Crazy to think about how if we were born looking similar to this we would be having sex witn a 8+/10 Stacy this fine friday night instead of LDARing. Life is meaningless if you arent a Chad. Cope is all we have

37  2018-05-05 by Gole_The_Shredder


How about not basing your value as a human on how many vaginas you enter? You can have a fulfilling life without sex if you want to. Money doesn't have an attractiveness requirement.

Fail troll attempt. Back to r/inceltears with you.

I've never posted in that sub and I'm not trolling. I say what I said because I live it. I don't give a fuck about sex, I don't have sex and sex is literally meaningless to me. Money is most important to me and you can get that no matter how you look. Zz,

I make close to $2,000 per week after tax lol i make money, i have a $11,000 1000cc bike, i have a 2017 WRX STi and a 2016 Mercedes benz e63 AMG. I made it good for myself but its all meaningless being unattractive or not a Chad lol I have some high end designer outfits and all thay bullshit. It doesnt matter, you can only cope with money for so long. I would 100% rather be a broke 9/10 looking Chad rather than be a millionaire normie or incel.

Eh, that's just where we differ I guess. Good luck bro, and have a good evening.

You need to watch less TV and movies then, because they've brainwashed you. Sex is stupid and childish. Anyone who doesn't grow out of desiring it by their early 30s is a retard.


Stop trolling. I could imagine it ain't stupid and childish to someone who's never experienced it. BEGONE (((TROLL)))!

That you can exist in the age of porn and not realize how stupid it is is laughable. Women have taken so much cock they don't even feel it. And the man merely goes through the motions. This is what you're wasting your whole life worrying about not getting. Its not worth a second thought.

Women have taken so much cock they don't even feel it

Just larping as an incelqueer here but /r/badwomensanatomy. You're not actually from incelqueer right? You're just an incel in denial? Are you from MGTOW?

Not worth a second thought? Tell that to the endless billions. Yes it is easy to rub one out, but wouldn't you prefer to run one out down her throat. I understand it gets old but............

You need to watch less TV and movies

But I thought we needed to watch more TV You need to watch less TV and moviesand movies with strong female protagonists? I'm confused.

Sex is stupid and childish. Anyone who doesn't grow out of desiring it by their early 30s is a retard.

This sounds like hamstering to me. Sounds like you're an incel too but you're telling yourself this to cope. Be one of us brother. Gooble gobble.

If you're making good money why in god's name would you not be buying plastic surgery

Because that's only going to blackpill them further on how much looks matter. They'll resent whoever takes interest in them after the surgery knowing they weren't otherwise going to give them a chance. I endured this when I was a teenager and cleaned up my cystic acne with accutane.

Of course looks matter. That part's self-evident, but why would you resent somebody because they desire you? People liking attractive people is literally evolution at work, it's such a core part of the human race that there's no changing it. The #1 priority of everybody in this subreddit should be to get out of inceldom. This place is hell, leave it at all costs.

why would you resent somebody because they desire you?

Uh, because they had no interest in who you are as a person and your personality until such a drastic change happened to start to warrant their attraction. Have you been told what an ugly fucking weirdo and creep you are to your face by a woman before? Probably not. Get fucked.

This place is hell, leave it at all costs.

No. This place and we as incels triggering you is life fuel. It brings immense satisfaction to me knowing how much it enrages and upsets you.

I thought it was all about perosnality? Guess it depends on the current weather.

Fuck it's RRandIncel.

Have you looked into plastic surgery? No excuse not to get it if you're rich, white and tall. If not then just LDAR, and don't become a betabux because whores will take all your money.

That's like telling a starving African kid that having plentiful food isn't always that great.

Yeah, not really. You can survive for longer than 3 weeks without sex.

It's certainly not as important but it's still a primal necessary function for mental health. It's rare or a learned skill to not need it.

Not really. Put that energy into athletics. Masturbate. Don't watch porn. Do yoga. Meditate. Run stairs. Build models. Mental health is based on making good neurotransmitters, and thinking healthy thoughts. Not on sex.

Then why do people feel so good and happy after having sex/cuddling with a cute girl?

They don't. Its social conditioning. They're told it feels good. Movies push it. So they do it despite it being meh.

That's called oxytocin. It's the bonding hormone. Your brain also makes it when you masturbate.

Literally none of those things is going to replace the crippling feeling of loneliness I get everytime I wake up in an empty bed, you can't say relationships and sex don't matter when humanity exists literally just to have sex and reproduce

What have you done lately to deserve pussy? Symphony? Oil painting? Invention? Dug a ditch? Maybe humanity exists for itself, and reproduction is just how we get to experience being human for longer. What's the worth of being human if you aren't having something deeper than animals rutting? Have you read any good books lately? Gone to a play? Gone to an art museum? Learned philosophy? Come on, there's more in your brain than a dick switch.

