Brutal blackpill: It's not women's fault that they're not attracted to you.

96  2018-05-05 by GymcellingisCope1



I just waiting, in the right time the rope will come and I will accept it.

Nor is it society's fault.

Fuck that, society let people that would have perished thousand of years ago at birth survive thanks to modern medicine, they give free surgeries to trannies, we Incels DESERVE(according to the modern range of the word) a chance too, give us free surgeries.

Which society? Gender reassignment is expensive as SHIT in the U.S. Some of my trans buddies are going into major debt for it.

I heared that Canada and Europe subsidizes those things.

Some parts of Europe (it is a ton of different countries after all), and I'm pretty sure Canada does. I think incels really do deserve more help than they get, it isn't fair.

Some of my trans buddies

Having multiple trans buddies

Shiggy Diggy

Huh? What does that mean?

Shiggy diggy doo

I sincerely have no idea what this phrase means.

This is first world problems.

Babies do die every day from genetic defects or starvation. A random lottery decided their fate as to where they were born and there's not modern medicine available for them because their parents can't afford it (let alone food).

Knowing that happens, why do incels deserve free surgery?

Because being ugly in the modern western world is the equivalent of having Cancer permanently without it allowing you to die, read "Whatever" by houllebecq normalfag

"Modern western world" is not most of the world.

And even in the some of the modern western world, you are allowed to die with cancer without being treated for it, if you can't afford healthcare. Happens every day.

If a US state is not paying for someone's radiation and chemotherapy, why should they fund your surgery?

The US is not the center of the world amerimutt

lol I'm not American, I'm Canadian with universal health and a lot of necessary healthcare still aren't free even for the people with cancer. So pay for your own shit, incel.

Or ask you're parents and family to chip in. If anything it's partly their "fault".

Self-pitying retard. But I kind of agree with you. I am in favour of a socialized healthcare system that with decent mental health resources, up to and including surgical solutions to extreme body image issues. Thing is, even after surgery you will still be a mentally stunted misogynist. To fix that you can start today

I seriously doubt a surgery is going to help anything.

Try having a nose that looks like it was crushed by a Hammer.

$7000 CDN in my city for a nose job. Save up.

Society sets beauty standards. These things are not set in stone genetically. Different cultures have different conceptions of beautiful, although there is an overlap.

Moreover, gynocentrism and the normalization of female sexual degeneracy is certainly society's fault. That is the real root of the problem. Incels were fine under monogamous patriarchies. Your ancestors all got laid, but they had the same genes as you.

lmfao. You are saying it was better when women didnt have a choice so they could be forced to chose you. Your ancestors also had to learn not to be socially awkward and are probably nothing like you.

Your ancestors also had to learn not to be socially awkward and are probably nothing like you.

Who said I'm socially awkward?

You are saying it was better when women didnt have a choice so they could be forced to chose you

Yes, it was much better.

News at 10. Incel doesn't think he's socially awkward but thinks that women shouldnt be allowed to choose partners.

So most Muslims are socially awkward?

In America, yes. That's why they stick to their own social groups. Do you expect me to be pro muslim or something?

You can support something personally and not be socially awkward. It's easy to have personal thoughts that do not enter real life conversations

Thats not what I was saying. Yes Muslims are socially awkward here. Duh. You cant think women who show their faces are whores without weird looks in America. Why'd you bring them up?

So everyone who sticks to their own social groups is awkward? Basically 99% of the population?

Muslims don't go to pool parties and tell women not to fuck who they want and you know why

Incel doesn't think he's socially awkward

Because it's true. I'm ugly, but that doesn't imply that I'm socially awkward.

but thinks that women shouldnt be allowed to choose partners

This was the norm throughout human history, yes.

It was also the norm to die before 40, that killing wasnt that big of a deal, that god watched you masturbate, and a whole bunch of other primitive shit youve abandoned. We walked through much of history get rid of your car..

It was also the norm to die before 40

That wasn't a norm. It wasn't, like, something people wanted. I'm talking about social norms.

that killing wasnt that big of a deal

Pretty sure killing has always been frowned upon.

that god watched you masturbate

That's possible. Perhaps God exists.

Societal norms change. For good reason. You cant just cry because you dont like them. Society used to put you in jail for being poor or kill you for being not white. GOOD OLD DAYS to you I guess.

Some changes are good, some aren't. Female sexual liberation is not good.

Are you the final arbirter of that? Is the reason because it doesnt benifit you?

Is the reason because it doesnt benifit you?

Well, naturally, you're opposed to social systems which disadvantage you. But really, it's more than that. It doesn't benefit society at large. I can go into great detail about the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation' if you'd like.

How many of them boil down to you not being able to buy a girlfriend

I can go into great detail about the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation' if you'd like.

