Daily reminder that you are not entitled to sit with anyone at lunch

294  2018-05-03 by photographypersonguy


daily reminder that nobody is entitled to be safe from my super soaker 2000 either (:

Super soaker? Are you trying to imply something?

Yep he’s got a water gun with his semen in it.

How watery is his jizz that it can beven shot out of a squirtgun?




What right do you have to take someone's life away? All because they wouldn't sit with you? They are probably idiots anyway. You're gonna throw your life away in a murder suicide, or go to prison, just because you couldn't eat garbage with the slobs? Find something productive that you enjoy.




Hey jerk, I'm waiting...

After what that incel did in Toronto, I am a bit more worried about comments like this.

that guy was not even an incel

How come was he not? He said himself that he was.

the Facebook post was faked by 4chan. it’s not the first time they did this with a shooter or killer except that the other times they called it a “Beta uprising” instead on Incel. still that did not stop the media to protest all incels as hateful terrorists. not only that the only “incels” to ever lash out are relatively attractive and could actually get girls If they weren’t so mentally ill

Sure.. You guys already live in a such make believe world I knew you guys would deny this.

are you joking? do your own research if you don’t believe me. there were 4chan threads laughing and mocking the media for being stupid as fuck for believing the Facebook shit

You incels should go and look for women in Egypt....i hear denial is lovely this time of year.

I’m from the area, and have mutual friends that grew up with him, had him on Facebook, and literally took a screen shot of that post prior to the attack. Was not fake.

why would they take a screenshot of a post prior to the attack? that literally makes no fucking sense unless your mutual friends can predict the future. there’s no proof it was real and even if it was the guy was not an incel

Why wouldn’t they take a screenshot? Why do you guys screenshot Inceltears users post history? Why anything? Facebook have confirmed it was really posted from his Facebook so what makes you think it was anyone but him? Why would anyone fake that before the attack?

We were having a conversation about incels and my MF highschool has a history of weirdos, so he was showing me an incel related post from alumni.

http://columbinemassacre.forumotion.com/t5748-alek-minassian-facebook-profile-incel-rebellion-fake with the recent Facebook shit going around I wouldn’t trust it for shit not only that the post has been messed around with. Nobody posts IT user history and it’s not like it’s a crime because everything is public here. There I would literally be no point in screenshooting a post of a guy that hasn’t committed murder yet that sounds fishy as fuck which makes me think you don’t know what you’re talking about if you think that’s true

Within the last few days there was a picture of an extremely young girl along with choice quotes taken directly from her post history to mock her for reaching out to you guys. Nobody did it you say?

Lots of people find reason to screenshot posts of overtly incel behaviour even without those posts being immediately followed by a mass murder. There’s a whole sub dedicated to documenting it. That might be the point. To say that there is objectively no reason is to be wilfully obtuse to the fact that people do it all the time.

didn’t even know it happened and don’t even care again everything is public and you act like it’s forbidden to mock somebody for their post history who cares if she was young too she knows what she’s getting into “reaching” out

in the case relating to the mentally ill person who killed people it’s too perfect for somebody to screenshot what he said moments before the attack it’s one thing to document what people say online to mock them but another to perfectly have a motive ready for an attacker moments before tragedy

It was naive of her let’s just say that and I am in no way saying it was forbidden but you act like it’s not completely common practice for everyone to take screenshots of something they know might have a limited shelf life.

I’m just saying it doesn’t hold up. I’m not saying looking at someone’s public profile and taking screenshots isn’t fair game. I’m saying that I can think of multiple reasons you might do it (incel and inceltears users being my examples) besides faking a motive for a killing. That is not my go to explanation.

Further to your proof that I can’t access without signing up to that forum - any other sources

you don’t to sign up just google lark Facebook post fake also read the comments on here https://mobile.twitter.com/CBCAlerts/status/988786051924791296

I could read the forum entries but any media is private for members only.