What have you done lately to deserve pussy?

I think this is a loaded question and that the question of "What have you done to deserve love?" is the same thing that leads to the sorts of people you see on /r/niceguys or /r/nicegirls become violent and aggressive when they're denied the sex they "deserve" just because they were nice to somebody.

Symphony? Oil painting? Invention?

I write. I've had a lot of people tell me my writing's very good (mostly by women, in real life or on the internet, as friends or as commenters on forums, bizarrely enough), but if you're asking if I've created works that will rival Shakespeare or found a cure for cancer, no, I haven't done that.

What's the worth of being human if you aren't having something deeper than animals rutting?

I want to love and be loved by somebody that I can grow old with. I don't know if that's seen as a nonsensical, primal urge to you, but it's literally all I want. I don't really care what she looks like physically.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that it's impossible for you to find a partner (especially when you state her physical looks don't matter to you). Either you have horrific hygiene and the most offputting personality on earth, or you just sit inside all day and have zero interactions with people, which makes it impossible for you to find anyone.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that it's impossible for you to find a partner

I mean, I'd post a photo of myself if I wasn't worried it'd harm future career prospects by being associated the the label "incel", so you're just going to have to take my word on this.

Either you have horrific hygiene

I have a pretty deformed face (eyes are noticeably off-balance from one another) from my mother having a substance abuse issue while pregnant with me, bad cystic acne just through bad luck (dermatologist said it's more or less stuck that way, said accutane wasn't an option because I'd likely get the worser of the side effects), and a lazy eye that doctors say can't be fixed due to a sinus infection that didn't heal properly. I'm not so lazy or stupid to wear I don't wear deodorant, or shave, or shower daily.

the most offputting personality on earth

As I said in another post, I've been told I have a pretty good personality. Nobody that I know IRL would that I would post on places like these, I've been told by others I'm great with people and that I'm very easy to talk to. Again, you don't know me IRL, so you'll have to take my word on this.

There is simply no way that you're a nice normal guy but you're just too ugly for any of the billions of women to want you.

I don't know what else to tell you. I've explained everything about me to the best that I can. Is it really that hard to believe that being less-than-average looking can be a detriment to a person's attempts at finding love?

I'm aware being less-than-average looking is a detriment to finding love, but that doesn't mean it's impossible...

I can accept your sex life won't be anywhere near that of someone who's conventionally attractive, but you don't strike me as someone who wants a string of one night stands. I don't believe it's impossible for you to find one person to spend your life with. Do you actively try to find someone?

if you post on this cancerous sub, and people have told you that you "have a good personality", you're probably the type that people say that to because you seem oblivious to things people just say to make themselves feel good without actually meaning it. just a simple deduction though, I could be completely wrong, as I dont know you. but youre honestly giving off that vibe, to me.



Even if jesus, selflessness and love incarnate itself told you he can't get laid because he is ugly you'd find a way to make him a bad guy. You're the definition of vile cunt.

alrighty then

Sounds like you're on the right track. Keep at it. But women are attracted to men who aren't needy. We like to feel awe. Someone we can respect. So if a relationship is ALL you want, once you have one, how will you stay interesting? We don't want a man up in our business all the time. Familiarity breeds contempt. You've got to have a passion outside the relationship. We like to be able to brag about our men, as well as our own accomplishments, and our kids. It's part of morale.

I've been swooned by the written word before. Some women are sapiosexual.

Stfu the only shit you're attracted to is a good face, broad shoulder and 5'10 at the very least you virtue signaling cunt.

You're accusing me of lying. Denying my experience is emotionally abusive. Calling me a cunt is verbally abusive.

I certainly don't respect you, based on my experience of you in that comment. Now I will reject you based on my experience of your personality.

Denying my experience is emotionally abusive.

Oh my god will you ever be able to recover?

What have you done lately to deserve pussy?

fucking lol

These words coming from someone who has experienced love and intimacy really don't mean much to incels

What about women that have hit the wall? Or widows. Do you think they understand what it's like to find meaning in life that doesn't involve sex? You aren't the only beings in the world that don't have sex. Old ladies get horny too. What do they do to have meaning everyday?

The final question is, do you want sex, or do you want to be happy? Because those things are not dependent on each other.

Build models

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Ho Lee Fuk. I love it when reddit nerds try to larp as normies.

Yes, fuck learning instruments like guitar to impress and pick up women, build models you dirty incel. That'll teach you to stop being such a misogynist! That isolation will really do wonders for your social and dating isolation.

I admit it's a totally autistic hobby. But it requires mental focus. I did mean for that to be part of a larger whole with the running stairs and whatnot. A smart person's got to have something to focus their thoughts though. This is braincels. I assume I'm dealing with smart men.

Makers are totally hot, btw. Don't knock a fiddly hobby.

