OKCupid has started deleting blackpill articles.
192 2018-05-03 by Picopeso
OkCupid is purging its blog articles that contain blackpills.
The personality=looks chart is from this page: https://theblog.okcupid.com/we-experiment-on-human-beings-5dd9fe280cd5?gi=d04ec12001d2
Gone. (Archive: https://archive.li/QNCbf)
The foids think 80% of men look below medium chart is from here: https://theblog.okcupid.com/your-looks-and-your-inbox-8715c0f1561e
Also gone. (Archive: http://archive.is/489UV)
Looks like they're actively trying to hide the blackpill now.
http://archive.is/9fJQh http://archive.is/kMP32 http://archive.is/QNCbf
1 geneticwaste43 2018-05-03
Incels are finished
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-03
Not surprised. The blackpill discourages people from using their service.
1 NoKidsInATrenchcoat 2018-05-03
What's the black pill?
1 lobolb12 2018-05-03
A pathetic basement dwellers opinion that the world is against them and that looks are the only thing that matters
1 DawlaIncelamiya 2018-05-03
t. incel in denial Biology is on our side, black pill is the truth. The world is not against us, the world is against ugly men in general.
1 lobolb12 2018-05-03
Any dweeb with a brain knows that physical attraction is important for both men and women. One of the links showed that men are much more likely to try to bat "out of their league" though. So maybe instead of trying to search for confirmation biased articles to fuel your cognitive dissonance that women ONLY care about looks, when you yourselves are just as guilty, maybe stay in your lane
1 Cristalline144hz 2018-05-03
You have no idea what it mean to be incel you fucking retard.
1 lobolb12 2018-05-03
You're right because I don't have a victim mentality. "The mind is everything. What you think, you become." Just like I don't know what it is to be incel, you have no idea how to be an adult. Cheers
1 DawlaIncelamiya 2018-05-03
it's simply not true, at least in the case of incels. Ugly and horny men are less picky.
Almost all of them are scientifically proven, unlike your personality bullshit.
We claim that majority of women are only care about looks. There is an exception to almost every rule.
looks and height > everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCa0_4KvdAA
No, it's pathetic to assume that countless statistics and tests are not repressenting the state of a modern woman.
Yes, some people like sctat or bdsm, but not the majority. Majority of women prefer tall, handsome men.
And you just keep wallowing in fairy tales and bluepill.
1 peskysquirms 2018-05-03
Females care about money and ease of manipulation, not just looks.
1 theonetruekike 2018-05-03
cope harder
1 StickyDaydreams 2018-05-03
Read the archived links in the OP, they present empirical evidence that looks are all that matters
1 lobolb12 2018-05-03
It does not empirically prove that ALL women care about is looks. But, yea keep fueling your self-pity with these "self-evident truths"
1 peskysquirms 2018-05-03
Read my other comment and google Angry Harry's article women and chimps.
1 StickyDaydreams 2018-05-03
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-03
"Incels are in an echo chamber"
JFL @ Normies.
1 atheist_terry_jones 2018-05-03
1 menshouldhaverights 2018-05-03
I'm legit certain that they must of found out it was being used by "mens" communities online and that's the reason for taking it down. I mean that information could hurt their business. And the company is full of SJWs and leftists.
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-03
The funny thing is that this will just draw more attention to those articles.
You can't hide the blackpill.
1 Dumptruxer 2018-05-03
How will people know they're being deleted?
1 sleepingforever1 2018-05-03
You must be new to the internet.
1 ChadsPenis 2018-05-03
All those things pretty much say the opposite of what you want the to say.
Personality = looks is the halo effect and it works both ways. If you have a shit personality you'll be seen as less attractive.
The 80 20 rule graph just shows that women cant agree in anything.
The race chart shows how close its becoming from the effect of mere exposure. Racism is rare, 1 in 10 isn't surprising
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-03
yeah, no. gtfo normie
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-03
You're just being a contrarian for the sake of being one.
Your username is pretty blatant.
Try again with another account(I'm sure ya'll have no trouble making new ones).
1 ChadsPenis 2018-05-03
Get real. How would it be possible right now in this generation for all races to be perceived as exactly equal when there are still boomers alive right now who are and have always been against the Civil rights movement and are actively pushing against it to this day?
Of course there are still racists, the numbers are not far off at all, it wouldn't make sense for them to be 100 percent equal while the representations of each race are still rigged to negatively stereotype all other races by whites.