Aye that twitter link is all I managed to come up with in my own googling, it doesn’t exactly meet my standard for proof though. So some people on Twitter are sceptical of the fact he apparently scheduled the post for when it was too late to be stopped? What does that support other than this was premeditated?

that’s my proof

Well it’s not proof of anything except that you’re easily led.

So you’re retroactively deciding he was volcel because of his mugshot? How exactly did 4chan fake his post? Back this shit up

Do you have proof of this please? I need it to settle many arguments where I'm trying to defend Incels.

Well sure, but it wouldn't work as proof of anything for my needs, people would just easily dismiss that.

I could say I'm black, or muslim, or Swedish. Doesn't mean I am.

Not an incel

Then ldar

the water gun massacre will be remembered by all.

"He must have a terrible personality"

you can literally see the bitterness and misogyny radiating off his body

Yeah, you can see it in the first few milliseconds of seeing his face. Hell, you can see it in the first few millimeters of his face.

Ok, unjerking for a moment.

If this pic is you, know that it really does get better.

School is a forced and artificial social environment. If you're captain of the soccer team then they're the best years of your life. But if you're this guy then the best years are yet to come.

Social exclusion is a particular pain, and it is horrible that 14 year olds have to endure it.

Use school for what it is. Throw yourself into study. Use lunchtime to get ahead on coursework.

For social outlet, throw yourself into extracurricular activities. The Mathletes or school debating team are less judgmental, and there's usually supervision to prevent outright bullying.

Get top grades. If you're gonna be ugly, you might as well be rich and ugly.

Don't stress if you're not naturally academically brilliant. Even those who aren't academic will nonetheless do better than most if they put in sustained effort.

Also puberty isn't complete yet. You're body hasn't finished changing. Many an ugly 14 year old has emerged at 21 to be attractive by adult standards. This of course will not apply to all.

Literally the best comment ive seen on this page. Very true.

Yeah it doesn’t matter that your missing out on social development which will lead to a lifetime of trying to learn social cues.

It doesn’t matter that you’ll develop depression by the end of it leading you to struggle if not drop out of college.

Don’t worry about missing out on sports either, you’ll remain physically undeveloped forever unless you take drastic measures before 25

Dude shut up

the depression and anxiety the normies caused followed me for life.

Shut up dude

Suck my incel cock, faggot loving cuck.

I said that shit gets better, not perfect

  1. Be social instead of being an angry cunt on reddit blaming society for your probelms.
  2. Don't be a fucking pussy, happiness is a choice you make.
  3. Do some fucking sports.


I was the loser that sat alone in highschool, now I'm 26 and still a fucking loser. Life never gets better when you're that kid.

Sure, but now you sit alone without fuckwits taking mocking creepshots of you.

It got better.

Social isolation is never good.



26 is too early to be calling it. If you feel like a loser now (for whatever reason), change it. You are not in high school, you do not have to accept that as your existance. 20s are great because it's when you learn about your boundaries in an adult world. You should be exploring and changing what you don't like about your life.

Hey, imawesomeweee, just a quick heads-up:
existance is actually spelled existence. You can remember it by ends with -ence.
Have a nice day!

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LOL cmonnnnn!

26 - your prime - is too easy to be calling it? extreeeeemely low iq

That's not too late, that's almost a decade out of HS and into adult life. That's plenty of time to make a fair assessment of life and your circumstances in it, unless you're fucking slow.

What makes you a loser?

I'm tired of answering this question.

Well I dont know you and so far the only person calling you a loser is you.

You can answer the opposite and tell me what you like about youself?

How about that I'm an ugly 26 year old virgin with only a couple friends who are also adult virgins, bullied and ostracized well into my adult life, respected by no one.

What do I like about myself? Nothing.


Im sorry.

Do you ave any hobbies you enjoy or are good at?

I like solvimg rubiks cubes and building Gundam models

I bet you're naturally good at most puzzles and probably great with taking things apart, putting them back together, fixing things, etc.

You're hobbies just reminded me of my brother- he is the only person I know that can solve the Rubiks cube, and he always loved building models. He is also as I described above.

