[Blackpill] Girls think liking videogames/anime is ok only if Tyrone or Chad are into it.

140  2018-05-06 by Gole_The_Shredder


Fucking hate bitches.

fucking kek sasook

It's like comic book conventions. They were only for nerd virgin losers who dressed up as their favorite characters until entertainment stars starting coming to them.

Now it's just an excuse for women to "cosplay" as a slutty version of whatever character they can.

"Yeah that character usually just wears fullplate armor, you barely see any of her skin"

"Well I'm cosplaying her on her day off :) shes relaxing in a chainmail bikini! Teehee"


It's like this picture. Cyclops has no costume with a midriff. Did she really want to dress up as Cyclops or does she just want attention?

It's fucking insane. At least make it look like your clothes have been slashed or burnt at the midriff. Come up with a backstory for dressing like a whore and I'd be fine with it.

Huge att whore example here

Liking videogames and anime is never okay


Fuck off. This is normie shit.

when you’re chad but you’ve been teleported from a 1980’s school movie into the modern reallife world

How to cope then

Foids are evil creatures.

This is why everyone thinks its such a big deal that Drake plays Fortnite.

fortnite is a normie game tho. the chads and chadlites at my school are always talking about it

Femaloids just want to invade male spaces

Women started getting into gaming during the 360/PS3 generation, at the exact moment Chad picked up Call of Duty and Madden/Fifa.



That's infuriating.

You do notice this isn't true, right? My friend introduced me to Death Note and I fell in love with anime instantly. At the time I still thought most anime lovers were weebos or what ever they're called, but the stories were good and I had the confidence to say "I like this, therefore I'll watch it." It had nothing to do with my friend (who was a fairly average looking guy and happily involved with someone else), but instead it had to do with MY passions and interests.

The video games one is equally wrong... sure, they're more popular among men, but it all has to do with enjoyment. I'm a hack and slasher, have been ever since I was introduced to Jaws on the PS2, but I've been playing ever since my mother bought me a Gameboy. I don't think a five year old cares about hot men, do you?

Here's the thing: I like coming to incel pages because it gives me a different perspective. Most of the time I tend to roll my eyes, but sometimes I can learn how something I think is perfectly platonic may come across as romantic; from these types of pages, I can learn how to alter my behavior to ensure my friends know my exact intentions. But then I come across comments like these.

Let's reverse it a bit here. Do some men think enjoying sewing/fashion is okay only because hot women are involved? Do some men think enjoying figure skating is okay only because hot women are skating with them? Do some men think being a hairstylist is okay only because there are hot women working beside them?

Not really, no. It has to do with passion, relieving stress and smiling when you've had a bad day. Sure, I'm positive at least one woman started watching anime or playing video games because a stereotypically attractive man was talking about it, but if every "attractive" man died tomorrow, you'll still have women playing games and watching anime.

It's a common dating tip for men to attend places and activities where there's a gender imbalance so you can get more attention from women even if you don't particularly enjoys said activity, dancing lessons being a common one, than hanging out on regular places with balanced male to female ratio where the competition is higher like a bar or a club, anime and games are the female version of this situation. The attention women receives from those places is off the chart and they don't even need to be conveniently pretty for this, and actually liking anime and games just make it a win-win situation.

Isn't that a different thing though? Women aren't gaming or watching anime to find a potential boyfriend/husband/one night stand, but instead just to enjoy themselves.

I will fully agree that we get too much attention in those categories, and some women definitely play into that because they enjoy said attention, but (most) of us just want to play our games or watch our shows.

Now, the whole concept of this post is that women only like games and anime because attractive guys like them. It's not saying that we're playing for fun in addition to looking for a significant other, but insinuates that we only play/watch to impress guys we think are attractive. That's just simply not true and only does one of two things:

  1. Makes "braincels" look like they feel like they're the superior gender (which I don't think is true for most of you), or

  2. Makes people believe stuff like this. Think of an echo chamber situation, for lack of a better example.

I'm sure the vast majority of braincels are good guys. I'm pretty positive most braincels would make good boyfriends and husbands. I'll even agree that some women are too vain! With that in mind, I feel as if there are three issues that exist within the online (keyword there, online) braincel/incel/etc culture: a lack of respect towards women, a lack of respect towards other men, and a lack of confidence. Occassionally there is a sense of entitlement, but typically it's not too prevalent in the majority.

It's absolutely okay to vent. It's okay to feel frustrated. It's okay to be mad. I do it all the time when I'm the odd one out with my friends and their boyfriends/husbands.

But you are all so much better than this. Generalizations that make women look like heartless, brainless, overly sexual, and/or cruel creatures are just as crappy as generalizations that make men look like stupid, testosterone-fueled, horny, lumbering jerks.

I may disagree with some things braincels/incels think. I may shake my head and sigh after reading some threads. Half the time I just want to scream "Just do this!" when I see a thread saying that they're having issues flirting. Still, I want to respect how each of you feel and typically don't respond when I see things I disagree with. That being said, remember that adding stuff like this just doesn't make sense and detracts from the credibility you all probably want.

This is just a single woman's perspective. I know I probably think a little differently about things, but I thought I'd add my two cents anyways.

I'm sure most women watch anime and play videogames because they actually like them and not for attention, but you need to understand that there's a trend about pandering to males in those hobbies because some people believe there's money to be made from them, just look at the "female cosplayer who posts all her work on Reddit and promotes her Patreon" character that's overwhelming the nerds communities.

There's also the gender discrimination, women who plays videogames or watch anime are seen as innocent, even more "pure" (in a "not a slut" way) to a point it became a commercial male fantasy with TV shows like Netoge, Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu, and OreImo hitting the shelves, while male fans are just made fun for being weird and asocial. So when you compare those discrepancies, it really feels you're being mistreated and used.