[IMPORTANT] Beware of people sending you links in PMs, DO NOT CLICK THEM, it is very likely they are trying to dox you/hack you

63  2018-05-05 by NutNotBusted

There is a cunt spamming links in PMs, they are most likely some IT cunt or other fags trying to fish you and installing some vicious software.

Do not trust these cunts guys.


Yeah I got one saying it’s some sort of article that will change my life I ain’t clicking that shit

Well done

Bro just click on life changing spam

Bro just click on life changing spam if you want women. You clearly haven't tried everything.


^ sarcasm

tell the mods and have them sticky an announcement

I clicked it is it over for me?

the police will be here at any moment for you arrest

yup, you're going to the incel concentration camp tomorrow morning

Bye guys


Don't worry you can pick what color rope you use.

Lmao, rip boyo

clicking on anything you don't recognize/trust

Any faggot who doesn't practice OPSEC deserves it.

we should have something like this stickied at all times tbh, this is super common for incels communities

who is it?

tag the fag

tag the fag

Made me lol.

No one ever sends me PMs.


hack from link??? wtf cuck

i thought u are all it pros and every1 knows u cant be hacked from a link

some1 pm me or post this b/s link here to prove my point

ur like my elderly neighbour who is to afraid to answer calls to strangers "because maybe rob me"

this stupidity explains why u incels in the first place if u believe this shit

any it-related specialist can confirm my words


dont be a fool of bullshit

Yes, it is possible, it is called fishing dumbass.

So my point stands - majority of people here are iqcels.

The owner of sites can use cookies to see who you are.

They only have access to cookies from their website so given that we will not be active there at all there is nothing they can do with them

They can leave a cookie to track him as he goes.