Exactly. Even the unattractive girls I see have their phones bombarded with messages by men. They all sit there and text away their time, they're always online on whatever messaging platform I see them on.
No based on past experience. Every girl I have talked to in the past year and gotten to know, whether they were fat,ugly,autistic or didn't have the best personalities always either had a boyfriend or guys pursuing them. This is how it works. Now many of the assholes here use this as an excuse to hate women which is wrong. This is just the way the world works. Tough shit.
do not engage with people who ask low effort, concern troll questions like this... if they cant put in the effort to even click a link, what makes you think they'll read your answer in good faith?
I'll be sure to say that to every average looking man I see on the street with a woman. Clearly they're not finding any luck in relationships, so I may as well tell them the truth.
Oh you're talking about that community where the users always talk about receiving life advice from other users and how it tremendously improved their lives.
When I was younger I eventually moved to a small town and went to the highschool there. There was probably a 3 to 1 ratio with men being that 1. That's exactly what happened. My brother who had never had a girl interested in him ever before suddenly had all these girls who were even more attractive than him hit on him. He even got a few gfs. He was completely invisible up until his junior year of high school. I honestly saw a huge change in him too when women started being nice to him and give him attention. He went from being a huge asshole to me to a pretty nice older brother. His life got way more social too. From seeing all this happen with my brother I completely understand why the guys in here act the way they do. I can tell that alot of them just want to feel wanted or hope for genuine love. This attacking women is a coping mechanism. Why would you make yourself want something more that you feel you may never get?
was he incel or chadlite looking at the least. cuz those kinda great ods don't matter if one is an incel it just means chad gets 3 girls instead of one. I went to an 80% roastie liberal arts college
He wasn't the most attractive guy and had a bit of weight. He also wasn't super charismatic either. Definitely not a Chad. I'm not really sure if he was considered an incel but I've seen a few incels here who have posted that look better than he did at the time. Alternativley, I am a girl and I never had anyone interested in me all through highschool but it didn't bother me cause I am not attracted to men and assumed that most of the girls there were straight or were out of my league. I was fat, unhygienic, and incredibly unsocial so I didn't try to be desirable either lol.
men and women perceive attractiveness different - what you consider to be an average guy would actually be an above-average guy if judged under a more fair standard of perception.
A lot of these incels might attack women, but a lot of them are just identifying the 'game' being played. Women's literal instinct in life is to find the most alpha males to try to have babies with, locking one of them down. If she fails to do that by age ~30 (more but usually less nowadays since women are eating poorly and hitting their walls earlier).. she knows she will have to 'settle' for someone less desirable. I don't hate women but every attractive woman instinctually plays this game no matter how hard she tries to fight it.
It totally can be the other way around. Try becoming someone women would want to fight over, as opposed to wallowing in self pity. Self pity is very rarely attractive to men or women.
Juggernaut law: when a girl has flaws more she seems "attainable" so she will be more popular with men.
Men have a harder time dating their looksmatch because women can easily date up. Most men are desperate. We all know it. Attractive men have better chances of having sex or starting a relationship when they substantially lower their standards. For example, a 6/10 above average man can easily hook up or start a relationship with a 3/10 girl. It makes sense because women are on demand by nature, as shown by dating websites and clubs that let women enter for free, but make men pay up.
In contrast, a 6/10 woman can easily hook up with a 3/10 guy. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that desperation is not an attractive quality, for women or men.
The reverse does not apply because women are on demand by nature, as shown by dating websites and clubs that let women enter for free, but make men pay up.
There is no reason for a 6/10 woman to hook up with a 3/10 guy when she has many men, both above and in her league showing interest in her. This is due to the fact that men evolutionary have the instinct to show interest in many kinds of women to spread their genes further, while women have to be and are picky with who they mate with.
I personally don't hate women. But I can't say I blame the ones who do.
Being unwanted entirely for your looks sucks, especially when society tells you that looks don't matter. You're fed a lie. The world is all made up to be some fairy tale from when you were very little, where there's someone for everyone, when in reality the statistics and science show the exact opposite. Having no friends or social life, not getting attention from the opposite sex, getting bad looks from people in the street, it all sucks. But what sucks the most especially is realizing that the halo effect is true when you read into it. We all do it, it's built into our primitive minds. Just knowing the fact that people who are better looking than you will be treated better is what drives people into depression and sometimes even suicide.
Those who hate women have different reasons. But the one which I primarily know of is unrequited love. At some point you have to realize that not being loved your entire life has an effect on people. Imagine going through countless crushes and none of them loving you back. Even having some of them shitting on you for being short or for your ugly face. Being shut down every time you want to make a move. You work on your personality, it does nothing. You gain muscle, it doesn't help your face. You even lose body fat, it helps a bit, but you still can't fix your jawline, mandible, ramus, eye area, frame, or height. How can fat and ugly women with no personality to speak of find so many people to date but I can't?
Now, hating women gives incels or normal people no right to attack them, but the same works the other way. Telling people's employers to remove already suicidal and psychologically destroyed men who have no prospects in life or loved ones, or inciting violence against them doesn't make you a saint. In fact I think it makes you a piece of shit. It's like telling a man hanging from the railings of a bridge to jump.
Yep. Every few days the emotional boredom overcomes me and I just HAVE to text a guy to come over, I have multiples so I don't get told no. Someone will come over and I'll give them sex in return for making me feel like a person again, then I'll ride the high for the day or two and come crashing down, only to do it again with someone else. I know the men in my life only want me for the sex. I've gotten over that part, it is what it is.
You know.. I’ve been texting a girl for over a year now... She always comes to me when she is lonely and shit because she hardly has any friends... I always wait for her to text me back and when she does she always checks up on how I am doing and we have a chat and shit... Seeing this just broke me.
Oh, I already know I’ve been friend zoned. I also know that I have no chance with her or any girl due to my deformity. It just feels nice to know that a female cares about you... Even if she’s faking it.
No one said anything about entitlement. Frienship is a two-way street. If he provides support for her (non-romantically) then she should be expect to do the same. It sounds to me like this would be the case. Romance and friendship aren't too far removed, and if you think a friendship is only something that can be used to cash in for sex, or some "gift" you give to women that they may or may not deserve, I can see why you've not found any romantic relationships man. The self sabotage is real.
