'Guys looks don't matter, honestly!' -> Proceeds to draw overweight balding guys as depiction of incels

281  2018-05-06 by geneticSubhumanTrash


The absolute best thing redpill taught me was that you should look at women do, not what they say.

Yep women are lying cunts by nature.

That is really the only thing I caught from TRP. This also applies to everyone.

Actions over words, more walk no talk.

Apparently, it's an x-post from justneckbeardthings. The other sub that hates male virgins just as much as inceltears.

t/justneckbeardthings. The sub full of virgins that makes fun of other virgins to make themselves feel better

Exactly. I do admire them their honesty. They don't pretend to care, they admit the only point is to make fun of male virgins for existing.


being bald or ugly is the same as being a bad person

If you have good thoughts, read feminist literature, watch films with female leading characters, actually respect women, listen to what they are saying during meetings, stop other men from interrupting them and credit their ideas, you will never become bald or overweight and your face will be that of a male model.

See you never and suck a dick, dumbshits. I'm going out to get laid /s


Im both but get laid 4x a week. Quit blaming your failures on everyone but yourself

4x a week with the same chick?


Would that be better or worse than different chicks?

Autism is a failure?

I like how he is assigned a specific quota of 4 sexual encounters per week, while Tyrone hits it whenever he wants

It seems to me that the idea is to depict traditionally unattractive men as being judgmental of women's appearances. Notice the day guy is talking about "whales".

in what world are these comics funny?

In the low iq world.

the generic flanders world

The real world.


they are all bald or balding

just shave your head bro, chicks love that bro

My baldness is in its teens. For a while I was falling into some of the same traps as you guys. Thankfully I didn't have an incel community to make me double down on my misconceptions. Turning 40 this month. Have three kids and social anxiety under control.

I know it's easy to say you just have to accept yourself and others will too. But sometimes there is no easy way out and you have to work hard to get to a better place. Hanging out here amounts to giving up from what I can tell. If you've chosen to give up then your celibacy is voluntary, no?

Still, missing out on your best years is shit. My father was also balding starting from his teens, and in the end, he became the second choice of a divorcee because he had his own flat. And when she talks about him, she never ever mentions that he was good-looking. Only that he was intelligent and a good listener. No wonder they slept in different bedrooms for half their marriage.

Yes it's shit - but if you let it define who you are to the world then you obstruct your own way out of the situation. Don't let it turn you bitter and hateful. Nobody else is to blame.

That’s fine, I accept that. What I don’t accept is the thought police saying it’s misogyny to tell these things.


Jesus ,sleeping in different bedrooms

God I can't imagine having a separate bed from my husband. Been together for 14 years from the first date and it would tear me up. SMH *However I don't mind admitting that due to his sleep apnea I use ballistics earplugs at night!*

Has he tried surgery? Sleep apnea can be quite serious.

Idk123 is right, he should look into surgery or a CPAP

Thankfully I didn't have an incel community to make me double down on my misconceptions.

Hi, another brick in the wall.

plot twist, the kids aren't his

All unironically me tbh, except for the physical appearance. And so I've got no problems attracting women. Only physical appearance matters, sorry IT.

What does anything they say have to do with being a manchild? Maybe except the weeb guy.

They are trying to show them being hypocritical. Only wanting 10/10 virgin women while being sub par themselves. That makes you a manchild. Not saying that is every or even most incels but you have to admit they exist

They draw the physical representation of your attitude


So you're saying ugly men have horrible personalities/attitude? Another normie inadvertently admitting to the blackpill.

No. I'm saying you people have shitty personalities, and for most people that trumps whether you're good looking or not

Don't try and backpedal with that shitty logic boyo

Chris Brown

They mock of men liking 2D over 3D.

But then they say "sry dude love is not meant for everyone, you should get over it, cope with something xdd"

They keep reinforcing the blackpill with their depictions.

They'd never make Chad evil.

Gee, I wonder why.

