Why is it never mentioned that some normies are literally more misogynistic than us and still manage to get relationships/sex?

151  2018-05-04 by whogivesafucc

I have spent a LOT of time around normies, and holy fuck, a HUGEEEEEEEEE percentage of normie males are misogynists. All I hear from these disgusting, unappreciative fucks is "hahaha bro yeah I fucked that little bitch shes such a slut hahaha I was at a party man she sucked my dick and i nutted in her mouth bruh hahahaha fucking thot"

That's tame though in comparison to what I hear on almost a daily basis in normie conversations, especially among high school normies and middle school normies on the bus/train, etc.

and normies tell me i'm the misogynist, just because i'm a virgin, while they spout shit like this to everyone. just l0l.



They are attractive so they aren't real misogynists like ugly virgins are.

Normies? Attractive? come on dude.

The average person I see on the street is 4, maybe 4.5 PSL.

They are attractive in comparison to ugly virgins.

ok i will agree there, maybe.

We are misogynists for subjecting our face to other people’s eyes.

Misogynist is just more of the stupid meaningless ~ist words that have flared up so the current post enlightenment mobs have appropriate scapegoats for their own failures.

In the real world women desire strength and a male supremacist is stronger than a blue pilled cuck because he is not afraid to be known as a challenge to the herd. Many herdskanks won't like that, but many many women burn with desire for a man who is not just another faceless face in the mob of every other guy.

It's better to be seen and known, and have strong convictions, then just be another faceless face and nameless blob shifting in the current as the current shifts.

Besides do you really think that all women are stupid? They aren't. A significant chunk of women know that men are superior to them. They just wonder if you are one of them.

i already knew that shit man

90% of normie relationships i ever seen were abusive. just be an asshole theory tbh.

Well bro I'm just going to copy and paste my reply to your deleted comment, and then reply to this one after;

They know because you have never even spoken to them.

Just stop for a second in your disgusting self loathing and ask yourself? WWCD? What would Chad do? Chad would walk right up to all the wahmens, act like a narcissistic psychopath cutting shit tests down left and right like breathing air, and they'd all soak their panties and write in their diaries that night about how Chad walked right up to them and told them to shut up. Before writing his name on a heart right next to hers.

But yes I am forced to agree that the reason you can't do just that isn't because evil (((movies))) somehow taught you to not ever walk up to women and talk to them to get success but because you are a genetic defect. And thank God women won't reproduce your defective can't even speak to women genes.

Or do you think maybe it's not your defective can't talk genes? But maybe a self esteem issue along with hating Chad, even when he shows you and tells you all that is good?

Do you think you hate Chad for showing you the obvious because you're a genetic defect? Or is it just because you choose every day to be a fucking loser?

🤔 You know I'm not really sure. But I've been leaning more and more towards the genetic argument over time.

Now to reply to this one

What you betafags think is abusive a girl will think, I would die for him. You only call it abusive to protect your own ego. So you can reject reality and keep telling yourself, "I am better than him"

You're not. And deep down you know it. It's fine.

lol "passing shit tests" just rope right now you "redpill" alt-right fag with your ((()))

i bet everyone here mogs you to the fucking moon, arrogant normcunts like you are hilarious. post your picture you 4.5 psl faggot.

Do you want me to make you feel worse?

You want me to show you the proof that you should just give up? Why bother then just give up. You want me to show you that I'd have the easy path to shit tests, or maybe just forced into them so my aspie brain would see them after long enough?

Should I? Mog on you? Just come in here to mog all of you, so alpha yis, I'm such a bad ass?

What's the goal here bro?

Cause I almost just did it.

Maybe go make an album of girls with my dick in their mouths? Would that somehow elicit any kind of positive change? Maybe make you feel even worse? What's the goal here bro?

jajjjaaj look at this fucking subhuman larp'ing

"with my dick in their mouths" jajajjajaja please stop this is literal cringe. go back on redpill and post some more "field reports" on how you pass "shit tests" (women trying to call the cops on you because you're subhuman)


It doesn't have to be this way

fuck off with your emo twink music faggot.