My brother is rad, Im willing to bet you are too

Yeah, just unattractive

As someone that hasnt seen you, I can at least say your hobbies make you more attractive.

If you need a listening ear (reading eye) you can write me and if not that's fine too. I won't judge you because you're "ugly" and I'm sure you have plenty of good qualities, maybe you do well at work or at school. Your friends must like you for a reason.

What situations require you to be excluded from a group with whom you'd like to associate though?

One of the wonders of adulthood is the realization that you don't have to like people who don't like you. Why bother trying to fit in with people who don't want you when you can just do your own thing?

You're sort of right. It certainly does suck but you might as well make the most of it. I'd go to the library to work on homework, just wish I had your mentality to just go all out into graduating faster.

extremely, extremely low IQ post

Look for exchange programs to Europe. This shit only happens in the US.

Not only.

Yeah like ugly ethnics are gonna be more accepted in places where there's more white kids. Fuck off with your useless advice.

This shit only happens in the US.

LMAO. As a Yuropoor -- no it fucking doesn't.

only because after highschool you aren't forced into these situations

Have fun being a loner at work, I guess. Or having no friends to hang out with in college/university.


Rich and ugly lol

Rich is all about networking

Dude, honestly the part about the popular kids having shit lives is BS. The ones who are popular end up going to good schools, get into Frats, and end up having great jobs down the line. The kids in my school who bullied me all have great jobs, one works for some investment banking firm.

The kids who bullied me are primarily white trash pieces of shit who amounted to nothing. It's not like every asshole in high school gets a free ride through life.

This picture is just as sad every time I see it.

I'm 42 and I still sit by myself for lunch.

holy shit that’s me - including age.

My condolences.

Shit man how do you resist the rope?

My father has Alzheimer's. I have to help take care of him.


Your father shot your ass into this world you fucking idiot. Abandon the senile old geezer and go do what you want before you inherit his senile genetics.

No. My mother needs help with him.

Look, the congenital alzheimers has already presented itself in the form of delusional cognitive reasoning

I fail to see why you would care what I do with my life. It's the life of a subhuman virgin loser. I can't waste it because it's already wasted.

Its distasteful to think procreators are benefiting by exploiting their creation, and you are enabling them to do so


Carer's allowance NEETBUX???

No, I work as an accountant and help my mother with him in my spare time.

Im.a loner too,sitting by myself is normal

Same here. Sitting by others is a foreign concept to me...

Don't worry, according to u/guy-manson it get better kek.

I said that shit gets better, not perfect

It sure got better for him and me! Get out.

There's less social stigma eating alone at work (eating alone at your desk is even respected). As an adult you are free to exit social situations at will.

Workplace bullying occurs, but it's usually individual sociopaths rather than the roving packs that you find in High Schools, tormenting you just for their pleasure.

Shit does get better.

That's like telling a homeless it gets better because instead of being homeless in the junkyard he'll be homeless in a public park. Just stop with the cope attempt please.

Sometimes it is just that the pain hurts less. Sometimes the improvement can be much more significant.

I believe there is no greater suffering in the 1st world than that of a 14 year old being socially excluded and loathed by his peers, every day for years. It is all consuming.

The guy in the pic may do no better than developing coping skills for depression. Or maybe he figured out he's just a volcel soon after this photo was taken, lost the weight and lived happily ever after. I don't know.

But my message to excluded, isolated 14 year olds is hang in there. It hurts but it will get better. And, I hope, it will get significantly better.

Holy shit you delusional fucking normie, everyone here is telling you exactly how it does not get better and you're still hanging onto your trash cope of leaving it to time. You're literally worse than parents.

If you're the subhuman in high school, it's fucking over. It doesn't get any fucking better. University is just the same exact shit except this time bitches can get you kicked out of classes by complaining to the professor about how "creepily" you're minding your own fucking business.

Your "shit is always and can only ever be shit" thing is, itself, a cope.

We can all improve our lot in life. I'm not talking showers. I'm talking find your own solace.