1 TheEndIsComing29 2018-05-03
Holy shit the denial you're displaying here is impressive, gold medal would be yours for mental gymnastics.
1 ChadsPenis 2018-05-03
So argue otherwise. What does it mean for a black man to score on average 10 percent less attraction from women? Dissect that.
We know that there are women who are racist. What percentage of women would need to hate black men for that to happen?
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-03
Gotta keep the cucks in check, can't let them see reality.
1 El_Tigrex 2018-05-03
Oy vey shut it down
1 PotatoSilencer 2018-05-03
Serious question what's the anti jewish thing with incels? Why do have a problem with the least annoying religion?
1 meinheggerss 2018-05-03
Jews and feminism go hand in hand. Jews outside of Israel are mostly left wing and support the deterioration of western society. 80% of US media is owned by Jews and they have an obvious agenda.
1 PotatoSilencer 2018-05-03
To do...what? What is the Jewish endgame in your opinion?
1 Incel9876 2018-05-03
Book of Revelation. Anyway, don't mistake Jews with "Jews," the "Jews" running the New World Order are literally Satanists worshipping a literal Satan, and drenched in the occult.
1 Adx_tour 2018-05-03
To create a permanent underclass of low IQ mongrels to Lord over throughout the west.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
The abolition of the White-European race and culture. And the breeding of a retarded subservient and dependent race so that they have a better shot at world domination that their (((talmud))) says they're entitled to.
1 PotatoSilencer 2018-05-03
That is...literally insane.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
I know right?! Seeing as who they're replacing whites with absolutely abhore the Jews and actually want to kill them.
But hey man, the truth is often stranger than fiction. Do a little digging around and come to your own conclusion. There is PLENTY of evidence out there.
That is why they try so hard to censor sites and stuff like this one. You can't have the Goyum knowing you see, that would hinder their plans.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
Even the right wing ones are just larping as such. They just work from the inside to bring about leftist (read: communist) idealogies.
Seriously though, this sub will probably be shut down because of it. It's taboo to shed light on women's shitty behavior and hold them responsible for anything. But even more taboo is naming the Jew and exposing their agenda.
It will be shut down for the latter, but blamed on the former with the excuse that it's "vile hatespeech and should not be tolerated."
When the new one is made though PM me. You guys are the shit!
1 circlingldn 2018-05-03
autists who want to think they are not at the bottom of the ladder
1 El_Tigrex 2018-05-03
Jews are disproportionally represented in hollywood, the upper class, and academia, so it's become a joke that if you read a polarizing article there is a high chance the author will have an obviously Jewish name. Don't take it too seriously it's mostly just a joke.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
Not to mention they have a monopoly on the (((porn))) industry. As well as the financial system in nearly every, if not all of the, developed nations.
But that's all just a cohencidence.
1 lkadjgl 2018-05-03
they will mention 'muh IQ' but it's disproportionate among the high IQ as well.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
I mean sure. The (((ashkenazi))) or however it's spelt have a high mean IQ. And neurotic ism and spergy shit to go with it.
But they're still like only 2% of the population. Even if it was meritocracy, and not nepotism, statistics would dictate that they still wouldn't be represented in those numbers.
But I forget, I'm supposed to believe it is a cohencidence.
1 rudolf323 2018-05-03
OMG. Tha is so anti-semetic. You are literally an anti-semitic bigot!
Those are just facts you can't notice you racist bigot! We're all equal.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-03
Jews are the incels of races, nobody likes them but they didn't really do anything until everyone started beating them with sticks.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-03
Yeah 6 million people got killed for no reason whatsoever, sure...
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
False. Unlike the incels who are hated for no reason, Jews are hated because of the sneaky and subversive things they do to try and take over whatever host country they reside in.
There's a reason why they've been kicked out of every country they've been to, and it wasn't until very recently (historically speaking) since the "holocaust" that it was pretty common knowledge of how Jews are and how they operate.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-03
I thought incels were hated because they’re terribly ugly?
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
I mean, yeah, but thats not a valid reason to hate someone. And that's what I meant when I said no reason.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-03
Well, that’s not no reason. Having talked to a few incels in here, looks are not the only reason. Self pity is not an attractive quality in a male or female.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
How come when stacey self pities she gets white knights and beta's coming to fluff her ego?
