Daily reminder that femoids were a mistake

175  2018-05-06 by XenoditReborn


Where did we go wrong in the last 60 years? We had it all...

Liberals were allowed to spread their cancer instead of being smacked down like the animals they are. Now here we are in a terrible world that is only getting worse.

I think the problem is more widespread. Whiteknights are the real cancer. They deserve the death penalty.

Whiteknighting was born as a beta strategy to get some pussy when pussy started to become scarce. It wasn't the cause of the draught


Reality has a liberal bias

assuming you had a chance from the start

i personally like it this way, since i am an incel,seeing normie men get cucked is a pleasur.


women & nigger rights and also decline of Christianity. Religions are dumb but at least they kept sluts under control.

And yet you do not understand why any woman would not want to be within 50 miles of you, you racist sexist piece of shit.

50.0 miles = 80.47 kilometres.

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You seem to be a bit anally flustered.

Nope. I just don’t tolerate racism and sexism. Which is quite common within this subreddit.

I hope your ok

Do you tolerate ableism as well? :)


No I don’t. I was just using the word against someone who has posted something extremely stupid that makes no sense whatsoever.

begone hypocritical thot

Don’t really see how I’m being hypocritical here. I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t support racism/ sexism then go out into the world and call mentally challenged people retarded and advocate that mentally challenged people are subhuman. Which I don’t. The person who made that post isn’t mentally challenged (I assume) but is just very fucking stupid. I just used this word to call someone out who posted something very stupid. Also I can’t really be a thot if I’m a male.

The fact that you are male cuck makes it even worse.

You disgust me, SJW trash.

Begone I say! Heya *Judo kick*

Racism is bad, but sexism is delicious, deal with it thot.

Can’t really be a thot if I’m a male


Be gone foul thot!

I'll bet you're fine with anti-white racism

What'd he say?

He said that women and nigger rights were what went wrong in the last 60 years

Well I support racial segregation and ethnic nationalism, and certainly don't believe women should be able to vote, and yet I set up 3 dates for the following week this morning. What's up with that?

How charming...

Point is you can be what /u/Magnezone10 perceives as a "racist sexist piece of shit" and be incredibly attractive to women, so clearly it's not the reason he's alone.

No you really can't unless you date another racist sexist piece of shit. I always preferred to date down rather than deal with arrogant man children. As I have said before, my husband of 14 years is 5'4'' 200lbs with a 4-5 face but we love each other fiercely and he makes me laugh and feel happy. I can't imaging life without him. Sure there are some shallow women but there are just as many shallow men. Even being a very attractive female it was hard to find a man that was good to me. I know there are others like me out there and I really think that some of you guys here are good men who have just bought into bad juju.

No you really can't unless you date another racist sexist piece of shit

Proof? I doubt any of these girls I'm meeting this week think women shouldn't be able to vote. But they will if I go steady with them. Don't know if you've noticed this, but women don't exactly tend to be steadfast in their beliefs, they just do what the man they respect tells them to.

muh anecdote

It's not even relevant, but I'll still address it:



And that’s wrong how?

St blackops2cel will burn your racist ass in his hell for eternity because of your great disrespect to ethnicels.

Bops2cel is a based serbiancel who removed kebab. He is also no saint btw. Elliot is a true saint(pbuh).

It all started with the anti baby pill

Jewish, isn't it obvious. They control the American media, politics and banks, and governments and America.

Black people didn't

If they had assimilated since emancipation, there never would've been segregation.

Oh Jim Crow was black people's fault. I see

And now they don't know their own fathers and do 50% of murders , good shit civil rights

Civil rights are present. The difference is inequality of outcome, not of opportunity. You can really only guarantee the latter. You former is dependent upon the individual.

You're missing the point. If everyone is alike, there is no basis to discriminate.

there was a real threat of violence against white citizens.

I wonder why that is?

I can understand being bitter if I were a released slave, but it's not an excuse to commit violence on an entire race of people.

It's no excuse to enslave people because they're a different color than you

There's no excuse for slavery but your comment didn't follow the argument.