I like the fire but you need to find a way to contain it and only let it shine through at appropriate times. We call this state control, which is an aspie way of saying understands proper social interaction. Which is just another way of saying understands the unspoken hierarchy.

Anyway best of luck my friend. As far as your username? Why? The answer is you. You give a fuck. The quicker you accept that no one else does, at all, they never did and they never will, the better off you'll be in the long run.

Thanks for reminding me that I can't cum. I love my psych meds.

It would be over for me if I ever had sex.

you can't? jesus bro. do you mean you can't orgasm, or you can't ejaculate? or both?

either way, that's fucking AIDS. that is literally LIVING HELL.

I can't ejaculate and orgasms are a lot milder than they used to be. It means I would get very limited sexual pleasure. I don't care about sex though. I just want to have a close friend to share intimate details with, doesn't matter guy or girl. Oh well.

you poor dude wish we could hug you

Kids are stupid, and there are tons of misogynists out there. It isn't difficult to hide your misogynistic side until after you've gotten what you wanted.

All the women see is an attractive guy, they usually don't figure out they are misogynists until it's too late, or never at all if the individual is good enough at hiding it. Since you are a guy, they aren't worried about acting around you.

none of these normies were attractive you guys really need to stop with this looks bullshit

they are dead average or slightly below average guys who are NT enough to get laid, that's all.

everyone i have ever seen on an incel forum mogs these people to death, with the exception of a few.

If it is not looks, it's confidence, or a very convincing act.

Not sure what NT means, could I get a definition?

NT=neurotypical. this is frequently discussed on here as being one of the keys to relationship, etc,

It certainly increases your odds, I won't deny that. The more you fit into the category of normal, the more likely you are to find people like yourself to date.

If you have a less typical way of looking at the world, you are going to have a harder time finding an individual who "matches up" with you. Not impossible though, I have a fairly autistic friend who has had some long term successful relationships.

However it seems a lot of incels blame women for this issue... when in reality they are just looking for a match to their own personalities. Nothing wrong with that, guys should be doing the same... that's how you have a successful relationship after all.

Exactly. No one here is normal.

There does seem to be a lot of misogynists in the incel community though, it seems to be based on blaming women for their problems, that they are all shallow and self centered while men are all about personality, when it really is a more even split.

of course there are, i'm just saying that normies do the same thing a lot of the time but don't get called out for it like we're getting called out.

True, but they usually don't start groups dedicated to said misogyny. When they do it definitely gets called out. (The Red Pill sub comes to mind).

I have no doubt most people in this sub are just a bit... misguided, but since the recent Incel terrorist thing, there is going to be more heat on incels than is really due... when the vast majority are just harmless.

Kids are stupid, and there are tons of misogynists out there. It isn't difficult to hide your misogynistic side until after you've gotten what you wanted.

Except when you're ugly, suddenly the creep radar works at full throttle amirite?

Men are usually assumed creeps until proven otherwise. Any guy who's tried to get a babysitting job or even shown a slight interest in childcare can testify to this. To some extent this is a smart move by women, considering men are usually much stronger than they are. Not saying it is fair, just smart.

Being charming however does lower an individuals defenses to some extent, and looks do help with that as well.

Because they say this shit to oppress us. LOL if only women knew the shit they say about them. So many of them actually think guys treat them the same way they treat their homies 😂😂😂

I always mention that. They simply don't care lol

redpill and mgtow

They practice what they 'preach.' But incels get the flack and the most we ever do is shit talk.

it's not just them. most normies, and when i say normies, i just mean, you know, most people, are pretty misogynistic and treat women like absolute dog-shit. most relationships i even seen were abusive, and these are not good looking males in any capacity really.

there's honestly just so many factors to this incel shit but yeah, we shitposters get the shit end of the stick

it's not just them. most normies, and when i say normies, i just mean, you know, most people, are pretty misogynistic and treat women like absolute dog-shit. most relationships i even seen were abusive, and these are not good looking males in any capacity really.

