Incel: *breathes* IncelTears: "This is why you're incel"

197  2018-05-06 by fukworld_2


"Share a pic!" "Ah, I see. You're wearing a blue shirt!! No wonder you're incel!"

Its over when your mum only buys you blue shirts

And khaki stretchpants

"Share a pic"

"You're not ugly at all, I'm sure someone would definitely date you (not me though)"

You forgot an obligatory teeheee

Where did the teehee meme originate lol

If you took a shower and a haircut that is.

IncelTears: "you look great in this picture, i would definitely date you"

Incels: "what happened to pErSOnaLitY?"

IncelTears: "um akshually"

IncelTears are a bunch of insecure bullies trying to seem like the good guys.

Why is there even a sub dedicated to making fun of incels? Incels already make fun of themselves. Also, how come there wasn't also a subreddit dedicated to bashing on fatpeoplehate users?

Because fatcel = volcel

Yep, you have to be one seriously repulsive fucktard to be an incel. The club no sane person would ever be a part of but the actual members are proud to be included in.

Most incels would rather not be incels. It's involuntary, retard.

Most incels would rather not be incels. It's involuntary, retard.

Easier to whine about it than fix it. Not our fault you can't get laid and the unwanted attention had come from the recent news.

Ironic username

Ironic username

I have compassion until your movement is linked to multiple instances of violence, and you guys have spread some pretty hateful untrue theories. Why should I feel compassion for someone who only has hate in their heart.

you guys excuse me i just come here for the drama

You're retarded if you think incels are some kind of fucking terrorist organization lol

Because violence hasn't been proven linked to incel communities at all, and people in these communities have never urged violent acts at all ever right? That's why the top link on this sub is about right? K.

Proven? No. At least, not to the degree that Islam is linked with terrorism. But that's a taboo to talk about, isn't it? Yes, we have a few legit crazy folks. They're a minority. There have been "normies" calling for the deaths of incels, but that doesn't mean all of you want it, does it?

What "top link" are you talking about? You've got no argument lol. You're tossing shit out and hoping something sticks.

Going by your logic, you’re a huge hypocrite if you don’t absolute despise Muslims. So you better despise Muslims /u/CompassionMedic or you are a massive hypocrite.

Oh wow. The police have now announced a motive behind Alek's attack? I wasn't aware. Can you link me to said report?

Cosmetic surgery isn't magic. Shoe lifts add little height. Fashion has little impact. Nobody romantically gives a fuck about personality. You can't jump from hideous to average.

was about to say bbw gaming finally said something intelligent but then i noticed..

It's impossible to fix, stop whining. Also compassionmedic you don't even like sex so stfu.

Because incels say stuff that bother most other people: females, deluded normie males. Also even guys from the TRP or MGTOW which supposedly know what females really are like will bash incels because society conditions us to think that males should never complain about anything.

MGTOW bashes you because you guys are obsessed with women

Isn't that hypocritical considering almost everything MGTOW does is complain about women? They are obsessed with women too.


MGTOW is pretty much a bluepilled version of /r/braincels

Also, how come there wasn't also a subreddit dedicated to bashing on fatpeoplehate users?


Shhhhhh redditors hate fat people lol.

Redditors are, on average, obese.


  1. Some of you guys can probably be talked down from the ledge. You can realise that your logic is faulty or non-existent, your view of reality is hopelessly skewed and that many of the facts, stats and numbers you fixate on are junk. I don't care about you, littlemincel, as such, but I do care about reducing hateful misogyny. Maybe, my ego says, I can JUST REACH ONE poor deluded shut in.

  2. Many of you are past saving. I want these ones to know that I am an enemy. I am your enemy and the enemy of your bullshit beliefs. I will always work to undermine you wherever I encounter you. Now and forever. I will fire you, I will not hire you, I will report you, I will name and shame you. Not because you are ugly, but because of your beliefs. Now and forever.

  3. It's fun. Trolling is fun, let's face it. It's a way to let off steam against the shitty world and the shitty people in it.

So fuck you. And fuck you too.




Get rid of this kid please

Because normal people like to gawk. They're ironic that way, stalking something they hate.

In reality it's morbid curiosity, to the core. They want to understand incels. They are the same way with serial killers, that type of morbidly curious type.To say ban a sub that wants to see serial killers suffer is to say ban prison, and yes they do see creepy men at the same level as serial killers, if not worse.

The irony of that statement is beautiful.

It's just a bunch of overweight feminazis and their pet soyboys who think they're going to get good boy points for defending roasties on the internet.

Im not an incel but those guys are faggots

Nah you guys are just a bunch of whiny hateful miserable losers

Ultimate blackpill: You can't be incel if you are dead.


(An incel is born..cleft palate, addicted to crack, one leg shorter than the other, hook nose, hunchback)..."JUST GET SOME CONFIDENCE, BRO! STOP BEING SO NEGATIVE!!"

Incel sub: modded by a femoid

Inceltears: "It's free real estate"

I've seen that jim jeffers(?) take on incels and all of his advices are same as incel tears. Just lift bro, learn guitar, better yourself, haircut bro etc.

Jim Jefferies? Total dickhead.

learn guitar

Did that for 20 years. Kek. Same with the bassist and guitarist who posted videos of themselves playing just to give the finger to incelqueer's shitty accusation that an incel doesn't have the patience to learn an instrument.

more like

Incel: has horrible smelling breath causing everyone to need a gas mask just to be within 30 feet of you.

30.0 feet = 9.14 metres.

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Username checks out.

It’s over if you can’t survive without oxygen in 2018

I was brought here from a link in another thread, I think they mostly just want you guys to stop advocating for rape and murdering people

My mom asked me if I knew about incels the other night (she had been reading into it after hearing about it on the news) and I damn near shat myself when she said "and they wonder why their incels".

They literally spend all there time watching this sub like hawks & critiquing posts but tell us to get hobbys, be interesting

They will spend hours virtue signaling just to get a sniff of pink haired feminist vag. That’s why. The thirst is real.