If a WoW addiction gets you through life, awesome. If it's making money and paying hookers, great. If it's studying IT to become a remote support worker, thus avoiding contact with normies then go for gold.

It's hard to find your own solace during high school, however.

I was a bullied outcast in HS with one friend (a currycel). I fucking hated HS and, yet, they were the best days of my life. It doesn't get better.

'it gets better' is a reprehensible lie. I understand you're trying to instill hope but that hope is almost certainly false, and liable to cause more damage than pessimism otherwise would.

'it gets better' is a reprehensible lie. I understand you're trying to instill hope but that hope is almost certainly false, and liable to cause more damage than pessimism otherwise would.

40 here. I wish I was dead.


Reminder we aren't entitled to anything

I think people can sense his misogyny. Why else would they ignore him? Tbh.

My entire education in one photo


Who wants to guess if he has a father at home?

We aren't entitled to breath either according to inceltears

poor guy. it really sucks, but honestly middle school/high school is a fucking nightmare. kids suck. some of them get better when they're released into the world, some don't.

but in my experience, it can get sooo much better. in high school I often hid in my car or in an empty hallway for lunch because I had no one to sit with. if my only friend wasn't at school, I was out of luck. and sometimes I was still out of luck, because she'd go sit with her bf or do something leaving me alone for lunch (I never dated in high school). any other "friends" I thought I had would talk shit about me the second I left the room, so they weren't much help either. it really sucks, but for most of middle school and high school your brain isn't fully developed. empathy isn't all there. I was rude to some people for no reason, and now I'm incredibly sorry and embarrassed by it. if you do something after graduation, like go to college or explore a new town, you can find so many other, more emotionally intelligent people who value you as a person. honestly, most high schoolers are really lacking on emotional intelligence. maybe try volunteering! usually people who regularly volunteer their time are good people, people who would be worth knowing and befriending :)

also, who's the asshole who sniped a pic of this lonely kid? maybe in the future, don't take photos of people like they're zoo exhibits... definitely doesn't help their self esteem.

some of them get better when they're released into the world, some don't.

What a stupid fucking cope. Normies will still stay the same, except they learn to hide bullying better.

but in my experience, it can get sooo much better.

Yeah, because you are female.

if you do something after graduation, like go to college or explore a new town, you can find so many other, more emotionally intelligent people who value you as a person.

Not if you are an ugly man.

usually people who regularly volunteer their time are good people, people who would be worth knowing and befriending :)

jfl, you haven't hung out much with the "woke people", have you? Same shit, they just have learned to hide it with smiles.

also, who's the asshole who sniped a pic of this lonely kid?

A fucking normie, who else? And I would say that it was a girl with 95% probability, guys would just go and beat him up.

I agree that it does get better, but not necessarily by much. I sat alone in middle and high school, and I still sit alone at work and I’m 33. The difference is that now I give less of a fuck, and people are superficially nicer even though they still ignore you.

Sorry to hear that. I agree, I'm definitely a lot happier now that I don't really care what others think of me. But yeah, sometimes people just suck. Hope you find some cool people to be friends with :)

Fuck of DelusionalCel. We are capable of making friends, especially with other incels. What is wrong with you?

It's something I've always struggled with, and the pic in OP perfectly describes all 12 of my years in grade school (until I shifted from sitting alone in the cafeteria to sitting alone in the library halfway through high school).

So speak for yourself.

That pic always breaks my heart. I guess that’s one area I was lucky in as a kid. I always had a small group of friends who would hang with me at school and come over to my house for sleep overs and shit. I got picked on a lot for being a fat smart kid, but when I got to the fifth grade it quit bothering me. I had two to four good friends who I could count on.

I wish I had that. I had a few friends in elementary school, but in middle school and high school there was not a single person I felt I could connect to. Mostly I ate alone, but even when people sat at my table I was still effectively alone because I could not participate in their conversation.

Same, although for the short period I had "friends," they didn't want me sitting with them at lunch. I spent all my school years sitting alone.

