Daily reminder: chad and stacy don’t care enough to come hate on us, it’s only soyboys and ugly fems

112  2018-05-04 by GoosebumpsGeneral


based on the women who pm'd me and sent their pics, this is true

share them

I’m a decent looking female. You’ll probably think I’m lying, but I’m not.

if by “decent looking” you mean overweight and insecure then ye

I’m actually skinny but not too skinny lol. And I have my insecurities, just like everyone else.

low tier

I’m not sure what this means.

I’m actually skinny but not too skinny lol.

So you're fat then huh?

I said that so you all wouldn’t call me “anorexic” or some shit. If you think that sentence means I’m calling myself fat, sure. But I’m literally average height average weight. If twisting my words to make it seem like I’m “hiding” my weight makes you feel better, sure. I’m fat af.

I’m a good looking female that comments on this sub. I’m just saying, he is wrong. But you all will do anything to make yourselves right no matter what. So:

I’m ugly and fat, I’m wrong you’re right. Happy?

Ur not good looking at all lol. Actual attractive women don’t use Reddit, much less incel forums.

Again with these made up facts lol. I love how everything is somehow a proven fact.

But you’re wrong.

Pretty is subjective but I think I’m pretty. Along with many others (not bragging, just stating). But go ahead, don’t believe me. Just telling you, I know for an actual fact you’re wrong while you think you’re right based on no fact.

Here’s an actual fact. You’re a narcissistic degenerate (also lol @ username) and will deserve to be beaten by the abusive Chad that you will end up with.

You must be so sad, I’m sorry for whoever hurt you. You know those aren’t facts. But I know telling me that must make you feel better, so I’ll be your punching bag.

Lying bitch, you aren’t sorry at all.

Yes I am. It sucks that you have turned into this hateful person because of women rejecting you.

“I’m a narcissist degenerate (lol @ my username) and will deserve to be rejected and ridiculed by every Stacy that I will inevitably not end up with”


Lol what a white knight soy boy. Can't let m'lady be insulted over the internet!

I love all these nicknames you guys give me, makes me feel so cool 😎 can’t take the insult back huh? REEEEEEEE COPE INCEL NONCHAD!

Do I fit in yet?

I'm afraid my iq isn't low enough to be able to understand this comment.

You only speak in incel, I get it bro. I’ll try harder next time.

Low iq comment

People that think IQ dictates intelligence, lack intelligence. But I’m bored with this conversation, so goodnight, have fun trying to make people feel bad about themselves when you’re, in turn, boosting their confidence by showing how miserable you are.

Lacks intelligence.

Hope bedbugs bite you in your sleep tonight.

More action than you’ll ever get ❤️

I’m literally average height average weight

bahahaha average weight is fat

Yeah, I worded that wrong. I meant average as in what I’m supposed to be BMI wise.

that’s probably still fat tbh

Tbh I’m really not lol

Does this make you feel better about yourself? Calling every woman behind a computer screen ugly and fat? You people are in such denial.

And still won’t sleep with you. Funny, innit?

Okay ken doll


be my gf

do you bully us?


then this doesn't apply to you

But apparently it does.

then why are you here?

Same as the rest, she's just visiting the zoo.

And I keep getting shit thrown on me!

I really need to find that thread that had a compilation of all roasties and numales who thought they were Chad and Stacy, but turned how to be cuckmaster3000 and roastie #994

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ❤️

That's nice of you, but not objectively true

You are 100% right, beauty is subjective.

Yes and no. The golden ratio exists as does the fibonacci sequence and the halo effect. These are all objective and a good measure of beauty across cultures and time periods.

decent looking

Rating with makeup on doesn't count.

I look pretty decent without make up. In the winter I struggle with acne so I’ll wear more make up. Summer time, I usually just wear mascara and call it a day.

How many instagram followers do you have?

I don’t have very many, 400 something.

That was a rhetorical answer btw.

Pm me.


I'm a physically attractive, non-normie male. I don't come to hate on your guys. In fact, I like it here because you guys are funny and don't put on a stupid mask like most normies.

ur chill man, it’s the people that hate on us that are uggos

I would take a good ugly friend over a shitty attractive friend any day

Not because you enjoy their company. Only because 1) you'd use them as a constant self-esteem boost or 2) to make yourselves more appealing to cunts.

No self-proclaimed piece of shit humble bragging about winning the "genetic lottery" would befriend an ugly fuck unless they had ulterior motives. People like you make me sick, and what's worse is you use subtle mental manipulation to get weaker minder individuals to believe you're on their side.

Fuck off my sub, faggot.





Lick the love-berries offa my anal opening, you obese lesbian faggot.

That was uncalled for.

So, it turned you on? You are blameless. I have that effect on people.

You're wrong bro.

No I’m not lol

everyone on this sub is ugly until proven otherwise

pics or gtfo

Meh, I've seen this movie before. If he posts pics and is actually hot people here will give him shit all the same.

