Normies: You can’t get women if you are mysogynistic Also normies: You’re lame and pathetic for wanting a normal relationship

201  2018-05-03 by strawberrynight109


Normies are the lowest form of life on this planet

What is the name for normies who are empatheitc?

Unicorns? Bigfoot? Santa Claus?

your mom

Ha! . .'s funny.

Both on the nose and culturally poignant. Bravo.

Blackpilled normies

liars, virtue signalers, concern trolls :2

Von magnar

No they aren't, cucks are. Because cucks are the ones who allow feminism and female hypergamy in this society

norman = cuck

Your a dick.


And you're a pussy. Lemme penetrate you.

Lol.. ooh normies are the worst... bwaaaa. Fuking hell mate the worst thing... is some self hating person that blames others. Weak game.

Where am i blaming others. I am just stating the Truth.

That was a very well-put and concise statement of your totally reasonable desires, yet you still caught shit for it. When you're arguing with idiots, you can't win.

thats cuz normies believe incels "arent entitled to anything from anyone"

Apparently incels aren't even entitled to feel their own human emotions. That's fucking vile.

yes, they come here to our spaces and complain about us complaining lmao. god forbid someone whines on the internet, especially when there's nothing that forces you to read it. incels should just be quiet little dogs who never complain about anything and always stay positive and never show any negative emotions. us incels complaining is VERY straining on poor normies, please think of the poor normies ;(((

Sending thots and prayers and good vibez 2 da normies <3

Call me a lurker, Canadian and lady, but you can’t call me an Incel; and I’d like to let you know you aren’t entitled to anything from anyone, nobody is (unless you’re payin’ them, of course), but you do deserve to have all of that awesome nice, good romantic shit y’all crave. You deserve it! I’m sorry the public media is using this as the next big craze, like some sort of internet cult, without actually looking at the root- which is rejection sucks and it fucking hurts being alone, feeling that insurmountable anguish that you can’t communicate with anyone about. Even if you’re in a relationship with someone you love, you can feel lonely as hell because you’re not connecting with them like you’d hoped and desired. I wish genuinely nice and honest people come into your lives and show you the ups and downs that makes it enjoyable, albeit painful at times. I’m sorry North America, more so Canada, has its eyes on your backs; just know that a few journalists articles aren’t the general public’s opinions. Outside our phones, it’s all jelly ♥️

what did he mean by this?

Femmaggots trying to communicate

fucking normies, they enjoy punching down

They’re not punching down. Most of them are incels in denial

Bam! nailed it. We are all the same. Most incels are just plain old boring normal.

remember: if you dont beat her up she gets bored.

Is this true

No it's not true, unless you come across a very masochistic women. Most wouldn't like that at all

most also dont care enough to just leave the men.

legit wtf

If chad wants to fuck around, he's wild and free, a dominant independent man.

If chad wants to have a romantic LTR, he's a prince charming with a pure heart.

Whatever we do, we're pathetic either way. You can't win if you already lost the genetic lotttery.

i hate chad and his privilege so much


Holy shit. Who would read that comment and do ANYTHING but feel bad for the guy?

You have to be a psychopath to read "I just want someone to emotionally support me, to hold hands with, and to be there for me, I am lonely and depressed..." and think "you so lameeeee" ????

Holy shit. Who would read that comment and do ANYTHING but feel bad for the guy?

You have to be a psychopath to read "I just want someone to emotionally support me, to hold hands with, and to be there for me, I am lonely and depressed..." and think "you so lameeeee" ????

You have to be a psychopath woman


And then normal people virtual signal by pretending they care when in reality this is just the next level of hating male virgins.

Dont worry guys IT is here to help


That guy wasn’t a troll. The same person wanted to teach in Japan under a year ago because of animoo. He’s punching down because r/japancirclejerk probably punched at him

Damn, why would anybody be that bad?

Look, he doesn't speak for all normies. He's an absolute dickhead for replying like that. You have every right to have those wishes and don't let some prick online make you feel otherwise.

Amen. Assholes are grossly over represented on the internet. Just because some asshole is broadcasting doesn't mean shit nowadays. LOOK AT ME! I AM A BANANA!

sucking own cock. . . Pow.

... And when you don't get that, you throw a tantrum, scream and call women cum buckets.

Yeah, what a catch.

Then you have men who actually physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse women but are somehow still in a relationship with them. What a catch right?

Why do you want to be with a woman who stays out of fear? Are you really that desperate?

Holy shit you're dumb.

Oh look! I was kind to you, and you resorted to name calling. I can't understsnd why you're single, hmmm...

That's not kindness lol.

Quick review of u/strawberrynight109 's past comments indicates no directed hatred toward women or deep-seated anger issues and you profiled him as someone who would 'throw a tantrum, scream, and call women cum buckets'

'i was kind to you and you resorted to name calling' LMAO the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one

Alright, I was on the fence, but I officially hate normies now.

u/Vaporiform has lots of advice for everyone. is she sue johannsen?

