95% of males in western societies have BIG problems

76  2018-05-06 by everythingshewants7

You're all fucked. All of you. Even the good looking ones have mental problems nowadays due to female hypergamy. You go to the clubs, you go outside, 75% of males look fucking MISERABLE. Dead eyes, sad face. Even the smallest facial flaw is a death sentence now

Women: you took our joy and happiness, we're going to take our RIGHTS back.


yep, its so over

You misspelled women. It's spelled whores. Other than that you couldn't be more right.

Alternate spelling: 'roasties'

Or 'femoids'

how can you be happy when you have to basically beg (or 'approach') and try to 'win' the right to intimacy and happiness whilst girls get it all handed to them and have so much on offer they actually complain about it. and that's just the beginning, let alone all the crap after that, dealing with her attitude, moods, all her faults and issues just to get access to consistent intimacy like a dog begging for scraps. and if you decide to be alpha and tell her to fuck off you have to go back out begging other girls all over again to try and get one.

You're unhappy that women have the right to choose their partner and if you treat them like shit they'll leave you? I think you'd like the 60s.

low iq comment, femoids love being abused by chad so they'll stay and complain about it

You just said "if you decide to be alpha and tell her to fuck off you have to go back out begging other girls all over again to try and get one" so if they love being abused why would you going "alpha" means you have to find another?

He aint alpha, he no chad

Then don't act like one and just treat women with respect.

I think you'd like the 60s.

Yes, I would.

Although even that would be somewhat problematic. Women were allowed to vote in the 1960s.

You don't have to go back that far. I reckon even the 1990s before the internet turned the whole world into a hypergamous mega village would be a vast improvement. Someone might have been "left on the shelf" and have to make do with someone like me then. No such chance now. The 1960s though was the beginning of the sexual revolution and thus the beginning of the end of patriarchy and what Neitzche called "priestly morality " and the whole 1 woman for every man situation, so gradually things have got more and more unequal since. Somewhat ironic that this was considered part of a left wing movement yet it has effectively turned sex from being communist to capitalist in its distribution ...

So you're unhappy that women now can choose a partner they like due to advancements in technology and they no longer get "left on the shelf" and have to settle for you because they can't find anyone else?

Hehe when you put it like that it makes me sound like a dick. But yes that's essentially it. As I have said before here I dont blame women for taking advantage of the choice and seeking better partners as they are available. It is simple supply and demand economics and if i were a woman I would do the exact same thing. But at the same time it is very very sad and depressing when you realise that you are at the bottom of the pile and feel powerless to change it and thus trapped in a life of celibacy. And trapped is exactly how I feel

So what's your suggestion? Do we force women into sexual indentured servitude or slavery? Neither is right, and neither will happen. The only thing that can be done is you better yourself.

That's not a solution because there will always be someone at the bottom. Even if every man "bettered himself," that would simply move the goal posts.

I didn't tell everyman to better himself, I told you. Every man isn't trying to better himself, and that won't ever happen. The goals are in the same place, it's you that isn't moving too them.

"not a long term solution" - there is no way for society to fix this problem that doesn't infringe on peoples freedom. It's your problem, you fix it. Like what do you actually suggest as a solution?

I don't know of a solution. There may not be one. But at least I'm not pretending to know and giving out shitty advice like you are.

No, you just joined a group of misogynistic weirdos who spend their days crying about not having sex. A group where members have killed women because of their ideas, and many many many more who advocate hate and disdain for women and men who have sex. like that's a solution.

Sex isn't the be all and end all of life.

Says the person who can get sex any time she wants.

Nothing you say matters because you don't understand us and you can never understand us because you'll never be in our shoes. Yet you still have the nerve to come here and spew abuse and bullshit as if you did. Your arrogance and ignorance are inconceivable. You're a very bad person.

I was 19 when I lost my virginity. I've lived the majority of my life without it. I wasn't a hateful cunt like you back then, and I'm not now.

My ignorance? you just come online and hate women because you can't get them. Yet you have no solution or goal for this "movement". Enjoy your life as a lonely hateful virgin. Am I a bad person? who's the one going to bed tonight with a woman who loves me?

