This the final form of a roastie after years of having sex and being ploughed by guys in college

124  2018-05-05 by NutNotBusted



Lol but pretty hilarious too lol. Well done if you drew it yourself.

Username checks out


The bull gave her wings


Every time a bell rings a roastie gets her wings.

When you’re so incel you don’t understand basic human anatomy and how bodies work 👀🤣

I bet you can fly at sound speed with your flappy roastie

I do, at Mach speed 🚀💨






when you're so normie that you predictably and stupidly think we're being serious about the roastie meme

Just like /r/Incels only made "jokes" about raping women right?

idk, i haven't been here that long, i've only been here for 2 months, and 2 months before that, I was making fun of incels for being losers

never used r/incel, never even heard the term until recently.

/r/incel is what IT people act like /r/braincels is like.

It was full of extremely violent ideations. There is a reason it was banned while this sub hasn't been.

Yes, exactly.

Virgins raping multiple women.

Hmm, something doesn't add up here

You are walking in the woods and you find a crying bloodied girl who was recently raped. What do you do?

Check your map. You're walking in a circle.


Cuck light, cuck bright.. First cuck I see tonight. Get outta here cuck lol I think you're lost r/IncelTears Go back home to your friends.

when you're reaching a tad too hard to be offended

When you’re so incel you call others normie

I am, they literally do look like roast beef.

Yeah because you think that makes normies look stupid and not you.

"I was pretending to say stupid untrue shit guys! Take my red pills seriously!"


This is super obviously a joke to get people angry, but let's just assume that there was a group of people that genuinely believed this, why would it matter if a big group of drooling idiots actually believed that your labia grows each time you have intercourse (with a new penis)

Because they vote, and therefore they affect everyone's lives.

okay, fair enough, I mean, but even if that was true (which it mostly isn't) how big is this community of supposedly drooling idiots who aren't just being edgy who thinks vaginas have penis sensors, cameras, and image comparison processing algorithms that tells the labia to grow each time it is fucked by a new dick

There’s small groups of oddballs that believe all kinds of really stupid, wrong, pathetic stuff though. And they add up

Most of us are here because we feel grief from our sexuality though. These people just feel insecure and insulted at times because they feel they are sexually inadequate, which can be a large insult to a person's self-esteem, I think they just enjoy insulting women because they think it can put it on supposedly more even playing field, and insulting and bullying to try to make girls ashamed and unwanted for their labia size is probably just the best way to do that. Even though I don't think it works because we are just a whole bunch of lonely depressed virgins on the internet, a social clout of scarce magnitudes. Personally I don't partake in the roastie meme, but it can be funny at times, and there is a point to how in the new age revolution penises are far more open to insults than vagina's, at least from my interpretation, for example. It's easy to be depressed when you feel as if there is nothing at the end of tunnel. I think this is just a method of "Cope"

When is allowing the spread of false and derogatory information a wise thing to do? This might be a funny meme for this community but it's real life misogyny. If people believe this they inherently believe that a woman who has multiple sexual partners is worth less. It's genuinely hurtful to hear, regardless of the seriousness behind the claim, that we are worth less for who we are - you'd think this community would get that.

Okay let me try to digest this. If your vagina expands with each dick you take, so, according to some losers on the internet who aren't getting laid or entering romantic relationships anyway, your romantic value/ sexual value decreases. That shouldn't be an issue. Is it hurtful to hear, well I supposed that a whole bunch of people who identify as "subhuman, autistic , loser, virgins" would have such little social clout that it would hard to be offended by it, but the word virgin is used outside silly memes to imply someone (particularly males) as social failures, which even isn't a choice, having multiple sexual partners is a choice, and your insults are from losers rather than people with higher social clout. I personally don't think a women whose had multiple sexual partners is worth less as a person (unless you are cheating which is despicable), if it is too high though I would personally feel insecure about holding a monogamous relationship. Keep in mind most of us are socially isolated people, a mal-formed social skills, a good proportion without robust social connections (not all of us though) , it is like getting your career insulted by a homeless person. This is ignoring the fact that this meme is silly on so many levels, even just knowing it not to be a fact should be enough not to be offended. If you have a micropenis it is a known fact that girls prefer about 6.5 inches long and about 6.3 inches in girth the most. Literally no guy is talking about labia size. And certainly no one is judging your ability to perform tasks, especially outside the bedroom, on your labia size or how many dicks you've taken

I think your numbers are off, 6.3 inches in girth would be too thick to fit in most girls and be painful.

