1.2K upvotes. True blackpill. Even if you try to escape inceldom you'll be doomed to a life of cuckoldry.

122  2018-05-04 by cold88888


prime rage fuel right there

Why? It just solidifies the blackpill and the cope of personality.

That's why.

Sharkb8 is a known cuck

How is he a cuck?


Who are you again?

alpha widow, chad owns her soul

Just be abusive theory.

Nah. She tried to recreate the dom/sub dynamic with her new older boyfriends and it doesn't work. You have to be chad. Its always about chad.

Genetic quality trumps all.

yeah.. she tried to recreate it.. meaning it was forced and fake the whole time and she knew it. meanwhile when her ex did it he made it happen without her assistance and made her like it.

Alpha Widow Syndrome. Textbook.

just be a abuser bro beat her and shit

One woman is fucked up emotionally and can't move on from her ex.


All women will only think about their ex while fucking you.

Makes total sense.

You do realize she's going to get over it eventually, right?

Will her current partners get over the fact that she fantasises about her ex during sex?

Probably not. She'll probably be remembered as a super fucked up girl they hooked up with a few times in college, but who was obviously hung up on her ex so it went nowhere.

Or the girl that they bought dinner for only to have them fantasise about someone else

Oh no, you bought someone dinner and it didn't result in sex and a life long relationship??? YOU GOT USED!!

Ikr those entitled guys believing they have the right to be found attractive during sex smh

Jesus Christ dude, everyone has issues. She probably hopes she'll get past it with the next guy and is upset when she doesn't. She'll work through it eventually and find someone attractive.

Not everything works out the way you want it to just because you bought someone dinner.

The worst female poster on this forum. Easily. How is this moron not banned yet?

I'm a man. And feel free to block me any time, asshole.


No, it just shows that personality has almost no effects on your dating life, as even the most fucked up guy can have a girlfriend if he’s good-looking enough.

My ex didn’t even speak to me after we broke up, and she had a new bf from day 0. Such is the fate of ugly guys.

You don't know what anyone in this story looks like.

Of course, she must be fawning over a 42 year old bald indian janitor. Totes makes sense

For all we know, she IS a 42 year old balding indian janitor.

Of course you can think that if, you’re mentally handicapped.

I prefer handicapable thanks

Doesn't matter, does it? He has a winning personality.

I mean, she pretty much explicitly stated that she's fawning over her ex because of his Dominant personality. Looks didn't even come up in her post at all..

Yeah, and femoids/society say that women are attracted to a good personality.....

Turns out what's "good" is subjective. How 'bout that.

I mean, she pretty much explicitly stated that she's fawning over her ex because of his Dominant personality. Looks didn't even come up in her post at all..

Yet, she "purposely went for guys much older that i know could clearly dominate me," therefore, missing ingredient may be that original guy had a SMV (looks) value that she has been unable to get again, because she's been able to find other dominant personalities.

Ahh here's our favorite cuck

Wrong, all females are aroused by violence, its as accepted as heterosexuality by any decent evolutionary psychologist


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 178183

The arousal described in that link is of dominance, not violence. I’m sure there are lots of insane women who love violence but the majority are just attracted to dominance. It lists several possibilities for reasons why specifically serial killers get fan letters, like being able to fix the guy, mothering the guy, or being insanely insecure. But the normal women who like dominance are likely just seeing it as a protection thing, since women are the physically weaker sex.

Violence necessitates dominance until the violence is ceased by something more dominant, and necessarily more violent in order to be capable of ceasing it

...violence is not necessary for domination. You don’t have to actually harm someone to be dominant.

I did not say it is, learn to read.

You said violence necessitates dominance. Which is irrelevant.

I am glad you read it properly that time, but no, it is not irrelevant

Violence necessitates dominance, which is sexually arousing to women. Therefore, violence itself is sexually arousing to women because dominance is a mandatory emanation of violence. You seem incompetent so you’re probably still confused - don’t worry. Dominance is a mandatory emanation of violence because violence can only be displayed if the perpetrator of it is unrestrained and therefore physically supreme within the propinquity.

I read it properly the first time and assumed you had written it the wrong way around because it didn’t make sense for the point.

Violence is literally irrelevant. Like yes, some women like violence. Because of the dominant aspect. Not the other way around. Dominance is the key here, not the violence. People who like being dominated do not require violence to be part of it.

Violence is literally irrelevant. Like yes, some women like violence. Because of the dominant aspect.