I tried being nice to you, and I tried to understand your opinions, but I can't. You're an envious, spiteful and hateful virgin. Goodluck bud.

At least you admit that you can't know what it's like to be us. Good for you, you learned something.

As for you going to bed with a woman who loves you, that doesn't make you a good person. As mentioned many, many, many times, women do not prefer being with good men.

You're not a morally good man

I didn't claim to be. But you certainly aren't either.

Then neither of us "deserve" women. I'm just blessed to have been born a chad and you're oppressed. Woe is your life.

That's correct. Run along now.

I think he's finally got it.

Someone doesn't understand sarcasm.

Someone doesn't understand irony.

Get over it

Lmao. Spoken like a true moron

Enjoy loneliness.

A group where members have killed women

You talking about Islam or inceldom? I wasn't aware cops had revealed Alek's motive. Can you link me to their report?

Inceldom. "Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!"

That's his facebook post minutes before he killed 10 people. Elliot Rodger is another self confessed Incel who murdered 6 people. Before he did that he released the "Incel Manifesto".

To suggest these two weren't killing because of their extremist incel beliefs is ignorant or just stupid.

Yes, I'm very aware of the post that Facebook confirmed is a "real post". Law enforcement are actually yet to confirm the post was made by Alek and from his smartphone. Authorities are yet to declare his motive and yet to call it terrorism.

Alek also used to meow at people and make weird noises in English class to his classmates. He was also a special needs student. He would also open his shirt and spit on himself in the middle of class. The man is bonafied retarded.

We're not responsible for the ravings of someone who is quite literally mentally retarded. The same way all 1.5 billion Muslims aren't responsible for the actions of a minority.

ER identified as incel? He self confessed to being an incel, did he? Have you actually read My Twisted World? The word Incel is mentioned approximately 0 times in all of his 141 pages. Do you even know where Elliot hung out on the Web? He fucking frequented bodybuilding.com's infamous forums. Not at all am incel hangout. The reddit subreddit didn't even exist when he committed his rampage. The guy never even frequented /r9k/. Perhaps you have some other evidence proving his identification? Weird that a man who thought he was fabulous and attractive would identify with incels who acknowledge how trash their appearance is.

Jesus Christ, why are you incelqueers always so fucking misinformed? You're the unronic users of /r/outoftheloop, not the typical people who use it to virtue signal and bring attention to singing something, but the actual retards who can't use Google and do their own research.

You're not responsible for the actions of these two individuals sure, but they share the same ideology and many many many people in this "community" herald them as heroes, which I've seen first hand on this thread and their website. I can accept some of them are trolls, but some aren't.

He was a self-confessed incel. Just because he didn't use this reddit forum doesn't make it not so. He was celibate and it was involuntary. Therefore he's incel, he wanted sex and wasn't getting it and believed it was because of women. He also shared the same ideas many incels have about women and dating. Yes he was delusional and believed he was gods gift to women, but that's where the differences end. He is incel.

As for Alek... it would be some hell of a coincidence if someone hacked his facebook and posted that 1 minute before he mowed down 10 people. It would be a hell of a coincidence if he did write it and it just happened to be 1 minute before he mowed down 10 people. He was on his way to murder women and just decided too post about how the incel rebellion has started while also praising another incel for his mass murder. These are some crazy coincidences.

You can deny it all, but the fact is anyone with a brain can make the links. Incels have a toxic ideology. I've witnessed it first hand here. Some of them are just lonely guys who can't find love and this is their "cope". Some are just here to spew hate about women. However some here have the capability to do what Alek and ER did, and more likely than not one of them will again.

Hey, it's been 8 hours and you still are yet to reply and have been engaging in conversation elsewhere in this sub ever since. Are you going to try and refute anything I've rebutted you with or not? Don't reply to this comment. Reply to the original.