If only there were more than one incel per school lol. I actually found a group of losers like me my last year of high school to sit with. Then I met a really cool guy who was kind of Chad and I started hanging out with slightly cooler people after graduating. So glad the high school nightmare is over.

If this picture were like this sub then there would be a few women and normans standing in front of him pointing and laughing. Telling him to wear better sneakers and smile more.

Who gave you permission to upload this photo of me?

what's even funnier is the other table is so full people can barely fit.

The table that guys like us sit at are always the last ones to fill up. And too often they don't even start to fill up.

I don't get it. It's not like he's deformed or something. Maybe he's waiting for his friends, just needed a place to sit down for a few minutes, or just felt like sitting by himself.

If he lost twenty lbs he'd be fine.

Lot's of projection going on here.

lol normie logic. That’s like saying to someone in a wheelchair, “I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just stand up and walk?”

You've clearly never been the person depicted in OP. Let me tell you as someone who was that, guys like me don't sit alone because we like it or we needed a few minutes alone, we sat alone because nobody else wanted us sitting with them. That guy is definitely one of us, you can tell just by looking at him. Looks are everything to humans.

Don't be such an insensitive prick.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA my god this sub is such a joke.

Because people don't like approaching people they don't know. And you should just ask people if you can sit with them!

That's how it works.

By far the dumbest suggestion in this thread.

Hey. I got that from my psychologist... The explanation was longer. But whatever.

And it worked. And also for some of my internet friends. But whatever.

Apparently you were never bullied and went to high school.

I did. And I was bullied most of my life.

I went to therapy due to crippling depression and suicidal thoughts.

Yes I got that advice when I was getting better.

But you need to seek out the types of people you want to be with and try to be a person like that. Don't go to the popular group. Go to the nerd/weird kid/hippie group. They are usually the most welcoming. They don't really bully. It is about approaching THE RIGHT groups too.

In a second he'll whip out his D&D books and starts reading. Not long after the similarly inclined will start gathering around him. Things will be OK. In a while he'll pick up fitness, and while training for the marathon he'll meet a bespectacled lass called mallory who will fuck his brains out. They'll marry in Vegas the year after. 2,3 kids, divorce after seven years. Then he'll seamlessly evolve to a really angry MRA/MGTOW. He'll finish his days getting blown by a 17 year old phillipine dragon boy. Heart attack at 62.

I feel so sad that this b/s happens at high school in America man. I don't ever recall this kind of stuff happening in secondary school in the UK.


Or maybe he wanted to sit alone? Im an introvert and I like my quiet time.

Oh cool. I wish I got one person tables during my lunch time.

No, it sucks. It feels like you're in a very bad spotlight, where everyone else can see and judge you for being alone.

I like seeing more and more posts here calling out the bullshit "entitled" meme on how useless and straight up insulting it is. It's basically a way of saying "shut the fuck up and know your place in society you disgusting subhuman". Keep it up.

Volcel, he should lose fat and get a haircut

I feel bad for ugly incels but I don't feel bad for fat/skinnyfat ones with no personality. Lots of ugly kids had friends in my school, and it was a city school.

Welcome to my life for 13 years from kindergarten through 12th.

I actually found a few nerds to sit with my last year, so I guess 12 years technically.

Fatcel is volcel

Sorry for him as probably genetic trash parents. Can't blame for lack of awareness


Reminds me of my sophomore year of high school.

Uhm, yes? I'm not entitled to have people to interact with me... If it happens, it happens.

That reminds me of myself back in my school days... Sadly, nothing has changed and I left school almost 17 years ago...

Maybe because he is a loser and choses to sit alone because he is a miserable fuck like the rest of you?

It’s your prerogative to sit with others.

Until you learn your place when they always get up and move to another table as you're sitting down with them, or ignoring you or blowing you off when you try to engage them in conversation. You've clearly never been in the situation pictured above.

I came to this sub to see what everyone else was making fun of, and it’s just full of depressing shit.

I’m so sorry for all of you.

Damn, hit me right where it hurts: in the childhood memories.

How come was he not? He said himself that he was.