work for you, and we can tell. Some people can, but you can’t. Bullied people always get that wrong.

I have a post up on the advice thread with a suggestion you haven’t heard before.

That you may not be college educated or upper middle-class is a fair point, but there’s no reason you can’t go to college and get a middle or upper middle-class life.

First: You missed my point. I'm not saying that incels are trying to become upper middle-class (they probably are, just like most people). I'm saying that IT posters live in their own little bubble of people who all think similarily to them. They apparently can't fathom the thought of actual human beings being sexist af and having no trouble in their social or romantic lives because of it. Because in their little corner of the world, those people would actually get in trouble.

Second: "just pull on your bootstraps hard enough bro"

The reason we don’t get into sexist shit is that we’re older than you are and we’ve gotten past that point in our lives.

Yeah, because old people are very much known for never being racist, sexist, or in general being very tolerant. JFL. If anything, there's a negative correlation with age and tolerance.

You—incels—can’t make being an asshole work for you, and we can tell. Some people can, but you can’t.

I really wonder why that is, lol.

I have a post up on the advice thread over on IT with a suggestion you haven’t heard before. Downvote it if you want, but it’s worth a read.

It's very similar to the "go work at a charity/animal shelter" advice. Which is well-known and honestly better than yours, because it's more likely that you will be able to talk about something that's not "That'll be $37.23, please" or "The oatmeal is two aisles down on the left".

To address your first point, whose world do you want to live in? A world where people are horrible to one another or a world where being mean has consequences? We live in the second and you live in the first, and the only barrier to entry is letting go of the hate. You don't get to be cruel, but there are consequences for people who are cruel to you, too.

The second doesn't pass the laugh test. There are loans and grants and community college as a path to a good four-year school. Millions of people go that route and succeed every year.

I'm a geezer and I don't indulge in hate. I think you're frustrating and often hateful, but I don't hate you.

You can't make it work for you because being bullied makes people a little bit defensive until they make peace with themselves. Defensive assholes look weak. You can make strength work, you just need to learn how.

Go check out r/talesfromretail and tell me that. Retail at a big box store is very different from retail at Safeway.

To address your first point: What? That has nothing to do with the fact that sexist people get laid. Again: Not everybody here is an intellectual, and many incels probably wouldn't give a fuck. I personally am happy living in the "university" world (as long as it's not social sciences because those people tend to be too left-leaning for my taste), but I also am not more sexist than James Damore for example. (I don't even agree with everything he said, actually.)

For the second: I am not talking about people who had everything they needed up until college. I'm talking about the people who had to start working a job at their parent's restaurant at 15, cutting into their studying time. The ones that had to buy everything for school second-hand, leading to them being ostracized for being the poor kid.

And for the retail advice: Eh, might be local customs. I live in Germany, we aren't that keen on small talk in situations that don't explicitly encourage it.

Oh yeah... the disturbing amount of sexism that goes down in an all-male environment. That was definitely one of the worst parts about living as a man.

Glad I don't have to hear that shit anymore

What is this comment even.


While I think there are some exceptions (like men who from a young age had lots of female friends) I'm inclined to agree with you. Girls like to think that ""liberal"" boys aren't like that, when, surprise! Most of them are exactly like that and just know how to keep it hidden from women.

And the "jock/chad" dudes are even worse. Hoooooly shit, some of the stuff I've heard from them would make even an angry incel blush.

That was me. I have had lots of female friends since early primary (before I went to high school, puberty came along and I went to having no friends). These days almost all of my friends are female.

And yet I am conservative.

I mean conservatism isn't equal to misogyny and sexism. I think someone can still have conservative views and not be sexist, at least overtly. I have both conservative and liberal male friends and I wouldn't say the conservative ones are any more sexist than the liberal ones. I think it really boils down to socialization, and anyone, of any political view, can be a bigot. It's the media that likes to portray liberals as perfect saints and conservatives that are the devil.

I'm socialist, personally, so I disagree with essentially the entirety of American politics. So I'm not one to assume one political view, from the American standard, is better than the other since I disagree with both. But I'm also capable of removing my own political views from friendships so eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ I only cut ties with a person if their views are too strongly against mine. Maybe that's bad of me, but I don't personally want to be around someone who thinks "women should only be housewives" or "ethnic people are evil and stupid". Gotta draw the line somewhere, right?

Thanks. Nice to hear that from a socialist. Somehow, to so many, being a libertarian conservative means that I am a woman hating white supremacist - despite three quarters of the people I associate with being women, and being an olive-skinned Eastern European with precisely zero Anglo blood.

Yeah I mean me either, I'm pretty radical, considering the people I'm friends with, but I also think there's more to human interaction than political affiliation. I used to be that kind of but that thought I was better than others for being liberal, but college has changed me a lot. I'm still totally socialist, but I also understand people have different opinions on how a country should be run and I can respect that. To each their own, ya know? That's why I plan to move to a country that better supports how I view a country should be run. I'm tired of trying to change my homeland into a place I want, it's not what our country desires. It's just better, at this point, to go to a place that I see as being run better.

That’s a good viewpoint to have I reckon. I live in Australia, couldn’t cop how Melbourne (the city I was born in) is quite left wing, particularly the western/northern suburbs where I’m from, so I moved to the country. Best move I ever made. I am still jealous of the USA in a lot of ways, would love to move to rural Texas or similar, I think those areas suit me and my personality well.

Out of curiosity, where are you moving to? One of the Western European social democracies?

My preference would be to move to a Nordic country, Norway would be the ideal. I've actually been learning Norwegian for 3 years now and I'm pretty good! It's a really beautiful country and their love for nature, politics aside, is a huge draw for me. Also, I love cold weather and, while California is nice, it's hot as balls here almost all year and I can't stand it. Also we're stupidly overcrowded here which is another thing I'm not so into. I like my space, ya know?

Oh yeah so true

roasties and normies must think that steve stifler is like a unicorn and that he isn't actually real

Even though I'm woke about Women's true nature, I'm probably one of the least sexist people.

So fucken stupid

You may have a point, but I think it’s because they are desperate for stinky feminist vag.

Hot sexist men get laid all the time.

What IT means is that low-value men (like them) get laid by virtue signalling/whiteknighting/being feminists. They can't offer women Chad's body. All they can offer is to butter up the liberal feminists by acting morally superior to incels.

The sad thing is it works because you cucks do such a good job of playing the villain role all on your own.

143 iq post.

All of their friends were fellow numales.

I wonder if numales were numales in their childhood

Guys who both get and AND don't get laid say sexist stuff around other guys. Guys are sexist, which is fine, amongst other guys.

Accurate. "Locker room talk" starts in middle school

This is way too accurate for me man

And now we’re into anecdotal evidence and baseless generalization again. Most people do silly things in their teens and early 20s because they are immature. To think those people are still doing that much later in life neglects the fact that the only constant is change.

But enough to make an otherwise valid point.