They really wish death upon us.

48  2018-05-05 by SadnessMyMiddleName


bullying has to be insincere to be bullying? what?? Normies will literally try to reinvent words just to try to stay the good guy.

It do be like that sometimes

Not every man who is a virgin and has a mental illness is a wannabe killer. But i dont see how feeling outrage for those who resort to that is bullying. By that standard you could call anyone who wishes killers were killed before they got the chance a bully.

“If you ever feel like killing someone...” she didn’t say every virgin with a mental illness, just any incel who wants to shoot up a place because they’re an incel should instead kill themselves and leave innocent people alone

Yeah i just dont think that is bullying

There is no incentive to leave others alone and the average person treats us like shit, they bring it upon themselves and can't even realize it. If women would actually give us fucking attention there would be quite a few less dead people.

The issue is that it seems as if he is proposing that the incel ideology / conformed stance is that we want to kill people because our "dicks don't get touched"

Yeah i agree that is an issue and all incels shouldn't be painted with the same light.

Agree, only common theme here is depression and loneliness

Average numale IQ is 65.

U r generous

Yeah stop pearl clinching and kill yourself bro hahaha my life is awesome and I have high testosterone!!! I have sex with every woman in my city I'm that damn good!!

Its a shame murder is illegal. People like that release the bloodlust in me

semantics and mental gymnastics

"If you feel like killing someone...."

If you DONT feel like killing someone, then obviously this does not apply to you lol.

Yeh, it's just saying that if you're gonna kill someone else don't do it kill yourself

Dear black people. If you feel like killing someone...

If you DONT feel like killing someone, then obviously this does not apply to you lol.

Dear black people. If you feel like killing someone...

If you DONT feel like killing someone, then obviously this does not apply to you lol.

I thought this sub was pro assisted suicide?