Gotcha. What is stupid though, is that a lot of that type of behavior I notice never gets called out as misogynistic even though according to failed normie logic, it would be.

Ugly guys just get the stick no matter what...

You sure you weren't just witnessing a dickhead in the wild?

i have heard a lot of these interactions, especially when i was a student in high school.

if it was just a one-time sort of thing i wouldn't be making this thread

That doesn't negate the existence of dickbheads. From what I've observed people like that will brag about the vast amounts of scummy shit they do with their buds, then immediately put up the deeply sensitive mask in hopes it gets them laid. Oddly enough it tends to work

It's mentioned like once every week at least

i have seen it mentioned but not in the format i am presenting i think. as in personal anecdotes where many normies have been misogynistic and say shit like this

Former friend of mine was a scummy high school screw up and tried to act hard and convinced a few people that he was. Smoked a lot of weed, did some coke, sold a little weed, drank too much, barely passed some classes with Cs and a D here and there, caused trouble all the time within his family, etc.

The guy was basically a poorly behaved @sshole half the time. Well, just so happens that some legit sexy girl with large, perfect tits and a killer body had sex with him all throughout senior year of high school. He would get high with her and they would screw when his parents were out for the night. I was a much nicer guy and decent person than him and girls didn't treat me well in high school and only used me as an emotional tampon and I'm a virgin.

I saw him freshmen year of high school on fall break and when he smoked some weed with me and some friends of mine all he did was brag about girls he banged and how he jizzed in one of their mouth's and made them sound slutty.

But remember: We're misogynists and that's why we don't get laid. Ignore how this guy behaved this way and that he was pretty good-looking and just listen to normies tell us that our problem is our bad personalities.

Normies sure are smart.

He sounds lame. I hope you told him how boring and cringy his conversation skills were. Or better yet, recorded him, and played it for the girls he was talking about. They would probably beat him upside the head with their heels.

i hate normies. I have more respect for chadlites and chads tbh.

same frustration here incel-buddy.

I promise you, being a virgin =/= misogynist in most peoples' eyes. there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin :)

if you've been called a misogynist, I'm betting it was for something else that you've said.

but I agree with you, many guys say misogynistic and just shitty things, especially high school guys. I think that if most girls heard these guys saying those things, they'd drop them in a hot second. some might not care or still be interested (maybe because they have low self esteem or are honestly just assholes themselves), but most would be disgusted. I think a lot of them are just trying to seem more macho or whatever. high school is a really weird time.

sorry you have to deal with that--listening to that bs all the time would drive me crazy.

i never said anything to anyone

well I'm sorry that people called you a misogynist for seemingly no reason. and it sounds like you're in high school? I hope you can be finished with that soon. trust me, high school is not like the real world! in the real world, no one gives a fuck if you were captain of the football team--in fact, going on about high school achievements after you've graduated is seen as pretty pathetic. best of luck to you :)

lmao i'm in the second semester of college. no one says things like that in college. at least not in public like that. thank you

I promise you, being a virgin =/= misogynist in most peoples' eyes. there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin :)

if you've been called a misogynist, I'm betting it was for something else that you've said.

I promise you, being black =/= criminal in most peoples' eyes. there's absolutely nothing wrong with being black :)

if you've been called a criminal, I'm betting it was for something else that you've said.

I've come to the conclusion that the normie philosophy is so incoherent and self-contradictory that most normies don't even believe half the shit they say. In fact, I would argue that most normies (particularly women) are secretly know that the essential aspects of the blackpill are true. This is why no women on IT would ever date us, regardless of whether or not we take their blue-pilled advice.

They deliberately spout platitudes and lies so as to ensure that we remain "in our place", so to speak. A blue-pilled, hopeful incel is easy to predict and easy to control. He will not criticize you, and he will not criticize the social structures which screw him over. He's a docile slave who silently acquiesces to his fate.

