She wants his cum so bad

111  2018-05-06 by Blade22


Lol, you can see exactly when her vag canal gates bust open and release the flood.

You will NEVER do this to a woman.

Do you know what he said though? He was talking about how there should be a mandatory male tax. He then went on to say he's a member of the Anti-Defamation-League. Women notice personality and respect first, not looks.

She's hot lol

That's what it looks like. Though if you watch it again, she'd be making the same faces if her internal monologue was "ohhh fuck I have to finish this interview but I really have to shit..."


Lol. "I know exactly what's happening here because the Incel Law is that the correct way to interpret anything is the way that causes me the most emotional pain."

JFL, what is this?

This gotta be on of the most massive copes I‘ve seen

Well, it stands to reason that most people know not to show overwhelming arousal on camera. If you were interviewing a 10, would your face be contorted into orgasm shapes, like any second you were gonna jizz in your pants?

No it wouldn‘t, but then again I‘m male and don‘t think about Sex and Dicks 24/7 as roasties do.

That's such bullshit.

Look, the "oh shit I have to poop" explanation is facetious and dumb, but the "ohh my God standing next to this Adonis is making me cummmm" explanation is equally dumb.

Probably it's just a weird conversational moment that looks hilarious with the sound muted.

Uhm... the title just states that she wants his cum. Not that she‘s cumming right now.

And yeah, sure, just a coincidence. That‘s why her eyes are so bright at that moment, she wears a smile and bites her lips.

Virtually no people make "I want your cummm" faces in public.

She's smiling and bright-eyed because it's literally her job to be smiling and bright-eyed. I don't know why she's biting her lip - maybe because he described an injury or something? And the combination of the two expressions is pornish and makes her look like she's full of cock.

It's funny to look at. And that's about all it is.

You can‘t be bright eyed on purpose. This only happens if your genuinely attracted to someone.

Looks like this has to be the end of the discussion - you‘re definitely way to ignorant und unaware.

I‘m sorry.

"You can't be bright eyed on purpose" is basically a claim that actors don't exist.

They do.

You're so thoroughly blackpilled that you honestly believe the explanation that causes you the most pain must always be true. Call it Incel's Razor, I guess.

Never heard of acting, retard?

And if you actually watch the video the gif is taken from, she's actually making a concerned face because the guy is talking about his mom's illness.

Never heard of acting? And if you actually watch the video the gif is taken from, she's actually making a concerned face because the guy is talking about his mom's illness.

If she's acting and trying to express concern, then she's a terrible actress, because all she's managing to get across is unbearable sexual desire.

You claimed that it is impossible to fake being "bright eyed", so I refuted that with the comment about acting.

I'm not saying she's pretending to express concern, that's legitimate for all I know. And the clip really doesn't do it justice without sound.

Uhm, no, it wasn‘t him that claimed it. It was me.

And btw.: we all know the clip with sound.

Then you're all just intentionally pretending the video depicts something different?

Lmfao, what the fuck?

I already know this vid for a few years. And our views are not deluded. Basically everyone thinks that she wants his D. Even normies. You‘re in denial.

Lol, you're just blatantly ignoring the reality of their conversation.

I'm sure she would fuck him. What woman wouldn't? He's a 10, but those facial expressions are NOT those of a woman unable to control her lust. I mean, she's a professional interviewer, FFS, do you really think she's that bad at controlling her body language?

dude is 5'5

doesn't matter if you have Chadface and are famous and wealthy

the funniest part about this sub is how you mold your truths to fit each situation. In other threads, height universally matters and any1 below some arbitrary number is "it's over"-ed according to the community.

Now that a clear example of a woman obviously being attracted to someone who is short is provided, now the truth is "oh but the exception is that he has a chadface".

In another thread the whole copout is "exceptions don't prove the rule" when somebody lists people who are ugly who get a girlfriend.

The amount of hypocrisy and double standards you peolpe deludedly maintain just to keep your little sheltered fucking worldview is fucking hilarious.

And I'm saying this as a virgin. But recently I've realized, not an incel, cause I don't believe the stupid garbage that you people on here seem to believe. It's so easy to poke holes in your theories of how the world works and why you can't get laid, but each time you find a different cloth to cover the hole up with.