FraochUn there must be a happy medium somewhere surely?? The current state of affairs is producing too many losers. It's dangerous. The top 20% will always be just that and by definition only 20% of us can get there. I think it is possible to have a more conservative and less promiscuous/hypergamous culture without it being oppressive to women and in the long run most people would actually probably be happier - Not just us miserable incels but probably the women and even the so called Chads. I was reading an article earlier saying 1 in 8 people aged 26 now are virgins. And 90pc of those that lost it did so before 19. That's a ridiculously huge cohort of people to reach full maturity without having a key life experience. Something's gone wrong in society and we need to get to the bottom of it

"Women were allowed to vote in the 1960s." You wonder why you're alone? I pray you stay that way.

mfw "no misogynist ever got laid" argument

Telling women they shouldn't be treated as equals isn't good foreplay.

  • if you’re ugly, otherwise it doesn’t matter

No, that is true for 99% of men and women.

I’m not angry. Just reminding everyone of the fact that disgusting men get away with lots of things if they’re attractive.

Most men aren't disgusting. The vast majority. So you're reminding people that there are bad men in the world? well someone alerts the news!

Nope, I'm reminding you that being disgusting has nothing to do with getting or not getting laid if you're good-looking. Shame I have to spell it out for you.

I'm reminding you that you're wrong. There are hundreds of thousands of unattractive men who are horrible to their partners but they stay regardless. Sometimes out of fear, sometimes because they love them and want to fix them.

You just have some clear animosity towards attractive people, instead of being envious of others try to improve yourself. You don't have to be good looking to get a woman, just a decent human being.

There are hundreds of thousands of unattractive men who are horrible to their partners but they stay regardless.

You don't have to be good looking to get a woman, just a decent human being.

You’re contradicting yourself. If you didn’t have to be attractive to get a woman, just a decent human being, then how is it that non-decent, unattractive people also get women?

Also, “improving yourself” is a meme. If you have to change yourself (impossible by the way, you can’t change your genetics) to be good to someone you already lost. Women also hate men who “improve themselves”. Women like to see results without effort. An ugly guy going to the gym every day is a try-hard, a guy who is naturally good-looking with no muscle is attractive.

It's not a contradiction. I said if you want a girl, try being a decent person. That isn't me saying only good people find love, bad people can and do.

"Women" - like every woman likes the same thing or wants the same thing. Don't be dense.

That doesn't prove anything... If I did a similar survey about women you'd find I'm attracted to stunning Russian models, however, none of my girlfriends has been as attractive as them. If I held out for Russian models, I'd be like you.

It does prove that women have uniform standards, something which you denied an hour ago. That's already progress. Now for your next point:


Women rate 80% of men as unattractive. Men only rate 50% of women unattractive. This creates a large imbalance in dating. Watch the video for more details.

I never said people don't judge each other on their looks. That's an indisputable fact. The fact still remains that people don't usually end up with those they are most attracted too.

Not to mention the fact that everyone has their own interpretation of attractiveness. I find my girlfriend beautiful, I know for a fact there are lots of guys who wouldn't. attractiveness is subjective.

Even if women only like 20% of the male population, it's not possible for them to only date that 20 %. Firstly the human race would cease to exist, and secondly we know it's not true due to fact a solid 90% plus of people have or have had many partners in their life.

Attractiveness is objective. Two comments prior I linked you a post that has research which shows women's preferences are largely uniform.

Even if women only like 20% of the male population, it's not possible for them to only date that 20 %.

Actually, it is. You know, multiple women can have children from the same males. In prehistoric times, only 1 out of 18 men reproduced. It wouldn't be fair to say it's the same today, because it's not. But if we didn't enforce monogamy, women would only date that 20%. Because of societal expectations, 80% of men find partners who settle for them. Watch the video for more details.

"80% of men find partners who settle for them." You're a joker. enjoy being a virgin bud. It's your own doing.

The ultima ratio of normies; you're a virgin. Guess what, I'm not even a virgin, dumbass. And the fact that it's brought up as an insult speaks volumes about you.

Then you're not even an incel, so you aren't allowed to comment on the topic according to their rules.

I'm allowed to comment on anything, same as you do. This is not IncelTears, where they ban any dissenting opinion.