But it requires mental focus

So does guitar. It literally takes decades to master. Plenty of us incels play (as the videos have proven).

A smart person's got to have something to focus their thoughts though.

Are you trying to imply guitar players aren't intelligent or that guitar doesn't require the same intelligence as building models?

Don't knock a fiddly hobby

Again, are you implying guitar isn't a fiddly hobby? Guitar is the embodiment of finger dexterity.

Makers are totally hot, btw

I'd say on average playing guitar is going to garner you more attraction than building models m8.

I'm sorry. I thought you were being facetious with the guitar comment. I totally agree with you about the guitar. I'm definitely not arguing for models over guitars. I think it's important that it rings your inner bell, so whatever works for whoever is working it.

To be fair though, I wasn't giving advice on how to be attractive. I was giving advice on how to distract and sublimate a sex drive. I admit playing an instrument works for that too. Added bonus: groove and flow with other people. That builds sex skills. But you knew that part.

How about not basing your value as a human on how many vaginas you enter?

But that's MGTOW and these retards call that a cope.

It isn't necessarily a numbers thing, it's more just having a woman that thinks of you as desirable to begin with. Notice how the title says "a stacy" instead of "several stacies" It's about being afforded these opportunities and experiences in life to...enjoy life, basically

Every interaction and activity this guy does is made better by his face. Its not just sex. Every experience he has is magnified.

I spent the night watching my female protagonist movie, Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 3, and eating a chicken taco. You can indeed live life without fish tacos.

Arise sucks. Watch stand alone complex if you havent already

This is the second weird af looking dude ive seen today being referred to as a Chad... LOL


Maybe its not cope. Maybe women raised their Chad standard again.

Sorry but no.. i could pick apart everything weird looking about him if youd like?


He is not perfect (PSL 9/10) but he is definitely at least a PSL 6.5/10 (above average), if not PSL 7/10.

He does look slightly feminine and this is only one photograph, which could be manipulated by angles, cherry picking, filters, etc.

However, he is definitely not below average.

Hes got a weird nose, squinty creepy eyes, elf ears, and his body is way too big for his head. And yeah feminine af..i actually wouldnt be surprised if this was a ftm.

He's legit probably the best looking person I have ever seen, next to Lord David Gandy

Let me guess you're more into nerds.

Well i am in a currently 5 year relationship with someone who spends 80% of their time playing video games and goes months without trimming his beard or cutting his hair.. so i guess? XD

Man Just look at his personality fml

there is so much and his personality is why i like him

Women wouldn't care if you are a misogynist or r/braincels user if you looked like that.

If you looked like that you wouldn’t know what the internet was besides instagram. You would be too busy banging 10/10 Stacy models, and making tons of $$$ for simply existing

i'd be exactly the same even if i was the best looking man on earth.

Stephen Miller mogs this guy tbh

Elliot Rodger being a class case example of our plight. #copeisallwehave until we don't

One of the strongest hairlines I’ve seen, even brushed back it still mogs 99% of the Male populations.

Made me lol

Why's it seem like the main complaint is not being able to have sex with girls who are an 8+ why not just find someone who you actually like?

He's average in 2018

Yeah, not really. You can survive for longer than 3 weeks without sex.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that it's impossible for you to find a partner (especially when you state her physical looks don't matter to you). Either you have horrific hygiene and the most offputting personality on earth, or you just sit inside all day and have zero interactions with people, which makes it impossible for you to find anyone.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Keep at it. But women are attracted to men who aren't needy. We like to feel awe. Someone we can respect. So if a relationship is ALL you want, once you have one, how will you stay interesting? We don't want a man up in our business all the time. Familiarity breeds contempt. You've got to have a passion outside the relationship. We like to be able to brag about our men, as well as our own accomplishments, and our kids. It's part of morale.

I've been swooned by the written word before. Some women are sapiosexual.

But it requires mental focus

So does guitar. It literally takes decades to master. Plenty of us incels play (as the videos have proven).

A smart person's got to have something to focus their thoughts though.

Are you trying to imply guitar players aren't intelligent or that guitar doesn't require the same intelligence as building models?

Don't knock a fiddly hobby

Again, are you implying guitar isn't a fiddly hobby? Guitar is the embodiment of finger dexterity.

Makers are totally hot, btw

I'd say on average playing guitar is going to garner you more attraction than building models m8.

why would you resent somebody because they desire you?

Uh, because they had no interest in who you are as a person and your personality until such a drastic change happened to start to warrant their attraction. Have you been told what an ugly fucking weirdo and creep you are to your face by a woman before? Probably not. Get fucked.

This place is hell, leave it at all costs.

No. This place and we as incels triggering you is life fuel. It brings immense satisfaction to me knowing how much it enrages and upsets you.

I thought it was all about perosnality? Guess it depends on the current weather.