Reminder: These are the people who come here and call themselves "Normies" and "Chads".

313  2018-05-04 by MajesticSubhuman


I've always hated that open mouth thing and I know why

Because, you can't stick your dick in there?

If it's open often enough, he hypothetically could if he wanted to. Nice try though.

They sure do love their low T beards.

I genuinely don't understand how they are able to make beards look feminine

They have weak jaws.

this is it. people wnt to hide their weak jawline and you can still tell.

They thought they would make themselves masculine by growing beards. What they didn't understand was they are so unmasculine that any superficial trapping of masculinity they adopt en masse becomes unmasculine by association with them.

Actually balded guys with beards indicates high enough T.

No exactly. high t can cause that. But they are not signs of high t. Also worth noting, many balding high t guys also over aromitise into estrogen and get fluffy.

Dihydrotestosterone, age, and genetic susceptibility are literally the only non-negligible factors in the occurrence of male pattern balding.

There are plenty of other ways one can go bald, but only one way for that type of balding.

Ooohhh dick measuring burn. My favorite.

True... they just don't get it



delet this

rot in hell, you heretic.

I don't want to live anymore

He will forgive you because he is better than us.


He has been cucked for our sins to spare us the suffering.

Hey vsauce michael here

Can someone tell me why they always make that same face? Did they all go through some fucking basic training on how to be a cuck

They probably all have some shitty youtube channel and see that the most popular ones always have some moron doing the most retarded faces possible (special mention to markiplier) so they mimic it in hope of become popular too because, funnily enough, they have zero personality. People say youtube comments are cancer but I say look at the fucking content itself...


Back when i still was a bluepilled wannabe normie i found myself doing stupid faces on pictures, when i thought about it it was because my "normal" face looks so bad that i purposefully made it look stupider to give the impression "its stupid on purpose"

That’s actually current me. Deep rooted self esteem issues

Tell me about it. Ive always avoided pictures as much as possible and now i just flat out refuse if someone tries to take one with me, which isnt all that often thankfully

Really you are making fun of someone's physical features when they get more than you do? Hmmmmmmmm

So much this! Ha!

Most of those guys still aren't getting any. I would say whiteknighting and niceguy betacucking are only a small rung up on the ladder of things that turn pussies dry over incels.

I blame stupid internet randomness shit like asdf movie for this.

Every image was cherrypicked and compiled because they are making the same face.

It’s the Soyface

There are a few running theories going on about the Soylent Grin:

-It's a meme (in the proper sociological sense, i.e. it's something numales do because they want to be seen as a fellow numale and want to be recognized as such.) -It's an attempt by chubby numales to avoid bringing attention to their chubby cheeks by smiling normally -It's a holdover from pre-human social psychology; low-status primates have been found to use expressions similar to the Soylent Grin to express their submission and passivity -It's an attempt to be "quirky" and to "have personality" that's completely backfired because leftists are the opposite of creative

Downvote for dragging in politics

Effeminate nu-males are more likely to be liberal than real men. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Yet even they manage to get laid, whereas you don't, and every single one of them exhibiting male pattern baldness has an objectively higher T count than you ever will.

Just sayin'. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yet even they manage to get laid

citation needed

I just really hate politics lol truf do hurt doe

Downvote for dragging in politics

You can't separate blackpill from politics, blackpill is to Feminism/Leftism what sunlight is to vampires.

That's absolutely true I just hate politics

Conservatism and religion are literal mass-cope.

The male version of the duck face?

-It's opening wide for cock.

Cherry picking

I mean, not really cherry picking, just choosing the best/most obvious examples so as to paint a clear picture of what the Soyface is.

So cherry picking lol

Look, when you go to McD's or something you see the menu. They have very nice pictures on the menu to illustrate what you will be purchasing.

None of the food you order looks EXACTLY like that, they just chose the best (out of hundreds) of photos to give you a good idea of what to expect. The product comes out looking similar, but obviously not the 10/10 pic that's on the menu.

