My crush is such a nerd tee hee, He is soo deep tee hee

78  2018-05-06 by AcrobaticAnalyst3


what the women of /r/inceltears mean when they say they like nerdy guys

OP needs to cope again...

I really like his personality.

"Nerdy guys" = Chad with glasses.

In 2018 this guy is only slightly above average to a woman.

Nice body but what's wrong with his jaw? It's a no from me dog.

his jaw is slightly small, but haloed by his hair, tan, and muscles givinng him that chad look

"I like intellectual guys who love coffee and books"

The hot dudes reading instagram comment section are full of women who say shit like that

so deep in her ass

So very gay and that's ok

Man bush lol

Should be life fuel for some incels, facially this guy doesn't have great genetics, mega looksmaxed

Great personality

It is incredibly possible to be good looking and a nerd

OMG geeks are sooooo hawt teehee 😜

This is the most idiotistic pose I have ever seen. The picture is unintentionally hilarious.

this sub might turn me gay

You want that cock?

not sexual. But appreciating male aesthetics might also qualify as gay.

Wow, you really post soft-core gay porn and fawn over it in this sub?

There literally aren't words.

He can say something absolutely retarded like "I downloaded GPU" and femoids would still go "aww he's so smart teehee".

The hot dudes reading instagram comment section are full of women who say shit like that