I'm flattered. Boy, everyone was right. Chuck you guys a fish and watch you slap your fins together. 😂😂

Boy, everyone was right.

Well look at what we have to deal with. You have absolutely no self-awareness.

You've somehow convinced yourself that a woman's free choice is a personal slight against you.

Why is that? Why is a woman's choice immediately offensive to you?

You've somehow convinced yourself that I actually believe this although I haven't said any of this.

Why is that? Oh yeah, so you don't feel bad when calling us losers because we all are evil men who hate women and want to murder people. Fucking delusional.

Temper, temper! A lot of anger there.

I'm not even angry. Is this your attempt at maintaning the idea that you're still a good person? I reveal that I'm not this generalization of incels you think I am and all you have to type is this childish reply? Really? You're not gonna confront the fact that you assumed something about me that wasn't true?

Instead you're going to keep acting like you did nothing wrong and that I'm the terrible one here for getting frustrated at you assuming things of me that I haven't even had a chance to reveal my thoughts on. Is it really hard to grasp that people don't want you to prejudge them? Are you too dumb to see how that can be frustrating?

I'm not even angry.

All evidence to the contrary.

I don't give a shit if you think I'm angry, especially if you're going to keep using it to shy away from what a dishonest and rude person you are. You still avoided everything I wrote, only proving my point. If all you have to point out is how angry I am, now that you can't rely on me hating women, just stop. That's the only argument you people have against us and when it's dismantled you have absolutely nothing to say.

I've got plenty to say. But you take a contrary opinion to yours as bullying.

Why are you an incel?

But you take a contrary opinion to yours as bullying.

Yeah nothing useful will come from this conversation. You're such a rude person.

You're still engaging in it, though.

And you still avoided every point I made. Why would I address anything you say when you keep deflecting and saying I'm angry because you have nothing to say. When confronted you immediately move goalposts and ask why I'm an incel so you can blame me for any shortcomings. I've heard every variation of why everything is my fault. I'm a former IT user, which is all that needs to be said. Doubt you'd tell me anything I haven't heard.

It's because "incel" doesn't exist. They're just choosy with a chip on their shoulder.

Can you try making sense?

You're the only one not making sense here. Your posts are just vague rants.

How delusional can you be? All of your only replies are assumptions that make no sense in context.

You've somehow convinced yourself that a woman's free choice is a personal slight against you.

Why is that? Why is a woman's choice immediately offensive to you?

Followed by you calling me angry when I point out you being a piece of shit.

You realize you're mentally ill?

Me trying to figure out where anyone mentioned women's choices:

Stick to r/relationships you philistine, I promise you'll get more upvotes there

Stick to r/relationships you philistine

Nah. Reddit's a free space. 😁

People like you annoy the fuck out of me.

Ditto. I was getting sick of this shit back on the OG sub. It's such a repetitive pattern.

I was kind to you

Condescension =/= kindness

I can't understand why you're single, hmmm..

Saying mean things in response is not an exclusive incel thing. Regular people do that too, genius.

The person you’re talking to isn’t debating it very well, but I think what’s clear here is that there are guys who are truly unworthy of relationships that have them anyway and it IS extremely unfair. I completely agree that abusers and cheaters don’t deserve anything. But it doesn’t help to do the same thing as them and hope for the same result. Not only will it likely not work, (I’ll give you that relationships are damn hard to find if you aren’t attractive,) but it cements your fate. It hinders you.

It sucks that there’s no such thing as karma. But in the absence of that, I would think you’d want your absolute best chances?

Posting on an obscure internet forum isn't helping or hurting my chances with women, so why would I stop? I'm still going to be ugly regardless of what I do, so at least by being here I can talk about things that are socially unacceptable for men to do.

Oh I am all for venting and bonding with a community. I just mean if you are outwardly resenting towards females, or if you really do believe they’re all exactly the same and subconsciously treat them as such. I think taking with those who have the same problems as you is good though. As long as it doesn’t hinder your chances.

I just mean if you are outwardly resenting towards females

The problem is that, many people believe this when I would bet my life that is not the case at all.

outwardly resenting towards females

A lot of outsiders go off of this premise, and from there the judgements happen and assumptions are thrown.

I am seeing that lots of people are judging you guys without ever really looking at what you say. And of course there are guys posting some questionable stuff which really doesn’t help your case. But most of you seem to just be making jokes at women’s expense to cope and never actually mean any harm. The only reason I’m here is because I didn’t want to make assumptions, and I’m glad I didn’t. I really am not starting with the assumption that incels legitimately hate women, I was only responding to the possibility that those kind of jokes and copes may be hindering. Not saying it is necessarily hindering, just that it’s POSSIBLE that it is. I would only be looking at that on a case by case basis anyway. I don’t like to generalize.

I have never lashed out at women.

One person trolling you says something, and you blame a group...a non existent group tbh. You are not a victim, if you want something go fucking get it, get off the internet and find whats right for you.

So the people who laugh at my face in real life is a non existent group?