This is the same case. It is obviously a thing, the collage above is just the best examples of the Soyface to give you a clear and accurate representation of what it looks like so you can identify it better when you see it.




gerund or present participle: cherry-picking

1.selectively choose (the most beneficial items) from what is available. "the company should buy the whole airline and not just cherry-pick its best assets"

Literally an ape fear grimace to appear less threatening.

Human glory hole.

You'd think you guys would have more empathy for a guy who accepts his fate. But nahhh that's why I like you incelfags so much more than a betafag opening wide in his submission. You guys have some fire. Even if you're both totally mental


I didn’t know Will Wheaton browses this sub.

The guys in the photo are stereotypical numales, not incels

Exactly, soy boys/bug men would never refer to themselves as normies or Chads.

Yeah I got that part. I just thought it was funny Will Wheaton made it there.

Patchy beard = desperate beard

TFW you normie but can't grow a beard :-(

They look pretty average, yeah, therefore they're normies. I don't get this post.

Me neither. Are they saying these guys are too ugly to be Chads? Too hot to be normies? Too lame to get laid? I'm confused.

They’re just regular guys, who aren’t super attractive, who have made the most out of their situation. The one thing all these guys have in common? They’re smiling

That isn't what a smile is.

I think it's supposed to imply that these guys are failed normies or numales/cucks/soyboys who get bullied by real normies.

Weird. Funny how they think you can tell how often someone gets laid by their beard and facial expression... but I guess not the weirdest thing I've seen on here today.

I think your interpretation is the right one. Oh well, let the crabs go down down down... I guess there's some envy here, just like everything.


society is cruel, men are judged unfairly by their looks and are unable to lead happy lives because of the constant negativity and rejection they face

Also incels:

lmao look at these SOY chugging CUCKS with their MOUTHS open what fucking losers

They werent born with these retarded expressions you moron.

And you weren't born a hateful cunt yet you don't think it's fair to be judged for that, hmm?

I have never met a single person in my life who thought of me as hateful so I'm not sure what your point is.

If you aren't hateful, that is good. I was making an educated guess based on the fact that you seem to think it's acceptable to berate the type of person in the picture for opening their mouths.

This might be semantical but technically you could judge someone for doing this pose. Unlike your genetic make-up, it is consciously chosen and can be an indicator of your personality. At the very least, it denotes a lack of reservation. It also looks unnatural and stages, suggesting this person puts on an affected persona to please or impress others. Our brains are highly adept at and reliant on pattern recognition, so any behaviour or action aligns you (in the minds of others) with certain groups.

Yeah you're not really wrong, but the whole message of the incel group is "we're judged by our looks." Yet they openly express hatred for a certain group of people, who really have done nothing to harm anyone.

It just really feels hypocritical and hateful to act morally superior to the rest of society because they feel like they are unfairly judged, yet turn around and judge another group just as harshly.

Fair point. Rather than bullying however, I simply see it as mutual disrespect. These guys would sneer at incels and vice versa. If the "numale aesthetic" was an immutable part of their appearance, I would agree with you wholeheartedly.

It is totally despicable to judge someone for something they can't change. But there isn't still zero reason to judge someone for something they can change, if they are doing you or anyone else no harm. They are literally just opening their mouths and you call them numales, cucks, Chad's bitch, etc.

It's absolutely awful and cunty.

Perhaps. However to think you can't disdain something just because it does no direct harm, or even indirect, is a flawed notion. Just as there are things you respect, there will be those you feel to be inferior. The reason the "numale" lifestyle is looked down upon is because it is antithetical to classic ideas of masculinity.

it is antithetical to classic ideas of masculinity

So... because these guys decide to not act in a traditionally masculine way, you think it's OK to berate and insult them? Not only is that an asshole decision, it isn't also counterproductive to your own goals, the goal of incels (who are not traditionally masculine) being respected just like everyone else. Congratulations.

No, I was merely reasoning why people may do it. I personally wouldn't insult someone for it, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a visceral reaction of subdued contempt. Not in every breach of masculinity, but definitely in cases of reversed dynamics (i.e. a man being dominated by a woman non-sexually, even the sexual bit is still very alien and incomprehensible to me).