6.3 inches = 16.0 centimetres.

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Yeah it’s actually 6.3/5.0 girth, now that I think about 6.3 is quite large


It's kind of incredible how the internet gives everyone an equal voice. People who would be entirely ignored in real life (for all the reasons you mentioned) can actually hurt people online, even when it makes no sense. Women, of course, seem to capitalize on this amazing invention by using it to compare themselves to any image they stumble across (even cartoons) and to care even more about being attractive to/accepted by everyone - with "everyone" suddenly taking on a much larger group of people and now including men they wouldn't even realize existed if not for their internet connection. Amazing.

While a fair point, I would find it hard to buy that women are nearly as insecure of orders of magnitudes about their inner labia size as men are about their penis size. Posts will go viral on twitter making fun of small dicks and how it makes you less of a man, if I was someone who suffered from micropenis it would be absolutely terrible. Because, let's be honest, the only person seeing your labia is the person you are having sex with so this has everything to do with sexual insecurity, something we don't even do.

That larger group of people to appeal to makes any negative reframing much easier.

We post these roastie memes because you guys reply to them.

Every. Single. Time.

are you the retard in this scenario? you're the one who came into the sub

Well then, now I understand.

Don't come around here to taunt and bully. It's not a good look. Trolling? Sock puppeting sociopath maybe? What gets you off about trashing people?


Has a roast beef vagina


Would still smash


I wonder how many femoids this post triggered, JFL.

Incels are mad they're not having sex, and are disgusted by women who are having as much sex as they'd like to have... r u ok? why don't you just fuck each other then?

Stop hurting my feelings you bully

I mean, it is fairly obvious. We don't get fucked

This is not bragging I'm just old... I had to laugh about college years though...y'all are so young. Dorks. Lord.

I think some ladies have labia exposed even when they are virgins, and ladies like my wife who I can confirm at age 40 has has been plowed like...7000 times. She has literally been filled with gallons. (Let's say, about a half teaspoon per go, that's what 9 gallons of my love?) she still has a tiny perfect vagina. It snaps back, it's amazing. They do that.

I think it's CHILDBIRTH that "wrecks"that shit. We had all c-sections. (She... I didn't do shit) I cannot confirm this is the case, but I can assure you that a girl who has sex at 17 and gets pregnant after only a few times, has natural childbirth, will absolutely have a larger vagina than my old and very well " used"wife. And the thing is, even after childbirth those miles are NOTHING to complain about.

So while I kind of get the meme, especially from inexperienced... what I don't get is don't you see girls with tiny vaginas in porn as well?

I don't want you guys to miss out because of completely false assumptions about anatomy. You're going to need to do more research if you're serious about your obstacles. No one is perfect, you should know that better than anyone. Stop worrying g about looks find people who think you're fun and interesting. It's way more important. Have fun in the daylight have sex in the dark.

How is making stupid memes that get people angry serving as an obstacle (no I don't make these personally)

Found the dicklet

Nice cope virgin.

stop worrying about looks

Fuck off with your gaslighting bullshit, normie. Not getting embarrassed again because of people like you.

tfw dont know how vaginas work cuz never seen or felt one in person bcuz I get all mah info from 4chan

Someone has a giant vagina

Someone has is a giant vagina

She's empowered now.

Everytime a femoid gets baited by the roastie meme. I hold off roping just a day longer. Its my Life fuel.

Hey, quick question. If one girl fucks one guy all her life long but still has sex each day, or if a girl fucks different guys all her life long, why do you think only one of those two scenarios fucks up a vagina? You realize that vaginas become tight again, after, not having sex for like a week?

Well then, now I understand.


While a fair point, I would find it hard to buy that women are nearly as insecure of orders of magnitudes about their inner labia size as men are about their penis size. Posts will go viral on twitter making fun of small dicks and how it makes you less of a man, if I was someone who suffered from micropenis it would be absolutely terrible. Because, let's be honest, the only person seeing your labia is the person you are having sex with so this has everything to do with sexual insecurity, something we don't even do.

That larger group of people to appeal to makes any negative reframing much easier.