what i see everytime i gymcel

120  2018-05-03 by ThisIzWhyYourAInzel




She's doing it for Chad.

I secretly take photos and wank when I get home

Found the false-flag-cel! You'd think that normie would have less free time.

Shit in your hands and clap

Me too


Hate on women but leave those workout bands out of it. I use the heavy bands to activate my glutes and warm up my shoulders/rotator cuffs. And goblet squats are a great at home way to work glutes inbetween gaming/netflixing/etc.

oooor maybe... don't hate on women? let them workout in peace?

Shut up cuck

These banded squats don't actually do anything. I'd why Instagram fitness thots advertise it.

Have you heard of the gluteus medius muscle? It helps strengthen that muscle. Which in turn helps stabilize your knees. But what do I know, I’m just a physical therapy student.

You are clearly wrong Jesus haha I mean obvious he knows best

hand back your diploma

Doctorates are non-returnable 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have used those bands with squats to help train my knees not to cave in.

But I honestly don't see the point of banded, body weight squats.

I honestly don't see the point of banded, body weight squats.

Well good for you but they are effective.

I'm a doctor from Harvard and you are wrong

I think they help with hip abductors. Though it’s moreso yoga than strength training

correct, had a hip replacement and did similar exercises.

God forbid she shows off the result of her training.

Female training is a joke.

No it isn't

lmao she only trains ass to show chad

Ask yourself what is her intention? Usually it is for attention and to attract guys.

Right, and what exactly would be wrong with that?

Undesirable behaviour. Displays arrogance and obsession over appearance. Those who like and encourage such attention seekers are just as bad. Aka the white knight beta cucks.

The people that constantly judge others for how they decide to appear in public seem like the ones that are obsessed over appearance. You want to know what kind of behaviour is truely considered undesirable? Endless self pity, envy of others and the consistent witch hunting of people who are minding their own bisnuess. Everyone who I have met on this sub would be better off if they stopped blaming everyone but themselves, slapped themselves in the face for complaining about non-existent issues and stopped obsessing over the primal desire to have sex. For Christ sake you have the been blessed with life, start enjoying it.

Hey, blue_paprika, just a quick heads-up:
truely is actually spelled truly. You can remember it by no e.
Have a nice day!

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Good bot, bad autocorrect

you must be American. This bot knows the queen's english.

I'm just analysing human behaviour. We know why girls post photos of their ass on Instagram, why get angry at me when I state the obvious?

I am not angry and you are not stating the obvious. You're showing envy toward others. And I am trying to reach a hand towards you ti make you stop with that. This is not going to make you happy, no one cares about an incel that sits on the internet all day complaining about how unfair the world is and that there are too many atention whores.

Then you are naive towards human behaviour and psychology, sorry. I study evolutionary psychology, it gives us an understanding of why males and females act how they do.

I don't care about why they do it. I'm telling you to stop being so envious of them.

How's that working out for you?

failing that class, clearly.

Haha 😁😁

Don't cry too hard

hmmmm. . . the fact you are replying here implies otherwise.

Heh, yeah that would seem ironic. But I was introduced to the concept of an incel today by a friend. And have been looking around the internet to see how bad it really is. It exeeded my expactations. Never in my life have I seen so much toxicity (people wanting to punch pregnant women in the gut out of pure spite). I do not care about incels as in I feel no sympathy for them, but I was intrigued by them... for a day... now they're starting to bore me.

Meh. toxicity level here seems pretty base level measured against my estimation of the average millennial. I just find it terrifying because absolutely every teenager has bad shit happen to them and is vulnerable at some point or another. It's basically the defining featured being a teenager. What terrifies me is how easy it would be to swallow the black pill and fucking cop out on life. I get why people end up falling into this hole and how easy it is for them to be radicalized. This shit is how other terror groups recruit also. The fact that this is how the average suburban white teenager gets so vulnerable and radicalized is something that needs attention. I think that the focus should be acceptance and reassurance rather than doxxing and shaming. Most of the people that self identify as incels are not fucking homicidal maniacs, if every frustrated virgin went out mass murderering and raping. . . #guncontrol.

I also kick puppies in my spare time.

You might as well go yell that at a wall brother. Just make fun of the sad guys here because they sure as hell don't want yours or anyone else's help. They want to wallow in self-pity and then wonder why no one likes or wants to be around them.

Ah, a sane person. That is a good note to end the day on. Yeah I came to that conclusion here, there's really no point trying to talk sense into them. We're under a delusion and they are eating the ripe fruits of depression, oh how I envy their enlightened and wise minds.

Nobody asked you to come here lol

Sane people don't have reading virgin forums as a hobby

That's not even English, and not true either, incel is a new concept to me and I wanted to see first hand just how bad you people are (you're the worst). The combination of self pity and hate is the most toxic waste I have ever seen.

Brave soul.

Don't tell me what to do.

I bet that 99% of the people incels despise are a LOT happier in life then they are.

If you are female then most likely. We are ostracised with little success social or with the opposite sex. Of course it can be hard for us to be happy.