1 brownliquid 2018-05-03
You’re talking about all of womankind like they’re one person. Women have vastly different experiences, just like men. I don’t get how you can talk so confidently about a subject you’re admittedly not allowed access to.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
No I'm talking about women on average. Like the bell curve. The mean. Outliers exist sure, but once you get into big numbers you start to see a pattern emerge.
And also, how am I not allowed access to the subject?
1 brownliquid 2018-05-03
Because no woman will have you because you’re terribly ugly and have the personality of an autistic dung beetle? That’s what I’ve been lead to believe anyway.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
Lol right, I suppose you'd be right if I was an incel.
But I'm not. And I didn't ever claim to be either.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-03
Then why do you use the incel retard-speak, calling women staceys?
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
Well hold up now, Stacey isn't an incel thing. It's been a meme for awhile now.
Next you're going to start saying that redpill, bluepill (insert color)pill is only an incel thing.
It's been around for a minute now. I'm not even that good at the internet and even I know that.
1 brownliquid 2018-05-03
This is the only place I’ve seen it being used. Either way, it’s a retarded way of speaking and really doesn’t make you sound very knowledgeable on the subject of women.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
The only one here that doesn't seem to be very knowledgeable on this topic is you, or you're just purposely being ignorant to the truth.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
How come when stacey self pities she gets white knights and beta's coming to fluff her ego?
1 RichardInaTreeFort 2018-05-03
And creepy
1 damnocles 2018-05-03
And xenophobic
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-03
Least annoying? JFL. What, you think Buddhists are more annoying? LOL GTFO
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
I don't see why you're downvoted for this. It is a perfectly good and valid question.
It's not the religious Jews that are the problem, but the ethnic (((Jews))) which are usually Zionists.
1 aedvocate 2018-05-03
they've already bought into a conspiracy theory about women, why not buy into another about jews?
1 MomentaryMadness 2018-05-03
Do I have to start archiving all of my archived links, lol.
1 AntiAbleism 2018-05-03
Censor the truth
1 ZortLF2 2018-05-03
Are you sure they're not just all expiring at the same time? Can you point to any non-blackpill articles that are not being deleted?
1 r00000000 2018-05-03
This is one is from 2010 which predates the Experiment on People article, which does seem to imply that they're deleting them manually.
1 plainfacedhunchback 2018-05-03
“ALL articles expiring at the same time”
Really bro???
1 MysteryMan999 2018-05-03
They don't want people to know the truth. I'm not an incel but I'm happy I found this sub and got blackpilled on that aspect of society. I always knew looks meant basically everything but it felt good knowing what I felt was backed up by science. They don't want people to become enlightened on how bad society is about looks. Thanks braincels.
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-03
saved this post.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-03
Paging /u/EvilBananaManRD
Should this maybe be archived on /r/blackpillscience
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-05-03
I'll let u/Picopeso post it, I myself have been posting on r/BlackPillScience too much lately.
1 MomentaryMadness 2018-05-03
I archived most of what I could BlackPill Not sure how to archive pdfs or some of the other pages but I'm probably going to have to.
1 lili_neesee 2018-05-03
Doing the lords work, son.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-03
Why would anyone read a dating site blog?
1 womenshouldnotvote 2018-05-03
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-03
I like your name.
1 the-Meeks-shall-rule 2018-05-03
How long until they start claiming that an incel faked that red scatterplot graph?
1 plainfacedhunchback 2018-05-03
Honestly this is kind of shocking even for a guy who doesn’t believe in conspiracy theories. I used to make fun of CT’s by posting “jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams” memes but this one is just mind blowing. This is a sign that the elite know something is not right on the ground. There might have been some massive spreading of the black pill the past few weeks through normie society that must have begun before SROD that made them feel like this shit was going out of band. That’s the only explanation for damage control so drastic that they have to purge the very internet.
1 TotesMessenger 2018-05-03
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
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1 CupOfCope 2018-05-03
Mods need to sticky this
/u/GeneticCleansing /u/Board_Gaming
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-03
Everyone thinks their posts are worth stickying.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-03
1 chadbhava 2018-05-03
Males running dating sites should go to soapfactory for gender treason
1 RPGcel 2018-05-03
good job archiving em bro
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-03
Oh fuck. Fuck these bastards to hell.
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-03
God bless autismcels for preserving this stuff.
JFL at OKC. It seems every time they release data all they do is disprove their own business model.
1 phoneticau 2018-05-03
Only have to ask Red pilled & MGTOW, its old knowledge, 80/20 rule been around since Stardusk & Pre Sandman in the Red pilled MGTOW world