Says it all

490  2018-05-03 by itmarcel


Pretty much. Tallcels have it easier than shortcels.

I think most people have a chance as long as they look somewhat "manly". Being tall, having facial hair, etc.

This is why asian men are so low in the sexual marketplace, because they are often short and don't have a lot of body hair, and often undefined facial features.

But if you're like me then you're short and you look like a kid, and I'm almost 21. So basically it's over. Even if you have an OK face girls will endlessly call you "cute", but only because they see a child in you. You can never be a man if you don't look the part.

you do look like a late teenager, but I literally look like a 13 year old.

What's your height? I am 5'3".

I'm 5 foot 5. Yeah height is a big factor in not looking like a kid, but it also has a lot to do with how big your bone structure is as well. I have very thin wrists and like I said I'm 100 lbs. I'm basically the perfect height and weight of a girl lol. And I can't gain no matter how hard I try. If I try eating a lot or calorie dense foods I just get sick.

I am 135 lbs and IRL I've been told that I look between 12 and 15 years of age.

yeah it's brutal man. I think most people who are above 5 10 have a bigger chance than us. Being short is literally a death sentence. 99% of women despise short men. You don't even have a bad face, and neither do I. We're just deformed bone wise.

That's because women despises men under 5'7" due to media, not biology.

it's media and biology IMO, mostly media from the looks of it.

That's because the short men portrayed in media are very ugly, so most women assume that us short men are ugly. The fact is that most short men are indeed ugly to the point that when women see a short, attractive man, she considers that short attractive guy a cute kid.

Media, Yeah. It loves to make bad guys short. But biologically? I dunno, maybe.

I'm 5'8 and was engaged to a guy that was 5'3....

Most women I know don't care about height. I suspect it's not your height or your face (you're pretty good looking) that's throwing women off. It's probably your personality (which can be improves) and subscribing to this incel lifestyle you think you're stuck in. You can see get a girl. If you don't like your looks hit the gym, build your confidence and it'll be a cakewalk for you.

I am fine about my body. Why should I go to the gym? I am not fat.

Right. I said if you don't like your looks hit the gym. If you just want to get taller... Well there's nothing for that. But like I said before you're good looking and I personally have never seen a guy denied just for being short. If you get rejected for your height then she's probably mot someone you would want to be with anyway. All of my shorter friends are in relationships or actively dating. Their height has never deterred them from putting themselves out there.

Why the hell should I go to the gym? I am fine with my body. Gym is just nothing but a major cope. I just hate my height and there is nothing I can do about it.

Exactly there's nothing you can do about it. You'll be that height forever for why sit there and wallow and self hate instead of getting over it. Your heights not holding you back, you're holding you back.

Not really. Women has a grudge on short height. It's over.

Tbf I'd have said between 14-16 but you got fucked genetics wise. No wonder you never see short Chad's that aren't movie stars

Hi, don't try for calorie dense foods in one sitting. If you did small amounts throughout the day in more of a graze, You'd probably gain.

will try that

You can gain. Gaining weight is a numbers game you need to intake more calories than you burn and you WILL gain weight. Do that and hit the gym and you WILL put on muscle. You CAN improve your looks with work. And you CAN gain weight with effort.

You post a picture of your fucking face one more fucking time I'm gonna fucking nut

Do it, please.

Dude, no homo, you’re like a poor man’s Bruno Mars. I very well may have less going for me, there is no reason you shouldn’t be in a healthy relationship besides internal issues. You drop the persecution complex, hit the gym, do general things to improve yourself and you could have a lot going on. But it doesn’t mean a damn thing what I say unless you believe it. The world is fucking filled with unfulfilled potential, but you work at yourself and you could do alright.


Bruno Mars is 5’4. It would be over for him if he wasn’t a famous artist.

If you believe Bruno wasn’t getting laid before his success, you are mistaken. Chicken-egg thing, but the long and the short of it is charm. Charisma, be really fucking funny. The toxic masculinity route is out, but that road is kind of fucking stupid anyways. What he needs is life in his eyes, his expression is that of someone who has seen the unending tortures of the lower rings of hell. Incidentally, eyes are extremely important in conveying emotion. Even a Harold-type awkward smile with a confused glint in his eye would serve him far better as a person.