Women are people too and they have the same natural inclination to build social connections as we do, not all of them romantic. If you can't see that then that's something you really need to work on
"if you think a friendship is only something that can be used to cash in for sex, or some "gift" you give to women that they may or may not deserve"
thats not what i said. the point with not engaging with women for the purposes of friendship is that if they consider us gross or asexual im not going to give them the sort of attention and validation that they've determined im "suitable for". theres plenty of other low SMV males in this world that have no dignity who would love to give these girls all the "friendship" they desire.
Man that's just sad. I'm sure there's girls you would consider not "suitable for" sexual relationships. No matter the reason, they have no obligation to find you sexually attractive. But you're willing to forego a possible friendship, which can be just as rewarding as a relationship (friendships gives you someone to talk to, to have someone on your side, someone to help you out and vice versa), so long as you aren't hung up on the no sex bit.
It may seem like it's unanimous that people dont find you attractive, but there's always someone out there who will find you "suitable". Bitterness from having a tough time finding someone like that shouldn't block you from building meaningful friendships with good people. Plus, having a female friend gives you an "in" to better understanding what some may want/like. It helps you become more comfortable talking to girls and confidence is ALWAYS key. Being an incel isn't necessarily permanent
But you're willing to forego a possible friendship
I have lots of friends, all of them are men. I can talk to people and make friends easily, invite them over or see a movie and hang out. We'll be friends and talk to each other at random points in time.
Any time I've tried to make friends with women around my age, the effort is all a one way street. At this point I'm pretty certain that to even make friends with women, someone has to be at least somewhat attractive or else the "effort" a woman would typically put into a friendship is replaced by letting the ugly guy even say 'hi' to her.
Not all women are the same. Sure, a decent amount of them may take kindness as flirting and shy away from you in fear of leading you on. But not everyone is like that, and so long as you're able to read non-verbal clues (ie: telling when someone isn't into you), you should be able to give off your own vibes of non-sexual intentions.
It's perfectly fine to have mostly guy friends, but I feel like it's a disservice to yourself to write women off as "un-friendable" or not worth the effort to be friends with. There's douchey guys just like there's bitchy women, you just have to find the ones with their heads on straight
This is fine bro just don’t compliment her and make sure if you’re having a bad day or something you and her talk and she at least tries to help otherwise that’s pointless
What do you not think girls can care about their friends. Don't let the fact that you have a deformity make you see every kind act towards you as an act of pity. Believe it or not but everyone fakes about caring about their friends
Fuck women. They're such fucking stupid attention seeking whores. I knew a few of these cunts who would do the same thing to me, but the MINUTE she gets a boyfriend your ass is out of there forever. Those pieces of shit.
i've been dating a chick on and off for a year. she frequently doesn't respond to me. i always assumed she was busy. until she actually showed me her phone and she had 20 new snapchat notifications from different people and was texting all night long. it was insane..
These guys are doing everything they can to bring people down. They want you to be miserable. Don't fall into they're trap of negativity. Why else would somebody be this determined to say such horrible things if they weren't miserable themselves. Who else would do that? Nobody who's comfortable who's comfortable with their livelihood. They're clearly incredibly miserable and they're only solace is too feel like they're views are validated that way they won't see themselves as abject failures. Get the hell out of this place and rise above this irrational hellhole that's acts the way it does out of depression. You can actually change your life instead of believing you're destined for failure. It's a matter of removing yourself from defeatist mindsets and never giving in to thoughts of inability. Most problems people experience are simply because they lack the belief that they can pull themselves through. Be the user that rejects the "black pill" and start enjoying life again.
This person is right. Get out of here. Find a lady of similar attractiveness and accomplishments. Work to the level of you want your partner to be. Gain confidence in other aspects of your life, that will show. Stop blaming others, even if there are a barriers that fucking suck, the only person in this world that can help that is you. Wallowing in negativity will only reinforce the fucked up synapses that got you here in the first place.
Find a lady of similar attractiveness and accomplishments.
This is the only subreddit where this thinking is even allowed. How can you say "get out of here"?
Stating facts is not a negative. Accepting facts as quickly as possible is the best way to live life, like the fact of "I'm not attractive, I'm going to die alone".
I've lived on my own since I turned 18, I bought a house recently and make real decent money for my age. The only thing remaining that makes me sad in life is that I should accept that some day I'll die alone but I shouldn't let myself be miserable just because of this fact.
This sub could do with a bit more positivity, though. Maybe some stickies on how to deal with loneliness and continue feeling motivated to succeed in life.
I've seen too many very happy, unattractive couples, for this to be true. I don't think posts talking shit about attractive women in revealing clothes or their loose anatomy is helping anyone.
Maybe your lack of emotion is one of the reasons you don’t have any luck with the ladies . My views are also based on facts. I’ve been cheated on before, and now I’m married to a wonderful woman who loves me and would never cheat on me. Even if she did, it wouldn’t lead me to believe that all women are untrustworthy.
Doesn’t me being married to an attractive woman make me an ‘alpha Chad’?
Normie braindead response strikes again. It means an attractive woman who probably isn't even attractive, just like a 5, has a used up pussy, and decided to settle down for some loser like you, who she probably finds no legitimate physical attraction to. She'll fuck you a few times a week so she doesn't have to hear you complain.
You'll be posting on r/deadbedrooms soon just like the majority of other normie beta men.
So you genuinely think all relationships work this way? Here’s something that may blow your mind: we’re both very attracted to each other. Also, I don’t beg for sex. Desperation isn’t attractive to anyone.
Of course looks matter, when you lack any kind of charisma and you project victimisation as your primary trait.
The fact that you blame others, people that don't even know you, for your own shortcomings is absolutely pathetic. And you wonder why the opposite sex finds you repulsive?
Stopped right there, and didn't read the rest of your drivel. This is all I needed to hear. Thank you for proving our point. This is the whole reason our subreddit even exists, because many morons who oppose us believe that looks don't matter at all in getting a woman.
Then I was right. And don't pretend like you didn't read the rest of my reply, you're come across like a real cringy dude.
