Our future

253  2018-05-04 by Trees_Are_Racist


Lol. Truth is, bosses love single guys. You can work 'em sixteen hours a day as long as you assign someone to feed 'em.

Who else is going to cover for the Mums finishing at 3pm on the flexible working hours and work the midnight shift?

This. Single guys can be overworked.

and then the gas van pulls up

Vroom vroom

When the gas van's testifyin' a faithless man believes

I got this!

national incel registry

Why arent they all enslaved already

If we were slaves, they’d have to provide us with food and shelter. With the registry they can just deny us money with will lead us to die miserably in the streets starving to death

I see you have high hopes for the future

Lmao this is some seriously pussy shit

Lmao fuck off normie

lol ggez

Honestly, if I knew someone was a member of the incel community I wouldn't hire them, for the same reason I wouldn't hire someone who was a member of the KKK. It's a hate group. And it's terrible all around for a person to support violent hate groups.

This is the reason I will never reveal my role in the global incel movement. We are your janitors, your fast food workers, your supermarket shelf stockers. We are everywhere and we are too numerous to stop.

Sounds like Fight Club...and I love it!

Oh my god that's hilarious. "You will never know who I am and I will die a janitor" is not a cool line. I can't see this being a movie anytime soon.

Actually, thanks to the patriot act, the internet as not as anonymous as you might think, particularly when it comes to tracking members of hate groups and terrorist organizations. everything you say here and post here can be traced back to who you really are and could implicate you in an act of violence or terrorism that your group or perhaps, you personally have instigated.

We only hate people you..fat lesbians that yearn for beefcake...and cake.


You realize an incel is just a man who happens to be so unattractive he’ll never get laid right? That’s all it means.

In other words you’re saying you’d only hire attractive people. Which I guess if that’s your thing, so be it. But it’s kinda shallow.

All femoids are shallow

An "incel" is a specific term for this community, therefore, a radicalized virgin who has been preyed upon and indoctrinated into this hate group. A virgin is a man who has not had sex. An insecure Virgin is a man who doesn't believe he will have sex. Sadly it's easy to target and manipulate someone that is already insecure and then to radicalize them to the point where they are willing to believe only the dogma they have been fed, and eventually use them to further a violent agenda. If I were you I would be very careful about the groups you are affiliated with.

Low iq comment.

That is literally everybody's thing. There are studies confirming that attractive people are more likely to be hired than unattractive people.

You joke, but for realsies a modified version of this does already happen to some.

First, they check your Netflix account to make sure you only watch shows with stronk female characters in leadership positions.

lmao at "no references available " haha

Yet for some reason y’all are allying yourselves with the alt-right, that are very much pro-capitalism...

🤠 Howdy pardner! Glad “yall” were able to stop on by now ya hear! 🤠

Thanks. I'm literally from Texas

You guys aren’t stupid enough to think this will happen are you?

This is the reason I will never reveal my role in the global incel movement. We are your janitors, your fast food workers, your supermarket shelf stockers. We are everywhere and we are too numerous to stop.

We only hate people you..fat lesbians that yearn for beefcake...and cake.


You realize an incel is just a man who happens to be so unattractive he’ll never get laid right? That’s all it means.

In other words you’re saying you’d only hire attractive people. Which I guess if that’s your thing, so be it. But it’s kinda shallow.

🤠 Howdy pardner! Glad “yall” were able to stop on by now ya hear! 🤠