But you're pushing an incel ideology and pretending to be one. They'd hate you more than me or chad or stacy

I never pretended to be incel, you just assumed that because you think in stereotypes.

No, i assumed it because you're here defending a post blaming women for all mens misery.

Answering your question after your edit:

I don't have a solution. I don't want to force women to have sex with me. I want the thought policing to stop, and I want to engage in a free debate with people who disagree with me without them calling me a misogynist for having an opinion different from theirs.

No one's calling you a misogynist for having a different opinion. You fit the definition of the word misogynist. That's indisputable.

If saying facts like women only like 20% of men and that women's preferences are uniform makes me a misogynist, then I am one.

Men also only find a small percentage of women super attractive, that doesn't change the fact most people still find a partner.

Men find 50% of women above average, women find 20 percent of men above average. If you think this is on par, you have to go back to 3rd grade.

There's no evidence to back that statement up. Other than just opinion blogs, there's no real science.

Then why did they rate 80% of men below average?

Who is they? who did this survey of every woman on earth using photos of every man.

You don’t need to know every woman’s preferences if you have a sample.

Is it a peer-reviewed article with some credibility? show me.

So no, that would have been easier to say

there is also a linked pdf and the citation. let me link those, apparently you couldn't find them



what is it that you don't like about this particular paper?

The fact it's a small sample based on online dating. Of course, people judge off photos when online dating. When they do so they eliminate the potential interaction. Whereas real life even if she doesn't initially find you attractive you have the ability to change that through vocal interaction.

You're coping if you think personality has any major effect on dating success.


Also, in what world does 22000 constitutes a small sample size?

it's small when you suggest it reflects the entire population of 3-4 billion women. I'm not super attractive and my sex life is fine. It has to be my personality, I'm not rich either. People who think personality has no effect on dating success, have no personality.

You do know that for any kind of population a sample of 1000 is enough? And that they sampled the population of the USA, where there are about 150 million women. Not that it changes anything, a sample of 22000 is enough for any kind of population.

Also, saying you're an exception does not invalidate research.

I'm not an exception. The majority of men aren't "Chads" they're just average looking guys, and we all manage to find girls. It's just the tiny group of "incels" who are the exceptions.

Of course, as I've told you many times over, even though women are only attracted to the top 20% of men, they will still settle for the below 60%. The bottom 20% are the incels. I don't think we disagree on that.

It's not 20% are incels. The Center for Disease Control reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24.

Now you're trying to argue about semantics. 80/20 is said because of the Pareto principle, it's not an exact number. It may be lower or higher than that. Also, that's just the USA, men are more likely to lie that they're not virgins, and women are more likely to lie that they're virgins.

Right, so your stats are more reliable than mine? even though the Center for Disease Control is more credible than whatever you linked...

But I'll pretend your right, what's stopping an "incel" from jumping into the normal 60%? I've seen many videos and photographs of incels. Some are unattractive, but the majority are just normal looking people.

CDC measured the number of virgins. My source measured men's and women's preferences. If you don't know the difference between these two, then I don't really think there is any need for us to exchange information. Judging from the comments you made about sample size, you obviously haven't studied statistics.

No,no,no. The CDC report on the number of virgins was aimed at disproving your claims that 20% of the population are unable to have sex.

You didn't say the USA, you said women. So a sample size from two US cities doesn't represent the dating patterns of 3-4billion women. You later changed it to say it's an okay sample size to represent the USA. So my comment was valid.

Also, "whatever you linked". You obviously didn't take the time to read what I linked to you. Quite disrespectful to the person you're engaging with.

I did read it... otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to disagree with its method and sample size in the first place. I just didn't check who published it.

You may have told me that men are attracted to the top 20%, but that in contrast to what I've said has no basis. Can you provide me with proof that men only find 20% of women attractive? Research only showed that they find about 50% above average.

Is that why 50 Shades was #1 bestseller and women love to be dominated and subjugated?

There's a difference between domination, bondage, whips, spanking, and telling women their opinions have no value compared to men and they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I haven't seen 50 Shades of Mr.Suffragist & The Repeal of Women's Rights.