Looks might matter but understand that if you wipe the cheeto dust from your face, stop being a pathetic little weasel whom feels sorry for themselves, and try really really hard to communicate (without hyperventilating) with the opposite sex, maybe, just maybe, if you sniff around long enough a really really drunk girl might take pity on you one night and let you rub some baby oil on her vag and stick it in for 20 secs.
It'll be just like the porn videos you jack off too, you gon' love it.
I'm actually a pretty healthy muscular guy who more than likely has a better body than yours, because I've been obsessed with keeping my body healthy for years at a low body fat %
stop being a pathetic little weasel whom feels sorry for themselves
No one is feeling sorry for themselves. You're just another asshole who throws away our experiences like shit, and then state "Hurrr durrr just have a good personality bro"
and try really really hard to communicate (without hyperventilating) with the opposite sex,
Yup, more baseless assumption bullshit. I've never had problems talking with women when I was younger. I've just had problems in them actually liking me more as a friend. If I'm really such a horrible person as you are trying to say, why did I have a lot of friends who were girls when I was younger? Because they felt sorry for me? That would work if that was just one or two girls, but a crap ton? Sorry...that's not the case. The simple reason why they did not like me regardless of sweet, funny, and nice I was is because they were not physically attracted to me. They could not see themselves as having sex with me, or kissing me. That's all.
No girl would be friends with someone who is this horrible person you're describing. Hell, no guy would be either, and yet I had guy friends too. The shit you're saying just isn't that simple my peanut sized brain friend.
if you sniff around long enough a really really drunk girl might take pity on you one night and let you rub some baby oil on her vag and stick it in for 20 secs.
Even a really drunk girl still knows what she is doing to an extent. She definitely wouldn't want to fuck me, and if I'm trying to stick it in, that will constitute rape which means it's over for me.
No, I have my own name and profile pic. I basically never get friend requests or messages (only when I'm buying something or receiving info for a larp or a lolita meeting) and the notifications come from big groups.
Is your username refering to what's in your head instead of your ass? You said "women don't want any contact with men who think they're lesser human beings", and I'm telling you they don't mind these sort of men as long as they're hot, regardless of the fact that they end up beating the shit out of them.
Well don’t reply to me if you don’t want to be part of the conversation.
Also, that’s silly and wrong. I’m preeeeetty sure most women would rather have a less attractive guy who doesn’t abuse them. But clearly you know more about women than me, right?
Ah yes. The mass majority of women love pain and abuse from their boyfriends. Such a common problem that we have to equate every woman as being only attracted to violence. That's why women aren't attracted to us. Because they only like being punched.
Yeah... That makes sense. That's totally how reality works. I'm such a woke alpha.
That isn't a strawman. It's a direct rebuttal to what you just said in a way that illustrates the obvious falsities.
Also your triggered line seems a little like projection. Calm rationality met with expletive drenched insults... Yeah, I'm totally the triggered one here.
My girl is literally rubbing my cock right now as we lay on the sofa watching Friends on netflix. Feels nice knowing you're not a repulsive little rat-bag mad at the world because they never learned how to communicate outside of an online medium.
Why would it matter? If you haven't shown any interest in 3 days is it wrong for her to pursue other people who are interested ? Or are we SUPPOSED to be crying waiting by the phone?
not an incel but can def understand. Basically you are advised not to be too needy and not texting her for a while is how you show this. But alot of the time you arent the only guy she is texting. Your absense really doesnt matter that much.
Not to mention, the absense is done to see if the girl will text first. But as we know girls rarely do that.
So basically these dudes are upset because they planned to fail.... And it worked? You don't want to seem "needy" (everyone has different definitions of this) and ignore someone. This someone sees this and says "okay, I guess so and so isn't that into me" (you know girls typically won't text first so you KNOW how she will precive this absence of texts from you) and she goes and finds guys who WILL text her first and not play games. Extremely passive aggressive. Closed mouths don't get fed. if you plan to fail you will.
no, you misunderstand. Relationships cant be overly onesided-not good ones anyway. At this point, you have already texted first and engaged in conversation to the point where it flows. This is for me anyway. The absence is really a shit test to gauge if she is interested in you because she will text first to keep the relationship there. If she isn't, she normally wouldn't. I guess "Chads" wouldn't have this problem but average looking guys definitely do, especially when there can be other guys fighting for her attention.
the truth is its even more blacker than that. more like the girl is getting banged by a bbc or chad and getting 100 texts on her phone from 50 orbiters lining up to give her donations, gifts, and free meals.
So many pathetic betas in this thread. It pleases me to know you'll never have the chance to spread your weak ass seed and contaminate humanities gene pool.
You guys are right. After a year of knowing her and her always being there for me... It’s not worth it. It’s not like I’d get anywhere with her anyways. She just texted me to see how I was doing and told me how she was talking to a friend and they made her cry... She’s also suicidal and attempted suicide a few times. I left her on read... It’s hard but I know it’s the right thing to do. Thank you guys.
I used to think I was better than incels because I was a normie with “normal” relationships. Then my ex showed me her phone and I saw 43 pending messages from guys on her Whatsapp, most of them more good looking than me. Blackpilled me straight into the event horizon. I realised at that point that normie men are basically incels in comparison with the average woman. Reminder to normies reading this that you are fucking nothing compared to women, to women’s eyes, the difference between you and an incel is like a starving kid with a a small crumb of mouldy half eaten bread vs a starving kid with no bread at all.
Exactly. Even the unattractive girls I see have their phones bombarded with messages by men. They all sit there and text away their time, they're always online on whatever messaging platform I see them on.
Ah yes. The mass majority of women love pain and abuse from their boyfriends. Such a common problem that we have to equate every woman as being only attracted to violence. That's why women aren't attracted to us. Because they only like being punched.
Yeah... That makes sense. That's totally how reality works. I'm such a woke alpha.
men and women perceive attractiveness different - what you consider to be an average guy would actually be an above-average guy if judged under a more fair standard of perception.
Not all women are the same. Sure, a decent amount of them may take kindness as flirting and shy away from you in fear of leading you on. But not everyone is like that, and so long as you're able to read non-verbal clues (ie: telling when someone isn't into you), you should be able to give off your own vibes of non-sexual intentions.
