The stark difference between /r/short and /r/tall is proof of the blackpill

140  2018-05-06 by wandercamp

/r/tall is just a sub dedicated to humble bragging and WHACKY stories about not fitting through doors or some shit

/r/short is basically /r/SuicideWatch


I hate tall women with a passion. All they do is complain about how they can’t find a man taller than them meanwhile manlets would date them but they’d probably puke at that thought

Well, its not your business what they do. They are not obliged to date manlets, neither am i obliged to date fat chicks. Everybody has his standards and theres nothing wrong with that, its not a personal issue, its just nature making sure people choose healthy and fit partners.

Hating isnt going to help you, but that doesnt matter anyways, you guys dont want help.

Everybody has his standards

except male virgins, who are not allowed to have standards

Of course you can have standards. Dont believe everything people tell you.

Spoken like a true retarded cuck.

If a woman wants something unrealistic = I’m entitled

If I want something REALISTIC = I’m still entitled

Are you fucking serious?

Women CAN change their weight

Manlets CAN NOT change their height

I never said you could change your height. You should simply stop spreading so much hate for nothing. Complaining will not turn you into a chad.

Yes, life is unfair, but thats how it is. Its sad that there are people who never experienced love yet, but what do you want to do about it? Being miserable all day and let this affect you even more?

Yeah boy. Some people are born niggers. That's just the way it is. Sure they'll spend their entire life picking cotton but them is the breaks. What do you want to do about it? You aren't entitled to same living standards as white. Best to just be a good little nigger and do your job then continue to think about how you're not the same as white people and make yourself miserable.

Yes, thats how it is. Niggers chose to be slaves by not fighting against it.

Thanks for your retarded views.

Well, its not just my opinion, its the objective truth. Inceldom is a choice. It is not impossible for "incels" to find a date, its just hard. But it never is impossible. You can always lower your expectations and date a fat chick who wants to settle. In fact the whole incel culture is actually about guys who are volcels and claim that its involuntary. But thats just a lie, thats just a reason you need because you want to give up.

Say hi to my 8 inch lifts bro.

8.0 inches = 20.32 centimetres.

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Please don‘t


Fuck off with your preaching bullshit, normie.

lol, cope

A cope is when you hide from reality. Stop using words you don't understand.


A cope is a tool to hide from reality, you call the truth i told you "bullshit" and thats a form of cope. You dont want to accept the truth, the reality of the situation. You hide or deny it, which is cope.

Whatever, nigga.

Im taller than 99.999% of the population but they still dont want me. Why? Ugly.

They are just complaining there arent enough 6'4"+ CHADS running around

There are disgusting women you'd puke at the thought of, too. But preferences are only a problem when women have them, I guess.

I don't know why you people keep maintaining this. How many studies have to come out proving women find ~80% of men below average, while men find the majority of women attractive.

Majority =/= all, homie.

The point is that those hideous women are part of the group that views 80% of men as unattractive

Why do you care? They're hideous.

Theres nothing wrong with that. Thats how it is in life. You cant change it. You can only change how you respond to that, for example hating on them is just a way for you to cope.

Yeah that‘s just the way it is, right? Just like back then when black people were suppressed and no women ever would have concerned a relationship with them.

„There‘s nothing wrong with that“

There is nothing wrong with that, people can choose whoever they want to. Life doesnt revolve around you.

Sure it isn‘t wrong to say „I‘ll never date blacks because they are black“

Fuck you for being racist

Where do you see racism? I dont. And not dating blacks because you dont like blacks is what people do and thats okay. And if you dont like white people then you dont have to date white people, get it ? Stop being a fucking SJW, that has nothing to do with racism

Just popping by: I‘m 6‘4“ but subhuman trash

When femoids say they want a „tall“ guy they automatically assume a Model.

All the other tall guys are tallcels

tall women are like short guys, they hate themselves.

funny how theres tons of chadlets out there, but tall women only want tall chads lmao

I had a real chance with a tall woman and turned her down because she was only a little bit overweight. Kicking myself now as I'd like my kids to be giants.

Being a short male reveals the truth of humanity unless you are hopelessly unintelligent.

People are little more than greedy, pretty monkey's that are obsessed with vanity. Our species is primitive. We are animals, and when one of us is more than this, more than a being driven by envy lust and a domination complex, people will hate this person and tear them down until they are animals just like they are. Life is hopeless as a male unless you have the genes that women are attracted to, genes that signal social dominance and convenience to authority.

Hopelessly unintelligent? Because my first boyfriend was 5'5, dumped me, found another girlfriend and is still happily with her to this day. And no he's not rich and he's not fit. He dates women who are richer than him and who are thinner than him.

That's good, I'm happy for him.

And you're not sad for me?



not at all because he's an outlier and the opposite happens far more often.

You're not entitled to our sympathy.

I know I was just pointing out how you hate women and blindly defend men.

Pretty sure white knights are hated too.

Yup, I also know this 5'2 Indian janitor who is dating supermodels atm.

It's just delusional to say that any short man suffers from it.