Overall I agree the constrictive and excessive parts of masculinity should be phased out, but the ones that elevate should certainly still be extolled as virtues. The fact is, typically, men and women are born a higher threshold for certain traits. Women lean to be nurturing, most men have an instinctive desire to protect (mainly women, but also people in general). Behavioural intersectionality is all well and good, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't cultivate the positive attributes we're naturally born with. Men and women deficient in those fields via a genetic predisposition shouldn't be shamed for it, it will simply be understood to be a deviation from the norm they couldn't help.

No one is judging them or calling for any violence against them. People are just making fun of them/making jokes because they think their expressions look stupid.

If someone made a joke about an incel's posture, behavior, or demeanor, this sub would absolutely flip its shit. Yet this post has more than 150 upvotes. It's a double standard.

No, most Incels here would laugh about it or don't care at all because they don't even take themselves seriously. You should be able to laugh about yourself and I don't see a problem with making fun of meaningless things like this. This is not directed at anyone directly so it's not bullying and I doubt anyone in this picture would even care if they saw this post and the comments.

No one is judging them

Do you really believe the things that you say?

Is you’re argument here that: mocking these men is a preemptive defense, since they would most likely sneer at you? Something they haven’t done yet, and you don’t know if they would?

There is no disrespect known or lodged by them so this doesn’t make total sense.

Yes, it's a preemptive defense of a kind but more importantly it seems to be rooted in the survival mechanism that feeds the ego. We need to feel like we're superior to other people.

I think it's dumb too, and I tenuously fit the definition of an incel. Not enough to deride it but I do concede it's an amusing meme.

If it's on your mind, it will come off (especially to woman, they have a talent for this shit). Only 10% of communication is verbal.

Yes I'm aware of the creep radar who conveniently stop working against hot looking men.

My friend is significantly more attractive than me, and I'm pretty ok. I go out to bars with him regularly. Women are receptive to him until he opens his mouth. It's fucking hilarious to watch.

Drapery falls on spotify sorceress album w the orchestra is lit

If it's on your mind, it will come off (especially to women, they have a talent for this shit). Only 10% of communication is verbal.

Women are receptive to him until he opens his mouth.

So they don't notice anything is off about him until he actually says something weird. You just disproved your own point.

No, dumbfuck. It's not what he says. The words don't matter. It's the WAY he says it, the way he projects himself, the body language he's displaying.

It's the WAY he says it, the way he projects himself, the body language he's displaying.

How does he say things?

How does he project himself?

What body language is he displaying?

How about you blow me?

Great personality there. And you wonder why you're incel.

you're incel.


So you're not then? Wouldn't that mean women would sense that you're a dickhead and want nothing to do with you? So either they know your a dickhead and don't mind or you're spouting myths about the mythical female mind readers. Lol even women who are self aware enough don't believe that bullshit you're peddling.

I don't hate women, though. Some far right wingers may even refer to me as a feminist.

Ted bundy.

A psychopath. None of you have the social ability he had.

A good-looking psychopath.

Nobody likes ugly psychopaths any more than they like normal ugly people. In fact, an ugly psychopath will probably be worse at manipulating people than a good-looking one because the latter has more opportunities to develop that skill.

Who the fuck is this, and why should I care about what they have to say?

You’ve said that women have a talent to pick up misogyny. Turns out they don’t.

Narcissism is a hell of a mental disorder.

Well shit there is a fuckton of narcissist on earth!

Certainly a lot around here...

Very common for narcissists to call themselves genetical faillures.

topkek good comeback

Isolation and loneliness breeds narcissism.

You called someone a moron and described expressions as retarded. Do you think people say those things out of love?

Stfu you dumbfuck you strawman because you have nothing of value to add you triggered little bitch go choke on a dick or something.

- You, five hours after this comment.

You obviously know what he meant by hateful so shut the fuck up.

I’ve never seen such a niche yet divided sub with upvotes on both sides

Yet they get laid in spite of their retarded expressions. They get laid no matter what they do - does that make them Chad in your eyes LOL?