It's perfectly fine to have mostly guy friends, but I feel like it's a disservice to yourself to write women off as "un-friendable" or not worth the effort to be friends with. There's douchey guys just like there's bitchy women, you just have to find the ones with their heads on straight
7 other side men is so 2013. In 2018, its 70.
1 SajuPacapu 2018-05-04
Do fake numbers make you feel better?
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-04
It's not fake normie
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-04
This combined with Juggernaut Law means it's over. There is absolutely no hope.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-04
Juggernaut law is one of the biggest blackpills. There is zero hope for unattractive men.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Why couldn’t you could find a similarly unattractive woman?
1 Jsm96 2018-05-04
Because she has at least 20 other guys at any given time vying for her attention.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Are you talking about a specific person?
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
Exactly. Even the unattractive girls I see have their phones bombarded with messages by men. They all sit there and text away their time, they're always online on whatever messaging platform I see them on.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-04
Because she has attractive guys trying to smash, trust.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Unattractive women don’t have 20 guys hitting them up for sex.
1 Chaomayhem 2018-05-04
Maybe not 20 guys. But they certainly have some.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Based on what, the garbage you’ve been reading here? Real life is nothing like the people in this sub make it out to be.
1 Chaomayhem 2018-05-04
No based on past experience. Every girl I have talked to in the past year and gotten to know, whether they were fat,ugly,autistic or didn't have the best personalities always either had a boyfriend or guys pursuing them. This is how it works. Now many of the assholes here use this as an excuse to hate women which is wrong. This is just the way the world works. Tough shit.
1 emdeemcd 2018-05-04
This is the truest statement ever typed on this forum
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-04
lol lurk moar. You're obviously uneducated. Google pig girl bodybuilding.
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-05-04
fuarrrrrkkkkk meeeee
1 Hopecel 2018-05-04
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Ah yes, “proof”
You’ve heard of photoshop, right?
1 Hopecel 2018-05-04
Lol, I’ve done the experiment myself and have more screenshots. You won’t believe me anyway. Google pig woman experiment, fucking coper.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Ok, you’re right. There’s no hope for you.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-04
way to not read the link, retard.
do not engage with people who ask low effort, concern troll questions like this... if they cant put in the effort to even click a link, what makes you think they'll read your answer in good faith?
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
this site is cucked tho and tries to say incels are wrong and should lift
1 Sweetfacialhairbro 2018-05-04
Unattractive chicks give the absolute best head! Find yourself one! Get over the slump!
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-04
Lol out
1 tastygrass 2018-05-04
I'll be sure to say that to every average looking man I see on the street with a woman. Clearly they're not finding any luck in relationships, so I may as well tell them the truth.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-04
Lol go back to r/seduction you failed norman
1 tastygrass 2018-05-04
Oh you're talking about that community where the users always talk about receiving life advice from other users and how it tremendously improved their lives.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-04
*how to manipulate dumb whores into sleeping with them
1 qwep-mi 2018-05-04
I hate how we have to conpete for women. Why cant it be the other way around
1 Lesbianchad 2018-05-04
When I was younger I eventually moved to a small town and went to the highschool there. There was probably a 3 to 1 ratio with men being that 1. That's exactly what happened. My brother who had never had a girl interested in him ever before suddenly had all these girls who were even more attractive than him hit on him. He even got a few gfs. He was completely invisible up until his junior year of high school. I honestly saw a huge change in him too when women started being nice to him and give him attention. He went from being a huge asshole to me to a pretty nice older brother. His life got way more social too. From seeing all this happen with my brother I completely understand why the guys in here act the way they do. I can tell that alot of them just want to feel wanted or hope for genuine love. This attacking women is a coping mechanism. Why would you make yourself want something more that you feel you may never get?
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-04
Hey, Lesbianchad, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 Lesbianchad 2018-05-04
I stand by my mistakes
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
was he incel or chadlite looking at the least. cuz those kinda great ods don't matter if one is an incel it just means chad gets 3 girls instead of one. I went to an 80% roastie liberal arts college
1 Lesbianchad 2018-05-04
He wasn't the most attractive guy and had a bit of weight. He also wasn't super charismatic either. Definitely not a Chad. I'm not really sure if he was considered an incel but I've seen a few incels here who have posted that look better than he did at the time. Alternativley, I am a girl and I never had anyone interested in me all through highschool but it didn't bother me cause I am not attracted to men and assumed that most of the girls there were straight or were out of my league. I was fat, unhygienic, and incredibly unsocial so I didn't try to be desirable either lol.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
doubt It I bet he was chad and you have roastie vision
1 deadmedium 2018-05-04
men and women perceive attractiveness different - what you consider to be an average guy would actually be an above-average guy if judged under a more fair standard of perception.
1 thatzombieoverthere 2018-05-04
1 4minutemilesss 2018-05-04
A lot of these incels might attack women, but a lot of them are just identifying the 'game' being played. Women's literal instinct in life is to find the most alpha males to try to have babies with, locking one of them down. If she fails to do that by age ~30 (more but usually less nowadays since women are eating poorly and hitting their walls earlier).. she knows she will have to 'settle' for someone less desirable. I don't hate women but every attractive woman instinctually plays this game no matter how hard she tries to fight it.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
problem is them denying it. they must admit incels are right
1 iQ9k 2018-05-04
They do if ur chad
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
It totally can be the other way around. Try becoming someone women would want to fight over, as opposed to wallowing in self pity. Self pity is very rarely attractive to men or women.
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
Ugly faces are very rarely attractive to women as well, which explains why this subreddit exists, doesn't it?
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
They can be attractive to a woman who is also ‘ugly’
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
Juggernaut law: when a girl has flaws more she seems "attainable" so she will be more popular with men.
Men have a harder time dating their looksmatch because women can easily date up. Most men are desperate. We all know it. Attractive men have better chances of having sex or starting a relationship when they substantially lower their standards. For example, a 6/10 above average man can easily hook up or start a relationship with a 3/10 girl. It makes sense because women are on demand by nature, as shown by dating websites and clubs that let women enter for free, but make men pay up.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
In contrast, a 6/10 woman can easily hook up with a 3/10 guy. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that desperation is not an attractive quality, for women or men.
