OKCupid deleted Blackpill evidence. They do not want the masses to know we have proof.

98  2018-05-03 by dobbycel

Politicians and billionaires are out to get us because we threaten the scam they are running. Who would have though ugly and mentally ill people would be their biggest threat.


their entire society is built on a shaky blue pill thesis

Goebbels would be proud

Fucking thought police 1984

Unbellyfeel ingsoc

Did someone archive the post? Don't let that shit get away.

It's gonna disappear from there, better archive it.

It's on the waybackmachine as well

Is there a way to copy the images/graphs as well? I think we should start saving our own copies of the article to distribute when needed. It's only a matter of time before all evidence of this article gets flushed down the memory hole.

Any evidence that demystifies female sexuality will be hidden. Any evidence that could diminish the value of women's sexuality will not and honestly cannot be tolerated.

Agreed, this society is doomed to fail one way or the other.

The whole world is cucked JFL.

We're living in the age of cucks

The fact that women have an insane advantage in current dating is very sensitive information. It breaks away with the female oppression/male privilege paradigm and might lead to social unrest, as it always has in past societies that were sexually free as well.

So It isn't surprising that they would try to hide female domination in dating, gotta keep the sheep well behaved.

Blackpill will manifests politically one way or another.

Social unrest will be covert and subversive. It has already manifested in one form with hostile reactions towards SJW gender political bullshit.

Unrest will not be in the form of protests etc. i.e., overt. It will be in the forms of something like MGTOW, which will have long-term economic and social consequences - this being the only true way to destroy the corrupt system.

The elitefags are using these volcel attacks as a perfect distraction to shed light on all of the wrong things and keep the BS that is this fucked up status quo in the shadow.

what was the evidence tho?

pareto principle applies to women

Holy shit! This is disturbing news.

Where are the faggots from incel tears to explain this?

oops, didn't see this post before I posted about it myself. I've listed some of the articles with their backups though

They are probably covering their asses since the incel term seems to be gaining some traction. Don't want to be one of the guys lending credence to those pesky virgins.

what evidence?

Read the comments, the archive links are there

yup saw it. thanks. this is funny

Except nobody but you people really cares...

You are deluded if you think only incel men are the only men that are disenfranchised by current society. If you include MRA which is mainstream among older males, MGTOW and Redpill (which are becoming mainstream) along with minorities that are actually conservative, you will realize, feminists and white knight cucks are actually a tiny bit loud minority.

No , I'm just saying nobody cares enough to really make the effort you're implying. There are vastly more important things in the world right now

I think you didn’t read the OP properly. explain why they deleted the info from not just one but EVERY news media outlet, on the same day?

What about the exact same message that was repeated on every major news outlet almost to a T? The exact same message coming from every trusted outlet and voice was far more important, and yet we've stopped hearing about it because nobody really cares. My point is still that nobody cares. The media wide mass spouting of the exact same bullshit was actually important and indicative of where society is at today, but nobody cares. The same goes for this

Wtf are you talking about? Every outlet removed the info on the same day, if that’s not at least odd to you then something is really wrong with you.

I firmly believe life has no meaning or inherent value, I don't mourn my own relatives for more than a few minutes, I've bitten part of a man's face off in a blind anger and I'm consistently aware ,to an unsettling degree, of the existence of my own teeth. Safe to say I'm all there, but no, this is far from being something that is really worth a ton of concern. Media and government info blackouts have happened for longer than any of us have been alive, it has yet to really matter

Look up CabaList, or GameJournosPro and JournoList for the previous iterations. Yes Virginia, there is a conspiracy, now go back to sleep and take your meds.

Inceltears: lol incels is an irrelevant issue, it’s only a teeny tiny minority of assholes. Their “studies” are irrelevant

Apparently not according to some elites. Without warning, some entity that somehow had power over several supposedly unrelated media outlets compel them all to delete the study on the same day. Like wtf, this is twilight zone illuminati conspiracy theory shit!

If someone ran a gender conservative but racially leftist party we wouldn’t have a cucked world.

They don’t go hand in hand as men usually tend to be against welfare while women like welfare

Hail cuckiarchy.

Echo echo echo .......


dumb, dumb, dumb

Just so you already know. That's you

Oh well thanks for clearing that up for me champ. I was confused there for a sec .... kinda like when your mom looks at you and wonders why she didn’t abort you.

Agreed, this society is doomed to fail one way or the other.