[IMPORTANT] Hey people making posts asking for an explanation of the incel mentality, get in here!

30  2018-05-05 by NutNotBusted

you are not ENTITLED to an explanation.

You are welcome. Have a good day.


I get explanations every day bro. They're not that great. Forget about them.

Or explanation of terms that are used

Why do they feel so entitled

White + male = being told they never experienced any true adversity (the truest form of perceived entitlement) juxtaposed to the probability that they have experienced the horrific adversity, in the form of social abuse. The abuse can stem from home life, but definitely into social constructs, as well. Something they probably experienced their entire public education.

Imagine being shown that you should be an alpha male. You’re entitled to women. You’re entitled to success. Imagine experiencing all of that and failing. Or simply being a late bloomer.

Socially ostracized, they have found a commonality in others who have missed major social milestones. They are subject to group think & hive mind. Like a blind man describing sight to a blind man, they continue to miss major life milestones as they become more emotionally, physically, and psychologically unstable because they belong to an incel group. As hatred and devaluation is a baseline for acceptance to the incel community/like minded individuals. The toxicity continues who distance them from “chads” or any potential for rehabilitation.

They resent women because they probably haven’t had much positive interaction with women. Their interactions with women have probably been in high school or younger type settings. Experiencing emotional/verbal abuse from an adult is also highly likely. So while peers their age are growing up, changing, and learning to take care of themselves & others - Incels are trapped in a vicious cycle of abuse where abuse is the norm, and they have now become the abuser. Everyone believes their moral compass is center. Including incels. Their level of abuse/inappropriate behavior becomes so derogatory (rape fantasies, mass murder, calling all women whores, anyone who has ever been laid “chad” etc.) that they actually wind up ostracizing themselves from any other community. So they, unfortunately, most likely remain incels because non-incels, have matured, see the red flags of their behavior and decide that their behavior is undeniably unsafe and that the risk isn’t worth the reward.

As far bastard would say “I eat because I am unhappy and I am unhappy because I eat” the same mentality applies to incel groups. The group enables them to express their anger, and frustration. But their anger and frustration is what enables their situation to get worse.

They devalue what they want most as a coping mechanism.

The most interesting component is how female incels cope with similar life styles.

A lot of female incels become so after rape attempts, gaining weight, having health issues, emotional issues, bad relationships etc. similarly they may have hygiene issues much like some male incels.

Anyone who identifies with the behavior and ideals of incels should strongly consider therapy. Where they actually have a opportunity to heal. Where they can gain tools, coping mechanisms, and life skills that will actually help them change their future and not be a part of such a dangerous community that is probably the most damaging to the incel at the end of the day.

Loneliness is one hell of a thing.

Stfu and out