Polygamy 2018

95  2018-05-05 by Bloody69Hell


This is what is considered progressive today.

If you think there's anything wrong with this image you're the problem.

She's a strong beautiful single mother that don't need no man. Now pay your taxes, slave.

CITIZEN #4901874



it is over for society in 2018 tbh

Why isn't it progressive? The kid obviously gets more experiences and much more wisdom this way.

You're a heterosexual white racist radical misogynist scum with rational thinking. Rational thinking is from historic times and you still live in historic times? Didn't think so! You live in 2018!! So act like it. Feelings are more important and our feelings are more important.

Our feelings are more important because you don't have feelings! You toxic masculine scumbag bad-parented kid

ROFL oh my goodness this is spicy!!! Frankly found out about the incel community a few days ago in an article on The_Donald. I myself am a 29 year old straight white virgin male, this is the second thing I have seen on this domreddit and I can tell I like this place all ready lol. This meme right here earned the subscription lol.

"earned the subscription"?

If you paid anyone to be on this site, you're doing it wrong.

Lol I like to think you paid me with spicy memes and bantz lol.

> The_Donald

fuck off cuck

Lol what you got against The_Donald, or for that matter against President Trump. Just cause we're male virgins I think most of us have swag Chad dads like President Trump otherwise we wouldn't, you know, be born.

dude. you literally praise a fat ugly incel who's wife is a foreign hooker that gets paid in louis Vuitton and social status.

Trump would be a full on cuckcel if it weren't for his daddy's money. BTFO and go worship your fat lard president who orders airstrikes against 8 year old girls.

President Trump does well for us. Why is it all of Trump's enemies are the same enemies of incels? Feminists, cucks, whores, etc. etc.

My personal view of President Trump as an American incel millennial is he is a fantastic President for me as an American. Very symbolic and great caricature and representation of our grandparents' generation. We had our parents generation, the whores and hippies and total degenerates running around ruining and fucking everything. Our grandparents are admittedly lewd fuck-ups, but they are the only ones cut throat and capable enough of keeping down the generation of numerous shitlords that are literally our parents from destroying everything until our generation is older, stronger, and wise enough to seize power.

i dont care about grandparents or the past. it's all shit, there's nothing to hold onto then, there's nothing to hold on to now.

why the fuck would you care about being an American? what good does that do for you? your country has no laws against adultery, no laws against pornography, no laws against gambling, no laws against racist speech.

all these values are enemies to Islam, this fool of a president is going to start ww3

Why wouldn't I care about being an American? I can take my roots back to the foundation of this country. If I remain a virgin unto death I am the last in the direct line to my ancestors both American and racially all the way back to Japheth. Being a virgin is an important thing I think and many virgins throughout history have done many good things.

As for Islam it is part of the enemy's tricks and for other lands and races it's a big deal, but I think it is going away, it's like who is even really muslim anymore? Jesus will resurrect the male virgins at the end of the days and we will rule the earth for 1000 years and then fight Satan and his armies by the side of the Lord at the last battle. So in many ways that's kind of an excellent promise and encouragement for me to keep my virginity and not be ashamed of it, praise God Most High.

virginity isn't important. it's important that you only have lawful sexual intercourse. Islam is not a trick, it's the next and final prophecy of the Abrahamic religions. if you took God seriously, you would find your way to Islam.

i recommend you drop the American identity. it is a hopeless and cucked call to nationalism. when you wake up you'll realize the politicians are dancing around for your vote like drugged Swahili heretics dancing around a fire trying to summon false Gods. they fight for taking your tax money at the end of the day.

not to mention your shit cop force violates every citizen's rights imaginable.

I think virginity is important clearly according to God. Though you may be right in the sense that to mankind, it's not so important.

Islam is not an Abrahamic religion. It is a pagan religion of the arabs about worshipping a literal idol in Mecca. The Lord God forbids the worship of idols.

Many of the races are idol-worshippers it's true, but for different coutnries it's different pagans. Lol here it's not so much the African Swahili pagans you gotta watch out for, it's more like the white liberal neopagans and atheists, lol basically the bear people in 13th Warrior.

It's all right little brother. There are more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WdlrqDIsgA

there is no idol in Mecca.

you ca the Qiblah an idol but probably say statues of Christ alayhi salam and crucifixes are normal. munafiq mushrik

The black rock of Mecca is an idol and always has been, from the beginning.

As for me I have no statues nor idols nor images nor do I wear a cross or any of that.

I think in the evil mostly pagan lands that indeed you poor folk that are virgins like us are maltreated and so are somewhat helpless. Virgins are viewed as weak and undesirable in a lot of the non-white nations. Yet in nations that either still are or once had Christian culture, mostly the West and the white nations, they all have a long history that has strong and faithful male virgins. So while virginity is a pop culture joke to many, it also has a sort of residual kind of respect as well that isn't found in other cultures.

I've lost you ngl. no idea what you're on about anymore

I don't know what bgl means.

Well lol for a TL;DR: White male incels have rocked history for ages. For the blessed son of Japheth does not have to be ashamed of keeping our honor.


Possibly the most pathetic comment I've ever seen on Reddit

Lol thanks. Hey at least we male virgins get the most of something.

You're literally just a troll account from the r/bestof post about incels

That's the pathetic part

I have not heard of that reddit, I will have to check it out. So you're wrong. I am as I said I am.


Excuse me?

This is a domreddit is a compliment, it means it is one of the good reddits.

we're sexually dominant i think

I'm not

We incels are mostly etnic men and with a communist or anarchism mentality.

You've been fooled by the media.

I disagree, I am an incel and not by my own choice. Admittedly I did not know about the term "incel" until a few days a go. But for 29 years just been called by the non-virgins as "virgin". I am a straight white Christian male American, so I guess that's far-right wing these days to some people lol.


i haven't seen this name in a long time, how you been man? jfl if you've actually been here this whole time

Hi man, im fine. I took an eternal ban of 15 days for glorifying suicide

it's cool, if you glorify euthanasia they'll leave you alone

how has no one realised that this is obvious bait

So that's why they call them single mothers "traps"!

You think the people who normally post here have any understanding of what social interactions normally look like?

Ready made families suck. Thats why you always sling a girl a ring the moment you realize she hasn't had any kids yet.


Get on plenty of fish, find these women, and you might not be incel anymore.

I understand if you don't want to have sex with these women, but then you're volcel.

look up Juggernauts Law.

Even these women wont bang incels.

U mad

Y tho

Everyone here is volcel

i fail to beleive that none of you guys came from single parent households

Hey, amatos34, just a quick heads-up:
beleive is actually spelled believe. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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Hi man, im fine. I took an eternal ban of 15 days for glorifying suicide