No, there is no difference because sexuality reflects their underlying desire, and that is to be utterly dominated by an attractive male, extending to all domains of life.

That simply isn't true... if it was then women wouldn't have fought for their right to vote, and they wouldn't still be fighting for additional rights. If women really wanted to be dominated by men in every aspect, they would be.

It wasn't women, it was just a few vile feminazis. Nowadays of course most women have been corrupted by feminism.

Of course... women didn't really want to be treated like humans with rights, it was just a handful of Nazis who forced them into it. They'd really rather be dominated and told they're worthless by Chimeracide.

Yes indeed, many would. Isn't that ridiculous? I sure think so too, but since when have women made logical sense? Every serial killer who ever lived has gotten boatloads of love letters from women. Not just one or two women, lots of them. Enough that there's a psychological term to describe it. Richard Ramirez, the "nightstalker," guilty of numerous rapes, tortures and killings, actually got married after his conviction. Many women looked at his rap sheet, but then they saw his attractive face and it didn't even matter.

This is not something men do. Aileen Wuornos, the female serial killer, did not get love letters from men after her conviction. Only women do things like that. I dare you to try and explain it beyond "women are fucking nuts." Good luck.

Richard Ramirez isn't attractive... and a small percentage of the world's population of women sending serial killers love letters, doesn't mean women don't want to be treated like humans and have the right to vote.

You're delusional, and the things you're saying would deter anyone from you, it's no wonder your alone.

it's no wonder your alone.

Well, clearly women aren't into you because of your intelligence. Even a third grader knows the difference between "your" and "you're."

Oh no, a typo. I'm so unintelligent now. I'm 10000000% sure if I went through your past comments I'd find many.

You are? Well you're 10000000% wrong about that! Yet another example of how you don't know shit about what you're so sure of.

*by attractive men

I'm not attractive, and I've slept with many women. You guys are just delusional.

Post pix, we ll tell u if u r attractive... Either u are, either u r from older generation either u lyin. U think i was born blackpilled?? Nah man i'm just ugly/ bellow average. U think woman like me? Are dtf because of my words and behavour?

https://imgur.com/gallery/mJk0cqJ I'm 21, and about 5'10 or 11. I'm not sure accurately.

U cannot slay with dat look, lol, i don't really mogg u, but u arent more attracttive than me for sure

Yet I've had girlfriends in the past and I have one now, and my sex life is the same as any other normal guy. I mean if that doesn't show you that you can do the same then I don't know what will.

Ur probably just lucky, or im even uglier than i think... Anecdotal evidence dont count, but statistics dont lie

I am lucky. Lucky too not have fallen into the mindset that plagues many people on this forum.

What reasons are there for me to find love but you don't? we're both unattractive physically, or so you think. So what is it? it's not luck... it's mindset

I am lucky. Lucky too not have fallen into the mindset that plagues many people on this forum.

Lol if u think incels become incels from visiting these forums. I didnt have this mindset, yet was rejected all the time...

Don't you think I've been rejected in my advances? everyone gets rejected. I've rejected people who make advances at me too. That's part of life, you might get rejected when you ask out a girl, or when you apply for a job, it's how you deal with the rejection that matters.

You can give up and blame the women who rejected you and start hating everything. Or you can just keep on going, you will find it very hard to convince me no woman will EVER want you. That's simply a lie. Especially since you're telling me we're evenly the same in terms of attractiveness. Because I get girls, and I've seen guys who have less "SMV" than me also get girls. what's so special about you? what makes you the exception?

What are you talking about? If women didn’t have the right to choose before the 60’s, how did the majority of men in ancient times end up NOT reproducing? Did the majority of men just decide to be celibate? You’ve been watching too much TV, go do some real research.

So you're mad women have the right to choose a partner they like, and it turns out they don't like you?

Isn’t that the point of this entire Incel movement?

I don't know, it's a confusing "movement"

Did you even read my post retard? I just told you women have always had more rights than men to choose.