Ok that's a load of bollocks. I can't tell you how often i have seen depictions of the hot jock or grunt beating on a woman or as a stupid asshat. People are assholes man


That's not a bad image for Chad though, women want to be beaten as long as it's by an attractive man.

I can promise you have been hit before that that is 100% not true. I took the kids and ran as far as I could.

Because that’s what Incels are? Guys who abhor their physical appearance and channel that into one hell of a shitty attitude, then wonder why women don’t want to be around them.


Then tell me what being an incel is all about.

You aren't entitled to an answer.

Meh, burden of proof. If you want to dispute a claim, it’s your job to back it up. Otherwise there is no argument and I’m correct.

Meh, burden of you're retarded.

Wow you fucking losers really just love proving everyone else’s points 😂

This is why you're incel

l o l


Fish brain

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, not the one disputing it. Dumbass

It is when your dispute is “no”. Lmao.

I’m not making a claim, I’m supporting a well-known fact. The incels are the one trying to argue said well-known fact. They are the ones who carry the burden of proof.

Why did you call it a claim then?

This is why I don’t argue with incels, they’re some of the most illogical people on Reddit


Buddy boyo both you and the guy you replied to don't know what burden of proof is and you call others "illogical", just fucking LOL

A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

The evidence is literally everywhere in this subreddit. Look at any post or comment and the evidence is THERE. Just because I haven’t written a Compendium on Inceldom doesn’t mean the evidence isn’t there.

Lmao typical incel smug response, and your username makes it even funnier

Bro you literally just got your first girlfriend like 4 1/2 months ago 😂

Yeah, and guess what else? I’m also still a virgin! And since those 4 1/2 months I’ve dated around with 2 other girls, but didn’t end up fucking them. Despite this, you don’t see me going on the internet and crying “WAHHH, NOBODY WANTS TO FUCK ME! ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES!” Grow the fuck up and take some responsibility for your life bro. Stop watching porn and fapping, work out, eat healthy, spend less time playing video games and more time building connections and relationships with people. Be a fucking man.

Sounds like you should spend more time trying to actually seduce and then fuck your girlfriend rather than shitting on incels on reddit. Not the most productive use of your time, eh? 4.5 months and she still hasn't fucked you? Kek.

p.s nofap is pseudoscientific horse shit you gullible fucking retard. Stop being so gullible and be an incredulous real man.

First of all I ditched her ass after a month because turns out she was super emotionally unstable (just like incels, “kek.”) Second I’ve experienced the benefits firsthand. If you had the willpower to keep your hands off your cock for a week you’d find that the benefits are real too. You’re fucking 35 for fucks sake lmao, what the hell are you doing with your life bro?

what the hell are you doing with your life bro?

Suffering from 5 or 6 different debilitating illnesses and therefore can't work or study (got kicked out of my stem college degree years ago), but luckily made a fuck ton in crypto. Anything else you'd like to know? Dipshit.

No fap is bullshit.

If you’re suffering from debilitating illnesses and you’re not able to work or get an education, then there’s your answer right there as to why you can’t get any pussy. How is society responsible for your personal dilemmas?

Honestly, I think I'd have better success putting my head through a brick wall than explaining the events of the past 15 years of my life to someone who's likely still a teenager and has experienced absolutely nothing in life. You can go peruse my older comments where I've elaborated to others who were a fuck ton more polite if you're that interested. If not, just let me know so I can block you.

I’m 20 years old and I’m in college. I’ve suffered from suicidal thoughts and depression as you likely have. After about 2 years of self pity I started to realize that most of my depression was caused by personal life choices. So I made the decision to stop watching porn and fapping. I started exercising and eating healthy and went from 290 pounds down to 210 and still working on it. I had social anxiety and still do to an extent but it’s getting less and less as I lose more weight and keep abstaining from porn and masturbation. I decided to start talking to people and make more friends and connections. My depression and suicidal thoughts are completely gone now.