Accept that there is a dominance hierarchy. Then use your life skills and ability to learn to determine where in that hierachy you fall.

We already know where we falk on the hierarchy. That’s why we’re here.

You can adjusted where you sit on that hierarchy you know. Look at the success of Danny DeVito. Look at the success of Tim Ferriss and Ben Shaprio (5'9").

I was an extremely hostile nihilist. But I've broken through my brothers. There is greatness in all of you. But the light dims the farther you move from it.

“just become a part of the extremely successful 0.000001% of the population bro, no problem”

You don't need to make all the money just enough.

enough for what? what amount do you consider ‘enough’?

For me enough money is 150k- 250k a year. My goal ultimately is to work as little as possible while making as much money as possible.

It's completely subjective let me ask you what is enough money?

money won’t magically fix any of the underlying social problems and difficulties we face. At best it might allow us to temporarily fill the void with vain inanities.

Money gives you opportunity that is all it gives you. But if you think you're in a pile of shit you'll be there until you decide otherwise. The black pill is a ruthless corruptor.

“opportunity” is so vague i don’t even understand the point you are trying to get across.

But if you think you're in a pile of shit you'll be there until you decide otherwise.

going “lalalalala i cant see you” to every problem you have in the world doesn’t make them go away. Even baby’s understand object permanence, im surprised that adults can unlearn it.

Opportunity is the choices you want to make in life.

Oh I'm fully aware the things I cannot change. I will never be a smokin hot male model. My eyes are too small for my face Among a myriad of other things.

Let's see here you are with a black pill lodged in your throat I hope you figure it out before you put a gun in your mouth. Seriously man.

Oh I'm fully aware the things I cannot change.

As am I. I'm fully aware that I'll be a social outcast due to aspects of me that I cannot change. This entire subreddit is dedicated to us venting and coping with that, which is why it's a pretty even mix of rants and humor.

If I'm a humbly request why do you think that you will be a social outcast forever, and you don't have to answer that you can tell me to fuck right off and I understand.

heck right off

I'm a hecken.

/puts tail between legs

Go back to posting about science fiction movie creatures, cuck boi.

I guess go back to beating off to porn daily and accomplishing nothing.

no u

this man tried to think of a successful manlet and immediately the one that comes to mind for him is "danny devito", a man whos entire success revolves around essentially being a modern circus freak.

I have close personal friend who is 5'3" 50+ and he slays pussy like a professional.

I have good job and a lot of nice stuff, other men respect me.

I don't give a fuck about dominating anyone or any dominance hierarchy bullshit. I'm just here to vent. I know what the score is, I'm fucked because of my fucking height and the fact that most women by far care about that more than anything else.

If you think you can or think you can't either way you're correct.

I agree. I think I can't because of what I've been through with women. Because of the shit I've been through I can't make myself believe things that contradict these consistent experiences.

Thank you for trying to offer some optimism. I do appreciate it, even if I can't believe in it. For all I've accomplished in life, I'm loser with women. Some days this is easier to deal with than others, this is just another hard day for me.

Odd questions: Why don't you think your good with women? Also roughly what's your age I'm late 30s

Because of how they have treated me. Man idk what you are looking for tbh. Specific experiences? How about the time I went to a house party in college and a group of chicks made fun of me constantly for being short. Or the multiple times women have flat out told me they could only see us as friends because they "prefer" (require) taller guys. I'm 28.

Honestly how tall are you?

I'm just trying to help you find the light at the end of the tunnel.

5'3. The light at the end of the tunnel is being 'sent' my own way because women are more shallow than most people feel comfortable believing.

A friend of mine is about 5'3" He's a 50 year old lawyer he make good money and he spends his time chasing Columbia women. Have you ever travelled outside the US.

Yeah but I'm not interested in flings. I wanted a wife and family. I wanted love, not just sex not just some girl that likes guys who can buy them things.

I understand that. And I agree a lot of women here can be shallow in the hight dept. Have you tried looking outside N.A. for a life partner? Asia, or South America? All very very short people. Even Eastern Europe is worth checking, not short people, but the women there want to marry a non-drunk successful westerner instead of the boors they got.

Go traveling and you'll see how receptive they are to western men, and you'll have dates guaranteed. Are you white? You're even more set.

Good luck drqxx, someone's out there for you. I see and know guys around your height in relationships, so don't give up.

A manlet has to travel outside of his country to get women. now thats how bad this shit has gotten in 2018

Someone who gets it. And people still somehow believe women care for "personality". My life feels likes giant prank.

I did everything right. I went to school worked my ass off. I made friends and treated everyone with respect. I worked out and stayed in shape. I volunteered and helped at risk youth. Lol and at the end of it all, when it came down to the ONE thing I really wanted, a family, I can't have it because my my skeleton isn't big enough. I LITERALLY know pieces of shit that attract women and have kids just because they are big, like I know for a fact that if they were my height there's a strong chance they would kill themselves. Idk man. I just can't believe this shit sometimes. Wtf is life

Thanks for being nice. I have no faith or confidence left in women. They have treated me so poorly, and for something I cannot control, that I have literally given up. Trying to muster the courage to talk to one is essentially self torture at this point.

