I'm sure most of those women are voluntary celibates. I'm black and I didn't start having sex until I became an atheist. Premarital sex was really stigmatized in my family
There's also a study that says that resumes that have a name that sounds "black" get called back 50% less of the time. I'm aware that people are dismissive of black people in general. I see it in my workplace/industry. So I get that if someone saw dark skin on an app, they might swipe left. But I'm far more concerned about how black women far in our careers than dating, because men like hot girls, even if they're racist against black people. In a group, I've gotten hit on more than my white friends.
Lol @ Hard downward trend for "Other" Women, whom I can only assume to be Hispanic, Asian and Indian. All traditionally conservative cultures whos women have experienced sexual revolution over the last couple decades at the hands of Chad.
The only reason women even fuck black guys is because they either want to look tolerant or because they obsess about their dicks. Like what the other guy said, "Blacked" isnĀ“t a real thing.
You see two types of ethnic men. Those who hangout in packs of their own race and believe all the stereotypes and eliminate themselves, and normal American ethnic men who just behave like normal Americans.
The majority of ethnic men who aren't black are either the children of immigrants or had parents who lived under strict segregation laws as they were coming of age
That doesn't explain why the ethnic girls are getting laid the most. They are immigrant daughters or lived under strict laws, then why are they the most thotty?
1 Ploard 2018-05-04
Honestly, I wouldn't mind an ugly black woman called herself an incel...
Source: https://twitter.com/toad_spotted/status/992108016597127168
1 redoveryellow 2018-05-04
I'm sure most of those women are voluntary celibates. I'm black and I didn't start having sex until I became an atheist. Premarital sex was really stigmatized in my family
1 Ploard 2018-05-04
Idk, it seems that black women don't do well in online dating compared to women of other races
1 redoveryellow 2018-05-04
There's also a study that says that resumes that have a name that sounds "black" get called back 50% less of the time. I'm aware that people are dismissive of black people in general. I see it in my workplace/industry. So I get that if someone saw dark skin on an app, they might swipe left. But I'm far more concerned about how black women far in our careers than dating, because men like hot girls, even if they're racist against black people. In a group, I've gotten hit on more than my white friends.
1 tfl38yrs 2018-05-04
I would fuck one of those black women any day. Too bad every ethnicity hates me.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-04
1 Ploard 2018-05-04
inb4 "Misogyny among men of colour on the rise"
1 TrueLifeIncelStory 2018-05-04
Lol @ Hard downward trend for "Other" Women, whom I can only assume to be Hispanic, Asian and Indian. All traditionally conservative cultures whos women have experienced sexual revolution over the last couple decades at the hands of Chad.
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-04
Gonna be honest was not expecting blacks to pass whites in the Men category
1 AnnoyingSeaAnt 2018-05-04
BBC theory is not actually real, and BLACKED isn't actually reality too. The More You Know.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-04
Theyve got bigger dicks on acerage tou... Sluts are addicted to bbc
1 IAmTheFash 2018-05-04
The only reason women even fuck black guys is because they either want to look tolerant or because they obsess about their dicks. Like what the other guy said, "Blacked" isnĀ“t a real thing.
1 Darth-Incel 2018-05-04
Tbh it's a marginal difference in 2015. Look at how it was 10 years earlier.
1 redoveryellow 2018-05-04
As a black woman, it's not surprising to me. Black guys hit on me more easily/frequently than white guys
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-04
Black women are invisible to me.
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-04
Wouldn't that make it more surprising then?
1 Soiled_Bugman 2018-05-04
We are living in a global pussy renaissance. Who ever knew the female version of utopia is to fuck diseased ridden chad dick.
1 Darth-Incel 2018-05-04
LOL women are not at all racist!! So much for being the more "empathetic" sex.
1 neomancr 2018-05-04
You see two types of ethnic men. Those who hangout in packs of their own race and believe all the stereotypes and eliminate themselves, and normal American ethnic men who just behave like normal Americans.
The majority of ethnic men who aren't black are either the children of immigrants or had parents who lived under strict segregation laws as they were coming of age
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-04
That doesn't explain why the ethnic girls are getting laid the most. They are immigrant daughters or lived under strict laws, then why are they the most thotty?
1 neomancr 2018-05-04
Because guys are the or thirsty and the media have always promoted white male ethnic female while taking a strong stance versus the opposite
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-04
Wanna add me on switch?
1 neomancr 2018-05-04
Nintendo? You wanna be Mario bros with me? Sure!
1 hara-kiri-enthusiast 2018-05-04
Neomancr is still alive?
1 neomancr 2018-05-04
Neomancr is an avatar of hope through skepticism of mortals and their ephemeral ideations. He is a coefficient
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-04
It's over for us ethnic men. JBW theory was always right
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-04
LOL it's no surprise that black women are the only ones that can sympathize with incels
it is SO over for othercels in 2018
1 Picopeso 2018-05-04
The racepill is probably the most robust blackpill there is. If you deny it I assume you are simply a liar.
1 FUCK_SNITCHES 2018-05-04
No shit Sherlock
1 lori171717 2018-05-04
Wait i thought we whities were fucked. But who is even worse Off ?