My point is that everybody has had their crosses to bear, everyone has been through difficult times. It’s how one reacts to their situation that determines whether or not they’ll be depressed and suicidal. What certainly doesn’t help is getting on Reddit and complaining that no women want to fuck you and how that’s somehow society’s fault. Which I don’t know whether you personally say that, but the group you’re involved with does frequently.

What about the many incels who are neither fat nor balding?

The cartoon is a caricature, showing a stereotype. No one is saying every incel looks like that.

No one is saying every incel looks like that

Looking at how incels are represented in the media, could have fooled me

Show some examples

No one is saying every incel looks like that.


Because that’s what Incels are?

Hmmmm 🤔

I said all incels abhor their appearance, not that their appearance is fat and balding.

Calm down it's a joke


Nice username.


Making ridiculous caricatures has been a “joke” told about marginalized people throughout history.

It is reminiscent of things like this from back in the day. I think we both agree that “calm down it’s a joke” would be a stupid response to the “Coon caricature”.

Daring comparing offensive caricature about virgins to offensive caricatures about Negroes?


I know you’re joking, but for the sake of pre-emptying some IT users who think I really am, I’m just comparing two instances of caricatures being used to perpetuate stereotypes about groups of people, and saying that doing that only makes things worse for everyone in the long run. My comparison doesn’t go any deeper than that.

wtf is this shit

they hate us , we must hate them

lol @ the concept of "manchild". Women are treated as children throughout their entire lives.

They're treated better than children, in fact. 72% of women on the Titanic survived. 50% of children did. 16% of men did. No doubt if the men on board had complained they'd have been branded "manchildren" too.

I'm happy that at least 28% drowned

some did complain and they were branded as cowards

Ive had this discussion about drawing bad characters as ugly perpetuates implicit biases against ugly people on IT. Most of them just flat out rejected it with BS responses like “found the incel teehee” but some talked about it seriously with me and I feel like this is a point that could actually get through to a lot of them eventually.

It’s logically consistent with typical American liberal views and I think it’s a good springboard to get into a broader discussion about lookism.

Its from neckbeard things so they just drew themselves

They aren’t ugly enough in the picture tbh

Oh come on you can't tell me you don't run into these guys. I don't think this is a comment on all incels I think it is a comment on those hypocrites who are 3/10 and mean but want 10/10 and submissive regardless of weather they deserve it or not. I don't think this was meant for the guys actually suffering.

Baldie in the back framemogs of this sub into next year. Accurate drawing otherwise.

Looks = Personality


Interesting that people who categorize literally all of rest of society into "chads", "betacux", "staceys", "roasties", etc get pissed and offended when a generalisation is made about them.

As for the accuracy of the generalisation, yeah, I'm sure there are incels who aren't overweight and balding. But the point of this is that there are a lot of people on this forum who appear to be in giant pissing match over who's the ugliest and incel-iest, while simultaneously calling women roasties, landwhales, and idiots. It is that hypocrisy the cartoon is depicting.

What's hypocritical about being cognizant of your situation? Just because I'm ugly, doesn't mean I can't make fun of a roast beast sandwich for being fat.

And yet you, and others like you, can't see the parody of yourself in the cartoon. Interesting.

You're missing the point. What we're criticizing is the portrayal of incels as unattractive guys. Not because we aren't, but because it's coming from the same people that tell us that our looks aren't the reason we're alone. It's as though you all know that it's true, but refuse to acknowledge it.

No, I think it is you who is missing the point.

No u.

They're not offended by the generalization. They're noticing that the comic reinforces that their looks are the real problem.

When a man looks ugly, bad character traits are automatically attributed to him.

To be fair, that looks like a pic of most members of r/MGTOW, which is where you all will go when you get older.

Because satire isn't a thing anymore?

Not everything can be explained away with that word.

Not everything can be explained away with that word.

But this can

It's not satirizing anything, so no.

This is why you're incel