30 March, 2020.

45  2018-05-05 by ummyourdaddy

Is the day I will die.

This is no way to live for a man. A life without love is a life without meaning. I wouldn't wish my life upon my worst enemies. For all their struggle, I wouldn't wish my life on starving african kids. They will start hating themselves after they've eaten all the food they desire(and deserve).

And I refuse to be treated like shit because of my looks and my skin colour. I cannot change the way the world works so I will take myself out. You can't bully me after I'm dead. Take that you normie scum.


no ER?

no ER?

Then I would be no different from the normies.

it doesnt matter if you would be different than them or not.

fuck off, faggot. If you want to murder people, it's your prerogative. I see you pushing others to do so in your other posts as well. I wouldn't be surprised if you're outed as an IT alt.

Nope, this fucktruck is one of yours. But, you guys are proud of who you let on your sub; it reflects on every one of you.

so you also take responsibility for the countless IT cunts that have slid in to our PMs and told us to kill ourselves?

HAHAHA I was just joking, you guys fully lost your mind.

I wish you'd find some happiness and a reason to keep going. But you probably already decided it's too late, right?

It's too late even if he set the date two years from now

You are not entitled to my misery.

Amen. One of the reasons anti-suicide rhetoric and platitudes piss me off.

I'm a lurker, and I'd like to understand this. You don't think there's ever a chance of being happy in any way?


are you a femoid?

No. I just wish I could help. There are so many other beautiful ways to spend a human life if you've decided that love and relationships aren't for you. But maybe I don't understand.

if you've decided that love and relationships aren't for you.

I(ncels) didn't get to decide that. That's the point of this whole sub.

Seems to me that choosing to believe that you're not worthy of love or respect is what makes you identify as an incel. It's a ridiculous thing to believe, which is what I'm here to understand.

Where do you think this belief comes from?

don't bother trying... the answer is 25 years of life. Day after day, for 25*365 days of rejection and humiliation and insults and bullying. It's not "ridiculous" for me. It's just a fact of my life.

bro i dont know you but the reason you feel that way is that you think people are always judging you and because of that you internalize it and becomes your reality. Live your life doing what makes you happy.

The fact that you’re asking this question proves how disgustingly privileged and naive you are. Holy shit..

I'm not going to say you are wrong , but just remember you only got one life there's no coming back for eternity. That's why I havnt done it,I do love life itself I just hate my life.

that's why I gave myself 2 more years, man. I made a bucket list. The last one being- finding someone who loves me. If this is not ticked by then, I'm gone.

Lower your standards, and look to the East. Specifically, East St. Louis.

Good plan. Now get the fuck off of this cancerous cesspool and never come back. If you feel compelled to come back to this sub, throw your computer in a lake. Leave. Go make your life better.

Earth is a cancerous cesspool.

you only got one life there's no coming back for eternity

Is that supposed to be argument against or in favour of suicide?

Because I honestly can't tell.


At least you're not a balding, 5'2" Indian janitor.

I'm a complete bald, 4'9" Pakistani night-shift security guard.

Fuark, jobmogged

Allah must really hate you!

February 4th 2022 for me. That'll be my 25th birthday. If I'm still a virgin and haven't been in a relationship, I'm ending it.

That seems silly. I didn't meet my wife until I was 30. Now I have a little girl and couldn't imagine life without her.

Putting a timeline on something like that is ridiculous. Stop throwing yourself daily pity parties and you might be surprised what happens. "Poor me" doesn't work. Nobody wants that. Once I gave up that mentality, life changed forever.

Stop coming here, it's an echo chamber and only plunges you deeper.

How many relationships and/or casual sex encounters did you have before meeting your wife? When someone has tried self improvement for years, military service, a degree from an Ivy League school, countless approaches to women, and still has nothing to show for it, it's pretty fucking disheartening.

plot twist that daughter isn't even his

Did it ever occur to you that there are women just like you? Who feel they're constantly rejected? Who aren't just settling? The more you make excuses for why things don't happen, the less they will.

Get off your attitude. Seriously.

Something like 95% of women have had sex by the time they turn 20, it is highly unlikely I'll meet a woman in the same position as me. Women who are "constantly rejected" can still find a guy that is better looking than me, taller than me, and has more experience than I do, they still would be settling with me, and they aren't doing that until they reach their 30's. Acknowledging that women find lacking in experience, awkward, ugly men unattractive isn't making excuses, it's telling the truth.

You didn't answer my question either, how many positive experiences did you have with the opposite sex before meeting your wife?