"It's over" and similar statements like "height >> face" or "face >> height" are all obvious examples of hyperbole. This is done for humorous effect, because one of the points of this subreddit is for incels to entertain each other using irony.

When we say something like "it's over for manlets", we're not saying that it's physically impossible for a woman to ever be attracted to a man less than X inches tall, but rather that many women have extremely stringent requirements when it comes to height and this is a great difficulty for short men in the dating world.

In this particular case, the man is short, but he is not too short relative to the women. They are about the same height. This is thus not an extreme case. Now, imagine he was one foot shorter. Imagine he was one foot shorter with the exact same frame and the exact same face. Would she still want him?

No, she wouldn't. Because for women, there is absolutely a point after which a man can not compensate for his height whatsoever.

Why are you a virgin?

Because I jumped between countries while growing up cause of stupid decisions that were not made by me. Because then for some unknown reason even to me I chose to study programming like an apparent retard where the male to female ratio in my 4 years of college was 96% males to 4% females. Because I never put enough effort into meeting females outside of school like online dating or approaching them (which is admittedly hard).

I'm a virgin NOT because: Women are evil I'm not a chad

Ha! Keep telling yourself that. I went through almost the exact path but tried to escape inceldom for 10 years and finally took the black pill and realised that it's all completely futile.

Being a programmer is a literal turn-off for women.

I got 2x the tinder matches after I removed my job from my profile.

Intelligence is a curse.

Heigh matters only to normans, unless one is an severe manlet a Chad face will save you.

ok, truth is he is not chad, not tall, she is not attracted

It's easy to poke holes in every theory, dummy.

And by the way, you're virgin because you're ugly.

You don't know anything about me you armchair retard, much less how I look. So for you to say I'm ugly has no basis in reality whatsoever and is statistically bound to be wrong regardless of anything else. I'm not chad, but I look fine.

I know you're ugly. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. There's no other reason you're virgin. I'm sorry, but you just need to swallow the blackpill.

See even you are a perfect example of what I was saying. You're one of these "the only reason people are virgins is because they are ugly" trope kids on here, and when examples of an exception are provided you ignore them. If I state that you have aids, does that make you have aids? No because I just randomly stated it. I don't know you or anything about you, so making random claims about anything about you is just pure garbage. So, that's all you have done. State some untrue garbage. You can state it a bunch more times to make yourself feel better but it won't make it true you dumb kid.

Oh look, just another cuck that doesn‘t understand humour and irony.

Bodybuilders are not wealthy lol.

proof that height doesn't matter if you have a chad face

You are just a coping shortcel

the guy in the OP would knock you the fuck out even if you're 6'5", js js.

So what big whoop bearing up genetic trash like me. I’ve been held in place and assaulted by women and there’s nothing I could do about it.

Yeah I'm not coping lol.

I would rather be 5'8" with 21 inch shoulder breadth than 6'0" with a 16 inch shoulder breadth. The 5'8" guy with a 21 inch shoulder breadth will absolutely emasculate the 6'0" guy in every way possible.

Both are incel or betabux so what’s ur point?

cope, the guy in OP isn't beta bux.

Girl in gif is literally paid actor

Doesn't matter, he still isn't betabuxx. He is more alpha than I could ever imagine to be at 5'8". The guy could literally smash me in 2. He has a much stronger bone structure than I do

Yes he’s clearly better than everyone here but he is still a beta what’s ur point moron

you are the beta bux and a mental cel period.

I am incel

you sound very confused

F word off normie cuck

Who is he?

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With a body and a face like his nobody would care about height.

So the lesson incels should take home is to work what they have to the fullest. You are balding? Pull a Bruce Willis and shave it off. You are short? Do like this guy, bulk up and sculp. Your body doesnt bulk? Sculp what you got. You have facial scars? See a doc or a local cosmetics counter. And most of all fix your attitude and treat women as you would like to be treated.