Why are they laughing at you? You must be doing something odd. Maybe they are not laughing at you even if not.. fuck them.

They are laughing at me because of my face, not my behavior.

Thats one shitty set of people. I dont know how old you are.. but im close to 50 now and delt wuth this my whole life as well. Im sure every cunt gives you advice, so here is mine. Get really good at something, like really good, coding, art or anything other than what everyone else does fuck them. People like that will not be an issue for you forever, there fucked and are not worth it, get good at stuff and one day u will manage these fucks.

Thing is normies dont fucking even think of you. You dont rate at all. And who you trying to kid a normal relationship is ALL u want.

Sex follows a relationship. Unless people are just satisfied with 1. Meaningless one night stands or 2, A relationship with a dead bedroom, it’s obvious people seek both.

Yeah i meant to reply to another comment. And i agree the op has every right and i agree with him. It was another comment i got fired up about. Btw the duxe that replied in the op's post is a fucking nob.

That's not a "normie".

hey, just thinking that whoever replied with the rude comment might be the outlier... I think that wanting companionship is universal for all humans, not just incels :)

sorry for whoever received such a rude response. I hope you can let yourself be honest and vulnerable again in the future! I know it's scary and getting laughed at like this stings, but it's the best way to truly made connections with others.

Orange is a bitch. Orange is the kind of girl you all are talking about when you say they only want the chad dick.

Jesus Christ fag it's fucking current year and you are still so dense that you don't realize that men are disposable and no one else is ever going to give the slightest fuck about you.

How dumb do you have to be to not know this by now.

You want someone to care about you? Guess what sad sack? Prepare to weep cause hierarchy is gone. No one except you is ever going to care about you. On God how sick. The only worthless pathetic loser faggot who is ever going to care about you is you.

Sick. #theillest

Yeah I know, It’s why I’m here. Fantasy and reality are different, I recognise that. I also don’t have close friends anymore so it’s not as if I don’t undertand how men are disposable in 2018 and I’m alone in caring for myself.

The only hope is we fix it. Note, I did say we. Not you.

Men are disposable, we are born that way. Any man who doesn't accept that is a fool. Pray a man who knows he is disposable finds you, and demands you respect him for it.

I know women are ready for this after the great experiment of hellish egalitarianism creating so much misery. Now we get men ready. There is no other choice.


That person that commented is probably young ,and they don't believe in lovey dovey stuff,they just believe in you sexy lets fuk, now where my otha hoes at feel me pimp

I think that dude's saying it's lame because you're publicly whining about that stuff. Whining in general is not really a great thing to do, but whining about stuff like that, especially in a place known for hyper hatred and frustration, just seems almost two faced.

That was a response to a post about what incels want. How is it whining? If I was a female whining, would you give me the same response you just did?

It's the context. If there was a sub for total femnazis where they preached murdering men with little hyperbole and then simultaneously had threads talking about wanting dick, and how they'd fuck 12 year old boys, then yeah, I'd call that whining.

Sure it's in a post about what incels want, but this community has such a bad reputation that this stuff is going to be seen as pretty pathetic, regardless of the individual post, or poster.

Link me a single post preaching about murdering women.

I'm asking you to link a post on r/braincels preaching about murdering women in response to this.

If there was a sub for total femnazis where they preached murdering men with little hyperbole and then simultaneously had threads talking about wanting dick, and how they'd fuck 12 year old boys, then yeah, I'd call that whining.

Oh and about fucking 12 years old too.

Nobody gives a shit that this isn't on the same sub as the old incels. This was most people's first introduction to the concept of incels, and this is what most people think of when they think of incels. Right now we're talking about perception rather than reality, because perception is what dictates what's pathetic and what's not.

No you implied word for word that this sub preach about murdering women when you made your analogy that if a sub for total femnazis where they preached murdering men with little hyperbole and then simultaneously had threads talking about wanting dick, and how they'd fuck 12 year old boys, then yeah, I'd call that whining. it's a pretty big accusation so I'm asking you to link me such post, don't start moving the goal post at your convenience. So link it to me or shut the fuck up.


There. Fixed. You don't have to get semantic on me.

This whole thing is about why that post was perceived as pathetic when maybe a chick complaining about feeling alone probably wouldn't be. Maybe the analogy had some imperfections in how it was worded, but the merit is still there.

Oh yeah, and about the 12 year olds I was referring to lolis.

OP is perfectly reasonable - who wouldn't want that sometimes? And yeah, the comment underneath is not helpful. But the thing about people who support you through tough times, is that bond doesn't come quickly. It takes two people to be open and honest and to trust each other. Which takes time and respect. And you have to be that person to help them through tough times in return. No expectations, just kindness.

In short - misogyny is not great for developing a relationship, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting intimacy.

That sounds lame the way he put it, but those are exactly the kind of things people miss and complain about when they lose a relationship.

That commenter was an eejit

Unicorns? Bigfoot? Santa Claus?

your mom

i hate chad and his privilege so much

Blackpilled normies

liars, virtue signalers, concern trolls :2

Von magnar