I mean its the internet so you can take everything with a grain of salt, but ultimately this is one of the few places where truths are spoken regardless of their social acceptance. Whether you choose to believe someone is speaking for real or is merely larping only really matters if you are seriously invested in whether or not what you are reading is true or not. I personally find that whether or not people are telling the truth is irrelevant as its not like it has any marked difference on my life, at worst someone is lieing and me entertaining them as if they are truthful at worst gives them whatever small semblance of pleasure or validation that they are seeking by lieing. If you ever find yourself really digging at someone to see if they are telling the truth you probably are more invested than you really should be/want to be and should let go. You are personally responsible for the way you choose to respond emotionally to others, if you let things bother you you are only relinquishing that control over yourself to someone else and giving them power over you that they dont actually have.

I actually agree with every word you said. I think if incels understood that, they wouldn't be so mad at others for not wanting to be with them. If you are unhappy because of other people's actions, your giving them too much power over your life.

Fully agreed.

From a philisophical stand point accepting that you are the locus of control over how you feel is certainly centering. However this is truly only applicable to the individual, we are our own island but we exist in a society of many people. Together it forms a cohesive whole and the needs of the individuals are meant to fulfilled from this society, that is why people can choose to engage in it. Being a zen master hermit while providing solace and peace for the individual would necessitate the cessation of society at all if all were to adopt it.

The incel community has just and reasonable grievances, we are living in times where the individuals needs and selfish self destructive desires are being hoisted up and worshipped. The current state of society cannot continue as it is inherently failing to provide the benefits and needs that an individual must have inorder to be fulfilled. If this persists we will see the collapse of society as a whole and a complete breakdown of the social contract. If the balance maintained in a monogamously focused traditional society is not attained it will collapse under its own weight, as Incels and even beta bux normies bow out of society completely or even revolt.

This assumes having sex/a partner is a need and that every individual is equally bothered by it. That isn't true, that are people that don't even like sex and/or romance.

Thus, relationships aren't really a human need, they are human constructs, and there are many people who live happy lives without it, and without sex as well.

And you don't need to isolate yourself from society at all to not be bothered by it. You just gotta train your brain not to empower others, just like you said earlier.

Also, if what you say were true, a big portion of society would dicontent with how relationships work, and only a very small portion seems to be bothered by it. Incel subs and online communities are much smaller than most other online communities. Even niche communities like programming and gaming ones have more users than incel ones. This subreddit by itself represents only 0.00000023% of human population, and I was high balling it.

Maslows Hierarchy of needs puts sex in the principle base level of needs.

Physiological needs Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first. This is the first and basic need on the hierarchy of needs. Without them, the other needs cannot follow up.

Physiological needs include:

Air (Breathing) Water Food Sleep Clothing Shelter Sex


The position and value of sex on the pyramid has also been a source of criticism regarding Maslow's hierarchy. Maslow's hierarchy places sex in the physiological needs category along with food and breathing; it lists sex solely from an individualistic perspective. For example, sex is placed with other physiological needs which must be satisfied before a person considers "higher" levels of motivation. Some critics feel this placement of sex neglects the emotional, familial, and evolutionary implications of sex within the community, although others point out that this is true of all of the basic needs

Also I don't know what is up with this guy but breathing isn't a psychological need. You can find studies to justify almost any argument, I could easily find psych literature to back my point. Be practical.You can't deny what I said about numbers. The incels that get bitter are a minority. There are people out there that have endured life without several of those so called "basic needs" and went on to become outstanding human beings. Just look at Nelson Mandela.


i can taste the dunning-kruger from her room temp bugman.

Yeah, because hot people get so much shit.

Hi, I am a gaycel virgin who has never been touched or seen another man naked IRL. plz send me nudes :(

Sorry, not gay and in a relationship. That would be dishonoraburuuu.

You have to be so fucking gross to be a gaycel. You know you can just be a man slut on grindr or tinder right?

You have to be so fucking gross to be a gaycel

I could use this argument for straight people too. We both know how wrong that would be.

You know you can just be a man slut on grindr or tinder right?

Only if you're attractive

only if you’re attractive

Wrong. You just have to fuck other goblins.

Have you even tried? Are you even gay/bi? Because I have, and you're wrong. You're doing what the normies are doing now and assuming it's easy for others despite not experiencing the problems first hand.

If you can show your face to someone on grindr, and they still want to meet up and fuck, you're not incel.

I’m not an incel, but yeah. But if you have a decent profile picture you’ll get messages and replies on Grindr. If you have a decent profile and right swipe everyone on tinder you might not get matches if you’re really uggo, but on Grindr you’ll get attention.

I don’t have tinder installed rn but I can screenshot Grindr as proof if you don’t believe me

You have no clue. Try simply being an Indian. No one wants Asians.

My type is feminine Asian boys but ok

Well that rules me out because I'm not feminine.