He's a docile slave who silently acquiesces to his fate.


He's a docile slave who silently acquiesces to his fate.

EXACTLY! this is the incel bible truth!

you're only misogynist if you're ugly

Lol that’s just being rude or an asshole, guys like to brag to other guys. Not necessarily a misogynist, the difference is.. you are a misogynist because women won’t fuck you, I have a ton of ugly friends that still have sex. They don’t blame the world or women, don’t feel so entitled to fuck.

really? It's never mentioned that a large portion of men are misogynistic? Have you been on the internet before?

They probably have social skills. It's not always just looks, but also how appealing they can seem as a person. That's how so many women end up in abusive relationships. Because the guy was charming at first, but then ended up being a disgusting two faced pig.

Exactly there's tonnes of misogynistic men who get laid and even find relationships. While yes, there are women who will reject these men; there are women who won't too.

Normies/IT come in here and say it's our misogyny that repels women. But there are plenty of examples of shitty men getting sex/relationships. You know those guys who harass, stalk and assault women? Mant of those guys get laid or into relationships despite their shittyness.

Of course being a terrible person won't be accepted by all women. But it's proof that being misogynist isn't why we're incel.

Lots of girls also like to be objectified and "used" as sex objects if they're into that kind of thing, which in my experience is most of 'em.

Because the "normies" who tell you you are misogynist are not real normies but failed normies who spend their entire free time on reddit. The real normies who have a real life don't give a fuck about stuff like feminism, misogynism, Incels or anything like that. Leave the house and say what you say online and most people will find it funny and not call you a misogynist like people on reddit.

because if you're a virgin as a man you're weak in genetic value and character, and there's nothing women hate more than weak men

I can comment on this. I get away with saying some truly vulgar shit because I say it with confidence. I call my SO a slut all the time in front of people, and she just rolls her eyes and tells me to stfu. The reason it's okay with her is because she knows I'm not serious, and that I treat her like a queen.

As a "normie" male, I suppose, I have had far more female friendships than male ones, but the close male friends I've kept have never bragged about sexual encounters or spoken negatively about a woman just because they had sex. Granted, I wouldn't keep company with someone like that for long.

There are disgusting people on both sides, bit of course you're going to see more focus on the incel portion of it when you spend most of your time in an incel group talking to other incels. But saying that women don't address misogyny coming from normies is misleading when there are entire groups and movements rooted in addressing that very idea.

I didn't even know wtf an incel was until a few days ago, but I grew intrigued because I didn't realize there were entire groups focused on not getting laid, which is such a barely significant fraction of existing unless you're hell bent on procreating.

And sure, intimacy is great, but I've had my share of dry spells and when I'm stuck in one I refocus on my music or gaming or basically anything to make me feel better that isn't just focused on my dick.

Part of being a normie and having had sex is that it is put in perspective to you, it becomes not a big deal. But trust me, it is a HUGE deal if you have never had it and see everyone around you having it. Normies cannot fathom what it is like to be an incel simply because they aren’t one. This is like feminist standpoint epistemology.

I agree, I can never truly relate. But I've never taken one single aspect of my life that left me unfulfilled and focused on it to the point of finding others who were unfulfilled in a similar way and discussing it. Maybe that's why I'm intrigued by the whole thing.

If the man is attractive, with experience, and points out women aren't perfect - it's laughed off and they will still be guaranteed a date/sex.

If the man isn't as attractive, lacks experience as a result of pickiness/hypergamy, and points out women aren't perfect - he's seemed just about every 'ist' under the sun and told he's to blame for everything.

And why is it never mentioned that incels are seemingly jealous of men who act like shit and then fuck shitty, untrustworthy women?

Why isn't being a decent human for the sake of being a decent human reward enough? Why is it if you aren't getting laid left and right you see no reason to act with any basic kindness?

Because we want sex, and not every woman who wants uncommitted sex is a "shitty untrustworthy woman"

The reason some of us don't act like basic human beings is we see no reason to, there's no benefit to us and people don't show it to us. But many of us act like normal people in public.