You both have equal rights to choose. You can pick your partner, as can women. However neither male nor females have the right to force someone to chose them back.

“Equal rights”

No women have always had MORE rights, even in ancient times. Briffaults law basically states that women decided who they wanted to mate with, not men. And today, women are given even MORE rights than they already have. That’s what incels are complaining about, how the dating game that is already unequal is being made even more unequal.

I don't know what planet you live on, but most people enter relationships on a consensual basis. I picked my girlfriend, and she picked me back.

Nope you only picked her because she was the best you can get and she was the only one who accepted you.

No wonder you guys are suicidal if that's your outlook on life... Why do you even want girls if you think they don't want you, they'll just settle because there's nothing better?

You don't understand what the people here are trying to say. Tbh nobody explained it the right way.

Thanks to social media the perceived value women have of themselves has risen tremendous. Nobody said women have to settle for less than they are worth but the problem is that many average women who don't have much to offer won't settle down anymore with their equal thanks to inflated egos. The problem really comes from fb, tinder and the likes where even a not so attractive women (a <5/10 guy would get not matches at all) gets tons and tons of attention.

They're saying a lot more than that. Don't you see the issue with rating women on a 1-10 scale as an adult? Secondly, if they don't have much to offer then why do you want them? Furthermore, why would a woman want you when you're telling them they're not good enough to be with the men they're with, and their inflated ego has tricked them into thinking they're worth more than they are. Or that they have nothing to offer, so they should settle for their equal value males?

This kind of shit is what lowers your "SMV". These "incels" have nothing to offer women while also being disgusting in how they talk about women, then they think having a girlfriend is their god given right.

What are you talking about? If women didn’t have the right to choose before the 60’s, how did the majority of men in ancient times end up NOT reproducing?


Wow, you're the lowest IQ comment here. Men didn't reproduce because of slavery and war. The worst part is you're right that modern women have too much choice and expect men to be Ok with their spilled milk past-30 selves.

If you have to work at getting a woman, with no clear path to success and shifting goal posts, then something about your life is seriously wrong.

You're right. It's my congenital deformity, squeaky voice, and tiny dick.

How do women know you have a tiny dick? Unless you're telling them about it or flashing it, I don't see how they could find out until they already want to go there with you.

And by that stage you're not really incel.

They can still reject you at the point where they see your penis, and that's the worst kind of inceldom

How many women have rejected you when they saw your penis versus how many didn't?

He prob never got to dat stage

You really think intimacy and being with a woman is just them complaining whilst you beg for a shag? This will be the reason why you will never have success with girls, sounds like you'd never truly care for their moods and issues you just want your own comfort and intimacy to keep you happy, that's your fucking problem mate

Cosby the mfkers

Did you know 88.7% of statistics are made up on the spot?

We don't need statistics. They Just serve to back our claims, which are based on life experience, which is far superior to any statistic or theory.

You remind me of the feminist who say they're treated differently from their male coworkers but have no evidence to back it up except "personal experience".

We don't need statistics.

How conventient that no statistics support your claims, so you don't need statistics to support your claims!

O not you again. Haven't you killed yourself yet, you ugly loser.

Statistics are for people who can back up their arguments.

Normie humour

Blababla. Cope motherfuckers.

Sounds like an antivaxxer

We need to disband the military, and use that budget for sexbot R+D. CHECKMATE, ROASTIES!!

(we still keep the nukes tho.)

Estrogen in the tap water from female birth control is seriously fucking with us. This isn't even a tinfoil hat any more, people are going completely mental in terms of social and sexual behaviour.

I never go to clubs. Hell sometimes my girl comes over, fucks babies into herself using my dick, then gives me free weed and leaves. I'd honestly rather be with her more often, but seriously how tf could I complain? I guess I'm in the lucky 5&#37;.

Women are the source of western society's problems.