You’ve already contradicted yourself

Woman cannot tame her sexual instincts just because man has become ostensibly more civilised. Violent domination is an integral aspect of sexual selection as it was prevalent when intrasexual selection was prevalent. Biology is apathetic to your emotions. Human evolution will not rewire itself just because you find it inappropriately primitive. Prepare yourself for many more years of the barbarity of sexual selection and stop being ignorant.

Preferring dominance is absolutely biological, and I am not trying to deny biology. But violence is not the key, dominance is. I’m not contradicting myself at all. Violence does not even need to be discussed here, you can have dominance without violence so obviously it is not the issue

The attraction to dominance in the first place is due to the necessity of violence via intrasexual male vs. male competition, so indeed violence is the 'key'....

Violence, the establishment of physical supremacy, isn't the pinnacle of dominant exhibition arbitrarily.

Except violent male competition isn’t necessary. Idiots still do it I suppose, but if the entire means of reproduction was based on violent fighting nobody who was not a gym rat would ever sleep with anyone. Also, the women who stalk murderers are not stalking cage fighters. So obviously there is something else going on. I understand that at some point in time our ancestors literally beat the shit out of each other for mating rights, but currently there is no standard mating ritual for humans. There’s no special signal or dance or call or fight. I’m not saying we have magically evolved past being Animalia, but we do have major factors in mating that are very unrelated to violence.

Except violent male competition isn’t necessary.

You presume attraction is conscious and manipulable whereas it is the opposite. Evolution determines sexual attraction, not logic.

women who stalk murderers are not stalking cage fighters.

Cage fighting is staged with low stakes, murder is real with high stakes.

we do have major factors in mating that are very unrelated to violence.

Name a single one that isn't associated with masculinity i.e. physical ability. All attractive features in a male are those reminiscent of violent capabilities.

You listed violence, not high stakes violence. Also is intelligence considered a physical trait? And is humor a masculine trait? Kindness?

Violence as in legitimate violence, not staged violence, obviously

Intelligence, humour, and kindness do not inherently invoke lust.

Do you ever think over just how many times you've said "it's just one woman" on these posts?

Does it every click in your head that if you have to repeatedly say "it's just one woman" that it's not just one woman?

Except that incels take every single instance of a woman doing something shitty as evidence that all women do that. And no one ever dissuades them of that notion no matter how obviously stupid it is.

Except that incels take every single instance of a woman doing something shitty as evidence that all women do that

When you have this amount of "single instances" it's pretty easy to do lol

And no one ever dissuades them of that notion no matter how obviously stupid it is.

Because the only response we get is "not all women" lol

When you have this amount of "single instances" it's pretty easy to do lol

There's 3.5 billion women on the planet. We could probably find a million women who meet any particular stereotype you'd care to conceive of.

It's easy to find examples of a thing when that's literally all you look for.

BS/NotaChad. First off, Chad's don't need girls to read insults off of a notecard to get off. When you dominate a woman you can see it in her eyes or in her breathing/moaning and body language. I'm guessing this is an extremely fat chick with low sexual value. There are tons of guys who would love to choke a bitch out in bed and talk dirty.. the fact she can't find one means she is fat as fuck most likely. The types of dudes who date whales are usually extremely feminine and low testosterone so any attempts would just be fake.

Chad can do what ever fetish shit he wants. It actually makes little sense for him not to get a weird fetish. When you have sex so easily it's bound to get boring. And chad can get a woman to do what ever absurd disgusting thing he wants so why not.

A Chad would never need to have a fetish like that. Instead.. he'd be dominating the woman with his dick. This 'story' shows that the supposed Chad had limp dick problems.

Dude. Chad can do what ever the fuck he wants to woman. I have a female friend that would not try anything other then base sex for her partner (of 2 year) and thought of the idea of stuff like anal disgusting. When they broke up she hooked up with a chad. Within 30 minutes of them meeting she was rimming him. Chad can and does make woman do anything he pleases.

the only thing non chaddish about this is him being on 4chan however. that is for neckbeards but he might have did it for a one time thing to get some vile comments about her to make her read

I mean you do get chads that would be mental cels if they were ugly or even average. But since there hot woman are willing to ignore that. The dude in the story sounds like a mental case chad. I would believe he was a 4chan poster.

true. I can't say ACALT like I can say AWALT

Ya i feel like people sometimes forget that chad is just a really hot dude. That's all that chad is. He can be left wing, right wing. Can strictly do missionary or do the most corrupt shit known to man. Can be charismatic or a drooling social retard. No matter what he will get sex out of the ass. and No one will ever call him out about it cause of his high SMV.

yup he can be a reall nice cool guy like some chads I have known or he can be jefferey dahmer

just lol at you thinking chad would never do this

chad doesn't "need" that but he was probably bored and wanted to see what he could make this roastie do.