Hah thats a laugh. Women will always favor Chad. And I love how you bring up toxic masculinity in this context, as though not being an emotional manlet is “toxic”.

Another example: Prince. All the ladies loved him.

you have decent hair ill give you that. reminds me of peter parkers hair from amazing spiderman

you're not an incel

Sal if I was a girl you wouldn't be Incel I swear to Saint Blackops2cel

Not going to lie, it's over for you.

I already knew that. My 5'3" height and feminine face means that it has been over for a long time.

This is a joke right? I'mma be real I'm a alright ish attractive chick and I would bang you. You look good... I'm 21 and I guess this probably sounds fake but you're not ugly at all. I can't believe you could have that much dysmorphia over how you look, it's just very sad. Please have hope. There is a guy I work with that looks just like you that I'm always looking at. He is really short too... But I'm 5'1" so guys have always been taller than me. I've dated guys that were my height exactly actually, multiple times, and the tallest was 5'8", most were 5'3"-5'5". I think it's actually the best ratio with my own height. But idk. I honestly don't go for super tall guys. But yeah I appreciate a good hairline, you have really nice eyes, I typically like the proportions of shorter guys also, it's sexy. And honestly as long as a guy finds me attractive or interesting, and is just nice, I would at the very least, be dtf. If not way more. So I would say, based on your looks and some or your comments, you aren't without hope. I know me liking these random less popular traits may not mean anything, but I mean well, and was just hoping to bring a few complements and maybe hope your way. I don't want to offend anyone or act like you still don't have it hard, because I don't know, but you definitely don't seem to be the worst off.

XD How can you comprehend about how I feel. Why don't you tell that guy who looks like me that you want to be with him? Stop virtue signaling as I know that my height means that over.

No I said I couldn't comprehend how you feel. I mean it, I know it's different, and harder being short as a male. I'm sorry if I wasn't being understanding though. I just think you're hot honestly and felt sad that you didn't think so too. I'm literally a female that is not bad looking at all, and I would fuck you. But you're in this sub complaining still. I literally keep clicking back to your photo. You're fucking good looking. I guess that doesn't help though. I'm sorry. If I saw you in person or it wasn't an internet exchange, I promise, 10/10, I'd go for it. I feel like THAT, at the very least, must mean that you have some hope, despite what you say about your height. I can't be the only girl who would think like this after seeing you, and knowing your height. But I wish you the best of luck, and fuck all the people who literally just pass you by because of the height thing. I'm sorry the world is so fucked.

Why do I only get attention like this online and not IRL? You will be utterly disgusted by my height IRL. I know all females hate short men. If you were to like me like you said, then please send me a pic. Otherwise, I know you are lying about being attracted to me.

Not here but I'd Snapchat or something probably

I've dated guys shorter than you irl... So no I wouldn't be disgusted. Didn't you see? I like guys below 5'5". I have never been into the tall physique personally.

So that's not even you? Well tell that dude he's hot! I didn't know it wasn't you

i came here from one of your other posts to roast you but damn you're actually pretty attractive. maybe u need better game? idk there's this guy at my school who does well with girls and he's 5'3. He's one of those guys that acts kind of political and calculating and he's pretty popular, so maybe that kind of power acting helps.

Which post are you talking about and why did you wanted to roast me? Believe me, the halo effect that I have on this sub is real.

By the way, why are you looking at posts that was made almost a month ago?

I have been busy with school but I'm catching up on some top posts I missed haha, sorry if that's weird

Nah, i have hypermasculine traits including hairloss.

My height 5"8" and hairloss kills any attraction.

chad leave

I have testosterone as well, the sexual frustration drives me insane sometimes.

If I am being honest its most likely your Arab appearance that hurts you most. I hear many women in Toronto outspokenly tell me they wont ever date a brown guy tbh.

Your face and body makes up for your height and hairloss tbh.