Not attacking, I am genuinely curious what your arguments would be and what supporting evidence you would have.

I doubt arguing with people who think you are an idiot, will help you in your situation at all. I also think when you can't change something it's better to focus on the things you can't change.

I am very good looking but went through many years with not much luck romantically because I was believing a faulty social narrative.

If you were black and slave you could accept the social narrative that you are a nigger and property, or you could say fuck these white honkey ass crackers I'm gonna go north and that son of a bitch who bought me can find some other motherfucker to pick his damn cotton.

So are you gonna be a cotton picking slave and accept the social narrative that says you can't get pussy cause you're too ugly/poor/retarded/etc... Or are you gonna explore other options?

I suggest reading my post history and message me if you decide to come out of your echo chamber of negativity...

all that said I am very curious to know about:

the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation'

Please don't disappoint

Thanks for hearing me out!

I can go into great detail about the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation' if you'd like.

Nothing... fucking trolls and cowards... State your position I'll listen, I'm not afraid of ideas... Pretty disappointed at the 'great detail' :/

Female sexual liberation is not good.

What are you talking about? Power with responsibility is a fantasic thing. We should view women not through their choices but through some obscure lens that allows us to seem them as good no matter how awful they are.

No, you can't use this lens on anything else in human life because then you'd start to apolgize for slavery and nazism, but with women lack of agency is OK because it just is and that's a "blackpill" so stop talking about how women are tearing apart the social fabric of society in search of fleeting pleasure and leaving trails of destruction and lack of trust in their wake, just rope because grrrlpower you deserve it because you're supposed to hate yourself...

...they're trying really hard to make this place like Foreveralone, where everyone self flaggelates while outsiders take turns hitting the FA guys with their belts.

It's not a power grab to choose what you do with your own body you pathetic fuck.

I'll accept this the moment we aren't required to perform labor with our bodies that is taxed and overwhelmingly given to females for free. No sex or labor slavery.

Beyond stupid.

  1. They were forced. Werent allowed to work

  2. You dont have to marry anyone

  3. Most taxes go to the military. A real girls club.

Idk what you're going on about. Birth control is not hard and yes I believe in aborting anything I don't want to carry. Especially the seed of a man I do not want. Call it what you want.

I am so grateful to be born in a world where legitimately psychotic men such as yourself have absolutely no say what happens with my body. I would simply kill myself if I was assigned to such a freak. Gladly.

Imagine if those same men forced you to be their gaping anal wife.

We are never ever ever going back to help. Thank you for making me appreciate feminism this fine Saturday.

I am so grateful to be born in a world where legitimately psychotic men such as yourself have absolutely no say what happens with my body

This is temporary. Patriarchy and female suppression has been the human norm for all time prior to the 1960s. The sexual liberation experiment has been going on for a mere 50 years, and its deleterious consequences are manifestly obvious.

I would simply kill myself if I was assigned to such a freak. Gladly

In the Muslim world, women suffer acid attacks, are beat, endure draconian laws, whippings, beatings, martial rape, etc.

And yet they don't kill themselves, nor do they fight back. Why? They're weak as fuck.

Women talk big, but when it comes down to it, they don't have the gall to kill themselves. They're weak. And men can take advantage of that.

Cope more.

While you're flexing your Reddit muscles, I'm killing time until I see bae later tonight. People are outside enjoying the weather. Girls are wearing shorts that piss some of you off. Then when you act on this limp wristed posturing of hostility and go full Toronto van on us, it is those big strong men that you depend on to shuttle us back into a world where you would still be invisible to capture, apprehend, and protect us all.

And the fuckable amongst them will be deeply awarded. And everyone of then will at least be recognized.

You make the mistake of being cucked by your own imagination and hate for women.

Life is incredible because good, sensible, strong, decent men live. And they outnumber the likes of you. You're not on the same team. And I will never want to get rid of them

If those men were the same as you, how would these tiers that trouble you so even exist?

Oh so mad at hypergamy as if my face and my body is my fault and that men better than you liking it is my fault. Cry on then.

Your psycho shit is not my problem. Any more of my attention and I will feel justified in sending you an invoice.

Have a nice life. Or whatever you can salvage from that mess, anyway.

While you're flexing your Reddit muscles, I'm killing time until I see bae later tonight

Going /r/Ihavesex mode when you're losing an argument takes petty to another level.

Girls are wearing shorts that piss some of you off

They don't piss me off per se. They're holes. That's the purpose of their existence: being holes for Chad.

it is those big strong men that you depend on

Gymcels are pretty strong as well, actually.

And the fuckable amongst them will be deeply awarded

It's funny how you just acknowledged that there are unfuckable "men who protect us". Tacitly insulting them while praising them at the same time.

