Major freudpill incoming

242  2018-05-05 by VartanX


how do I post a picture next to my post ?

I hate these because i click on it thinking it's an actual legit quote and then quickly realize it's a joke. I wish they were real so i could use them as arguments

"Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose."

Robin Williams

Citations are not arguments

What do you mean with it's a joke?

Freud never actually said that. I would find it much more interesting if Freud actually said a legit quote that supported the blackpill.

His name is written right under the quote, how did he not said it?


I mean he also saw mother-son incest everywhere he looked, so...

he was talking about subconscious feelings.

Don't use other people's quotes to argue your cause. If you can't defend it with your own words you've got a problem

No matter what i say no one will listen since im an incel.

Sure they will. It's better to hear it from the source. Can't promise they will agree with you though

No they won't. I've said the most basic stuff and people laughed at me. I said humans originated in Africa and because im known as an ugly autistic outcast everyone laughed and said "sure they did, sure we did, ohhh ok" and rolled their eyes. Finally a upper-normie overheard and said "it's true we did" and the females were like "oh really, how, i never knew that". He explained to them EXACTLY what i said, how humans evolved in Africa and migrated after that. And they went "oh wow, i.. um never knew that".

Women are mindless automatons.

Aw damn..

What's the joke?

You should never reference Freud in a legitimate argument/debate. Pretty much everyone knows he was full of shit.

First off pretty much no one knows who Freud is outside of reddit

Second he's literally the basis of modern psychology.

Noone in academia recognize his ideas as valid.

Then why did i have a dream i fucked my mother? I thought that was normal because it's a subconscious thing innate in all of us.

n=1 isn't all that valid

i don't know what you mean by that.

It's a statistical argument. You can't make inferences about a group if you only look at one sample.

Ie. If you only go to taco Bell, you'll have a very limited idea of what a taco tastes like.

So why did i have a dream about having sex with my mom?

Some people have sexy moms.

Tell me about your mother... (while holding corndog)

I'm loving these fake quotes memes lmao

It's funny because it's damn true

Man I am loving these

I've made this fake quote cuz I am so sick of cuck on foreveralone sub (from which I was banned) complaining how "muh social anxiety is the reason why I am a virgin at 30". No, morons, the very reason why you have social anxiety is because you've been ostracized your entire life precisely because of your ugliness!!!