One of those tweets is real. Can you guess which one?

403  2018-05-06 by XenoditReborn



Top kek

Asian foids are the absolute worst

Asian foids would gladly butcher their infant sons just to get some white cock. It's fucking crazy. I feel so bad for RiceCels.

All they do is fuck white men

Or even a mediocre white dude if in an Asian country.

Well Hitler was a fan of myspace, so top left is definitely wrong.

My fbook is burnt and dead

top fucking kek. great meme

Is she suggesting that CEOs should round up all them incels and assign them gfs? That's so nice of her y'all.

yeah... that's exactly what she is saying

I am legit bewildered as to what she is inferring to...

She wants to kick incels out and probably register them to make sure incels will become homeless. Destroy the subhuman men.

Well they must be useless as employees if they can't even get laid.

She just wants to replace them with diversity hires

She wants to brand us with golden stars and send us off to working camps

Take half the incels. Put them in dresses and wigs. Give them to the other half.

Problem solved.



Chairman Pao has spoken. Let the purges begin!

Starting with her disgusting masculine face and revolting epicanthal folds

Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 14 more in Isla Vista, California, before turning the gun on himself. His motives, laid out in a YouTube video and a long, rambling manifesto were clearly designed to punish women for what he felt were numerous rejections, and to punish men for effectively having what he didn't.

Less than a year later, another attacker at Umpqua Community College killed nine and injured eight before committing suicide, again linking his motivations to ideas espoused by the Incel movement. This brought a lot of heat down on the idea of Incels. Suddenly, they weren't just people bemoaning a lack of sex: instead, they were angry young white men who had access to guns, who had been politicised to commit horrific acts of violence. /r/Incels didn't help their case by openly applauding the actions of these aforementions shitheels, and Reddit cracked down on them hard. They were banned in November of 2017, but by that time they had over 40,000 users. They were banned under Reddit's new anti-hate speech policy, unlike the last big group of bans that were brought in under an anti-harrassment policy (such as /r/FatPeopleHate). They were sort-of replaced by /r/Braincels, which is like Incels-lite; their material is still pretty misogynistic -- and depressing as all hell -- but they're nothing compared to the sheer bile that was /r/Incels.

Which brings us to now. The reason they're in the news at the moment is because of the recent Toronto van attack, where a self-described Incel ran over and killed ten people, injuring 16 more. It's indicative of a worrying trend in young male violence, where internet groups have turned from being support networks -- as originally intended -- to being places where hatred and violence can be encouraged, with tragic consequences.

Hey, marckshark, just a quick heads-up:
harrassment is actually spelled harassment. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

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Your point?

The point is you're not being oppressed because you're virgins and that's not even remotely a reason the media is criticizing incels.

You obviously do not understand the point of this post yeah? People of all different types have done incredibly bad things but to stereotype them all into one big class is ridiculous. Incels are not the fucking KKK for gods sake. Women make fun of men’s shortcomings and state their requirements all the time but if we make a few obvious jokes about roast beef pussy, bring up the 80/20 rule and how women have it easier and a FEW people that self identify as incels commit heinous acts we are suddenly the cancer of the earth. The majority of r/braincels do not condone the shit people have done in the name of incels. I can’t speak for incels-me or any other site but this place is in the majority saying they were dumb as fuck and most people here are not violent people

Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 14 more in Isla Vista, California, before turning the gun on himself. His motives, laid out in a YouTube video and a long, rambling manifesto were clearly designed to punish women for what he felt were numerous rejections, and to punish men for effectively having what he didn't.

Less than a year later, another attacker at Umpqua Community College killed nine and injured eight before committing suicide, again linking his motivations to ideas espoused by the Incel movement. This brought a lot of heat down on the idea of Incels. Suddenly, they weren't just people bemoaning a lack of sex: instead, they were angry young white men who had access to guns, who had been politicised to commit horrific acts of violence. /r/Incels didn't help their case by openly applauding the actions of these aforementions shitheels, and Reddit cracked down on them hard. They were banned in November of 2017, but by that time they had over 40,000 users. They were banned under Reddit's new anti-hate speech policy, unlike the last big group of bans that were brought in under an anti-harrassment policy (such as /r/FatPeopleHate). They were sort-of replaced by /r/Braincels, which is like Incels-lite; their material is still pretty misogynistic -- and depressing as all hell -- but they're nothing compared to the sheer bile that was /r/Incels.