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
There is no reason for a 6/10 woman to hook up with a 3/10 guy when she has many men, both above and in her league showing interest in her. This is due to the fact that men evolutionary have the instinct to show interest in many kinds of women to spread their genes further, while women have to be and are picky with who they mate with.
How do you sense desperation anyway?
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Ok, so why are you mad at women when you admit that the reasons are evolutionary? Why wouldn’t they act in their best interest?
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
Who said I was mad at women? I'm just laying down the facts.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Not you personally, but incels in general.
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
I personally don't hate women. But I can't say I blame the ones who do.
Being unwanted entirely for your looks sucks, especially when society tells you that looks don't matter. You're fed a lie. The world is all made up to be some fairy tale from when you were very little, where there's someone for everyone, when in reality the statistics and science show the exact opposite. Having no friends or social life, not getting attention from the opposite sex, getting bad looks from people in the street, it all sucks. But what sucks the most especially is realizing that the halo effect is true when you read into it. We all do it, it's built into our primitive minds. Just knowing the fact that people who are better looking than you will be treated better is what drives people into depression and sometimes even suicide.
Those who hate women have different reasons. But the one which I primarily know of is unrequited love. At some point you have to realize that not being loved your entire life has an effect on people. Imagine going through countless crushes and none of them loving you back. Even having some of them shitting on you for being short or for your ugly face. Being shut down every time you want to make a move. You work on your personality, it does nothing. You gain muscle, it doesn't help your face. You even lose body fat, it helps a bit, but you still can't fix your jawline, mandible, ramus, eye area, frame, or height. How can fat and ugly women with no personality to speak of find so many people to date but I can't?
Now, hating women gives incels or normal people no right to attack them, but the same works the other way. Telling people's employers to remove already suicidal and psychologically destroyed men who have no prospects in life or loved ones, or inciting violence against them doesn't make you a saint. In fact I think it makes you a piece of shit. It's like telling a man hanging from the railings of a bridge to jump.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
no they can't
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Why not?
1 a4v859 2018-05-04
Doesn't matter if your wallet is big enough on SeekingArrangement
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
just lift bro
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-04
AKA become CHAD
1 GarbagebagFemale 2018-05-04
We do compete for men. This group knows we all have to compete for the top 20% of men.
1 CupOfCope 2018-05-04
Every. Single. Time.
1 AShortCorpulentPaul 2018-05-04
Because you are trying to play out of your league
1 Matthew15651 2018-05-04
You know.. I’ve been texting a girl for over a year now... She always comes to me when she is lonely and shit because she hardly has any friends... I always wait for her to text me back and when she does she always checks up on how I am doing and we have a chat and shit... Seeing this just broke me.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
friendzone alert
1 Matthew15651 2018-05-04
Oh, I already know I’ve been friend zoned. I also know that I have no chance with her or any girl due to my deformity. It just feels nice to know that a female cares about you... Even if she’s faking it.
1 badbreakupsong 2018-05-04
Whats ur deformity? Dm me a pic
1 AShortCorpulentPaul 2018-05-04
His penis is lightly crooked to one side. So he is unlovable
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-04
He is only a 7.9/10 :(
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-04
yeah every girl texts at least 5 guys at the same time,its very normal.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Maybe she enjoys your friendship but doesn’t want to pursue a romantic relationship?
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
maybe fuck that
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
If you’re not even interested in being friends, why would they consider pursuing a romantic relationship with you?
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
"I don't wanna be your friend. I just want to be your lover"
-kekked radiohead song
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
You think Thom Yorke doesn’t fuck? I’ve got news for you.
1 olivianomms 2018-05-04
My biggest crush
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
look at him. he's an incel
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
He’s not celibate, so, no....he’s not.
1 flamethrowup 2018-05-04
I think he played this song when I saw them in July. Best concert I've ever been to.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-04
women arent entitled to our friendship/attention.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
It’s not a matter of entitlement, why wouldn’t you want female friends?
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-04
They aren't entitled to anything. Bring on the robots.
1 steightst8 2018-05-04
No one said anything about entitlement. Frienship is a two-way street. If he provides support for her (non-romantically) then she should be expect to do the same. It sounds to me like this would be the case. Romance and friendship aren't too far removed, and if you think a friendship is only something that can be used to cash in for sex, or some "gift" you give to women that they may or may not deserve, I can see why you've not found any romantic relationships man. The self sabotage is real.
Women are people too and they have the same natural inclination to build social connections as we do, not all of them romantic. If you can't see that then that's something you really need to work on
1 deadmedium 2018-05-04
thats not what i said. the point with not engaging with women for the purposes of friendship is that if they consider us gross or asexual im not going to give them the sort of attention and validation that they've determined im "suitable for". theres plenty of other low SMV males in this world that have no dignity who would love to give these girls all the "friendship" they desire.
albeit it wont be me :2
1 steightst8 2018-05-04
Man that's just sad. I'm sure there's girls you would consider not "suitable for" sexual relationships. No matter the reason, they have no obligation to find you sexually attractive. But you're willing to forego a possible friendship, which can be just as rewarding as a relationship (friendships gives you someone to talk to, to have someone on your side, someone to help you out and vice versa), so long as you aren't hung up on the no sex bit.
It may seem like it's unanimous that people dont find you attractive, but there's always someone out there who will find you "suitable". Bitterness from having a tough time finding someone like that shouldn't block you from building meaningful friendships with good people. Plus, having a female friend gives you an "in" to better understanding what some may want/like. It helps you become more comfortable talking to girls and confidence is ALWAYS key. Being an incel isn't necessarily permanent
1 RawketPropelled 2018-05-04
I have lots of friends, all of them are men. I can talk to people and make friends easily, invite them over or see a movie and hang out. We'll be friends and talk to each other at random points in time.
Any time I've tried to make friends with women around my age, the effort is all a one way street. At this point I'm pretty certain that to even make friends with women, someone has to be at least somewhat attractive or else the "effort" a woman would typically put into a friendship is replaced by letting the ugly guy even say 'hi' to her.
1 steightst8 2018-05-04
Not all women are the same. Sure, a decent amount of them may take kindness as flirting and shy away from you in fear of leading you on. But not everyone is like that, and so long as you're able to read non-verbal clues (ie: telling when someone isn't into you), you should be able to give off your own vibes of non-sexual intentions.
