Feelin kinda cute today. What do you guys think my chances are with some good roast sometime soon?

56  2018-05-06 by HomelessJew-


Maybe if you bashed every Chad's head in like cavemen used to do.

Take the caveman pill bro

In caveman days, we would have been weeded out long ago.

Good, I would rather get killed than live a life like this

Tfw when you would have been chad in 200,000 BC but were born in the wrong time. Prayers out brother.

Lol, you're kisding yourself if you think that. This early man would have used your head to sharpen his flint axe then fucked your mother so she could produce an offspring who wasn't an evolutionary dead end.

If you ever want to see an incel's fantasy movie, watch "Caveman!" featuring Ringo Starr.

It's over when you're a Neandercel

Hairline mogs me.

Kirin that brow bone

Pls don't dox me

Nice hair cut

Just chase 'em bro.

Masculine af. Sexually dimorphism out the ass.