Because we want sex, and not every woman who wants uncommitted sex is a "shitty untrustworthy woman"

No, but the men you describe are pretty universally shitty. So I doubt they're fucking girls I'd actually want to spend any time with.

The reason some of us don't act like basic human beings is we see no reason to, there's no benefit to us

And you don't see the problem with this attitude. "If I don't directly benefit, why bother?" Selfishness to the core.

And all of society doesn't treat you like shit. Most of society doesn't even notice you exist from day to day.

No, but the men you describe are pretty universally shitty. So I doubt they're fucking girls I'd actually want to spend any time with.

That's your assumption, I, unfortunately, met real-life people, a testament to the contrary. But life experiences from an incel amount to shit, right?

And you don't see the problem with this attitude. "If I don't directly benefit, why bother?" Selfishness to the core.

Because being selfless landed us denigrated, people literally rode us for free. Some of us did have a quite a shitty expectation of tit-for-tat in the realm of sex but some were just trying to connect and it wasn't limited to women.

But because we were so "weak" and ugly, we didn't even merit a fucking consideration and told to man up. Well, we fucking did and we own our anger and frustration.

And all of society doesn't treat you like shit. Most of society doesn't even notice you exist from day to day.

Those who matter - did. We internalized it, we patched ourselves and we became what we are now.

That's your assumption, I, unfortunately, met real-life people, a testament to the contrary. But life experiences from an incel amount to shit, right?

When members of this community repeatedly show they have zero social awareness, yes, their self reporting isn't going to be terribly reliable. When they repeatedly say, "When I go outside everyone is staring at me and scowling because I'm subhuman" that tells me they are deeply wrapped in delusion.

Because being selfless landed us denigrated, people literally rode us for free.

I doubt you were so selfless and taken advantage of by everyone around you. If you're getting taken advantage of, figure out how to stand up for yourself instead of blaming every person on Earth, even the ones who've never met you.

Well, we fucking did and we own our anger and frustration.

Well, you certainly embrace it and wallow in it.

Those who matter - did. We internalized it, we patched ourselves and we became what we are now.

You decide who matters in your life. The girl who rejects you doesn't have to matter unless you let her.

I doubt you were so selfless and taken advantage of by everyone around you. If you're getting taken advantage of, figure out how to stand up for yourself instead of blaming every person on Earth, even the ones who've never met you.

Why? Why can't I whine about all the misfortunes I've encountered along the way in the place that is supposed to be mine? Imagine: humans have emotions! Shocker, I know but some of us are terrible at repressing it and we need some outlets. Intellectually - we fucking now that nobody owes us anything (and we owe nothing to anyone) but why the fuck can't we whine? Fucking keyboard call-out slacktivist.

Why do I even bother with you, I honestly don't know.

Because it flies in the face of their argument that you need to develop a good personality with robust hobbies.

I think your biggest problem is somehow thinking that being a misogynist excludes you from sex and not being one will get you sex.

What’s wrong with being sexist? It’s true and funny.

kind of triggers me that these fucking faggots who are not only saying shit like this but subhuman in many cases are getting it tbh.

i have never seen a good looking person talking this way.

A lot of them do. You obviously just don’t know them well enough.

Am normie. Can confirm.

You think incels are misogynistic? Get "Chad" while no girls are around and be prepared for an earful. Most of my friends throughout life were those "top 20%" good looking jocks, and the shit they said in private was WORSE than anything I've read on the incel boards. These women who sleep with them, if they only knew....

Maybe because for hookups women don't care much about personality and just for looks since it's a one time thing?

Then incels should have no issues getting one night flings, no?

If you look asctetically pleasing or the woman in question thinks you are the best she can get, yes. And only that if you know how to flirt. But I guarantee there is a woman for every man, perhaps very pretty, for a one night fling. Just might not be the prettier women around depending on the guy.