Even faggots have standards.

Gross, degenerate standards, but it's all the same.


Not saying I am friends with any of you, just saying I can find solace in the discussions here.

LOL this is like when stacy says "i wish i could find a guy like you" to an incel. just say how you really feel "id rather have a shitty attractive friend than an incel"

Nonono, I just meant that as in I don't personally know anyone here. Sorry, that came across as kind of elitist.

HAHAHAHAHA larping pajeet detected

White dude. Not larping.

It's good to find others that do the same thing.

You're right though, I feel like a bunch of these dudes would actually be pretty fun to hang out with. You guys are funny as shit, and don't give a fuck about telling it like it is.

Invite me to your threesomes

I don’t hate on you guys at all tbh. Except the dudes advocating for rape and stuff. I just think you guys got the shittier end of the stick and a bad hand to play with.

It’s easy being on this side (would consider myself a pretty decent looking lad) looking in and not having to deal with your problems of being ugly, short, whatever as a man. Once we close the internet we forget about all this but it is real life for u all. I can empathize

femoids will still avoid femoid only gyms to play get chads attention in regular ones but complains when incels are there

Don't most Chads who stumble on here - at least they claim they are - end up agreeing with the Blackpill?

Yes, Chads are blackpilled. But people who claim to be Chads here are not the classic Chads - those are too busy living their life to use reddit.

Reddit "Chads" are either physically attractive men with various personality disorders like me and the guy from a top comment, or soyboys who think that marrying a hambeast qualify them as a Chad.

Well by your definition a chad is a neurotypical norman, in which case they might have a subconcious or passive understanding/blackpill but are not fully aware of it. Speaking as a Psychopath I personally enjoy the discussions here and for the most part can be more honest here than anywhere else in life. No masks to wear here, its freeing.

Speaking as a Psychopath

come visit us at /r/sociopath

Reddit is the 4th most visited site in the US (6th in the world). Tons of chads use it

I know some Chads and none of them use facebook/twitter/reddit/instagram. They have accounts, they might or might not post some photos there, you can add them, you can DM them, but they spend literally zero time on it.

And I know some chads that do use them. Funny how anecdotes work isn't it!

I guess we have different standards to qualify someone as a Chad. I don't see any reason for a real Chad to spend time on reddit.

I doubt it, the people I'm thinking of are some seriously fuckin' handsome dudes (one is literally a model).

Reddit has a lot to offer to all different sorts of people. Chads and incels, religious folk and non-religious rolk, people who like sports, people who like technology, people who like porn, people who want to look at cute animals, etc etc

Looks doesn't make Chad, notch count does.

I assumed it went without saying that these dudes have plenty of luck with the ladies.

It's not just "plenty of luck". Dudes I talk about are all in three digits, and it's not just bragging because I know them since forever, and I don't even bother memorizing names of the girls when they introduce them. I'm more attractive than them, to the point where it gets uncomfortable because their girlfriends are obviously hitting on me, asking for threesomes etc, but my notch count is much lower because I'm /r/schizoid. This is why I'm shitposting on reddit and they are somewhere in the wild.

Yes, these are the types of dudes I'm talking about. 3 digits wouldn't surprise me, but I never really bothered to keep track. The point is, they're slaying it, and still enjoy using social media like reddit

If you know multiple dudes who have slept with over 100 women, you know some liars.

Let's be honest. Your definition of Chads and Stacies aren't even on reddit.

You won't find many this deep into reddit, but being one of the most popular sites in the entire world means there are bound to be some here

Yeah some. But don't you know they all on Insta. Snap and Facebook (probably less active) And ya know. With each other.

It usually isn't the demographic for memes

Depending on who I ask, I’m either Norman or chadlite, but I mainly come here for the hilarious blackpill cartoons 😂. Also makes ya step back and think a lot, this sub does.

Staceys care now that the threat is real. But they just post about it on Twitter and ask for donations to offset their anxiety.

I'm a post prime land whale. I don't come here to hate on you. I want most of you to feel better and have a better life. There's just not a lot I can do.

Lacks intelligence.

Hope bedbugs bite you in your sleep tonight.


Sorry, not gay and in a relationship. That would be dishonoraburuuu.

You have to be so fucking gross to be a gaycel. You know you can just be a man slut on grindr or tinder right?

I’m not an incel, but yeah. But if you have a decent profile picture you’ll get messages and replies on Grindr. If you have a decent profile and right swipe everyone on tinder you might not get matches if you’re really uggo, but on Grindr you’ll get attention.

I don’t have tinder installed rn but I can screenshot Grindr as proof if you don’t believe me

Maslows Hierarchy of needs puts sex in the principle base level of needs.

Physiological needs Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first. This is the first and basic need on the hierarchy of needs. Without them, the other needs cannot follow up.

Physiological needs include:

Air (Breathing) Water Food Sleep Clothing Shelter Sex
