Sick of violent fakecels.

60  2018-05-06 by just-chillen1029

People with full chins, a nose smaller than three inches, and a neutral-positive canthal tilt. Maybe you’re a virgin cause you’re violent.

Some of us have good personalities, some of us try to be good for staceys. But violent fakecels? You guys are virgins cause you want to kill people. It really just is your head that’s messed up. You paint all incels like this bluepilled violent group that has no desire for sexual success or freedom for men, but as people who look for sexual domination and complete control over ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, the complete OPPOSITE of the red/blackpill. You know, like slavery.

For my actual incels here, I want you guys to report fakecels that seem violent (advocate murder and stuff of the like). Report them because they could be one of two people: Incel Tears frequent who want to paint us as disgusting people OR an actual violent person that is dangerous to the public. We don’t need another alek minassian or Eliot roger in this world.


Or maybe we're violent because nobody will love us. Just shut the fuck up.

report yourself to the FBI. If you’re not ugly, nobody will love you because you’re a garbage human being.

Cough up the blackpill. You don’t belong here.

You literally has a post on a free karma subreddit, only posted on gaming subreddits until some hours ago, nice use of your alt normalfag

This is my alt.

On top of that gaming is the only thing I have. I have no friends to talk to or hang out with, I have to girlfriend or girls to talk to. I have nothing but gaming. If i didn't have gaming I would kill myself. It's been this way for my whole life and it's not changing so go fuck yourself.

Women would be definitely

If we were violent women might be more attracted to us.

I get that man but it isn’t worth it. I see the tumblr pages for nikolas Cruz too, I feel bad too. But alek and Eliot had no right calling themselves incel. They weren’t bad looking. There were violent. Yes that’s why women want them, but that’s also why there aren’t incel. Hope I shed some light on my point

Elliot was a framecel manlet with almost zero sexual dimorphism in some pictures.

Alek mogs him to the fucking moon and back. Even cruz mogs him in my opinion.

That's straight up dumb as fuck dude. I dont even know what kind of cope that is? The pretty boys and art school kids i used to see with plenty of bitches were not violent and nonconfrontational.

I mean I’m a “pretty boy” and girls always dropped me after they said they liked me and I’m guessing it was because I was extremely passive. Like I don’t even know how to make a move whatsoever.

Shit happened to me too dude. One night stands every few months with no long term success for years.

Just get the fuck out of here. You get sex, get out of here.

Are you too good for hookers?

I've done that shit too, maybe you should try it.

I'm under 18 and I can barely ask someone to help me with my homework. There is no way I can ask a woman to have sex with me for money.

If you’re under 18, you’re not an “incel”, you’re a child.

Same had multiple gfs and sexual partners but it never worked out in the long term. I'm truecel.

At least girl give you the time of day. Girls will flirt with me once and then completely ghost me fuck them.

Personality is actually your issue lmao. Gotta have the moves, man.


Yeah like when you "get pussy." Don't speak of things you know nothing about.

Fucking fakecel.


You get my point though, good looking men who could land a Stacey ruin their chances because all the talk about is murder and rape. And not even that, they should be reported to the FBI. I promise you I don’t want to die in a murder spree carried out by a fakecel cause he couldn’t get laid. Good point though

Completely get your point. I struggled with the idea of toxic masculinity being responsible for harming men the way it does until I found this place. The other thing that baffles me that it is less about them being physically attractive and more about trying to force oppressive cultural norms on women from a culture that has moved away from them (notice how I didn't say progressed?).

They should just admit they want to bag a republican stacey for a good little housewife, which would only highlight what the problem really is... right-wing staceys don't want currycels or muslimcels, and autismcels won't get right-wing stacey because autismcel would get his jaw punched further in for trying to suggest the sort of shit right-wing stacey would do.

It's like watching a chiuhauha chase its own tail, then get surprised that it hurts when it bites it.

if toxic masculinity is such an "issue" why are you encouraging it by sexually selecting for it? you do realize that if women mated with men who subverted gender expectations, men would emulate those behaviors in order to be reproductively successful.

You're implying that I selected chat as a partner based on... what... exactly?

the overarching sexual strategy of females :2

i can say with complete certainty you've had sex with high SMV men at the very least in the context of one night stands. feel free to lie and tell me im wrong for the sake of winning a discussion on the internet :2

You're wrong, I don't do one night stands.

dont do or havent done? :2

I don't see the point in sleeping with someone and letting them get that intimate with me if they aren't going to be in my life.

Implying the people here would go for a stacy in the first place. You're aware that that's how you get the remnants of your self esteem crushed.

I'm just going on impressions made by their obsession with stacy. You don't dump that much vitriol about someone without there being something there.

I'm just going on impressions made by their obsession with stacy

Maybe it's based in the frustration that those types of people have/will never give them the time of day. But it's obviously pointless telling you this since you can't relate.

You have no way of knowing about anything in this regatd unless you'd get to know the people here (which won't happen given that you like posting accusatory comments).

Your attempt at armchair psychology is not appreciated or solicited.

Hey, if I'm saying this, then almost every norman that comes here is thinking it. Instead of bitching, moaning, and spitting bile at everyone, maybe they should figure out some coherent sort of message that doesn't revolve around redistribution of sex, taking away women's rights, and other inherently violent methods of solving their problems. People might take them seriously.

Hey, if I'm saying this, then almost every norman that comes here is thinking it

Except we have multiple people here who actually listen and know better.

Instead of bitching, moaning, and spitting bile at everyone

You could also just leave instead of playing thought police.

revolve around redistribution of sex, taking away women's rights, and other inherently violent methods of solving their problems.

