"Ugly thoughts make you ugly"

61  2018-05-03 by VartanX


It's amazing how being a mass murderer can get random females so horny for you.

Yes, thinking the wrong thing will literally change your DNA structure and change the entire blueprint set out for what you're gonna look like.

In fact, it will literally open your growth plates back up to get rid of and add bone.

Fucking idiots. What kind of moron believes this shit?

Normies, numales and other virtue signalers.

Literally stupider than flat earthers.

At least that can have some rational "looks flat to me!"

Bad thoughts making people ugly? Wtf?

Ted Bundy seemed like a really cool guy and so did Richard Ramirez. I would definitely hang out with them. The other two are fuck faces.

Cucks are quiet with this one

They're alphas, but in a rather twisted way

It was a mistranslation, the sages meant banging ugly thots

I remember everyone got angry because of that photo of the boston bomber

Look at 50 shades of grey. Women get off by being beaten up by a rich guy, their most common sexual fantasy is rape. So is it soooo much of a stretch that some would fetishize the next step. The ultimate bad boy.

The epitome of a platitude.

Normies, numales and other virtue signalers.

Literally stupider than flat earthers.

At least that can have some rational "looks flat to me!"

Bad thoughts making people ugly? Wtf?