No alpha in history has ever even heard of 4chan.

but he's a famous hacker

Idk why incels buy into these tropes as if they're hard and fast rules. In the millions of people that exist, is it so inconceivable that some atypical Chads exist?

Why do we also assume that they couldn't have heard of it from an article or a friend? Are all Chads a monolith that are programmed to act the same way? Does that make every Incel the same as other incels?

Ya theres a lot of psycho Chads out there, Idk if the average incel never leaves his basement but I think when you are a chad you can become a psycho. When everything is so damn easy for you you start to lose your mind(or hard like when you are an incel boy)

Chads are truly the fraternal twins of incels.

If you can't make a woman piss herself just by looking at her it's OVER


Link pls

Chad can do what ever fetish shit he wants. It actually makes little sense for him not to get a weird fetish. When you have sex so easily it's bound to get boring. And chad can get a woman to do what ever absurd disgusting thing he wants so why not.

Now that I think about it, that would make for a great social experiment: Post some pics of the guy for you to rate before telling you he's the dude from the story. I'm really curious how well he would do on the chad scale.

But anyways, let's break this down a bit. It's not clear why she initiated the break up, but reading between the lines I'd say it eventually became too much abuse for her. Even someone with a submission fetish is at the end of the day a human being and not a sex doll.

It's obvious that she still finds him sexually attractive, but in that particular scenario, that's not surprising.

7 months in is pretty much half the way for a more severe break up. The rule of thumb is that it takes one year to get over a serious partner before you are able to make a fresh start. What worries me in her case though is the fact that she's seeing him on a regular basis - that's definitely not helping her to move on.

At the end of the day, nasty situation to be in. But she'll get over it eventually.

more interestingly though: I'm by no means an expert on the current canon, but isn't this story actually disproving your black pill theory? The girl is very much sexually attracted to a guy, to the point were she's basically having orgasms when he looks at her. And yet, she broke up with him and not once does she mention any lingering emotional feelings, or that she wants him back.

I may be wrong here, but doesn't the black pill state that a woman's desire to be with a man is solely determined by his genes, and therefore his sexual attractivness to her?

Blackpill states that looks are everything. Correct. And that personality is irrelevant for attraction despite what men are told

In this case, the woman broke up with him but still yearns for him sexually. Men are told that personality and dressing well etc makes a difference, but we should be taught that it’s all primal attraction from an early age

"His attractiveness to her" doesn't mean society's standard of looks. It means how HE, as an individual, smells, tastes, looks, and acts to HER, as an individual. Two people can be genetically matched, and attracted to each other, and it have nothing to do with societally pushed beauty standards. They've done studies on this. It's chemistry, not looking like a model.

They don't have a clue about women, what makes you think they know any better about chemistry?

Nobody knows anything until they learn it. You probably didn't know much about sexuality at some point in your life.

You're right, but I realised there was a lot I didn't know and began learning.

Calling women the things women get called here isn't going to help any of these incels get a date or a relationship, women can feel the hate most folks here project, no wonder why none wants to do anything with that kind of guy...

Women are better at reading body language, your misogynistic attitudes transpire through body language and do incels no favours...

I'm a woman, and I'm not a misogynist. I agree that people can tell a lot about a person's attitude from subtle behaviors. But seriously, coming here with your attitude that one sex is naturally better than the other isn't helping anything.

Where did I say one sex is better than the other? you made that up "gurl" (if you`re actually one...)

I would have used gender instead of sex, you know, sex and gender aren't the same thing by the way...

Women are better at reading body language

You said that.

It's a fact....

Show me the data on that.

It's easier if you read a biology book, it will explain it far better than me... and you have the data there... but if you really want to test it, if you're female start taking testosterone, you're muscles will get bigger and stronger (that explains why body builders take steroids, surprise!) , although you might dislike growing a beard....

I've been on testosterone and estrogens, i kind of know the differences....

For heaven's sake. I meant the data on women reading body language better than men.


Basically yes...

Didn't you know the average woman is more empathic than the average man as well as the average man is stronger than the average woman?

How do you tell if they are a man or a woman without looking at their brain structure? Does a person's ability to read body language change when they take hormones?

From your article. "Overall, say the researchers “EI rather than biological sex appears to be the salient factor in an individual’s nonverbal decoding accuracy.”"

So it isn't women that are better at reading body language. It's people with emotional intelligence.