If you think about it, isn't this what they wanted? I mean why else would you shit on or humiliate a guy for just saying hi at a social place like a bar or party? Now I'm just avoiding them.

I'm really trying to get this across to you somehow but all I have is words, you can't see how bad this hurts. Listen to me: Women are ruthless and cruel. I understand this is not easy to believe lol. The overwhelming majority of them are using or relying on the cultural perception that 'women are wonderful' to hide the reality of how they really think and feel about other people. Women are the kinds of human beings that are so shallow, that the size of a man's bones is literally more important to them than his heart.

I can't lie to myself. Other people might be able to, but I can't do it. Due to the way women have treated me, and nothing else, I have concluded that women will only be able to value me for my money, NEVER for love. I realize you maybe never hear this perspective, because a lot of guys put up fronts or even lie to themselves, but I'm really being honest with you. I'm done with women. I don't have the strength to try anymore.

A man starts with flings. Until he finds that one girl he's really get along with.

For me she's 5'6" Eastern European has a great accent and is super laid-back.

It took me 6 months of going out every single night except for Monday to find her. I found her on a Tuesday night 8:30 p.m. at a fucking Irish bar. It was her first time on our party Street better known as clematis St.

It's literally a law of averages.

Your family is waiting for you.

Thanks for trying to help. I might take your advice and go overseas my problem now is that I just don't see women the same. I mean this with the utmost respect: if women treated you how they treated me throughout my life, you wouldn't be so optimistic about them. I honestly think you are underestimating how shallow and generally cruel they are by nature. I know this sounds extreme to say, especially with the nearly ubiquitous 'women are wonderful' effect, but it's very true. I honestly have no confidence left with them. The cruelty and humiliation I have experienced from women simply because of the size of my bones has changed how I can view them. I really do just come here to vent.

Vent aeayy brother we are here for you. However please check out the following places:

South America Columbia Bangkok Japan South Korea Eastern Europe.

All have women who are more traditional.

My fucking sides

try getting a sugar baby. its cope.

Honestly I can't do that shit. Idk how other men do it. It's a fucking lie, I would just be lying to myself.

its dope.

use your life skills and ability to learn to determine where in that hierachy you fall

As if any of that had any impact on the hierarchy.

I was fat and I didn't know how to use body language nor how to speak correctly. I first lost 100+ lbs over 14 months. As I did this. I read about body language and how to dress for my body type.

Finally the hard part. I would go out almost every night (except Monday) and I would just go and talk to all the people that night. I eventually stumbled into pussy on several occasions.

Fast forward seven years I have exactly what I desired.

/u/Bikerbats is a faggot.

Silly rabbit, between the two of us, I'm the one who's actually been laid. What a profound effect I must have had on you for you to still be dropping /u's. With that, you're blocked and I'll drink to your continued incelibacy, may it be life long.

With that, you're blocked and I'll drink to your continued incelibacy

LOL. Fucking loser.

Your sub is cancer, faggot. You're a simp. If you have to censor general sentiment and force positivity it really says a lot about being short.

this made me giggle

Remember guys, women want tall "Chads".

Women are like hitler, they believe that certain humans are genetically superior than others.

With Hitler in power there wouldn't be incels because the genetically inferior would not exist.

r/bigdickproblems vs r/smalldickproblems is the true blackpill.

Though at least you don't have to contend with women posting and trying to co-opt the victimhood on dick subs.

lmfao same with \r\smalldickproblems and \r\bigdickproblems

For me enough money is 150k- 250k a year. My goal ultimately is to work as little as possible while making as much money as possible.

It's completely subjective let me ask you what is enough money?

A manlet has to travel outside of his country to get women. now thats how bad this shit has gotten in 2018

Oh I'm fully aware the things I cannot change.

As am I. I'm fully aware that I'll be a social outcast due to aspects of me that I cannot change. This entire subreddit is dedicated to us venting and coping with that, which is why it's a pretty even mix of rants and humor.

Thanks for being nice. I have no faith or confidence left in women. They have treated me so poorly, and for something I cannot control, that I have literally given up. Trying to muster the courage to talk to one is essentially self torture at this point.

If you think about it, isn't this what they wanted? I mean why else would you shit on or humiliate a guy for just saying hi at a social place like a bar or party? Now I'm just avoiding them.

I'm really trying to get this across to you somehow but all I have is words, you can't see how bad this hurts. Listen to me: Women are ruthless and cruel. I understand this is not easy to believe lol. The overwhelming majority of them are using or relying on the cultural perception that 'women are wonderful' to hide the reality of how they really think and feel about other people. Women are the kinds of human beings that are so shallow, that the size of a man's bones is literally more important to them than his heart.

I can't lie to myself. Other people might be able to, but I can't do it. Due to the way women have treated me, and nothing else, I have concluded that women will only be able to value me for my money, NEVER for love. I realize you maybe never hear this perspective, because a lot of guys put up fronts or even lie to themselves, but I'm really being honest with you. I'm done with women. I don't have the strength to try anymore.