It's that beard.

It's a great fucking beard but people see it and automatically think you're an extremist or something

Only racist bigots think that way and who wants to date them anyway?

What ladies do you know? Racist assholes? I'm a white female from Toronto dating a Pakistani man... I strongly believe that if a man treats you right then race, height and looks shouldn't matter... Shit like that bothers me! Tbh I think that guys "Arab appearance" looks Hot.. I personally love that look but I can't speak on behalf of all women obviously.

Probably because you look ethnic. Your features are good and you'd get laid with those features if you either weren't short or ethnic, but both seem to be rather hard to overcome.

you look pretty good. Maybe a bit intimidating looking? Some people have pretty harsh resting faces. I be toronto is pretty pozzed when it comes to dating. I don't have any advice in that regard, but I'd definitely say you have a good chance.

I'm sure Bruce McArthur would've loved to stick his dick in you. Take the grandpapill, bro.

The funny thing is i got a lot of attention from gay guys (I work downtown Toronto retail) so their no shortage of gay guys.

Yet I dont even get a passing glance from women, which leaves me confused as hell.

The only attention I've gotten was from a 65 year old guy. It was weird.

I think yeat makes total sense. you are hot, but you look intimidating and unfriendly. Women would rather fuck a fat guy who has a warm smile sympathetic smile than a hot guy who looks like he is about to cut the head of a journalist. Men, on the other hand, are all about the looks.

Women respond to personal warmth. Men are mostly visual. If you’re getting harassed by men you’re as hot as you need to be to get women. Work on the social stuff now.

Wow, if I would ever seen you in the street, I would never think that you would be virgin. I'm ethnic too but I don't look nowhere as good as you also my frame is really weak (even smaller than most teenage girls) and my face is really unattractive...

Your pic is proof enough that our group is made out of average men who knows how fucked up the dating scene is.

Or proof that you don't get laid because your personalities suck, tbh...

The problem is you think it's everything but yourself. It's not the dating scene that's messed up. It's probably personal issues and personalities that need to be fixed first. You can't get someone to love you if you don't love yourself.


Eh, your head looks kinda big compared to your body (bulk more?). But other than that you look pretty good actually. You look like a white guy imo

you should really try looking more friendly, cut the beard, and learn to smile.

Don't dress all in black.

And don't allahu akbar in public places, hold it until you can use a bathroom.

i know a lot of girls who would be into a guy like you. plus i don't think you look immediately "arab" to me just mediterranean.

i'm just sayin, you have definitive good looks, even at 5'8".

I'm female fwiw. Your face and body are fine. your hair body is the huge, massive problem. followed closely by the arab thing. wax ur arms and make a point of openly clearly being a westernized guy and you'll be fine (unless ur also a mentalcell in which case 3 strikes and ur out).

wax ur arms

Is that a thing? It makes me cringe. My tall and hairy friends are slayin'. I think he's a mentalcel, like Elliott Roger.

It's a thing. If he is not poorcel he could just get the hair lasered off so he never has to deal with shaving it again. Also, there are some girls that might like it. Not me, and I've never known of any but the world's a big place so I'm sure they are out there.

It's a thing.

Still a major cringe. I have a friend with a same body hair pattern who hit 100 notches in his early 30s.

/u/KhalilYousuf3 is a 100% mentalcel. There is nothing wrong with his body or face, he looks good. Sure, there is always room for improvement, but he's already in the Chad-lite area looks-wise.

Some women like hair and did you really say him being Arab was a problem? Problem to you maybe sounds like you got issues.

Not a problem for everyone but it’d be a disservice to reality to pretend his being arab in a non arab dating scene is gonna be a plus. Oh and congrats on agreeing with me that some women somewhere might like like hairy’s a shame about your reading comprehension.


There's absolutely no fucking reason for you to still be a virgin. Work on your personal problems because that's the only thing that can possibly be holding you back.

I look like an older version of you. I wish you best of luck, but realistically the odds are stacked against men like us

I knew of a Middle Eastern guy who had a reputation for being a Narcissist and making his GFs put on leashes and beg like dogs, etc.