And you wonder why so many men are swallowing the blackpill. It's hard for you to write down a coherent thought without expressing a resentment for inferior men. Hmmm.

Life is incredible because good, sensible, strong, decent men live. And they outnumber the likes of you

And they cucked by whores like you for felons like this.

Oh so mad at hypergamy as if my face and my body is my fault and that men better than you liking it is my fault. Cry on then.

Hypergamy has little to do with men liking your body, or you have a certain body. It has to do with the parasitic, disloyal and solipsistic mindset modern women have.

Your psycho shit is not my problem.

Apparently it is. Why else would you be here?

Did not read. And won't.

Bye ❤

Remember, foid, you'll always be inferior to us men.

When the world goes to shit, this whole facade of "liberation" will be forgotten overnight, and women will be back in their natural position: sitting on our cocks.

really speaks to the strength of incel points when you cant even counter them on their own merits. you have to shame the person speaking them, dismiss their points arbitrarily, or refuse to read them to convince yourself in any sort of way that you've "won the argument".

all you're doing is strengthen our observations internally and in the minds of those who are still skeptical.

if what we say is truly wrong, you should be able to articulate why in terms of specific points.

Lol you don't have to show your lack of mental capacity this way

Psycho old men do actually have a say in that. At least as it stands in many states in American concerning women's health and abortion laws etc. So if you live in one of those states you are fooling yourself. If not consider yourself lucky.

Nope, they don't. I don't live in a time capsule just waiting for the death rattle of yesterday's status quo in some tragic state. My state wouldn't entertain this on its worst day and even the sky fell, I can easily afford to leave.

I do consider myself lucky. And this poster's comment stirred something in me. So many men on the Internet complain about feminism. It has become this dirty word and I have been apathetic at best. I don't get into people's face about it and can see how it can be annoying or miserable with the extremists.

He makes me suddenly really appreciate feminism. Warts and all. Better feminists than a special kind of hell where I have to pretend to give a shit what some old white guy feels just so I can survive. I literally rather die.

Nicely put

in other words, what is considered right at one moment in time by societal standards is not necessarily right :2

think about that for a second, retard.

Ok. Right now women are free as men are. Let's see if it changes.

but thinks that women shouldnt be allowed to choose partners

This was the norm throughout human history, yes

Actually no look up primate penis size. In primates who pedominantly have alpha-male cultures they have smaller penis to body size ratios and in primates where females excercise more choice in mate selection the penis to body size ratio goes up.

Homans have the largest penis to body size ration amongst primates indicating throughout out history females have been able to confer breeding right acording to preferance to some extent!

Post-bronze age, then. How hunter-gatherers and neanderthals behaved is irrelevant. What matters is how functional civilizations control their women, because we're striving to be a functional civilization.

I think evolution has a better track record of success than the artificial restrictions placed on life by social constructs and social contracts.

I'm not saying societies don't have a utility or purpose, but I think societies will run most smoothly and encourage the greatest happiness among their populations when they are structured in a manner most conducive to continued evolutionary advancement of the species.

In primate cultures beta and omega males aren't fully prevented from sexual success but they are often benefited by adopting alternate breeding and mate selection strategies.

Incels, maybe you should be kept from breading, I dunno? Animals who are not able to breed due to physical prowess use cunning intellect to secure a mate, if you as incels lack the mental faculties to improve your social prowess just enough to wet your dick then perhaps yes it might be better for the evolution of the species if incels are not able to breed.

It seems like a pretty simple formula to me if what you are doing isn't working try something else, right?

This dude can get married (and presumably fuck/fingerbang...) why can't you folks just adopt a different strategy?

What the fuck does that have to do with social awkwardness you massive retard

Go up to any woman and tell her she shouldnt be allowed to choose who she fucks and see how awkward it gets you massive retard.

You don't even know what social awkwardness is you fucking brainlet. Jesus you're fucking dumb.

Start arguing anytime you fucking moron.

How can I argue against something as fucking retarded as this? Google "social awkwardness" since you clearly have no fucking idea what it means. Faggot.

It means that you are anxious because people might not like you or you might become embarrassed.

But you can also use it to say someone is fucking weird or obnoxious which is you. Do you think that women find you charismatic or socially awkward? Tell them your thoughts on who they are allowed to fuck and then ask again.

No you cannot use it in that way. Just because you disagree with someone's political views doesn't mean they're socially awkward. Stop trying to turn this around and stop interviewing me, you're just an idiot. Go back to raising your daughter so she can become a nice cum dump for some fratboy Chad, this is clearly much better for her than what the majority of the "socially awkward" rest of the world does.

How about social outcast. Im sorry that you have such sad fantasies for people. I dont wish anything but good on you.


I dont think you are mentally ok.

Lol so much rage.

Haha what's it like having to settle for landwhales?