It's perfectly fine to have mostly guy friends, but I feel like it's a disservice to yourself to write women off as "un-friendable" or not worth the effort to be friends with. There's douchey guys just like there's bitchy women, you just have to find the ones with their heads on straight
1 whogivesafucc 2018-05-04
because people here are fucking retarded, end of story.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-04
You are here, so, yes.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-04
Lol no
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-04
Bro don't cuck yourself lol. Avoid the foid.
1 fuckup-nomore 2018-05-04
This is fine bro just don’t compliment her and make sure if you’re having a bad day or something you and her talk and she at least tries to help otherwise that’s pointless
1 mshcat 2018-05-04
What do you not think girls can care about their friends. Don't let the fact that you have a deformity make you see every kind act towards you as an act of pity. Believe it or not but everyone fakes about caring about their friends
1 Errewl 2018-05-04
Dude, don't think like that. Everyone can succeed in the right circumstances. You just need to find that girl, no matter how long it takes. You'll see
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-04
With friends and shit
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
mr moneybags over here
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-04
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
look at mr money bags he can afford to not be retarded and be able to read simple english
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-04
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-04
You were her emotional tampon
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Fuck women. They're such fucking stupid attention seeking whores. I knew a few of these cunts who would do the same thing to me, but the MINUTE she gets a boyfriend your ass is out of there forever. Those pieces of shit.
1 photographypersonguy 2018-05-04
i've been dating a chick on and off for a year. she frequently doesn't respond to me. i always assumed she was busy. until she actually showed me her phone and she had 20 new snapchat notifications from different people and was texting all night long. it was insane..
1 Matthew15651 2018-05-04
1 tastygrass 2018-05-04
These guys are doing everything they can to bring people down. They want you to be miserable. Don't fall into they're trap of negativity. Why else would somebody be this determined to say such horrible things if they weren't miserable themselves. Who else would do that? Nobody who's comfortable who's comfortable with their livelihood. They're clearly incredibly miserable and they're only solace is too feel like they're views are validated that way they won't see themselves as abject failures. Get the hell out of this place and rise above this irrational hellhole that's acts the way it does out of depression. You can actually change your life instead of believing you're destined for failure. It's a matter of removing yourself from defeatist mindsets and never giving in to thoughts of inability. Most problems people experience are simply because they lack the belief that they can pull themselves through. Be the user that rejects the "black pill" and start enjoying life again.
1 Threefish 2018-05-04
This person is right. Get out of here. Find a lady of similar attractiveness and accomplishments. Work to the level of you want your partner to be. Gain confidence in other aspects of your life, that will show. Stop blaming others, even if there are a barriers that fucking suck, the only person in this world that can help that is you. Wallowing in negativity will only reinforce the fucked up synapses that got you here in the first place.
1 RawketPropelled 2018-05-04
This is the only subreddit where this thinking is even allowed. How can you say "get out of here"?
Stating facts is not a negative. Accepting facts as quickly as possible is the best way to live life, like the fact of "I'm not attractive, I'm going to die alone".
I've lived on my own since I turned 18, I bought a house recently and make real decent money for my age. The only thing remaining that makes me sad in life is that I should accept that some day I'll die alone but I shouldn't let myself be miserable just because of this fact.
This sub could do with a bit more positivity, though. Maybe some stickies on how to deal with loneliness and continue feeling motivated to succeed in life.
1 Threefish 2018-05-04
I've seen too many very happy, unattractive couples, for this to be true. I don't think posts talking shit about attractive women in revealing clothes or their loose anatomy is helping anyone.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-04
Maybe they just have a weird sense of humor? What do you care?
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-04
you got cucked
1 endochase 2018-05-04
That’s brutal that you’re friends with a girl and she trusts you and wants to know how you’re doing. She probably owes you sex.
Have you told her that she is only allowed to talk to one man at a time? And only if she is going to fuck him?
What a whore.
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
But how can you know?
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
By not being a gullible retard such as yourself.
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
No, seriously. Are you implying all girls text several guys at the same time? Because that's not true.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Yes. Yes they do. It's normal for you stupid cunts. Text 5 guys at the same time. Text 20 guys at the same time. Text 100 guys at the same time.
Which was which? Which was the guy that told me this cute story? I can't keep track! TEEHEE.
1 PotatoSilencer 2018-05-04
With the freedom to make up anything why make up things to feel worse?
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Keep living in fantasy land.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
We base our responses on facts. You base it on emotion.
"Just have a good personality bro". Neck yourself.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Maybe your lack of emotion is one of the reasons you don’t have any luck with the ladies . My views are also based on facts. I’ve been cheated on before, and now I’m married to a wonderful woman who loves me and would never cheat on me. Even if she did, it wouldn’t lead me to believe that all women are untrustworthy.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
The response of a typical beta retard.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
I mean, if anything, you’re the beta retard here. Doesn’t me being married to an attractive woman make me an ‘alpha Chad’? You’re all over the place.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Normie braindead response strikes again. It means an attractive woman who probably isn't even attractive, just like a 5, has a used up pussy, and decided to settle down for some loser like you, who she probably finds no legitimate physical attraction to. She'll fuck you a few times a week so she doesn't have to hear you complain.
You'll be posting on r/deadbedrooms soon just like the majority of other normie beta men.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
So you genuinely think all relationships work this way? Here’s something that may blow your mind: we’re both very attracted to each other. Also, I don’t beg for sex. Desperation isn’t attractive to anyone.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Come back in 6 months.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Haha ok!
It’s funny how you can talk so confidently about a subject you know nothing literally nothing about.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Trust me. I know.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Okey dokey
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
she cheatin on you right now bro sorry
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
We both work from home, she’s right next to me, bro.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
show proof
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
Well, turns out I'm not a woman anymore!
I'm only texting one guy regularly and I'm not even trying to hit on him, we're friends since 6 years olds.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Sure, slut.
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
Well, I have no way of proving it. If you won't believe me you won't. But I don't really have a reason to lie to strangers at the internet.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
I don't believe anything trash women say.
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
Technically I might not be a woman either. If I'm lying about everything else I might as well be lying about my gender too.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Shut up slut.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Are you physically unattractive?