I can tell you -- legit -- white girls would not stop talking about this guy, and many dated him.

Brah you're full on Tyrone tier, in Europe there would be white girls killing eachother just to get a taste of your dick

Even "manly" manlets are never seen as anything but cute. Cunts don't find short men sexually appealing, at all.

You could be the strongest man on the planet. If you're shorter than 5'8 that's where you'll always land on the SMV scale.

What's smv

Sexual market value

That's a cool acronym

I like tall asians with feminine faces lmao. Have you seen kpop?

N Chinese and Korean men avg 5'10-5'9. Plus, a lot of women don't like facial and body hair. It's the media that shits on Asian guys?

Dafuq you mean by undefined facial features?? NE have the biggest jaws and defined cheekbones in the entire world.

there a lot of beta asian people due to bad grooming, poor athleticism/lifestyle and bad height. ive seen asian manlets with good jaws, but their childish bodies and shitty haircuts kills all of their sex appeal.

women choose short black men all the time

heightism on womens part is designed to just demoralize cucks, they get off on denying sex to anyone but chad LOL. But they don't deny sex to BBCs because BBCs are alpha anyways

who can blame them tho? Id do the same thing.

Tallcels don't exist. You literally cannot be tall and stay single with the demand cunts have for tallfags these days.

These faggots fell for the "being tall can get you any cunt you want meme" 4chan and misc told them. But, since they're ugly, they will have to settle for someone else.

I guarantee every tallfaggot here could get a 2/10 height queen if they tried, but since they can't live the lifestyle they envision - a Jeremy Meeks-esque man fucking 10/10 Stacies every day, they figure there's no point in trying. They're literally all volcels.

I have seen way too many ugly tallfags in relationshits. I have never seen a genuine manlet around my age in one. They need to fuck off.

Its possible. I’m 6’2 and a burn victim. It never even began for me.

I don't care, faggot.

You might have seen white tallfags in relationships, but have you seen tall ethnics? Doubt it.

Definitely have. My school is mostly white though, so I don't see them as often.

Ethnic is cope faggots use because they don't want to admit they're ugly. Ethnic guys get laid all the time.

Dude no just no. I’m 6’7” and I’m a hardcore incel. I can’t grow facial hair either. I don’t fucking expect to get 10/10 Stacy’s. Far from it. In fact I got turned down last week by my coworkers chubby sister who plays WoW all day for fucks sake. She’s a LARPer and is about the furthest thing from Stacy as you can get. Yet even she wouldn’t give me a chance.

I don't care, faggot.

Dude no just no. I’m 6’7” and I’m a hardcore incel.

Play your strengths and go violent. Do boxing or MMA. Your height is instant talent. Your only chance!

Man I wish I had it easy as a tallcel. However I’m royally fucked. I’m 6 foot 7 and I can’t grow facial hair for shit. I’ve never really had to shave despite being late 20s. If I was short I could blend in. No way I’m blending in anywhere at my size.

It's over for us shortcels.

It’s ogre*

It's orked

Not true. Face is everything.

But there's a certain height where it's too short/not tall enough so face doesn't even matter at that point

Yeah but it's not below 5 '11.

Jaw ✓
Money ✓
Status ✓
Dark Triad ✓
Masculine voice ✓

Still mogged by Donkey.

So we're skipping the part where he was an asshole?

he listed dark triad and thats an advantage with women

After some googling, well that's an advantage with some women not all and certainly not Fiona.

did you know that Shrek is based on a real person ? Maurice tillet I think was his name, a wrestler who looked like a monster and though got pretty girls.

Maurice Tillet was 5‘9“

did you know that Shrek is based on a real person ? Maurice tillet I think was his name, a wrestler who looked like a monster and though got pretty girls.

No, that was debunked thoroughly in a thread on the guy. Claims that he was successful with women are based on nothing but assumptions and confusing the wife of his friend as his own wife.

Take the onionpill.

With all due respect, that is fiction. Seen tons of movies where the nerdy short guy wins.