In reality they're far from Chad, but incels must be 10 times lower SMV because you cannot get laid even with normal expressions.

Hey soy is yummy, unlike these cucks.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

So sink to their level?

Incels are already on the bottom rung of society, so why not?

I mean at least you could be superior in behavior

Suck dick?

Why such high percentage of eyeglasses?

Bad genes

Liberal male fashion trend

Jesse cox used to be quiet funny. Now that he went full soy boi sjw he's rater boring.

So you just dislike beards and the switch? Mmmkay.

Soy, the Switch and the Numale smile. Alone they may be innocuous. In twos, they portend of danger. The convergence of the unholy trinity is anathema to masculinity.

Nothing is wrong with soy, anybody who believes that needs to study biology

Nu males in gaming wanting everything to be a walking simulator, on the other hand...

Thankfully, anime repulse them so their is a way to be free.

Also, I find the man in this video incredibly attractive because he is educated, interesting, and funny. Not everything is about looks. Guys in this sub have shitty personalities, and honestly seem to believe that they hide it all online. Bitch if you are like this online I guarantee everyone offline knows you are a piece of shit inside too.

Also, I find the man in this video incredibly attractive because he is educated, interesting, and funny. Not everything is about looks.

Actions, not words? Are you having sex with him? No? Then no proof that you genuinely find him "attractive" (not an ugly, low status male whose views trigger me) versus sexually attractive enough to mate with.

I've asked him on a date before, but as he lives down south and I live up north, I don't think that's actually feasible.

Posts on r/trollxchromosomes lol

Nah, he's bi and prefers girls. I have a shot.

Also, yes, I have a sense of humour - you should try it out sometime.

Female entitlement.

Imagine a guy thinking he had the remotest fucking hope with a Youtube "star".

Lol get a fucking life dude. This is what I mean - take a joke, get a sense of humour.

Just treat women like people!!!1111111111111111

Have you tried it? I'd also recommend going to the doctor for your blatent and obvious depression. As well as your blatent and obvious anger issues.

You make think it's your disabilities that are stopping you from finding love, but it's actually 100% your blatent terrible mental state and the lack of respect you have for other people.

You don't want to hear it - that's fine. But maybe some of the lurking men not yet corrupted by your guys oppressive views* will think a little differently

*Oppressive to yourself, not to me as a woman.

I'd recommend going back to school for your blatant illiteracy.

as a woman.


That was relevant, because I don't think your views oppress me - they literally don't effect me. But they are clearly oppressing yourself. Are you sure you're not the illiterate one? Can you respond to what im saying without insults? Probs not eh?

Sexually attractive?

Uh yes? I've fucked uglier men. I'd fuck hbombers personality all over the place. Let him whisper some Marxist theory in my ear while were at it too.

That doesn’t mean you found them sexually attractive though, sex is just enjoyable

Yes, of course. Because you know how everyone looks like idiot poster. Cope in another way next time.

Now that is ugly and dorky

I'm not sure /u/wil posts on /r/braincels.

punchable faces tbh

So it goes deeper? Incels in denial huh

Chads don't use reddit and there is still no pride in being a normie.

You can bitch about your lives, but leave Wil Wheaton and Jack Pattillo out of it dammit.

Lmao look at this guy, he idolizes some soyboy cuck numales.

If you’re gonna try to roast me, please don’t make up words to do it.

Your happiness threatens their entire worldview, don't take it personally.

His fake soyfueled happiness of “haha look at me isn’t life great I’m not coping at all” is offensive because it’s one big lie. It’s offensive to reality, numales live in a made up world and are grown children with low social and mental iqs

You couldn't have proved Jackie's point any harder if you tried.

I did get a good laugh out of seeing a r/socialskills regular calling others socially inept, though.

I’m explaining why i take it personally and I have autism the difference is I realize I’m incel and numales live in a cope fantasy world where they act like children playing their video games and haha xD all over orbiting women who only want chad

yeah wtf is Adam Ellis not considered extremely attractive?

The same stupid face. Fucking retarded bluepilled morons.

None of these guys are chads.