Which brings us to now. The reason they're in the news at the moment is because of the recent Toronto van attack, where a self-described Incel ran over and killed ten people, injuring 16 more. It's indicative of a worrying trend in young male violence, where internet groups have turned from being support networks -- as originally intended -- to being places where hatred and violence can be encouraged, with tragic consequences.

Less than a year later, another attacker at Umpqua Community College killed nine and injured eight before committing suicide, again linking his motivations to ideas espoused by the Incel movement. This brought a lot of heat down on the idea of Incels. Suddenly, they weren't just people bemoaning a lack of sex: instead, they were angry young white men who had access to guns, who had been politicised to commit horrific acts of violence. /r/Incels didn't help their case by openly applauding the actions of these aforementions shitheels, and Reddit cracked down on them hard. They were banned in November of 2017, but by that time they had over 40,000 users. They were banned under Reddit's new anti-hate speech policy, unlike the last big group of bans that were brought in under an anti-harrassment policy (such as /r/FatPeopleHate). They were sort-of replaced by /r/Braincels, which is like Incels-lite; their material is still pretty misogynistic -- and depressing as all hell -- but they're nothing compared to the sheer bile that was /r/Incels.

Which brings us to now. The reason they're in the news at the moment is because of the recent Toronto van attack, where a self-described Incel ran over and killed ten people, injuring 16 more. It's indicative of a worrying trend in young male violence, where internet groups have turned from being support networks -- as originally intended -- to being places where hatred and violence can be encouraged, with tragic consequences.

Hey, marckshark, just a quick heads-up:
harrassment is actually spelled harassment. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!

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Oh I get it now. You’re an idiot and can’t form an argument or have a discussion

Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 14 more in Isla Vista, California, before turning the gun on himself. His motives, laid out in a YouTube video and a long, rambling manifesto were clearly designed to punish women for what he felt were numerous rejections, and to punish men for effectively having what he didn't.

Less than a year later, another attacker at Umpqua Community College killed nine and injured eight before committing suicide, again linking his motivations to ideas espoused by the Incel movement. This brought a lot of heat down on the idea of Incels. Suddenly, they weren't just people bemoaning a lack of sex: instead, they were angry young white men who had access to guns, who had been politicised to commit horrific acts of violence. /r/Incels didn't help their case by openly applauding the actions of these aforementions shitheels, and Reddit cracked down on them hard. They were banned in November of 2017, but by that time they had over 40,000 users. They were banned under Reddit's new anti-hate speech policy, unlike the last big group of bans that were brought in under an anti-harassment policy (such as /r/FatPeopleHate). They were sort-of replaced by /r/Braincels, which is like Incels-lite; their material is still pretty misogynistic -- and depressing as all hell -- but they're nothing compared to the sheer bile that was /r/Incels.

Which brings us to now. The reason they're in the news at the moment is because of the recent Toronto van attack, where a self-described Incel ran over and killed ten people, injuring 16 more. It's indicative of a worrying trend in young male violence, where internet groups have turned from being support networks -- as originally intended -- to being places where hatred and violence can be encouraged, with tragic consequences.

You can post something once, but posting it three times in the same thread is spamming.

Thank you mommy gaming

OP makes meme post

You: long wall o' text "bUT incELS

Thats a small percentage of the millions of virgin men that Pao is suggesting be rounded up.

they were angry young white men

Elliot Rodger was half-Asian and the other guy was a second-gen Armenian immigrant.

“Angry young white men”


It's indicative of a worrying trend in young male violence, where internet groups have turned from being support networks -- as originally intended -- to being places where hatred and violence can be encouraged, with tragic consequences.

Exactly. So go over to r/Islam and talk to them about it. Sheesh. With all the recent tragedies I thought you would've cared by now. Take a stand against Islam.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 179121

whats your solution

because of the recent Toronto van attack, where a self-described Incel ran over and killed ten people, injuring 16 more.

