How long before the next episode of CSI or some other normie detective show features an "incel" plotting a terrorist attack?

112  2018-05-04 by 373737373737373737



It'll be law and order svu, remember the gamergate episode? So fucking bad lmao

We already get one in SVU, and in Criminal minds, considering how those shows are pretty much decadence incarnated they will repeat the "incel" theme again.


western propaganda.


Well, it wouldn't be inaccurate. There have been a few shooters who believe women are evil for rejecting them, and deserve to die.

Forget the name of the guy who shot up a few people after posting on youtube about how women didn't treat him right, and so they deserved what they were going to get.

Two, now. Elliot Rodger and the Toronto van killer.

And it is only going to become more common. The concept of Incel is relatively new (I only heard about it a year or two ago).

The themes of rejection from social peer groups is common among basically all school shooters, there just wasn't an internet group for them to join in on that you can trace back to them.

and George Sodini

Fuck you, a few outliers don't make the rule and they weren't wrong about their accusations of women.

Split is a movie about an incel

I thought it was a horror movie about someone with dissociative identity disorder.

Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Minds already did, like over a year ago.

He'll have an Elliot Roger's shrine next to his Halo poster in the room scene

Incels are the most politically correct group to hate even above whites... I think they are trying to actively rally people against us to cause of to fight back and actually have a genetic cleansing.

I hope they investigate the incel's house and they see a shrine to St. Blackops2cel

I've always hated those shows. There was an episode of SVU where a woman was trying to buy a gun to protect herself from a murderous ex (or stalker can't remember)- just when she was about to buy it from a hooded white man on a street corner the brave agents showed up and arrested her, saying "this is not the way".

Its propaganda in its purest form.

They did one on furries, it was hilarious, a furguy was hanging out in the woods and a hunter shot him thinking he was a wolf.

These shows are generally written by whute knight manginas who roll their eyes a lot. and they get outraged by misogyny.

To be fair, misogyny is pretty shitty. No more shitty than misandry, but still shitty.

I just hope that they don't misuse the picture of our Lord, holy Saint blackops2cel, peace be upon him.

the villain of the latest Ghost-Busters film (the female one) was a stereotypical incel IMO - they didn't use the term, but he was portrayed as a lonely sexist male, listening to exaggerated PUA/red pill audio books

To be fair, misogyny is pretty shitty. No more shitty than misandry, but still shitty.