TFW in your country prostitution is illegal and assisted suicide is prohibited

160  2018-05-05 by NutNotBusted


Why would you want to go with a whore, I'll never understand.

I understand if you're a virgin you might think sex is a godly experience. It only is if you're having it with someone you love. Otherwise it's like masturbation, only that it gets you tired and you have to pay.


Agreed. Sex and love 'can' be closely associated but they're also very different things.

I'd would like to have sex (more than once) with someone I love. After 1st time it has to become boring masturbation which is good for ogres and cunts


ask billions of clients that visited whores

human does stupid thing

and your gender starts with F and ends with emoid


Lol so wrong, it’s really nice to fuck a whore believe me. And I’ve had ltr and ons aswell

I'll help you understand: I like having sex with 10/10 women, which is only possible through prostitution

I don't have such a desire of having sex with 10/10 women. I want to have sex with women I love and who love me back.

If you feel like you need to have sex with 10/10 women, what's the diff between you and a roastie?

Roasties ( if they are not morbidly obese ) actually have a chance of getting the latter, while incels holding out for love will die as virgins.

Actually not a bad way to look at it.

Sure, you can hold out for years, even decades, waiting for the perfect woman. But that’s probably not gonna happen, because those women are either married or just don’t exist. You might as well fuck prostitutes considering that you will never get what you want. It’s the next best thing

But if you hate women doesn't it stand to reason that you will die alone and miserable because you're holding out for something that doesn't exist?

Like explain how you're supposed to find a woman you love and will love you if you think they're all worthless whores and sluts.

Used to have this mindset when I was borderline incel when i was 19 and depressed as fuck that i felt terminally unlovable.

I took the plunge and fucked a fat chick and it was like my eyes were opened and my confidence and perspective changed immensely... since then i've had around 20+ partners and am currently in a ltr. Which isn't chad level but it's pretty decent by this subs standards.

Meanwhile my buddy is approaching 30 and thinks like you do and remains a virgin even though he's genuinely a great guy though completely lacks direction in life.

Work your way up man. The greatest lesson I learned is that even if a girl is gross and you don't love her it's always a positive experience that someone let you fuck them and if you look at it like that you really learn gratitude. I don't talk shit about the 3 or 4 fat girls i've slept with.

What i'm saying is you should prolly lower your standards for the time being and whenever you finally get to bone that girl where's there's mutual love you'll know that the journey was worth it.

Man oh man you have put the pussy on the highest of pedestals. Doesn't work that way kid.


It is not a godly experience to lose your virginity as a guy. The whole thing feels new and crazy and it is over in 10 seconds. And that's ok! You're ready to go really soon. It's more of a bridge to cross than it is religious.

Because you can have sex while not having to deal with some annoying bitch afterwards because she just leaves when you are done? Do you really think if a man has sex with a woman he sees her as anything else than a disposable whore? A girlfriend ends up being more expensive than a hooker anyways so there's not much difference.

Are you speaking from personal experience, or from movies and your own delusional uninformed thots?

Why do you identify yourself as an incel? Women are annoying bitches that you have to tolerate after sex? This means you don't need one. What you're seeking are services which are readily available to you for a fee. This is not incel since most incels here say they do not have this hate for women that you're spitting here.

You're the lowest common denominator looking to commiserate with these men. Why?

You talk down on girlfriends and women ..You have absolutely no business around them on a human level so you're what? Please help us understand.

It is a spectacular thing to see someone be so ugly without a clue as to what they look like.

I wasn't even being completely serious, I would love to find a wife and treat her like a princess lol. I was talking about the reason why people go to prostitutes, it's not because they are looking for love but because they are following their primal sex urges.

It doesn't matter. Sex workers don't want these ppl either. On Twitter there is a long rant with prostitutes asking ppl Not to tell incels to go to one. When even hookers turn you down, you know youre a waste.

Yeah but this is most likely due to their abhorrent attitude and behaviours, rather than looks. Any WG worth her money should care less what the client looks like, only that he is courteous, clean and a somewhat decent human being. The most toxic of in cells is none of that. But what would I know...