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Well no fucking shit.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Hahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahaha
So you blame all women for not wanting to go near your ugly ass??
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
But I thought looks didn't matter?
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Of course looks matter, when you lack any kind of charisma and you project victimisation as your primary trait.
The fact that you blame others, people that don't even know you, for your own shortcomings is absolutely pathetic. And you wonder why the opposite sex finds you repulsive?
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Stopped right there, and didn't read the rest of your drivel. This is all I needed to hear. Thank you for proving our point. This is the whole reason our subreddit even exists, because many morons who oppose us believe that looks don't matter at all in getting a woman.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Then I was right. And don't pretend like you didn't read the rest of my reply, you're come across like a real cringy dude.
Looks might matter but understand that if you wipe the cheeto dust from your face, stop being a pathetic little weasel whom feels sorry for themselves, and try really really hard to communicate (without hyperventilating) with the opposite sex, maybe, just maybe, if you sniff around long enough a really really drunk girl might take pity on you one night and let you rub some baby oil on her vag and stick it in for 20 secs.
It'll be just like the porn videos you jack off too, you gon' love it.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
I'm actually a pretty healthy muscular guy who more than likely has a better body than yours, because I've been obsessed with keeping my body healthy for years at a low body fat %
No one is feeling sorry for themselves. You're just another asshole who throws away our experiences like shit, and then state "Hurrr durrr just have a good personality bro"
Yup, more baseless assumption bullshit. I've never had problems talking with women when I was younger. I've just had problems in them actually liking me more as a friend. If I'm really such a horrible person as you are trying to say, why did I have a lot of friends who were girls when I was younger? Because they felt sorry for me? That would work if that was just one or two girls, but a crap ton? Sorry...that's not the case. The simple reason why they did not like me regardless of sweet, funny, and nice I was is because they were not physically attracted to me. They could not see themselves as having sex with me, or kissing me. That's all.
No girl would be friends with someone who is this horrible person you're describing. Hell, no guy would be either, and yet I had guy friends too. The shit you're saying just isn't that simple my peanut sized brain friend.
Even a really drunk girl still knows what she is doing to an extent. She definitely wouldn't want to fuck me, and if I'm trying to stick it in, that will constitute rape which means it's over for me.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Didn't read all your drivel but in the space of three replies you went from being an ugly guy to a muscular man with a low percentage body fat?
So your a pathetic little weasel and a liar
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Hahahahahah let me get my violin out real quick.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
Yup. As what I expected from a normie once he gets corned in by a legitimate response.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
Nah, just not prepared to debate a sorry excuse for a human being whom spends his days hating on women because of his weak ass genetic code.
I pity you son.
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-04
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
The virgins tired lmao
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
you basically just admitted you lie. you could try to prove it if you wanted
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
How did I admit I'm lying? And how could I even prove it? With a screenshot of my WhatsApp? You'd just claim I edited it.
1 Smoddo 2018-05-04
Women from the UK are not like this at all, I've dated quite a few women and there just isn't enough time for them to text 100 different guys at once.
Most the women Ive dated have been nicer and kinder than me on the whole, I'm not an amazing boyfriend tbh.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
definitely true
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
Then I'm not a girl.
1 Hopecel 2018-05-04
You are a girl, just a very special one. You are an unicorn and not like other girls. TEEHEE.
1 geneticSubhumanTrash 2018-05-04
Except it is. I have worked tech support and sometimes help out foids with their issues, http://quicklol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/male-vs-female-facebook.jpg is how it is.
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
That's not an universal rule. My facebook notifications don't look anything like that.
1 geneticSubhumanTrash 2018-05-04
10 times more of everything then? Or are you using a male name and have no profile picture on Facebook?
1 sipuliina 2018-05-04
No, I have my own name and profile pic. I basically never get friend requests or messages (only when I'm buying something or receiving info for a larp or a lolita meeting) and the notifications come from big groups.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
just don't be a retard bro
1 alfons100 2018-05-04
Maybe you have to learn that Man and Woman can be friends, I dunno.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
It’s almost as if women don’t want to have any contact with men who think they’re lesser human beings. Go figure!
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
Except when they're good looking and give them a black eye.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Yeah that’s what I wrote. I don’t understand your reply
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
Is your username refering to what's in your head instead of your ass? You said "women don't want any contact with men who think they're lesser human beings", and I'm telling you they don't mind these sort of men as long as they're hot, regardless of the fact that they end up beating the shit out of them.
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-04
Hey, sfcel, just a quick heads-up:
refering is actually spelled referring. You can remember it by two rs.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
Bad bot you're way past "common misspelling" you just bitch at any misspelling at all.
1 GoodBot_BadBot 2018-05-04
Thank you, sfcel, for voting on CommonMisspellingBot.
This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. You can view results here.
Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
good bot
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
maybe she means chad gave her a black but she still stayed with him
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Implying what? That all good looking guys abuse women?
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
ya cuz I said that sigh
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
You didn’t imply it. The guy who wrote that, however, was.
0 trevmon 2018-05-04
well ask him that not me then
but what it means is women don't care if a guy abuses them as long as he is hot
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Well don’t reply to me if you don’t want to be part of the conversation.
Also, that’s silly and wrong. I’m preeeeetty sure most women would rather have a less attractive guy who doesn’t abuse them. But clearly you know more about women than me, right?
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
That’s what I thought
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
All these women I abused, right?
1 SajuPacapu 2018-05-04
Ah yes. The mass majority of women love pain and abuse from their boyfriends. Such a common problem that we have to equate every woman as being only attracted to violence. That's why women aren't attracted to us. Because they only like being punched.
Yeah... That makes sense. That's totally how reality works. I'm such a woke alpha.
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
Stfu you dumbfuck you strawman because you have nothing of value to add you triggered little bitch go choke on a dick or something.
1 SajuPacapu 2018-05-04
That isn't a strawman. It's a direct rebuttal to what you just said in a way that illustrates the obvious falsities.
Also your triggered line seems a little like projection. Calm rationality met with expletive drenched insults... Yeah, I'm totally the triggered one here.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
My girl is literally rubbing my cock right now as we lay on the sofa watching Friends on netflix. Feels nice knowing you're not a repulsive little rat-bag mad at the world because they never learned how to communicate outside of an online medium.