You're mother doesn't complain.

The reason it's awkward isn't because the proposition is inherently unsound, or that the person arguing in favour of the proposition is socially deficient.

It's awkward because gynocentrism mandates that any viewpoints contrary to the "you go girl!" narrative are censored and its proponents gaslighted.

Yes, restricting the rights of a gender is unsound. Imagine only men being restricted from doing something.

Wait wah!? Not being able to choose who to have sex with was better? You know your parents would also marry you to some “land-whale” if their parents had enough money. Beside that, then we would have to hear you guys bitch about your fat wives fucking Browick Chaddington behind your backs. Or worse we would have to hear women bitch about fucking you. This society we have now works out for everyone.

You know your parents would also marry you to some “land-whale” if their parents had enough money.

Which is better than celibacy.

Beside that, then we would have to hear you guys bitch about your fat wives fucking Browick Chaddington behind your backs

No, this doesn't happen. In India and the Middle East, for instance, arranged marriages are routine and cheating wives are extraordinarily rare. This is because the culture completely shames female adulterers, and, in many cases, the law explicitly forbids adultery. It is not normalized and tolerated as it is in the West.

Or worse we would have to hear women bitch about fucking you

The culture needs to have an honour-shame dynamic which suppresses hypergamous attitudes. There are more imperative societal concerns than wives orgasming during sex.

This society we have now works out for everyone.

Rampant divorce, single-motherhood, adultery etc. suggests otherwise.

The society we have now shows hoe people minds change and attitudes. Single motherhood, divorce rates are because of poor decision making or fucked up circumstances. Nothing is wrong with society in this regard. Middle eastern and other cultures have a HUGE problem with women being happy which is why shit is changing. A society that forces half their pop into un happy relationships is a good one.

Uhhh not having a choice and not riding the cock carousel at 14 to be judged by their actions are two different things

Only women who have really bad influences do that.

I've had sex with 2 people. The first was a close friend when I was 18. We were both virgins and embarrassed about it so lost it to each other. The second person is my current boyfriend who I've been with for 6 months.

If hypothetically we lived in a monogamous patriarchy and women were only legally allowed to have sex with one man who they then married, I would have not slept with the first guy because I would have wanted to save it and he'd probably be an incel now... and I'd be married to my current boyfriend who this sub would probably refer to as a "Chad".

I don't think this helps the incels.

Based as always

They suddenly became attractive? So that’s why Thomas Jefferson had illegitimate children with slaves and “Mandingo” was made in the 2010s...

Mandingo was made in the 70s by a lefty and Sally Hemmings was only a 1/4 black. He's making the point that attractiveness isn't objective and black features weren't considered attractive in white society until the second half of the 20th century.

They weren’t considered socially acceptable as partners until after the civil rights movement - that shouldn’t be conflated with how attractive people found black features - merely their propensity to act on it. There’s a pretty big difference between the two.

“Was only 1/4 Black” Sally Hemings had obviously African-American features - it’s not like TJ was having sex with a woman who looked white but had a little bit of African-American blood.

Rashida Jones is 1/3 black and can pass as italian. Sally was even genetically whiter than her. Either way no one knows what she looks like so it's not worth arguing.

Like I said, attractiveness is not objective but is created through a lifetime of mental conditioning. Studies have repeatedly shown that humans will normally be attracted to individuals who resemble their parents or their community. Of course this has been offset by mass media so media plays an incredible important part in shaping one's view of attractive characteristics. Find me an attractive full blood aborigine ( a race that gets zero media coverage in the west) and you'll understand my point.

How could you be 1/3 black when you have 4 grandparents?

Damn you really are a braincel. You realize those "black" grandparents were partially white too. Her father was on PBS's finding your roots and had a dna test. He was 66% black.

I kinda disagree with this. Women will choose more attractive men due to being more "manly", if that makes sense. Biologically and subconsciously, they want someone that can be seen as healthy and as a protector. Thats why they want someone tall rather than short because it helps them feel more "protected". Having a sharp jaw line is indicative of health. Not being fat is another example of health. The positive canthal tilt gives you more of a hunter look rather than a hunted. Nice guys don't get chicks cause they seem inferior. Pretty much it sums down to woman wanting to pass the best genes to their offpsring whether they know it or not.

Different cultures have different conceptions of beautiful, although there is an overlap.

There are normative physical characteristics that people are biologically prone to find attractive such as facial symmetry. Women also tend to value social status.

You do understand that natural selection is GOOD for our species? That is how evolution works in almost all higher orders of animals. Females are the gatekeepers of the survival of our species. Enough bad genes equals extinction. Now I think a lot of guys who are incel don't have bad genes per se just bad socialization skills. But if you are weak, and mean, and stupid then why should I be forced to mate with you again? Right, it's better for a civilized scociety...wait...