Seen tons of movies where the nerdy short guy wins

That's fiction too, retard.

exactly, fiction against fiction, that was their point.

well the point is that in real life that doesn't work. I literally saw this couple come into my gym 3 years ago. Girl was a 4/10 and guy is short and super strong but like 5'5. Over the course of the next couple years she transformed her body and became a 7.5/10 cutie with a squatters ass. Turns out she dumped him for some 6'2 lifter at the same fucking gym and there was some drama.


It's just how women are. Being tall is literally the most important thing to attract women.

Nah, shoulder to hips ratio

Flaw there is you have literally no back story. "Girl gets hot leaves short guy for tall guy" is all context you were given.

No mention of compatibility of the personalities of the people in the story. No way to know how they get along when they're alone.

It's not about the meme, it's about real life. Height is the most important trait for attracting women.

I didn't refer to the meme at all. I referred to the story you replied to.

That's literally not true either. My current fiance left her ex boyfriend for me. He's almost a foot taller than me. I'm only 5'6".

Exceptions don't make the rule. I go with what I see, with what is obvious. Height is most important.

It's ogre for shortcels.

tallcells fakecels

But she's an ogre too.

This height bullshit is cope. It's easy to accept being short, hard to accept being ugly.


St.Blackops2cel once told me

That Stacy was gonna fuck me

I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

She was looking kind if dumb

With her mouth on Chad's thumb

Normies will think this is a serious post.


Fuck this is so true, I knew q ricell who looked like a kpop star but still got no pussy because he was 5'4

Cope. Face > Height

I think Fiona likes Shrek more for his personality than anything.

You think Shrek would be able to beat up guards if he was short and weak? Fiona would be fucking Donkey in that case.

I don't think she would hold that against him

Okay you're fucking deadpan trolling me. If not, kill yourself cuck.



Yes. Gain your logic from fucking fantasy kids movies you dumb fucks.

it’s a meme u fucking brainlet

This is pretty hilarious since the reason this character doesn't get the girl is not actually his looks, but the fact that he's a self-absorbed prick who thinks he can force his own desires on others exactly like you people. You missed the entire message of the movie lmao

it’s a meme u dip

It boggles my mind how seriously you people take these things so you can spin it. As if the person who posted this actually thinks that an animated film proves any real world situations. I really don't get it.

What do you get out of purposefully missing a joke? You people always have to be right.

Idk, it's hard to tell most of the time with this sub. Obviously this is tongue-in-cheek but many of these people actually think like this. I'm just pointing out the irony.

you're a fucking idiot

I second this. Moron.


LMAO! Haha these foolish mortals don’t get the actual message that Shrek has to offer. Such fools! Shreks teachings should be understood entirely and never taken lightly lmao! These people actually think this way lamayo such intellectual weaklings rawfull

God you people are fuckin weird

He’s also strong and driven. And she’s an ogre

Human Shrek is a fucking chad though. 6 foot tall and good looking. No wonder fiona goes for him over manlet farquad.

What's a man let

short guy 5 9 and under

Lmao its 6' and under.

5'9" is pushed by 5'10/11 jabronies, historically (on the Internet, /fit/ in particular) anyone under 6' is a manlet.

rip well im a manlet then. im 5 10 lol.

But she didn't want him in his human form?

Y'all need to watch The Last American Virgin

it's ogre

It's a literal cartoon, it's not that deep.

I agree with this, shortcels have it rough. I hope the OP means this ironically though, given that Farquad is literally the villain of the movie

I mean I agree with the message, but Farquad (Sp?) was a raging asshole. He checked off pretty much every manlet stereotype.

Height is a made up conception to fool guys into thinking they're either superior or inferior to the next. Simply put a confident guy is going to be able to achieve and acquire whatever he wants, if you're trying too hard, EVERYONE will notice.

„Here is our proof that woman only care for height! A bad, fictional, CGI-animated movie.“

anyone else hate the Shrek movie where the girl was ugly in it? I couldn't even watch it. I think it was Shrek 2. Entire thing is unwatchable!