Tee hee just date a whale

What's wrong with that? You can't call yourself an involuntary celibate if there's someone willing to sleep with you but you won't sleep with them.

Why should a healthy man have to lower his standards to the point of having to date someone morbidly obese? That is unnatural.

Here's a funny thought: imagine somebody telling a healthy young woman to lower her standards and to date obese neckbeards. Lol.

Well, point is you can't really call yourself an involuntary celibate if there is women willing to sleep with you that are below your standards.

Fat women have options. Why would they date a virgin when all they need to do is open tinder to get someone more desirable in 10 seconds?

Because people more desirable will likely have better options available for them as well. And they have no idea that you are a virgin.

I'm a virgin for a reason, a reason that will be self evident to her the moment we start interacting. Might as well have "VIRGIN" written across my forehead.

As for the fat women having options thing, did you know that a very significant percentage of men are attracted to fat women? Men WANT to fuck fat girls. To some men, fat chicks are better than slim chicks.

I suggest you Google "pig woman experiment". Even disgusting looking fat women can have their pick when it comes to getting relationships. You are wrong if you think men and women face the same social hurdles. Women have a much easier time getting relationships.

Have you tried to get fat women yourself?

I haven't really tried getting with women much. It's a pointless effort, like a dog chasing after a car.

If you haven't tried you can't say it's impossible.

I don't recall ever saying the word "impossible", though even if I had maybe it would still be the truth; ever considered that some people are alone because of mental issues that prevent them from getting into relationships?

Course I have. Hell, I might be one of them. But saying you can't is one thing. Trying first is another.

There's also an equal number of women out there with the same issues too, you know.

The traits that I have make me seem weak and unattractive. These very same traits are seen as endearing when women are the ones who suffer from them. Men are supposed to be strong leaders, women can be weak and it only makes them more desirable.

they were fucking below average or dead average. i think they're lying because most of these people would stand no chance in the modern dating scene. i'm talking maybe 1 tinder match per year.

So you didn't try with them because they were below average?

i never talked to a girl irl in my life. i have crippling anxiety problems. im a volcel, not incel.

Ah ok.

If you are prejudiced against women, you’re a misogynist. There’s nothing else to it. It would be great if no misogynists ever got any relationships or female attention but unfortunately karma is not a thing...

i'm not. never helped me. i should start being, though.

it's not a coincidence that most normie relationships i seen were riddled with mental and physical abuse, they like that shit.

Don’t start. You don’t want an unhealthy relationship. The girls who are attracted to misogynists are really screwed up. I’m glad you’re not one, and I know taking the “moral high ground” in this instance really doesn’t get you any immediate or even visible rewards, but still I would not recommend that. Humans are pretty screwed up. We have an intelligence of sorts but rationality is all mashed up in millions of years of instinct development. Most people don’t know why they do what they do or like what they like, but being “bad” on purpose won’t help you find the comfort and intimacy you want.

Normies? Attractive? come on dude.

The average person I see on the street is 4, maybe 4.5 PSL.

They are attractive in comparison to ugly virgins.

ok i will agree there, maybe.

it's not just them. most normies, and when i say normies, i just mean, you know, most people, are pretty misogynistic and treat women like absolute dog-shit. most relationships i even seen were abusive, and these are not good looking males in any capacity really.

Gotcha. What is stupid though, is that a lot of that type of behavior I notice never gets called out as misogynistic even though according to failed normie logic, it would be.

Ugly guys just get the stick no matter what...

i never said anything to anyone

I promise you, being a virgin =/= misogynist in most peoples' eyes. there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin :)

if you've been called a misogynist, I'm betting it was for something else that you've said.

I promise you, being black =/= criminal in most peoples' eyes. there's absolutely nothing wrong with being black :)

if you've been called a criminal, I'm betting it was for something else that you've said.

I agree, I can never truly relate. But I've never taken one single aspect of my life that left me unfulfilled and focused on it to the point of finding others who were unfulfilled in a similar way and discussing it. Maybe that's why I'm intrigued by the whole thing.