You literally can’t be an incel if you aren’t courteous, clean, and decent. Someone who can’t do basic things like hygiene is a volcel (voluntary celibate) and not an incel.

For the majority of incels, it is either fuck an escort or die a virgin. I’m not surprised escortcels exist.

You left out "stop intentionally making yourself as unfuckable as possible"

"stop intentionally making yourself as unfuckable as possible"

I'm sorry I couldn't pick my face before I was born.

Yep, not what I'm talking about. Tons of ugly dudes get tons of ass. People on this sub tend to fixate on the things they can't control rather than what they can. Like the logic is "oh I'm unlucky I don't look like Brad Pitt. Therefore literally everything that I do have control over isn't my fault."

Are you in good shape? Are you funny? Are you nice? Are you clean? Are you driven? Are you generally fun to be around? Are you compassionate? Are you confident? Are you successful?

I got a buddy who does just fine with women and he has 1 arm. I don't mean 1 arm and 2 legs. I mean the motherfucker has 1 arm. The dude is a nugget with an Arm. A genetic freak basically. You sit there looking like a human being whining that you are 5' 7" and that dude is like 3' 6" and he fucks. Maybe stop being desperate to be a victim and take charge of your life and you'll get some pussy.

Because having a couple of hoes around doing some yay and sucking you off at the same time is gangsta as fuck.

It seems to work for Australia, I read that after they legalized prostitution divorce rates went down by 8%. In addition it helps to reduce illegal sex trafficking and lowers the spread of stds since brothels tend to be pretty on point by making employees get tested and clients prove that they're clean

Lol your cuntry is retarded as fuck


fly to switzerland unbeknownst to the authorities

Nah you can go to Switzerland for a whore without people caring.

Go to Thailand or somewhere else in Southeast Asia then you’ll get judged

make a diy youtube channel

Are you in the US?

$400 for an attractive girl for 1 hour.

You’re welcome.

Thats hella expensive

Pussy is a sellers market.

Thank god i can vote with my wallet

overpriced unless Miss Universe

$400 for a pussy that's seen more dick than a truck stop

how bou nah

Well it’s that or complain about your height or face.

So you being picky about her physical imperfections is you holding out for something better. But women not wanting to fuck a pasty short fat guy who hasn't showered since before Netflix was a thing is her being a shallow whore?

Overpriced. CL used to be 100 to 200 an hr

I don't understand the need for assisted suicide unless you're already a vegetable. You can crawl into a giant garbage bag with a helium or nitrogen canister and have a quick, painless death. I hear nitrogen gets you high and is quite enjoyable. To be clear, I'm not encouraging you to kill yourself. Please get help before doing doing anything like that. You are loved by someone and killing yourself is fucking selfish.


ultimate beta needs assistance to kill himself

Tfw it's illegal to buy sex but legal to sell it in my country. Cucked beyond belief

Maybe your inability to kill yourself without assistance is why you need prostitution?


ask billions of clients that visited whores

Lol so wrong, it’s really nice to fuck a whore believe me. And I’ve had ltr and ons aswell

I'll help you understand: I like having sex with 10/10 women, which is only possible through prostitution

Man oh man you have put the pussy on the highest of pedestals. Doesn't work that way kid.

Because you can have sex while not having to deal with some annoying bitch afterwards because she just leaves when you are done? Do you really think if a man has sex with a woman he sees her as anything else than a disposable whore? A girlfriend ends up being more expensive than a hooker anyways so there's not much difference.

It doesn't matter. Sex workers don't want these ppl either. On Twitter there is a long rant with prostitutes asking ppl Not to tell incels to go to one. When even hookers turn you down, you know youre a waste.

For the majority of incels, it is either fuck an escort or die a virgin. I’m not surprised escortcels exist.

Because having a couple of hoes around doing some yay and sucking you off at the same time is gangsta as fuck.

It seems to work for Australia, I read that after they legalized prostitution divorce rates went down by 8%. In addition it helps to reduce illegal sex trafficking and lowers the spread of stds since brothels tend to be pretty on point by making employees get tested and clients prove that they're clean