I think incels here the ONLY ONES who call others chads or normies when they disagree with some incel mantra. I am ex-incel and still get called "normie" or even "chad" occasionally.

Cucks and one cunt

NMS cunt is rich, making money fooling BP cucks

I mean, you guys are afraid to show your faces sooo

No Chads spend hours a day making fun of Virgins. If they do they’re probably mentally ill

chads are out there banging away, has a pack of dogs following him, and works in a forest to get strong, not a gym.

There's duckface, an then there's this: cuckface.

this is why legit blackpilled bros should be looksmaxing if you have the potential. you can easily mog normies and they subliminally will know you out mog them too.

Fukc you. I love cocoa crisps!

Lol, didn't expect to Sean Murray from no men's sky

why is based melon in here

Reminder most of them are fucking

No, these are the people who you freaks call normies and chads

Damn - those are some attractive dudes. I love woke dudes in thick-rimmed glasses and stubble.

Picture screams low T

screams low T

Male pattern baldness

That's some quality cope, right there.

Baldness has nothing to do with t leve^

Sure it does. Dihydrotestosterone -the hormone responsible for male pattern hair loss, among other things- is derived directly from testosterone.

What's more, dihydrotestosterone is a significantly more potent agonist of androgen receptors. It's virtually identical to T, but stronger.

Exactly. The real reason why they're bald is because their androgen receptors are too sensitive to the DHT not because they have high T. You can have high T and not be overly sensitive to the DHT

Androgen receptor sensitivity doesn't change, though.

Androgen receptor sensitivity is a characteristic which is measured by recording the number of CAG repeats in the first exon of the gene encoding the androgen receptor, but those numbers don't show any significant variation between individuals with and without male pattern balding.

The difference between those two groups is the amount of DHT that they have, and those with high T levels as significantly more likely to have high DHT levels.

This doesn't mean that everyone with high T is guaranteed to have high DHT and therefore experience male pattern balding, but it does mean that just about everyone with high DHT who experiences male pattern balding is also going to have high T.

The fact that androgen receptors are more sensitive to DHT than they are to T is solely due to the inherent physical characteristics of the respective chemicals. Adding the additional hydrogen atom simply allows it to form a stronger chemical bond than regular testosterone can.

It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!

Here is link number 1 - Previous text "DHT"

Here is link number 2 - Previous text "T"

Please PM /u/eganwall with issues or feedback! | Delete

Did you include a pic of Wil Wheaton JFL?

Normie, chad, numale, cuck. Reeee!


I thought you guys were the ones calling everyone Normies and Chads

lol @ theneedledrop in the back

Fuk..tomorrow I'm shaving my beard.

YEAH would you look at that! Men who maybe aren't that attractive but who still know that life isn't all about looks and who are still able to live normal happy lives and get girlfriends! How PATHETIC!

and they're all happier than you

And you weren't born a hateful cunt yet you don't think it's fair to be judged for that, hmm?

Nothing is wrong with soy, anybody who believes that needs to study biology

They’re just regular guys, who aren’t super attractive, who have made the most out of their situation. The one thing all these guys have in common? They’re smiling

I think it's supposed to imply that these guys are failed normies or numales/cucks/soyboys who get bullied by real normies.

Well shit there is a fuckton of narcissist on earth!

Yet they get laid in spite of their retarded expressions. They get laid no matter what they do - does that make them Chad in your eyes LOL?

In reality they're far from Chad, but incels must be 10 times lower SMV because you cannot get laid even with normal expressions.

That’s actually current me. Deep rooted self esteem issues lol

Look, when you go to McD's or something you see the menu. They have very nice pictures on the menu to illustrate what you will be purchasing.

None of the food you order looks EXACTLY like that, they just chose the best (out of hundreds) of photos to give you a good idea of what to expect. The product comes out looking similar, but obviously not the 10/10 pic that's on the menu.

This is the same case. It is obviously a thing, the collage above is just the best examples of the Soyface to give you a clear and accurate representation of what it looks like so you can identify it better when you see it.

I mean at least you could be superior in behavior