I am balding have a shit face AND am 5'4 so what's left? I feel like I'm the only person in here who actually got shit in their face others are just trolls and so called volcels

I'm only 5'2. 5'4 is tall to me. If you're balding, you could shave your head and nobody will know. I'd bet that your face isn't actually that bad. And even if it is, it's okay. A lot of people's faces are kinda ugly when you think about it, but it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. Beauty doesn't last, we all just end up old and wrinkly in the end.

If you're balding, you could shave your head and nobody will know.

nobdy will know? ofc they will, then I am a bald dude which looks absolutely terrible, I dont buy the „buzz it off and its better“ argument at all, most people including me look objectively worse witjout their hair, it largely depends in the head shape. yeah yeah you can talk pretty all you want but at the end of the day in social interactions and especially dating, looks DO matter and if you cant score there it might very well BE the end

I mean, I don't know what else to tell you. Either accept the balding or shave your head. I guess you could get a toupee or something, but I think it might get annoying after a while. And you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. The people who judge you by looks alone aren't people you want to hang out with anyway. Fuck the other people, focus on yourself for a while. Do you have any hobbies or passions? Things that make you happy?

You are balding? Pull a Bruce Willis and shave it off.

Ah, just pull a Bruce Willis aka be really good looking despite having no hair. He was a male model before his acting career.

You are short? Do like this guy, bulk up and sculp. Your body doesnt bulk? Sculp what you got.

This guy is the greatest manlet to lift weights. He is called Flex Lewis and has won the Mr Olympia, the biggest / most prestigious bodybuilding show, in his class six times. This guy has top 0.0000001% genetics for weightlifting on top of that he takes steroids since decades.

You have facial scars? See a doc or a local cosmetics counter. But most of all fix attitude towards others; nobody likes a jealous entitled whiner.

Because everyone can afford plastic surgery.

Guy who made gymcel is cope album on SUIWATCH


Lmao the boob genetics

"i dont like muscles teheehe"

Flew Lewis if anyone wants to know his name. Multiple Mr. Olympia 212 pound class.

Isn't she reacting to a sad story he's telling? Someone died or something?

COPE, she would not give a fuck if he would not be attractive

It’s also scripted


Fuck...she's SALIVATING. Roasties begone!

Arggghhh wish she were in my league.

Can you blame her? It's biology, brah.

Not only I blame her, I also blame mother nature, and all the normafags useless cock blocking white knight like you.

Never cockblocked in my life. In a 10 year relationship and set thanks, but helped incel friends, (term wasn't around back then) get out of inceldom.

Being angry will get you nowhere. If you want to hit on someone out of your league, with a shitty self-pitying attitude, then go ahead. You have my support.

Then Can you help me help you get the duck out.


Completely shocked this man isn't enjoying a relationship with a beautiful, giving girlfriend/wife. He radiates positivity and love. What a strange world we live in!

Can you blame us? It's biology, brah.

If you watch the video, she's reacting to him talking about his mother's cancer. Not a sexual thing at all.

Her vagina thinks otherwise....

If you watch the original, I think you'll disagree. Quite clear what's happening.

It is sexual in her mind though, the roided up alpha guy showing his emotional side = roastie panties drop.

i like it when guys have a soft side TEEHEE

A couple of words from chad and her roastie floodgates open

She needs to comfort his pain with her vaginal walls.

This is incredible because it's rare that a guy can make you lose your head. Especially on camera. That attraction is intense. Such a high.

I don't dig these kinds of guys, a bit too meaty. I don't understand how a woman would have that kind of reaction unless this was fake or she's low functioning. I'll go with fake.

Her name is literally Stacey

Stacey Oster Thompson

me on the left lol

got a good physique?

is that flex lewis?

TFW you will never have this effect on a woman.

She's like "just shut up and fuck me already".

Meanwhile women hurry their pace and/or cross the street when they see me.

Meanwhile women hurry their pace and/or cross the street when they see me.

a female coworker I had a crush on did this to me man...I felt sick lost my apetite for days

Meanwhile women hurry their pace and/or cross the street when they see me.

Too funny, mate! Thanks for this.

Muscle theory confirmed

I am incel

you sound very confused

Being a programmer is a literal turn-off for women.

I got 2x the tinder matches after I removed my job from my profile.