You do understand that natural selection is GOOD for our species?

But if you are weak, and mean, and stupid

And some of the people get the bus backed over them because of it. Not because they're any of the above, but because they're unattractive. Great.

You’re actually right. Looks are totally random, and the truth is that people DO respond to looks, even if they want to be and wish they were more spiritual/inner-values based.

You guys really do have a rough lot. I think the only way to go forward would be to develop skills and a kick-ass moral character. There are some women - albeit rare and exceedingly hard to find - who would give their hearts to a man who was courageous, heroic, and a giant of integrity. I’m not takin about insane, lifeless mealy-mouthed piety. I’m talking about a man who really wants to be his best, for his own sake and because he wants to do something good for the world.

It sounds lofty, but I kinda think that’s your best shot. You seem to have nothing else to offer except an unmatched and outstanding contribution to the world and to a woman’s desire to be part of a large-scale, heroic adventure.

But that’s the thing, you have to be born into this sort of mentally you can’t really adopt it per-say now I’m not discrediting what you’re saying but personally you can usually tell when people are genuinely doing things because they want to and when they’re doing it as a farce, in all aspects of life.


I'm not sure how anyone is "born into" a certain mentality or attitude. That's learned, and the great thing about growing up is that you can choose what you put into your mind and what thoughts you allow to take root. Anyone can do that.

I think you're right about people being able to tell when someone is doing it out of genuine motives vs just putting on a show to look good. If a guy is just trying to get girls via "acting" like he's a better person, then it's worthless and just a shallow act.

I disagree with this mindset being innate. Yes, some people are naturally inclined this way, but if someone actually desires to be better, I do believe he has the free will to move himself in that direction. People do it everyday. It's not impossible. It just takes a strong mind and desire.

Some of them will never believe you. There have been times when I crossed paths with men I have absolutely zero attraction to. But they would be so joyful or funny or helpful or Some thing that sparkles and suddenly I am just so happy I made their acquaintance. I am a person who deeply treasures a deeper level. It doesn't mean I will pretend to be interested in people I am not attracted to but I have absolutely developed attraction to people I wouldn't have really considered in passing.

Too bad the guys here will just say I am lying.

Did you sleep with any of those guys that you would have never considered at first?

Yes. I have.

how do you end up with 0 points, I don't even see downvoting as an option?

People are likely downvoting on mobile.

I can also say I have an ex that would tell me during sex that she did not find me physically attractive. Still, she'd say I was the best lay she'd ever had and found me very attractive for my personality.

Honestly. this whole narrative (ugly incel) makes me so damn angry for two reasons:

  1. I have told friends who were fat/ugly about how I attract women and they are so stuck in a self-fulfilling (defeating) prophecy that they'd rather believe negative things than try out a worldview that has made others lives better. It's like the damn feminists that would rather choose to believe in an oppression narrative than just admit there are gender differences that account for the different life choice men and women make.

  2. If you are going to reject all the evidence to the contrary of your beliefs then you don't deserve better than you get. (Biting the hand that feeds you so to speak)

So fine you want to believe that you have to choice but to wallow in the misery of your own sowing then be damned goddammit! You deserve it every bit as much as the damned fools who stay in abusive relationships because of the sunk cost fallacy. Sorry fuckers, you've been duped, but now you have the choice of eating crow admitting that you could be/were wrong and that sucks to feel dumb and fooled, I know, I was part of a wackadoodle church. The alternative tho is continuing to believe something that makes you miserable and that is so much worse.

So maybe we're all just overly optimistic fools and you damned ugly bastards are just as repugnant as you say and none of the best social skills will ever help you, well fine if you accept that as your reality then just kill yourself stop being a pussy and do it! ORRRRRR maybe my ass is so negative cause I am a god damned angry pessimist and if I am telling you I did it and so can you, you bunch of fart gobbling fuck twats maybe I am wasting my damn breath not because I give a single wet shit about a damn one of you but because in my pessimistic rage I can't stat to sit around and listen to you fap on about what I know to be an outright fabrication... Same as I hate the goddamn thunder cunts who will continue to proselytize feminism with falsehoods like the wage gap...

So maybe you fuckers could listen to another motherfucker for a change and decide that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take and as long as you choose to believe something that makes you miserable then you deserve to feel just as shitty as you choose to MAKE yourself feel, just like those fucking thick twats who think they are constantly oppressed by the fucking patriarchy...

God, I am so fucking sick of this victimhood narrative...