My God! When are we going to ban these deadly vans? No one needs anything more than a SmartCar, or better yet, a moped!

I can't tell the difference

Stacy, Kate, and Ellen are the worst ones. The Asian bitch is the real one, of course.

Incel is just going to turn into another buzzword for "people I don't like".

Kinda like cuck

Like your boyfriend? Posting nudes online isn't very faithful is it


They have no idea lol. I do not access reddit via their networks. Also that foid is ugly as sin, if she were born male she'd be right here amongst us, but probably as an incel in denial incelqueer lmao.

all the twitter handles are the same. Ellen is a schizoid. Pretty cool if she tweeted all those out.

uncles are persecuted like Jews or gays

Why did this make it to my feed?

first day and already doing good. Thanks brothers. I lost 19k karma when ((they)) banned me last week :(

Welcome back, breh.

The actual thread on Twitter is full of people calling her out. It’s actually quite surprising and refreshing

You think that your plight is comparable to the holocaust? Fuck you.

No. The Holocaust wasn't nearly as bad. At least the Jewish prisoners could still get laid.

When you're starving to death you don't want sex.


Honestly I generally think this sub is the garbage bin of humanity, but that woman is fucking stupid. The majority of you guys are peaceful, alright people who just happen to be virgins, nothing wrong with that


this sub is the garbage bin of humanity The majority of you guys are peaceful, alright people who just happen to be virgins

I'm so confused.

We're the genetic trash heap.

The shit that's posted is utterly disgusting, bit I know the majority of people aren't the extreme psychos that make the wack posts

Noo, mr. KKK, i don't think that's a certainty. Kek


But If all the incels are gone who is actually going to pull the wight of devircity hires.

That asian foid is one of the ugliest creatures ive seen

Cope they are hot as fuck but the most degenerate of all femoids

Rofl google ellen pao and tell me she is hot again CH0fl

Sorry, I'm so fucking low IQ. Didn't read your sentence fully. I agree Ellen is disgusting, ugly as sin.

Pao is the wannabe commander of the Genetic Cleansing.

hitler would never lie...

Paaaaaaaaaaaooooooo! Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooo! Pao come and me wanna go home.

it is over for techcels.

you spend 80 hours a week in college programming for the sake of getting a job while everyone else is partying and getting laid.

then when you actually enter the workforce you tell a female you're a computer programmer and they're automatically disgusted and immediately lose interest. it's OVER.

Chadfished and told women I was learning computer science and they didn't bat an eye.

If you're Chad, you can literally be anything and it's attractive.

Ve must exterminate ze incels.

Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 14 more in Isla Vista, California, before turning the gun on himself. His motives, laid out in a YouTube video and a long, rambling manifesto were clearly designed to punish women for what he felt were numerous rejections, and to punish men for effectively having what he didn't.

Less than a year later, another attacker at Umpqua Community College killed nine and injured eight before committing suicide, again linking his motivations to ideas espoused by the Incel movement. This brought a lot of heat down on the idea of Incels. Suddenly, they weren't just people bemoaning a lack of sex: instead, they were angry young white men who had access to guns, who had been politicised to commit horrific acts of violence. /r/Incels didn't help their case by openly applauding the actions of these aforementions shitheels, and Reddit cracked down on them hard. They were banned in November of 2017, but by that time they had over 40,000 users. They were banned under Reddit's new anti-hate speech policy, unlike the last big group of bans that were brought in under an anti-harassment policy (such as /r/FatPeopleHate). They were sort-of replaced by /r/Braincels, which is like Incels-lite; their material is still pretty misogynistic -- and depressing as all hell -- but they're nothing compared to the sheer bile that was /r/Incels.

Which brings us to now. The reason they're in the news at the moment is because of the recent Toronto van attack, where a self-described Incel ran over and killed ten people, injuring 16 more. It's indicative of a worrying trend in young male violence, where internet groups have turned from being support networks -- as originally intended -- to being places where hatred and violence can be encouraged, with tragic consequences.


Cope they are hot as fuck but the most degenerate of all femoids

this sub is the garbage bin of humanity The majority of you guys are peaceful, alright people who just happen to be virgins

I'm so confused.