My culture is NOT your goddamn prom dress

139  2018-05-04 by keyandfeels


im a gamer gurl tee hee


It's a cool idea though. Reminds me of that over watch character. Maybe that's what she was going for?


I would enjoy having nonreciprocal sexual intercourse with that female metaphorically

She probably is sweating out the Mountain Dew daily

To look that way, I doubt she even visits the pop isle in the grocery store.

She looks young, plenty of young people have awful diets and still stay skinny

You can't see her teeth, also

I think it's obvious this is a cosplay inspired by the character Hana Song, also known as, from the famous game Overwatch.

I'd also like to point out that Overwatch has a really varied playerbase, and actually a lot of girls play this game. There is a girl in the competitive OwLeague team Shangai Dragons, and there are a lot of other girl players who are trying to get into competitive teams.

Just saying, this is not "your" culture...


I've played Overwatch on and off for 2 years.. and every single girl on voice chat is a fat chick if you are above bronze.

I'm sure you know there is no way of knowing what other players in the game look like, so I'm actually confused by this statement. Are you implying that only fat fucks are good at videogames? ;)

I'm sure you know there is no way of knowing what other players in the game look like

Weight actually does make an impact on how your voice can sound to others:

I'm sure people here who've been in voice chats with a lot of people also notice it. A lot of overweight and obese people have a very distinct sound to their voice that immediately tells you they're overweight.

Of course, you can understand a lot of things only hearing someone's voice; when I talk they always assume I'm a preteen male which is almost accurate considering I'm a grown ass woman. I'm sure it's my mic though.

Shangai Dragons

your girl gamer team is loosing every game in competitive tho, just like every other femaloid team that has to compete vs men in every single (e)sport

The team is doing better since she joined the team, as you surely know :) the casters often notice how well she can track and how fast she reacts when her healers are dived. Surely there are better players, but she's actually doing a lot for the team.

This sounds so gay I got aids from reading it

I understand, competitive esports are not everybody's cup of tea. Still, there's no need to be a party pooper just because it's not an incel who said it. I assume Overwatch is popular in the incel community too: in my experience, a lot of the players are salty, toxic, and in general crybabies.

It's too meta bro, wtf is an overwatch

I'll do you one better, why is overwatch?

trying too hard to be funny femoid

"Women make up 16% of Overwatch’s playerbase. That’s around five million female players"

Four million five hundred thousand tits streamers

You must be a tit connoisseur by now!

Girls created the gamer subculture by encouraging chad to remove incels from society from grade school up. Now they want in, it’s appropriation at its finest.

I just want to kindly say this is the stupidest fucking logic I have heard in at least a month, and I browse this ideologically fucked sub daily. Seriously, no girl had ever said to any guy "hey I hate all those ugly guys, can you make them start playing video games so they'll leave us alone and all of us attractive people can have some peace."

All of you need to get off your damn pity pot and better yourselves somehow.

Vidya is our culture femoid

The culture joke is a meme, keep up with the times old man

This is actually particularly entertaining since I recently had someone on this sub explain to me all of the reasons why OverWatch is "cucked". Obviously I disagreed with him, but I can't deny that from his standpoint it made sense. If OverWatch is cucked this is really the one cosplay that should never be interpreted as incel cultural appropriation. :)

Now that I've participated in taking this meme far too seriously, I'll see myself out. :-)

I swear to God I don't understand this sub. If I had said something like "lel just jealous you don't have a cosplaying gf" I would have been at -51 and no one would have cared. Instead I went full autistic with my explanation and I got the most random replies and a lot of upvotes. At least I have to admit this sub is consistent, even when it comes from a degenerate concubine apparently.

But maybe it's because it's 4AM here, I really don't understand what the fuck are you talking about. Why is overwatch "cucked" now?

Lmao. Well, i don't think it is, but it involved the high number of female players, the fact that the creators go out of their way to make it inclusive and accessable, and also Tracer is gay. Or bi maybe? Basically all the reasons why so many people like it. :D

Casually playing a popular mainstream game isn't "gaming", the kind of people playing that or Fortnite would not have played games at all before they were mainstream. You're a poser.

Lol at the low IQ upvoting this comment.

How many beta-orbiters are required to get enough Mountain Dew labels to pull this off?

gamer girls

these girls rely on the attention of desperate virgins to fuel themselves

Plays using Xbox controller smh

Her attention tank must have been running on empty.


when the day of reckoning comes i will take note of every ip address that has accessed an overwatch server and have them flagged for the chambers

Those exact headphones came in the flcl 2 and 3 trailer

God if there’s a girlcel this is it. Bet she hasn’t ever sucked a dick in her life. She’s more incel than us.