I was raised by abusive parents, bullied mercilessly, had no friends till I was in my mid-teens, am permanently cognitively disabled, and I have been physically assaulted more times than I can count and I still bitch less that you fuckwits. Sure my life is hard sometimes I worry I'll never figure out how to hold down a job or be able to adult... You know what tho, every fucking day I'll rage against my limitations untill I figure out how to make it work, and when I figure it out I'll teach anyone who will listen cause it's so fucking hard I want to save them so damn struggle. I think about the rope too but goddammit shit or get off the fucking pot! You can bitch and winge on the internet or you can say the fucking serenity prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference

Change the shit that's in your power to change... I'm never gonna have a 'normal' brain, I'm always gonna feel like I'm in a damn prison of my own mind, I'm always gonna know that I am intelligent enough to know my fullest potential is probably beyond my grasp, but fuck me I'll struggle till I die to overcome my stumbling blocks.

I will rage against the dying of the light, till my last fucking breath and you nor any mand deserves or is owed a goddamn thing who does not do the same...

So what you got delt a shit fucking hand you want the world to give a fuck about you, well guess what everyone else is too fucking busy dealing with the shit life handed them... So work on bettering yourself instead of throwing a pity party help someone else who's struggling learn some damn social skills and read models by mark mason get some pussy and quit whining, cause life's a bitch and then you die

Try and have some fun cause none of us are here for long,

Hey, Scrub_TLC, just a quick heads-up:
untill is actually spelled until. You can remember it by one l at the end.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

Dayum. Preach it.

Yeah! This is so true. Everyone has their base animal desires and the things that that animalistic side is attracted to ( sex appeal, money, status), but if a person values and cares about more than just the monkey instincts, then it's possible to build repoir and attraction based off of something much deeper and stronger than just monkey instincts. I actually think that's love. But, since these guys get no "foot in the door" with looks or whatever, they have to just work on their personalities and character and other values all the more. I mean, women have to do the same. It's not like we stay 23 forever. Even the prettiest faces get old and if we're only loved for that, then once we lose that youthful glow, we also lose love. At least, we would lose it if that's all we had to offer. Some women are only as lovable as they are pretty, because their personalities and characters just totally suck. But some women choose to use their fading looks as an opportunity to be just that much more of a better person.

That guys who think it's impossible to win a woman's heart by being a strong, noble, honorably, courageous man of integrity probably don't think those qualities exist. It's kinda like they're being extremely superficial themselves.

Men bettering themselves FOR themselves.... you should check out /r/MGTOW

MGTOW guys are right about a lot of things. I kinda think it's dumb for them to totally abandon the male-female partnership, but I get why they have. Women have sorta screwed men over in the past couple of decades. But yeah. I do get sick of the men today that sorta just whine. I wish they would just go out and be the men they were meant to be. The world could really use more men - real men.

What exactly are men "meant to be?" I don't feel like I should be told what I'm suppposed to be... The fact that you think men are "meant to be" a certain way worries me.

Not worth it.

I actually do think it's society's fault in a way. It has been demonstrated hundreds of times throughout history that mating strategy in humans can be molded and directed by various factors. Consensus shapes perception. Perception shapes preference. It's not about what it IS, it's about how they VIEW it.

The worship of attractive men with sculpted bodies is stronger than ever in modern times. Gone are the days where a hero could be a stoic badass with a dad bod like Clint Eastwood and be seen as an ideal man physically. Today you need to be flawless. This gets observed by people from birth so it shapes their reality.

Sure biology plays a primary role, but again, biology is malleable and can be manipulated. Ever seen a purebred bitch get mounted by a mut? Biologically that makes no sense. But it is happening as we speak. Human sexuality just has a bunch of other variables layered onto it, and thus is logically more susceptible to being directed. And I am convinced it is.

But the purebred is a human's idea of dog beauty, not a dog's idea thereof. Like youses idea of human attractiveness is a paranoid shutins cartoon version, not a human version

That's exactly my point. The dog functions on instinct. We fabricate other things that obscure it.

Sooooo what you are saying is that a female dog given a choice would breed with a dog humans might think less beautiful provided she perceived the male to display sexual fitness indicators that were compelling?

No one cared about this for Black women or Asian men. They just piled on. So unfortunately, no one is going to try and correct society for a group of loosely connected men who bond over rejection. It's a hard truth but its why the people who can escape the stereotypes do and never look back.

Society will correct itself. Or more accurately nature will correct it for you. People lack the foresight required to see where all these little trails lead, but make no mistake there is a whole lot of "correcting" on the horizon. It's been a while but it has happened before and will happen again. Mankind just has to survive the inevitable reality check is all.

I totally agree.

There are so many things one could do before the rope.

Get a neck/face tattoo.

start riding motorcycles.

Start doing LSD/meth.

Rope should really come way in the last.

LSD, yes.

acid is an incels worst nightmare

Really ? I would have thought that it only reinforces the blackpilling and we come to terms with it.

try it

I actually plan to.

