They are the same species

53  2018-05-04 by renownedquietkid


they both look human to me.

Yet only one of them is human enough to be allowed to pass on his genes.

There are women that like men like the one on the left. I know because I’ve met them. Besides, looks isn’t all that matters.


If I could get laid, what I said is true. Keep holding yourself down.

Pics of you? Your height? I doubt you look nearly as feminine as this poor asian man.

I could be a trap if I shaved more often and fixed my hair. It’s what I have been told a lot.

You could be a trap because you're skinny and have long hair. In terms of facial features you mog that asian into oblivion.

Yeah, probably. But I’m a NEET who is and always has been living life mostly in his room playing video games and being on the Internet. If I was able to get a romance going being how I am and how bad my social skills are, you probably can too.

Your posting history made me genuinely LOL

How so?

How come you're still alive from such a horse dose of blue pills?

I’m not bluepilled. You’re just too deep down in the rabbit hole at this point.

You are, a blue-pilled retard in denial who lives in a fantazy world.

Again, keep telling yourself that. I’ve seen people who are sub-5 get girlfriends and fuck and get laid more times than I ever have. You’re just extremely black-pulled to the point of blindness and will never want to see otherwise because it’s easier for you to be blind than to face the truth.

Not all men are practical

I prefer the one on the left teehee

I don’t like the left one, he looks creepy. I can tell the right one has a good personality though. 🤩

Virtue signaling at its best

Not all men are created equal.

Not to wymyn.

Whites amd asians ard not the same species bro.thegre called subspecies(aka race)

Imagine being this retarded

I lol’d

Lol please kys

Yes, asians are subspecies to women.

Is that Gilbert Gottfried?


Women don't see them as the same species lol

The left one should stop playing minecraft and go to the gym. Shirt guys have an advantage I muscle building.