If women have ever treated you poorly, it's YOUR fault, not theirs. No large group of people has ever treated another group of people unfairly!

72  2018-05-04 by rileymils

It's not human nature! Never in human history has a large group of people been anything but morally righteous and ethical towards other humans!


tee hee

No but in all seriousness, it's not really a case of "If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes" like many normies seem to think it is. I have made many male friends despite my social awkwardness because they appreciate my good sense of humor. Women seem to want nothing to do with me as soon as my social awkwardness comes through. It seems like almost all women want NOTHING to do with non-neurotypicals.

kek, Jews in Germany. Blacks in America. American Indians in America.

Women would treat incels worse than these people were treated if they could get away with it.

The jews, blacks, and Indians all had bad personality. If every nazi you meet doesn't like you, maybe YOU'RE the problem, jew.

If every nazi you meet doesn't like you, maybe YOU'RE the problem, jew.

Wow. Never thought it this way...



Whites in Zimbabwe..


Women are genetically programed to hate low tier males. I can see it in their eyes, their mannerisms.

I agree. Its obvious.


Real life.

Buddy, you'd have to actually experience it to make that call.

Yeah no shit why do you think I'm here in the first place.

what makes one a “low tier” male?

Low sexual market value. It's like a game of economics. If you're a 3/10 on the looks scale, you can compensate for that by having status, money, or both. Which is exactly why some rich ugly rockstars have supermodel wives.

So if you don't have looks, money, or status, you're a low tier male. The same doesn't work for women because of juggernaut law and the fact that they are the ones in demand in the market. Tinder is the number 1 proof for this. No matter how ugly you might be, you will still get matches as a woman because you are in demand. Some bars even let women in for free while telling men to pay up, knowing very well that men will go wherever women are.

Low I.Q. Comment right there.

No. It's definitely the individual women's fault. Just not the fault of the entirety of women.

I agree.

Most of them.

I'm seriously convinced that a lot of you guys just spend time around bad women.

The vast majority of women I know will not lead a man on in a romantic context if they know they're not interested. There's no "keeping backup men around to fuel my ego." The very idea that a man might be harboring romantic feelings that you might not reciprocate is so fundamentally horrifying to us, we do everything we can to avoid even the possibility of leading someone on -- because the prospect of having to have that awkward conversation, or even email exchange, is so singularly mortifying that we will do everything in our power to avoid it.

I know the women who do that -- attract hordes of dudes who they know they don't want anything to do with romantically, just to fuel their own ego. And the thing is: they're not normal women. They're fucking psychopaths.

fucking psychopaths.

Yes..normal women.

What you’re talking about is far from why I and I think most of hate women. What are you talking about?

You weiners hate women because you can’t hate yourselves any more. It’s like a bleed valve.

Thanks for your armchair psychoanalysis or whatever, but it’s wrong. You don’t shit about me so you can fuck off. Also, if you’re a woman and this is how you respond and wonder why we hate women, you’re a complete idiot like most women.

"bad women" gravitate to men with issues. That's why incels meet crappy women. I think that's one of the problems with the anti-incel/tears set is they haven't met emotionally unhealthy women, because they're all nice progressives who only know other nice progressives

because they're all nice progressives who only know other nice progressives

Which adds another layer of irony, because nice progressives are usually the ones to be embroiled in sex scandals.

I'm convinced most victim of racism just spend time around bad people.

Femoids are programmed by nature to be manipulative and psychologically abusive towards low-value males, so that they fuck off or kill themselves and not bother her while she chases Chad.

In this regard women are becoming worse than wild animals. You believing them that they wouldn't use a man is extremely naive, because if you happend to stay in a femoids way of getting a Chad, she would murder you without a blink of an eye. That's how animalistic they can be in a world which doesn't put any boundaries on them.

Hey, randomaabetaplayer, just a quick heads-up:
happend is actually spelled happened. You can remember it by ends with -ened.
Have a nice day!

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Yes all 30,000 women at my university who laugh at my face in the halls are just "bad women". The extra thousands I see throughout the year from my service job that get visibly uncomfortable when I serve them are also just "bad women".

This is some nuclear level cope. ALL women despise ugly men, they know we are genetic trash and they shun us in hopes that it keeps us out of the gene pool.

Speaking from all of your experience with the opposite sex?

Yup. I have a feeling you’re trying to imply that means it isn’t valid or or something though. Even though that’s what everyone goes by and all we can go by.

It's always been a small group pushing their will on the many through brute force finance capitalism. That's why so many people mistakenly blame the jews, theyre not all innocent but the jews were only given authority over the banks by the crown.


Maybe if you all weren’t so socially retarded you could actually get fucking laid!

Wow crazy amirite?

Why are you so angry at non-neurotypical people?

Because you fuckers are annoying and blame everything on women when in fact it’s your own ineptitude that’s ducking yourselves over, but you’re too fucking stupid to realize it.

I don't blame women, I'm just sad that not having autism is a prerequisite for most relationships, and wish they hadn't bullied me for being awkward when I was younger. I was always able to make male friends with my sense of humor despite my social awkwardness, but most women seem not at all interest in non-neurotypical guys.

You’re not “Non-Neurotypical”. You’re just socially retarded. Period.

Ever wonder why fat or ugly guys seem to be punching above their weight? It’s because they’ve got personality and are interesting.

You don’t have either of those, yet you refuse to commit to any self improvement and instead choose to victimize yourselves over and over. It’s embarrassing.