It's not clear why she initiated the break up

She doesn't say that all, also a lot of women will say they ended the relationship when they actually didn't. She is trying to get over him because he is no longer available, not because she is voluntary avoiding getting back together with him.

Y'all are just confused.

Every woman eventually grows out of this mentality and becomes attracted to that guy she could talk down to and push around.

gf just gave me a resentful handie and a good pegging, so trust me on this.


Now this is a top tier, superb shitpost. Everyone can learn a lot from this dude.

How do incels view rape? I'm curious. A lot of the comments on other posts I have read are all very hateful to women. So I'm just learning about all of you.

rape is bad, the end

additionally, the incel demographic is mostly anxious and reclusive and doesnt even get near women


we dont condone rape at all. We just wish that we were brought up knowing that personality is useless for being attractive.

Rape is bad.

Most rapists are not incels though, and most of the time they are at least moderately successful with women anyways. Which in turn disproves the personality myth.

“We’re in quite a few classes together...”

Pair bonding at a young age is a thing. It’s why people used to marry early and ended up staying married until death, and the move away from that results in insane women (literally; 25% of women are on mental health drugs) and suicidal men.

posted pictures of me on /b/

fucking kek

Just post nudes without her consent theory

Alpha widow is a very real red flag, if you get a girl and she ain't a virgin, see who she has dating before, if they mog you, it's pretty much over

Are you scared she might have already tried someone better and you won't be able to perform well enough?

If you're waiting for a virgin in the 21st century you might have to wait until the 22nd.....

If you don't think dating an alpha widow with an smv less than that of the handle of a hairbrush = guaranteed cuckage, you're fucked

Also, i know there are women who are virgins and are in their 20s. Who really hates women here? You're basically calling them all whores

Calling them whores because they're not virgins is calling them whores, I never used that word or imply not being virgin was = to being a whore, you did, misogynistic looser....

My ex-wife and I had a dom/sub relationship. After we divorced (mainly due to her schizophrenia), she told me she could not hang out with other guys because she still felt she was my slave. She now is homeless, and addicted to crystal meth. I saw her last week, sitting on a curb..I kept walking. No, it doesn't make me happy, the whole thing is fucked up.

hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa roastie destroyed

I'm not happy about it..she can't help being crazy. Plus, I miss the cooking and blowjerbs.

work on your personaity, bro

It's too late. Gonna LDAR behind my house amongst the banana trees.

No medication for her? That unfortunate, even if it is a roaster.

She was addicted to Adderall already..

Foids are not capable of independent thought.

Surely that's why women don't want anything to do with people who think like that, they are so dumb, aren't they?

They are. And dont call me Shirley

Now go whine to someone (I mean, EVERYONE HERE) about how women don't like you, I wonder why..... It has no reasonable explanation... oh right, misogynist attitudes, that MIGHT explain part of it (if not the whole thing).

I won't call you Shirley, don't worry, such a beautiful name to waste it on you....

u mad

My shrink says I'm not, what about yours, shirley?

Why you delete your last toddler tier comment roastie

Maybe, but i'm not blaming women for not getting laid...

Who's crazy now?

Considering for a heterosexual male to get laid a woman has to agree and since I am too hideously ugly to lock in to such arrangements if is a fair blame to place on the foidgroids.

Sorry, if you call women "foidgroids" the blame's on you. be thankful your mum isn't advocating for retroactive abortion as you migh have never have been born, or more like it, been born and rejected so off with you to the gene trash bin....

How a woman's mind shatters when an attractive man enters her life, imagine being this fragile.

I don't think it needs to be imagined. The majority of the people hear have had their worldview shattered just by being in the same city as an attractive women who did not desire them

All women hate us because we are sub8. Most men too.

What a great personality. I wonder how many movies with strong female protagonists he watched

And there it is right there: proof that women never forget their first. This is why virgin women hold so much value. Jfl at you if you're not her first. It's over.

yeah.. she tried to recreate it.. meaning it was forced and fake the whole time and she knew it. meanwhile when her ex did it he made it happen without her assistance and made her like it.

Ya theres a lot of psycho Chads out there, Idk if the average incel never leaves his basement but I think when you are a chad you can become a psycho. When everything is so damn easy for you you start to lose your mind(or hard like when you are an incel boy)


You're right, but I realised there was a lot I didn't know and began learning.

Calling women the things women get called here isn't going to help any of these incels get a date or a relationship, women can feel the hate most folks here project, no wonder why none wants to do anything with that kind of guy...

Women are better at reading body language, your misogynistic attitudes transpire through body language and do incels no favours...

Alpha Widow Syndrome. Textbook.

She was addicted to Adderall already..