U got alot of self esteem issues. Thats why we normies tell you getting a girl wont solve your problems. She can be trying to find a provider at age 25 lol. She could get you and fuck chad behind your back at any age. 30,31 or 22. She can cheat whenever and wherever. Ive seen women marry smart guys young (22) and fuck around on them for years. 30 is a mature age for marriage.

Hey, Supreme_Salt_Lord, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

I know spell bot but im fucking lazy. GAWD!!!

Ok, sounds like you want pity rather than advice. You won't get it from me.

Seems like you're a bad listener with a crappy attitude who's selfish and think you're entitled to something. Would you want to be with someone who has that attitude? I wouldn't. Those traits stink worse than shit and people can smell it a mile away.

Which do you think needs to change first? The attitude or the relationship status?

How am I a bad listener? I've read everything you've written and answered it with what I truly believe. I'm not entitled to anything and never said or implied that I was either. I don't know where you're getting any of this from.

I think my attitude is fine, and that there are plenty of people with much worse attitudes than mine who are in relationships.

Which do you think needs to change first? The attitude or the relationship status?

probably his looks.

He's never going to answer your question, because he's ashamed to admit his wife was his first, whereas his wife was a whore before him. Happens all the time with these "late bloomers". I'd rather die tbh than be someone's afterthought.

I was thinking that, or he's had several girlfriends and ONSs or whatever, just because he's had positive feedback and didn't feel suicidal by the time he hit 30.

You'd be surprised by how long the bluepill can keep one going on.

answer his questions first.

Once I gave up that mentality, life changed forever.

how many times have you had sex, how old were you when you lost your virginity, how old was your wife when you met her? :2

My wife was 29.

Stop comparing yourself to everything else. There are no benchmarks. There is no do X by Y or you're a failure. Stop dwelling on some arbitrary schedule that you've set for yourself based on some misguided notion that you're supposed to follow what you've seen in the movies.

Live your life and quit wallowing in your own self pity.

I'm not an attractive man. I found that my attitude was the last attractive thing about me. I changed it. I stopped comparing myself to others. As soon as I did that it was like the clouds parted and I could see the sun.

I found this sub from another post and it's super depressing and I see a bunch of people who refuse to do anything about their situation other than complain. STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE FOR YOUR PROBLEMS, IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT AND NEVER WILL BE.

answer the other 2 questions before i respond :2

I don't care if you respond or not, makes no difference to me.

I had this mentality and now I don't. Take it or leave it. Stop blaming others for your problems. Nobody wants that.

so you refuse to answer the other two questions? :2

interesting. possibly due to the implications it would have on your argument? :2

You're in a hole with a bunch of other people. You all have shovels but none know how to use them. Someone who was formerly in the hole comes along and tells you how to shovel. You decide their opinion is only worthwhile if they're currently in the hole with you, even though those people have no clue how to shovel.

Makes sense.

Take my advice or don't, I don't care. I don't know you and never will. Your life has no bearing on mine. Complain or don't, I don't care. Self pity or don't, I don't care. Blame others or don't, I don't care.

Oh no, if I don't answer your misguided questions you won't accept my advice! Too jaded to see the poor logic. Oh well, can't help those who don't want to be helped. Maybe another day of self pity and complaining will help your situation. Maybe not. You decide.

again, you refuse to answer those questions.

highly interesting :2

if your advice was truly worthwhile, it would stand up regardless of the answers to the questions im asking - so i'll give you one more chance.

what age did you lose your virginity. how many people have you had sex with? :2

I'm 25 now. It didn't get better for me.

No way dude, at least wait for the Trump Re-election. He will get us ALL laid!

why did u feel the need to post this? Is it a cry for help?

message me if you’d like some female perspective or reassurance. but imo, if you truly felt this way and wanted to take yourself out, you wouldn’t plan it 2 years ahead. you’d have done it already. don’t give up. quitting is what “they” want you to do. you’re not a failure, you are desirable, you are equal to everyone else. don’t compare your life to anyone else’s.

message me if you’d like some female perspective or reassurance.

your meaningless words are worthless and useless.

quitting is what “they” want you to do.

you are a part of "they".

Nah i’m really not

I have never been a “they”.

i dont believe u

Post a Live stream

Seems to me that choosing to believe that you're not worthy of love or respect is what makes you identify as an incel. It's a ridiculous thing to believe, which is what I'm here to understand.

answer the other 2 questions before i respond :2

again, you refuse to answer those questions.

highly interesting :2

if your advice was truly worthwhile, it would stand up regardless of the answers to the questions im asking - so i'll give you one more chance.

what age did you lose your virginity. how many people have you had sex with? :2