Virgin vs. Chad Tinder Profiles

126  2018-05-06 by TheRealTrueDarkLord


Yeah, that guy on the right is me.

I know my English is not good, but fuck it, I'm not there to write an essay about the application of Musashi's Five Rings Book and how it applies to everyday living, I just wanna get balls deep in bitches while y'all are busy watching the latest episode of My Little Pony.

Motherfucking faggots.


Lol guy on the right looks like a bully out of a cartoon

Dude, clearly a shop. Plus, he looks more like soldier out of tf2.

honestly the only thing that's shopped is the hair, to look more like the chad character

He’s a guy who got disowned by his family for going to Charlottesville who posted an AMA on /pol/. Forget his name though.

This genuinely made me crack up. Well done

Literally Loling

The guy on the left is much better looking then the one on the right. But hey what do I know?

Both of them are still undateable right?

The left is also photoshopped. Here's the original -

Holy fucking mother of incel

Mouth area is everything.

Saint is so hot when he smiles. My panties dropped for him Teheee

Guy on the right lookd like shit. Acromegaly snd weak chin.

How is that a weak chin lol what does a strong chin look like to you

Our Saviour gets handsomer every day! swoon (no homo)

Black ops 2 guy is good looking when smiling.

I don’t think there is a more normie name out there than Craig. He probably has a wife named Sharon, a son named Dale and a daughter named Amy.

I'd fuck 'em just based on the line, "I eat more pussy than a coyote let loose in the suburb" Who wouldn't fuck a man like that? Also, he lifts weights AND has the power of God on his side? Full package right here, I tell ya what!

The virgin isn't even ugly....He's just super skinny, which can obviously be worked upon. You guys give pathetic a whole other meaning, honestly.

It’s photoshopped

The Chad obviously is....Are you talking about Craig too?

Chad is barely photoshopped while St. BlackOps2Cel look 10x better with that photoshopped smile.

Yeah I actually stumbled upon the same guy with the original picture after I posted that comment on a different forum (not reddit). I He is ugly as fuck, but facially I see uglier on a daily basis. I standby the fact that he can get a lot better. Gaining weight would be a big start. Also, don't forget how much the Black Ops shirt (validly) colors others' perception of him.

The guy on the right looks like the Chad drawing that’s posted here

i think that was the goal of the shop

Yuck the Chad one is way grosser! Damn

Has anyone done a tinder experiment with smiling blackops2cel? I bet he would actually get some success

Just take out that "cause apparently that matters" part out of his profile, that is some loser girl shit

You're in luck, someone did do that in real life, what with being hideous and looking like a Giraffe, and it turns out they still get rejected for, not only looking like a Giraffe, but being a humongous faggot as well.

Nice! Can I get the full report of that?

That Chad description LMFAO

honestly the only thing that's shopped is the hair, to look more like the chad character