Disagree. With the proper set and setting, LSD is a break from the harsh reality of the world. But you gotta give yourself one week to temporarily change your mind set before taking it.

acid isn’t a break from reality, it’s heightened reality

What an awful cuckoldpost.

The more you cuckolds insist that women have no agency and that women's choices, the one thing they ARE responsible for, is something they aren't, the more the rest of us are going to triple and quadruple down on treating them like the pieces of shit they are but you apologize for.

All you're doing is showing us that the only reason women get away with being selfish spoiled sluts is men like you who apologize for them LIKE THE WHITE KNIGHT CUCKOLD YOU ARE.

This use of Cuck as an insult....? I mean, I've been cheated on. Maybe with Chad. It's just genital bumping folks, it ain't no thang


I mean, I've been cheated on. Maybe with Chad. It's just genital bumping folks,

Thank you for your openness. It's important to remember what losers are the ones insulting us...

...god accept cheating...why even have a relationship? Why not just send her a check in the mail and then stick a plug up your ass and call it a day?

I mean, I've been cheated on. Maybe with Chad. It's just genital bumping folks,

That's an actual quote from the people who dislike us, incels. They LITERALLY are OK with being cheated on...they call us spineless...

It is odd, right? That people can just fuck and not get all weird about it

It is odd that the one thing that mattered in a relationship and makes it more than a friendship or friends with benefits (sexual fidelity), and was literally a cornerstone of our cultural history doesn't matter to you to the point where you downplay it's importance and context.

Being willfully obtuse isn't clever. Being in a nonmonogomous relationship is literally what cuckoldry is. Most people just have random sex, they don't sign up for partnership with someone who "cheats" (it's RIGHT THERE IN THE WORD, THEY CHEATED...CHEATING IS AKIN TO INVALIDATION IN EVERYTHING ELSE WHEN CAUGHT). From sports, to academia, to wall street, cheating is wrong. But're "evolved."

That's all in your limited imagination though. You know nothing about any of this stuff right? That why and because you are uncle. How could you know? You just feed on the tropes that feed your paranoid nihilism. Don't get me wrong- I'm all for nihilism, it really is all that makes sense philosophically- but when you let yourself believe you understand ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT THERE IS NOTHING then you fool yourself

That's all in your limited imagination though.

Thank God none of us here have the "vast, expanded imagination" you have that allows you to eat shit from a cheating partner in a relationship and somehow convinced yourself it's actually an "openminded" thing.

Your mind got so "open" it fell out and now you're wasting time on reddit trying to convince strangers that your failed relationship is actually a product of progress.

Thank God the rest of us see you as the failure you are.

Nah. Those relationships failed. And that was that. But being cucked, as you weirdos have it, is neither defining nor soul destroying. Or wasn't for me. People do shit. It's ok. Stop fretting.

Let me ask you this. Would you have a fuckbuddy thing with someone you knew was with someone else? If not, does that make you a hopeless romantic or a volcel?

It's just swallowing edible things folks, that ain't no thang.

I honestly can tell what you are trying to say the first part of your post sounds like you are an incel who wants women to have no agency and the second part makes it pretty clear you do want women to have agency... So incel or no? and what are you trying to say, simply and without all caps, please?

It's societies fault that there isn't a 1:1 ratio of men to women for uggos. ugly men are considered more unattractive than equally ugly women so don't have a chance.

No, ugly women have a shit time, it's just they can get fucked cause it's all about sperm competition, from a biological perspective a dude would being willing to impregnate an ugly woman but less likely to stick around or provide for the offspring.

From a genetics perspective, a thirsty ugly woman with low prospects is a free genetic lottery ticket, if you get her pregnant your child may survive and spread your genes and you only invested the time it takes you to cum.

Being ugly is a raw deal for anyone but for a man over history and socially now you value is multi-varied, monetary, status, intelligence, creativity, from biology perspective woman bring a womb to the table and if it's not packaged nicely (being hot) there is not much she can do than to be loose to get sperm... For instance when was the last time you heard an old woman described as distinguished, or a dude say may look at that chicks can she's hot I want to fuck her...

Yeah being ugly sucks, but you can do something to make yourself more attractive, a woman is basically stuck with being undesirable for breeding.

Yep. I think men actually have the upper hand in this. They can create value and can appreciate over time. Women's sexual value only depreciates with time, no matter how careful or nice or whatever she is, and she is either born with it or isn't. Believe me, no one cares about ugly women, either.

It's society's fault for feeding us lies and false hope about how everyone deserves to be loved or that there is someone out there for everyone. Same with the lies about women caring about personality and not looks. It's all a sham to prevent subhuman betas from revolting.