Except not everyone here is advocating that. More accusatory bullshit.

People might take them seriously.

Except they were never taken seriously by people like you on ForeverAlone for instance either.

Except not everyone here is advocating that. More accusatory bullshit.

not everyone It's a common enough theme and there's not sticky post saying that this isn't the view of the mods or an attitude they condone. Staying silent is the mods saying they are okay with it. As a female, I'm paying attention, because these are people talking about decisions that could affect me. As if I'm not going to engage.

Except they were never taken seriously by people like you on ForeverAlone for instance either.

So the default is to just give up or let animosity fester... know what happens when that gets out of hand?

Staying silent is the mods saying they are okay with it.

Removing posts that break reddit tos and vocally disagreeing, in my case, is apparently staying silent now. Nice job trying to drag the mods through the mud.

Accusatory bullshit, strike two.

As a female, I'm paying attention, because these are people talking about decisions that could affect me. As if I'm not going to engage.

Except no one here is going to do jackshit, as they keep saying multiple times. If they do talk about it and break the rules with it, it gets removed.

So the default is to just give up or let animosity fester... know what happens when that gets out of hand?

Given that people like you can't leave the folks here be, the animosity is going to get worse. And what do you suggest? People just “get over“ being lonely all their lives? Piss off.

some of us try to be good for staceys

Yes be a good little cuck.

You paint all incels like this bluepilled violent group

I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about at all. Stopped reading.

??? Sexual liberty =\= rape. That’s where actual incels differentiate from violent fakecels. Nothing is more pathetic than running over 10 people to death cause you can’t get laid.

??? Sexual liberty =\= rape.

Was that supposed to be an argument? Have you ever considered that you might be a retardcel? Stacey ain't going to fuck a retard no matter how nice you are, dude.

go outside just once please

Not people, women. And not ugly women either, they can share our pain in some capacity. But beautiful women need to know what it feels like. They get everything they want all their life and have nothing to worry about. They deserve some sort of pain.

By the way, you say you "try to be good for staceys" but in another comment a few days ago you said "we hate Stacys". Pretending to be nice isn't going to get you laid.

r/nobody asked


Good luck being a two-faced piece of shit.

Good luck coping

Why is feminism getting upvoted here?

We need to put all women in concentration camps, away from the civilized world. If we need more kids, there are always sperm banks.

What's so blackpilled about trying to be good for Staceys? That's just cope. The truth contained in the blackpill is that it doesn't fucking matter what we do. We can be as sweet as high fructose corn syrup, or as toxic as cyanide. It doesn't make any difference.

Right, but I would rather incels be sweet than like, kill people. I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying I would be angry if I died in a shooting spree committed by a fakecel because he couldn’t get laid

You're right and you're wrong. Yes, the rare crazy idiot who rants about women in his manifesto before mass murdering reflects badly on everybody who can't get laid, but you're stupid if you think making a special effort to report them will make any difference whatsoever. I mean that in two ways:

  • Most of these guys had diagnosed, documented, serious mental illnesses and were still failed by the institutions who are supposed to recognize and help them, or at least keep them from harming others. Their own teachers tried to talk to the cops. He wasn't incel, but did you know that the parents of Eric Harris from Columbine's friends tried to talk to the police about how he was dangerous more than thirty times?

  • They will always hate us for being ugly and unfuckable. Last week our problem was we were "entitled", this week we're responsible for the Toronto shooting, next week they'll probably declare, I dunno, maybe virgin men working in software are secretly sabotaging cars to kill women? It sounds like the usual baseless nonsense.

I am a nonfakecel violentcel. I'm not going to actually do anything, but I sure as hell get a laugh out of people who do.


I don't wanna hurt anybody, foids are just terrible lol.

You talking to the wrong ones

Ain't no right ones

That really doesn’t sound right. There are nerdy girls out there who don’t care about looks and rather have someone to connect with over an interest. The girls you guys talk about with their chads do exist but really not every female is looking for lust. Most of them aren’t. I never did, 34 and have only been with 3 men. Been happily with my husband for the last 13 years and we play overwatch together every night. You’re not going to find your “right one” on tinder that’s for sure.

This is the attitude that leads to sexual intimacy...

Oh I know :D ain't gotta tell me

nice concern troll.

you have to realize that the people who are painting incels with that brush are not reasonable - they could care less whether you're "good" or "bad".

trying to self-censor will not placate them. they wont give you a chance regardless.

with the innate disposability of men perhaps its better that virgins are feared, regardless of whether that fear is valid (it isnt), as otherwise nothing will ever change.

you think people care about male suicide? -_-

to reiterate, im not condoning or encouraging any sort of violence, im merely saying being an incel tom will not yield the result you're looking for. :2

If i can get one shooting to not happen cause someone reported a violent fakecel, I would be happy enough. I get what you’re saying, but i feel as though my point is still valid

Big words. Incels have no philosophy, no unambiguous definitions. If you had those things you wouldn't be the hopeless, passionless 3rd class citizens you're purporting to be. Catch-22, try reading a book.

This isnt incels; this is braincels.

Same problem though. Look at the page banner. Clean face, symmetrical, center stage being crowned by angels. I don't know what it means, maybe it's some famous painting or whatever, but is that guy incel? I don't think so, he's not ugly enough to meet the criteria. Is he chad then, humiliating you with his watchful big brother gaze? Highly doubt it, he just looks like a random chump.

Incel culture and philosophy is like a shotgun blast of spaghetti, coherent in theme perhaps, but otherwise soft and all over the place.