You don’t have either of those, yet you refuse to commit to any self improvement and instead choose to victimize yourselves over and over. It’s embarrassing.

You seem like you are ideologically possessed and having a conversation with your concept of an incel and not an individual person. Why do you think I haven't committed to any self improvement? I've been doing HIIT and working out for 4 years, recently started jogging outside and boxing as well, eating as much healthy food as I can to gain weight, cooking, going to therapy, going out with friends and trying to gain confidence, taking CBD, l-theanine, and zinc and magnesium supplements to reduce anxiety. I'm hoping to have decent social skills by the time I turn 21 but it doesn't feel as easy as a lot of people say it is.

"You’re not “Non-Neurotypical”. You’re just socially retarded."

it's the same thing you fucking idiot. Non NT=autistic=social issues. You don't need to agree with incels to recognise that autistic people can't just choose to improve and become good conversationalists.

it's the same thing you fucking idiot

No it’s not, it’s a way of saying that you’ve got really really really shit social skills and would rather victimize yourselves rather than actually improve. You also all fucking morons. Stop victimizing yourselves.

actual diagnosed aspie checking in, also have paranoid/avoidant personality disorder.

many people larp that they're on the spectrum but for people like me it is most definitely over. the hilarious part is that i wasn't even born with it.

If you’re actually telling the truth, then congrats on being one of the 5% of the sub that is actually disabled. I still question your involvement in a sub that openly harassed women because they viewed them as less than objects simply because they refused to have sex with them. That’s just what incels do.

I still question your involvement in a sub that openly harassed women because they viewed them as less than objects simply because they refused to have sex with them.

Still the same talking point again and again. You sure you normies aren't projecting a societal attitude towards and perpetuated by women? Because, like, you're repeating the same shit down to a word.

why not just date a downie friendo? work at your level ya know?

Women are human beings, trying to date one with a mental disorder because you think you'd had better chance is akin to viewing her like an object you misogynistic creep. I bet you rape and beat women.

No it isnt lol. im saying stop fucking with girls that are out ypur league dog, and gave ypu a criteria that might help you. Finding someone with a specific disorder you have as well makes you an objective pleasure seekers...?

Who you calling dog you little shit you orbit women harder than mercury around the sun you cocksucker.

i have one women in my life thank you.

Thanks for clearing that up

So wouldn't a girl dating dating this guy with autism being doing the same?

Wow this is what I come to Reddit for. Right here. There's a lot of magic in this comment

Im trying to offer useful tips to the users of this sub. It was my pleasure helping you.

Try using that famous empathy inceltears likes to invoke. I'm no incel but I can definitely empathise with them, we are products of our environment after all. Imagine being severely bullied, belittled and rejected from most likely childhood onwards. Completely alienated from your peers and being starved of social interaction that people desperately need in order to enable proper social development. They project their problems on society and women, but can you blame them? The only reason I'm as self aware as I am is that I have years of therapy behind me. The funny thing is that I still think the majority of women are horrendous and entitled princesses just as fucked up as incels.

Shut the fuck up jon snow.

How do you see people's social skills over on the internet? What are you chief, a medium or something? Or are you pulling shit out of your ass to have what appears to be a sliver of an argument?

Reposting efeenes74's comment from another thread, regarding whimsiclestranger:

"If I printed out your comments and started selling them as knives, I'd be the world's richest knife salesman in the world. You're the biggest edgelord I've seen on this here website.

Since this pussy here has removed some of his comments, I'm writing them here:

Keep driving your cars into things so you get killed. Do the rest of the world a favor.

You’re all just fucking pathetic little punching bags.

I agree, we should euthanize all of you incel fucks.

You’re all fucking losers

PS: Fuck you Saudi Arabia. Fuck you US government for willingly selling hundreds of millions of USD worth of weapons per year to SA after knowing that they funded 15 of the hijackers. That’s why I don’t trust you cunts. I know you’re reading this. TIN FOIL

TMZ are human leaches. Fucking snakes. Vultures. Assholes. Cunts. Dicks, or cocks. Douchenozzles. Anuses or Ani. A Cold Lunch. Smelly sausages. Resemblents to anal leakage. DoucheCanoe. An Alaskan Pipeline of a TV show. Stalkers. A massive purple sock. A colonoscopy done by elephantman. They’re like a Panamanian Petting Zoo. Milk Toast. A huuuge Ugga-Dugga. Worthless animals. A Kuntuky Klondike Bar.

If that’s still a thing, then fuck you China get your fuckin islands and warmongering outta the South China Sea you dickheads. Taiwan is not part of China and are an independent country. People are happier living in Hong Kong than actual mainland China because it’s a dystopian nightmare.

Sure, you’re very nice compared to a terrorist that would plow his car into a crowd of- oh wait...you fuckers did that too...

All of this just in five fucking hours.

You're either having a very bad day or you're a very sad and disturbed individual. Either way, get the fuck out of reddit and get some help."

I didn’t delete anything, fuckin idiot.


Women are human beings, trying to date one with a mental disorder because you think you'd had better chance is akin to viewing her like an object you misogynistic creep. I bet you rape and beat women.

Yup. I have a feeling you’re trying to imply that means it isn’t valid or or something though. Even though that’s what everyone goes by and all we can go by.

Wow this is what I come to Reddit for. Right here. There's a lot of magic in this comment