Major cope- incels are by far not the majority, we're at most the bottom 10-15ish percent. Alongside that women do not determine your ability your ability to achieve happiness, look at most people who determine to live voluntarily celibate lives and are still able to achieve happiness (monks, priests, etc.) I'm not denying the existence of incels or the fact that sex or intimacy can be emotional needs, it's just that the vast majority of guys are happy with the status quo, and if they weren't, groups like ours would be much larger. This sub has 20k subscribers out of a 7 billion person population, incels are a minority.

It will grow, trust me. I've seen the blackpill grow from 80 active members on sluthate to where it is now, almost breaching the defence walls of mainstream society. I remember the times when the Misc considered lookism members a bunch of crazies, until the misc got redpilled itself. That was beginning of 2017.

I'm not saying it won't grow, I'm just saying even if 100% of true incels (adult male virgins) rose up, it still wouldn't make a difference. All the men who are given an advantage by the system would defend it, and no women would have a reason to join. The true black pill is hopeless, radical black pill only serves as a way of venting ones own disenfranchisement and a cope.

There are way more men that can have a girlfriend dissatisfied with the current status quo than there are incels without a girlfriend. All of my friends who aren't incel for example.

I'm just saying even if 100% of true incels (adult male virgins) rose up, it still wouldn't make a difference. All the men who are given an advantage by the system would defend it, and no women would have a reason to join.

Only the top 20% have an advantage from the status quo, the other 80% hate it to one degree or another, and only a lifetime of bluepill programming keeps them in check. Revolutions can be won, and societies changed, with only a motivated 5% of males. "The true black pill is hopeless," we'll there's also redpill, which includes Chads. Look at how afraid the status quo is of red(black)pill already, so afraid they can't stop attacking it, even though doing so just spreads pills.

OP isn't implying that the majority of males in our society are incel, just that even average males are struggling in the current state of the sexual market place, expending greater and greater effort for lower and lower quality of female. They're essentially fighting over the scraps discarded by the top 10%, and even if they achieve some success they're frequently cheated on or divorced. We'll see more and more people grow dissatisfied with the status quo as the disparity in sexual success between low and average SMV males and high SMV males grows.

Women decide a man’s social, and sexual worth and that is and always will be the greatest privilege.

More like 5&#37; if that. Any normal looking male is fine, it's just you Jawimplants

The best women aren't in clubs and bars.

Cope. Women are where chads are.

So where are the best women?

The best women don't go to clubs and bars.

They're taken or waiting for a good boy chad-light or chad.

Get a life, bitch.

You have rights though lmao

Enslave femoids and give them to incels to eat

Sounds like heavy projection.

low iq comment, femoids love being abused by chad so they'll stay and complain about it

I think you'd like the 60s.

Yes, I would.

Although even that would be somewhat problematic. Women were allowed to vote in the 1960s.

What are you talking about? If women didn’t have the right to choose before the 60’s, how did the majority of men in ancient times end up NOT reproducing? Did the majority of men just decide to be celibate? You’ve been watching too much TV, go do some real research.

I was 19 when I lost my virginity. I've lived the majority of my life without it. I wasn't a hateful cunt like you back then, and I'm not now.

My ignorance? you just come online and hate women because you can't get them. Yet you have no solution or goal for this "movement". Enjoy your life as a lonely hateful virgin. Am I a bad person? who's the one going to bed tonight with a woman who loves me?

I tried being nice to you, and I tried to understand your opinions, but I can't. You're an envious, spiteful and hateful virgin. Goodluck bud.

I'm allowed to comment on anything, same as you do. This is not IncelTears, where they ban any dissenting opinion.

there is also a linked pdf and the citation. let me link those, apparently you couldn't find them



what is it that you don't like about this particular paper?

I'm not saying it won't grow, I'm just saying even if 100% of true incels (adult male virgins) rose up, it still wouldn't make a difference. All the men who are given an advantage by the system would defend it, and no women would have a reason to join. The true black pill is hopeless, radical black pill only serves as a way of venting ones own disenfranchisement and a cope.

a sample size of 22,000 Americans represents the entire female population of the world? What broke-ass cereal box statistics class did you take

No, a sample size of 22,000 Americans does not represent the entire population of women on earth. I don't argue it represents the US. The key word is Americans.