Lmao so you’re saying, that if you were enslaved for years, had family members that were hung from a tree, had your child fed to an alligator, and for the finale be castrated? And you would just be cool with all that afterwards? And even afterwards some random white dudes in ghost outfits will burn crosses on your lawn. And you’re saying you would be cool with all that, you’re delusional.

So under your logic, whites in south Africa have a duty to burn and rape black people because of the atrocities that other black people have done to them? Be mad at the offender, not people who look similar to the offender.

You don’t know the history in South Africa, whites were stealing their land and raping their women first, google apartheid. But no that’s not what I’m saying, I’m just making a point. I don’t have any qualms with non racist white people, but I completely understand why my 100 year old aunt hates them. When you grow up with someone hating you for no reason, spraying your people in the streets with fire hose and murdering your young men because of their skin, let’s just say that can creates some real resentment, and whites didn’t just stop their neither, google Emmett Till and look at that boys face. He was disfigured and beaten, a young boy! for being black. So I can understand why my elders who went through that and seen those things, would want nothing to do with white people.

Whites in South Africa have been there as long as the current black population just so you know. Also, I've been robbed by black people, this is not an excuse to hate all black people. There's no excuse, racism and tribalism is bad. Quit trying to justify it.


Hey whitey, calm your ass down and go date some Asian girl, fakecel

Allow me to apologize on behalf of reality.

Jews, unironically.

You didn't. Not you.

What an obnoxious roastie

I dont get this term...."roastie"....please explain

You're not entitled to an explanation

Ah, yes. Urban Dictionary.....A female whose labia of their vagina resembles roast beef.


Lol, will he grow up to be a cuck, a school shooter or an incel?


All of the above

and a faglet


This is how little boys grow up to become men who beat their pregnant wife. SMH

You mean 'serial killers' who look for victims that resemble slutmommy

literally Rorschach the character the cuck "My Wife's Girlfriend" author couldn't comprehend the readers sympathizing with lmao

And what is your mom? A mistake? lol ok

Yes, they are mistakes. They cucked our society with feminism, which made it impossible for subhumans to get a girlfriend. And then they went ahead and gave birth to incels. So they're definitely mistakes.

And what is your mom?

my mom is a rare exception. She is not a slut

How? If all women are mistakes then by that logic so is your mother

This sub is gonna be banned soon

Why? sure there are a few sickos kicking around but most of it is just venting and jokes with some real shit in between. I come here as a mother to a son and a sister and a wife to get a better handle on men's rights issues so I can be a better support system. I also come to offer advice to those who want or need it and to try and make someone smile in their day and as a femoid I don't think this place should be banned. What would that help. Oh cause making frustrated men bottle it up is SOOOO much better?

Their lives sucking doesn’t make it okay for many of them to have such horrible opinions. They’ll be banned soon enough just like incels was

Ah man four years ago a comment like this would get shit on. This place used to actually have free speech, no opinions were banned.

See but that's the thing for me. I believe in free speech and while yes I do agree that SOME of the men here are sick in the head I don't think it's bad enough to punish everyone for it. I don't know just my opinion. PEACE :)

Thank you. Some people actually think take the black humor on here seriously. Like do you really think I would want certain women to die in gas chambers cause they're whores? Some people can't take a freakin joke

OH MY GOD! That is just horrific! As a woman and a mother I am disgusted! That woman should have CPS called for abuse and have that poor baby sent to his father who probably hasn't seen him in months because that sick bitch uses her precious gift of a baby boy as a weapon! Soooooo angry right now

Pure degeneracy

some might not like it but thats what peak degeneracy looks like

Straight to the gas chamber for whores


Single mothers were a mistake.

Whats so bad about this, even if you don't agree with it kid probably can't even read yet

Wow this place is a cesspool.

wow you guys really dont get the point of the sign then...

Y'all sound like the KKK.

unironically says "femoid"

What is the context of this?!

Souce? Context?

So were you

The fact that you are male cuck makes it even worse.

Yes, they are mistakes. They cucked our society with feminism, which made it impossible for subhumans to get a girlfriend. And then they went ahead and gave birth to incels. So they're definitely mistakes.

And what is your mom?

my mom is a rare exception. She is not a slut

You disgust me, SJW trash.

some might not like it but thats what peak degeneracy looks like