I pity you.....
1 sfcel 2018-05-04
What a great personality!
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-04
Fuck you for posting this suifuel
1 Tuck_Vison 2018-05-04
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-04
Everyone knows that.
Ever see a girl's phone? Sui fuel
1 SnowMan878 2018-05-04
i know
1 CupOfCope 2018-05-04
JFL at redpillers who think "abundance mentality" is effective against beings that live in abundance reality
1 4minutemilesss 2018-05-04
Keep in mind if you message her more often than she messages you she will instantly lose interest.
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-04
Just don't text them
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
You mean like ever? As in don't ever try and get laid?
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-04
Wait till they contact
Or approach and wait for her to beg you take her number
Not the bullshit movie romantic out of the blue
Even texting females? This is some pretty casual inceldom tbh
1 GarbagebagFemale 2018-05-04
Why would it matter? If you haven't shown any interest in 3 days is it wrong for her to pursue other people who are interested ? Or are we SUPPOSED to be crying waiting by the phone?
1 LastSonKryton 2018-05-04
not an incel but can def understand. Basically you are advised not to be too needy and not texting her for a while is how you show this. But alot of the time you arent the only guy she is texting. Your absense really doesnt matter that much.
Not to mention, the absense is done to see if the girl will text first. But as we know girls rarely do that.
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-04
Hey, LastSonKryton, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 GarbagebagFemale 2018-05-04
So basically these dudes are upset because they planned to fail.... And it worked? You don't want to seem "needy" (everyone has different definitions of this) and ignore someone. This someone sees this and says "okay, I guess so and so isn't that into me" (you know girls typically won't text first so you KNOW how she will precive this absence of texts from you) and she goes and finds guys who WILL text her first and not play games. Extremely passive aggressive. Closed mouths don't get fed. if you plan to fail you will.
1 LastSonKryton 2018-05-04
no, you misunderstand. Relationships cant be overly onesided-not good ones anyway. At this point, you have already texted first and engaged in conversation to the point where it flows. This is for me anyway. The absence is really a shit test to gauge if she is interested in you because she will text first to keep the relationship there. If she isn't, she normally wouldn't. I guess "Chads" wouldn't have this problem but average looking guys definitely do, especially when there can be other guys fighting for her attention.
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-04
This is an easy blackpill
1 CaligulaWasRight 2018-05-04
the truth is its even more blacker than that. more like the girl is getting banged by a bbc or chad and getting 100 texts on her phone from 50 orbiters lining up to give her donations, gifts, and free meals.
1 Virion85 2018-05-04
TFW you're not even texting with a woman every 3 days...
1 derivur 2018-05-04
She's texting 7 other guys regardless
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
So many pathetic betas in this thread. It pleases me to know you'll never have the chance to spread your weak ass seed and contaminate humanities gene pool.
1 StoopidSeksyFlanders 2018-05-04
So what are you going to do about?
Bitch and moan that woman are fucked up psychologicaly while you lay down and rot or maybe just kill yourself?
Or figure out a way to take down Tinder?
1 AShortCorpulentPaul 2018-05-04
I know, but the 7 other guys are totally friend zoned.
1 WotEven11 2018-05-04
Oh no, people have friends. Who would have thunk it
1 whogivesafucc 2018-05-04
7? Try 90+
1 Matthew15651 2018-05-04
You guys are right. After a year of knowing her and her always being there for me... It’s not worth it. It’s not like I’d get anywhere with her anyways. She just texted me to see how I was doing and told me how she was talking to a friend and they made her cry... She’s also suicidal and attempted suicide a few times. I left her on read... It’s hard but I know it’s the right thing to do. Thank you guys.
1 PvtJamesRyan 2018-05-04
I used to think I was better than incels because I was a normie with “normal” relationships. Then my ex showed me her phone and I saw 43 pending messages from guys on her Whatsapp, most of them more good looking than me. Blackpilled me straight into the event horizon. I realised at that point that normie men are basically incels in comparison with the average woman. Reminder to normies reading this that you are fucking nothing compared to women, to women’s eyes, the difference between you and an incel is like a starving kid with a a small crumb of mouldy half eaten bread vs a starving kid with no bread at all.
1 noeggs4brunch 2018-05-04
this is a brutal blackpill for you? this should be common knowledge.
1 ILiekPlantz 2018-05-04
You know, I can live with this knowledge. What pisses me off is that no girl is willing to date me for me to use it to my advantage.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
Are you talking about a specific person?
1 brownliquid 2018-05-04
1 efeenes74 2018-05-04
Exactly. Even the unattractive girls I see have their phones bombarded with messages by men. They all sit there and text away their time, they're always online on whatever messaging platform I see them on.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
doubt It I bet he was chad and you have roastie vision
1 SajuPacapu 2018-05-04
Ah yes. The mass majority of women love pain and abuse from their boyfriends. Such a common problem that we have to equate every woman as being only attracted to violence. That's why women aren't attracted to us. Because they only like being punched.
Yeah... That makes sense. That's totally how reality works. I'm such a woke alpha.
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
"I don't wanna be your friend. I just want to be your lover"
-kekked radiohead song
1 deadmedium 2018-05-04
women arent entitled to our friendship/attention.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-04
men and women perceive attractiveness different - what you consider to be an average guy would actually be an above-average guy if judged under a more fair standard of perception.
1 SuddenlyGuns 2018-05-04
You mean like ever? As in don't ever try and get laid?
1 olivianomms 2018-05-04
My biggest crush
1 trevmon 2018-05-04
look at him. he's an incel
1 whogivesafucc 2018-05-04
because people here are fucking retarded, end of story.
1 thatzombieoverthere 2018-05-04
1 steightst8 2018-05-04
Not all women are the same. Sure, a decent amount of them may take kindness as flirting and shy away from you in fear of leading you on. But not everyone is like that, and so long as you're able to read non-verbal clues (ie: telling when someone isn't into you), you should be able to give off your own vibes of non-sexual intentions.
It's perfectly fine to have mostly guy friends, but I feel like it's a disservice to yourself to write women off as "un-friendable" or not worth the effort to be friends with. There's douchey guys just like there's bitchy women, you just have to find the ones with their heads on straight