This cat approached me;')

243  2018-05-05 by Blackpilltales


Animals sense pain and heartache

I swear if you filled a pit full of incels, they'd manage to swim out just because of their crying in a self-pity circlejerk.

Leave and never come back

Oh, I'm sorry I interrupted your pity-jerk.

Grow a fucking spine.

Grow empathy, fucking jackass.

Complaining about complainers. Don't ever think or call yourself better, because you really aren't. Nobody asked you to come here and be a condescending fuck, but you shitheads say the same things all the time. Your vileness honestly pisses me the fuck off.

How you gonna talk about growing a heart when 90% of this sub advocates for subsidized sex slaves?

Did you make the statistic yourself?

90% of this sub advocates for subsidized sex slaves?

Bold percentage. Do you think people are fucking serious about that shit?

I love when people show up to be an asshole thinking somehow that's going to help or change us in any possible way.

You're telling meto grow a heart when you creeps routinely dehumanize women? That's fucking rich.

You losers deserve every moment of your misery.

Another lovely personality, you must be a woman slayer!

Mogs me.

"The only pussy I will ever touch. Later, virgins!"

Lol cya losers

What a beautiful cat. Mogs me hard

Also im sorry about your curryceldom

I'm African UK

Oh ok

How are you viewed in the UK as an ethnik?

All ethnics are it's like a white person who was born and raised in China but obviously he actually can't be "Chinese" just white Chinese

Wait are you OUTSIDE?


not being a /nightwalk/

Those eyes 😍


Truecels only are treated well by Animals, like lord Azavii said.

Chad cat

StBlack2opscel sent you an angel when you were in need

Chad get out

I hate that cat because he MOGS ME

Predator eyes

That a fuckin nice kitty right there.

That cat is definitley incel...he has no chin or a chad jaw line.

But those hunter eyes though

what a cutie


sorry lads

dogs are a normie pet

You have to be well adjusted to take dogs for walks, or an asshole that keeps them outside so they can be flee bitten and annoy the neighbors.

(S)he's cute. I'm not religious but I sometimes think that cats are guardian angels sent to this world to protect the weak and depressed.

Except my sister's cat this cat has no shill and only give a fuck about you when he is hungry or want to go outside.

Cat is best animal.

qt as fuck. I love my cats.

Even cats won't approach me :(

Sorry, not sorry. What kind of skin color is that? It's over mate.

He is so beautiful!
