“I just find this sub so interesting”

99  2018-05-06 by azucel


As if any female wasting her time here looks that good, not even close.

3D was a mistake change my mind

morbid fascination

ANALS (all normies are like this)

Will you be my gf?

"tits of gtfo!" kek

I find YOU interesting OwO


me soon

jesus criest

2d > 3d

even 2d women prefer 2d chads aka its over

Fuck that noise

2d women are virtually always pure and faithful because they're written by guys. They always pick the good guy and thus 2d > 3d

That makes 2d < 3d.

Then ugly bastard tag exists

i like that look

me too its just so familiar


What is this chinese trash

Well said fuck hentai senpai anicucks

my waifu!!

2d>>>>>3d forever.

This sub would be much better if if they embraced waifus

Agree. waifus seem p common from the comments. We need more posts about 2D relationships.

Be the change you seek

Waifus are superior

100,000 weebs are worth 1 incel

Girls that look like that wouldn't browse this sub. its usually the landwhales with numale boyfriends that come here to try to prove the users wrong.

Now I’m considering if I’m a land whale. r/braincels should do a female lurker rating thread. That would be fun.

n o


Well, it is. The weird circular logic and just blatant denial.

It is!!


Be the change you seek

Waifus are superior

ANALS (all normies are like this)