You have one life and then you cease to exist for eternity

58  2018-05-04 by wont_tell_i_refuse_

And you were born incel.

Bonus points: You were born in the only time in recorded history in which men's looks actually matter to women. An ugly man in the 1950s could clean up because men still controlled the money.

Fuck, man.


we will never be born again.

we will never have another chance at life.

we will never experience things others have in our youth

I wish we live long enough for some sort of VR this is too ducking depressing

rope fuel

Wood carving is an ancient refuge of sorrowful men, a talented carver can create works that outlive many men

I'm a cryonicist, so I don't look at it that way:


Doesn’t it cost a shit ton? I envy millionairecels

Do the Japanese happen to have cryonics companies? Their freezing tech is beyond that of the west.

An ugly man in the 1950s could clean up

Omfg lmfao have you never read an old book? What's really changed is modernfags are delusional. That and the obesity epidemic. How fat are you won't tell buddy?

because men still controlled the money.

Extra extra lolololololzzzz. Dream on. Nothing has changed.

Nothing has changed.

Ugly guys never got none.

Actually you know what has changed? In the past nobody judged a genetic lesser for that they just accepted it and it was known from birth. Nobody used to tell the kid with the extra chromosome he'd be an astronaut, or the girl who glanced at a math book she stacked on her play house that she's being held down. Everyone just knew.

So nobody morally judged that ugly short guy for going with that ugly chubster. What has changed is the moral judgement.

Because if genetics not real bro, then it's all all you.

The freedom we all asked for but didn't really want.

Don't worry won't tell you refuse, we've talked a lot over the years haven't we? Don't worry my buddy, my pal, they won't wake up and accept their place in the dead hierarchy we all dream of and reject at the same time. They will instead do what they can to form a French revolution style mob, to kill everyone and everything. Cause the truth hurts their envious egos far far too much to ever accept.

Why? I could be happy with what I got. But grrr somebody over there has more. Burn it all down.

I want nothingness more than anything else


We had one chance at life. One small tiny sliver of time that we will be here.

And we get this life


I dont think so. I think the universe is waaaaaay to big for something to simply not pop up and you not be it. Way to fucking big.

We'll probably be reincarnated as incels

Bonus points: in any other time you would have been murdered as a baby because people thought ugly babies were possessed by devil.

Reading the title alone: Lifefuel?

There were far worse fates to be born into. You could easily have numbered among the starving children or kids living in war-torn countries just to name a contemporary example.

The time you were born: Good (relatively)

The place you were born: Good

Your genes: Bad

All things considered, you got 2/3. We're worse off than people who have all 3, and better off with most of those who only have 1 or god forbid, zero.

So? This supposed to make me feel better or what? My suffering is subjective.

No, it won't make you feel better. That's human nature. Perhaps if you saw it right in front of you, it may affect you viscerally but as an abstraction you're definitely remain unmoved.

I just dislike the pity circle-jerk we have going on when it gets too ridiculous. We have it pretty bad, but I'm not about to airbrush all of history so I can fetishize my sadness.