You forget that sheen literally saved her and that Prince is made to be an arrogant. Pretentious asshole. That was the entire point of his character. Including his overly large head. It's a movie making fin of Disney. And he represents the then boss of Disney. Which the makers of shrek had a lot of disagreements. Well basically a fight with. That's why he is also the boss and a character in a literal theme park

It is to mock our culture too. That's what shrek is known for It ain't that deep as representing that women only want you when you are tall.

The ogre in question was actually pretty sweet and the little guy is a fucking prick who doesn't deserve a companion. Does say it all actually.

As a Chad, man I love this sub. What a terrific validation for my overall approach and a great ego boost since I'm tall-ish and pretty decent looking. Thanks guys. :)

You do realize farquaad is literally forcing the two of them to marry each other, right?

I am 135 lbs and IRL I've been told that I look between 12 and 15 years of age.

chad leave

he listed dark triad and thats an advantage with women

If I am being honest its most likely your Arab appearance that hurts you most. I hear many women in Toronto outspokenly tell me they wont ever date a brown guy tbh.

Your face and body makes up for your height and hairloss tbh.

Probably because you look ethnic. Your features are good and you'd get laid with those features if you either weren't short or ethnic, but both seem to be rather hard to overcome.

you look pretty good. Maybe a bit intimidating looking? Some people have pretty harsh resting faces. I be toronto is pretty pozzed when it comes to dating. I don't have any advice in that regard, but I'd definitely say you have a good chance.

I'm sure Bruce McArthur would've loved to stick his dick in you. Take the grandpapill, bro.

Wow, if I would ever seen you in the street, I would never think that you would be virgin. I'm ethnic too but I don't look nowhere as good as you also my frame is really weak (even smaller than most teenage girls) and my face is really unattractive...

Your pic is proof enough that our group is made out of average men who knows how fucked up the dating scene is.

Eh, your head looks kinda big compared to your body (bulk more?). But other than that you look pretty good actually. You look like a white guy imo

you should really try looking more friendly, cut the beard, and learn to smile.

i know a lot of girls who would be into a guy like you. plus i don't think you look immediately "arab" to me just mediterranean.

i'm just sayin, you have definitive good looks, even at 5'8".

Sexual market value

I'm female fwiw. Your face and body are fine. your hair body is the huge, massive problem. followed closely by the arab thing. wax ur arms and make a point of openly clearly being a westernized guy and you'll be fine (unless ur also a mentalcell in which case 3 strikes and ur out).

Hi, don't try for calorie dense foods in one sitting. If you did small amounts throughout the day in more of a graze, You'd probably gain.


There's absolutely no fucking reason for you to still be a virgin. Work on your personal problems because that's the only thing that can possibly be holding you back.

I look like an older version of you. I wish you best of luck, but realistically the odds are stacked against men like us

I knew of a Middle Eastern guy who had a reputation for being a Narcissist and making his GFs put on leashes and beg like dogs, etc.

I can tell you -- legit -- white girls would not stop talking about this guy, and many dated him.

You can gain. Gaining weight is a numbers game you need to intake more calories than you burn and you WILL gain weight. Do that and hit the gym and you WILL put on muscle. You CAN improve your looks with work. And you CAN gain weight with effort.

Right. I said if you don't like your looks hit the gym. If you just want to get taller... Well there's nothing for that. But like I said before you're good looking and I personally have never seen a guy denied just for being short. If you get rejected for your height then she's probably mot someone you would want to be with anyway. All of my shorter friends are in relationships or actively dating. Their height has never deterred them from putting themselves out there.

Not a problem for everyone but it’d be a disservice to reality to pretend his being arab in a non arab dating scene is gonna be a plus. Oh and congrats on agreeing with me that some women somewhere might like like hairy’s a shame about your reading comprehension.

Brah you're full on Tyrone tier, in Europe there would be white girls killing eachother just to get a taste of your dick

Why do I only get attention like this online and not IRL? You will be utterly disgusted by my height IRL. I know all females hate short men. If you were to like me like you said, then please send me a pic. Otherwise, I know you are lying about being attracted to me.