Imagine how women would be treated if we actually told men "nothing you do outside of being a pushy lying sociopath matters. your appearance is next to everything. See this room of twenty people? Sixteen of them are 'below average' to women. Do the math...they don't see your person, they only see your appearance."

Yeps. Feminism planted these cucked bluepill ideas in our society. This is how they keep us subhumans in check in 2018. Society has always dealt with their subhumans in different way to prevent the beta uprising. The Chads and Chadlites don't care because they live like kings and the beta cuck normans believe in these lies.

The ancient Egyptians slit the throats of ShlomoCels, sometimes they'd toss them off buildings. The Spartans would throw the subhumans off a cliff at birth. The vikings left their subhumans to die in the forests when they were infants. The Nazis did the holocaust. Society realised that it's too much of a hassle to keep killing us, so they keep us in check through indoctrination. In Western societies they feed us these lies from the moment we can talk. This is why non-Western countries aren't cucked. They haven't fallen for the degeneracy of the bluepill.

Grow up and get a personality, if you don't look good and have a shitty personality like probably 99% of this sub Ofc you won't get any girl

I can show you who I am in real life. Pretty sure my personality is okay.

Fuck off with your platitudes.

It's the Jews' fault tbh, fam.

Can you 100% know that it's random tho? You never know what's going on behind the closed doors of the decision makers out there...

I heared that Canada and Europe subsidizes those things.

Some of my trans buddies

Having multiple trans buddies

Shiggy Diggy

I dont think you are mentally ok.

Yeps. Feminism planted these cucked bluepill ideas in our society. This is how they keep us subhumans in check in 2018. Society has always dealt with their subhumans in different way to prevent the beta uprising. The Chads and Chadlites don't care because they live like kings and the beta cuck normans believe in these lies.

The ancient Egyptians slit the throats of ShlomoCels, sometimes they'd toss them off buildings. The Spartans would throw the subhumans off a cliff at birth. The vikings left their subhumans to die in the forests when they were infants. The Nazis did the holocaust. Society realised that it's too much of a hassle to keep killing us, so they keep us in check through indoctrination. In Western societies they feed us these lies from the moment we can talk. This is why non-Western countries aren't cucked. They haven't fallen for the degeneracy of the bluepill.

But that’s the thing, you have to be born into this sort of mentally you can’t really adopt it per-say now I’m not discrediting what you’re saying but personally you can usually tell when people are genuinely doing things because they want to and when they’re doing it as a farce, in all aspects of life.

Some of them will never believe you. There have been times when I crossed paths with men I have absolutely zero attraction to. But they would be so joyful or funny or helpful or Some thing that sparkles and suddenly I am just so happy I made their acquaintance. I am a person who deeply treasures a deeper level. It doesn't mean I will pretend to be interested in people I am not attracted to but I have absolutely developed attraction to people I wouldn't have really considered in passing.

Too bad the guys here will just say I am lying.

Men bettering themselves FOR themselves.... you should check out /r/MGTOW

I can show you who I am in real life. Pretty sure my personality is okay.

How many of them boil down to you not being able to buy a girlfriend

Yes, restricting the rights of a gender is unsound. Imagine only men being restricted from doing something.

Rashida Jones is 1/3 black and can pass as italian. Sally was even genetically whiter than her. Either way no one knows what she looks like so it's not worth arguing.

Like I said, attractiveness is not objective but is created through a lifetime of mental conditioning. Studies have repeatedly shown that humans will normally be attracted to individuals who resemble their parents or their community. Of course this has been offset by mass media so media plays an incredible important part in shaping one's view of attractive characteristics. Find me an attractive full blood aborigine ( a race that gets zero media coverage in the west) and you'll understand my point.

I can go into great detail about the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation' if you'd like.

Not attacking, I am genuinely curious what your arguments would be and what supporting evidence you would have.

I doubt arguing with people who think you are an idiot, will help you in your situation at all. I also think when you can't change something it's better to focus on the things you can't change.

I am very good looking but went through many years with not much luck romantically because I was believing a faulty social narrative.

If you were black and slave you could accept the social narrative that you are a nigger and property, or you could say fuck these white honkey ass crackers I'm gonna go north and that son of a bitch who bought me can find some other motherfucker to pick his damn cotton.

So are you gonna be a cotton picking slave and accept the social narrative that says you can't get pussy cause you're too ugly/poor/retarded/etc... Or are you gonna explore other options?

I suggest reading my post history and message me if you decide to come out of your echo chamber of negativity...

all that said I am very curious to know about:

the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation'

Please don't disappoint

Thanks for hearing me out!

Not worth it.

Fuck off with your platitudes.

I can go into great detail about the negative societal consequences of female 'emancipation' if you'd like.

Nothing... fucking trolls and cowards... State your position I'll listen, I'm not afraid of ideas... Pretty disappointed at the 'great detail' :/