You people are making it hard on yourselves. Happiness is being contempt with what you have, you're never going to be happy when you trow yourself into an endless cycle of self pity. Let me tell you a secret: hygene and confidence are key to a relationship, anyone, ANYONE, can get a relationship with the right effort. But I suggest you stop obsessing over relationships and take a good look at what things you are happy with right now.

Haha are you trolling? I am serious now, please take a look into evolutionary psychology. It is an extremely interesting area of research. Explore topics like hypergamy, online dating behaviour, how girls find 20% of guys attractive whereas males find 80% of girls attractive and how this is based on our natural biology. Not everything is life positive. There is actually a lot of darkness.

I know about that. So what? You're not going to find anyone by sitting behind a computer telling women that they suck while growing more and more fat and unhealthy. Or by silently judging them while studying psychology. Confidence, kindness, positivity and taking care of yourself wil get you there, if only you would snap out of the illusion that the game is rigged against you. You are the one rigging it.

You obviously don't know about it, don't lie to me. It is obvious, hence your dumb just be confident reply. Go read more.

I'm not going to read more. I'm going back to my life and experience the things that make me happy. If you refuse to make an effort to get those things, then that is really none of my concern or problem. Have fun telling everyone how stupid they are for getting succesfull relatuonships using the advice that I gave you.

Nice, keep yourself in your delusion.

And ofcourse there is darkness. But the difference between a 70 year old person happy with his life and a 16 year old that shoots up his school is what you decide to focus on.

Wtf, in no way am I or most people here have intention to harm anyone. I accept reality, not brainwash myself into believing feel good BS. I can accept reality and learn to live within it, not harm anyone.

If that's what evolutionary psychology studies then it's bullshit pseudoscience. Sounds like something you incels made up to try and explain why you being a shit person is everyone else's fault and not your own.

Ignorance. It's peer reviewed science. The same science that allows you to even view Reddit and talk to me on your phone.

Then give me some links to these peer reviews.

Although I agree with almost nothing else you said, there is one thing that you are 100% correct at. The fewer desires you have the happier you are. That's undeniable. But it's hard not to desire something 90% of the population has, and you don't have.

*content * 'contempt with what you have' is exactly the problem. bet they are thanking you for your sage advice.

Happiness is being contempt with what you have,

Cool, then go back 200 years and be content with not being able to own property or vote.

Not anyone, and definitely with those secondary traits. Literally everyone has hygiene and confidence is easily faked by the majority

Yes anyone, stop making excusew and work on yourself

As if you can convert hard work into attractiveness

Lol. The hygeiene meme.

Fuck off with your platitudes.

Incels: please help us :(. Also incels: FUCK OFF WITH YOUR HELP FAGGOT. also also incels: I was just fucking bullied today, why do people hate us? :(. This, this is why, you people are literally the worst.

Cool. Cept that has nothing to do with my post, and I'm glad I didn't ask for your help if you're going to spout nonsense. You are literally assuming incels are filthy, unwashed, basement dwellers and know nothing of our true circumstances.

For the last fucking time, our looks are why we're incel, not attitude, not hygiene.


Your personality is why, and I did not assume anything. Your deluded mind is the thing that assumes. You are rude, unlikeable and miserable and that is why no one wil ever want you.

Fuck off.

You are literally proving my point, do you think that your infant behaviour and low iq insults will have an impact on anyone? You're mistaken.

Because I'm about to take seriously some random asshole on the internet who knows nothing of my particular circumstances and only spouts cliches.

You deserved to be mocked. Fuck your feelings. You're proving why normie advice is usually shit.

Also, lol @ not being able to handle the banter.

Mocked? Do you think you are mocking me? You're smbarassing yourself. You're like a little todler who puts hid fingers into his ears and screams "YOU'RE WRONG SHUT UP LALALALALALALA". Ofcourse no woman would want a relationship with a rude, spoiled, immature brat like you. You're in denial and are angry at me because I'm getting too close to the truth. You're as pathetic as your insults and not even a 6 year old would take offense from them. "Fuck you" seriously?

complains about being insulted

"you're a spoiled brat!"

Gonna let you sort that out, bud.

Also, by all means, keep making assumptions about me, because you know me so well in my personal life.


I'm not insulting you with mindless pre-school insults, I'm educating you. And I do not mind your insults, they reassure me that you're a pathetic degenerate. You're never going to find love with that horrible personality of yours, who in their right mind would torture herself with your presence?

I'm educating you

When you literally know nothing about me. What was that about "lalala I can't hear you" again?

You're a condescending hypocrite who has nothing of substance to say.

I don't have to know everything about you to see that you're a terrible brat. And yes you'll stay incel, but not because you want it ;)

You're a moron. Pure and simple. The less I have to deal with shitheads like you, the better.

Oh my, I better watch my mouth or normie might get offended and I won't be able to make friends.

Fuck you.

No one is offended by you, your horrible attempts to insult me are as much a failure as your life ;)

my life

Which you know nothing about. Equally as amusing are your attempts to evaluate me when you have literally zero evidence.

You're a joke.

Still reinforcing my point, I love this, you're so simple minded.

I know you're an incel and that you have a behaviour issue, it doesn't take a genius to make the connection.

This makes you no less a presumptuous cocksucker.

But, by all means, continue making accurate evaluations about my life with literally zero evidence and then proceed to call me "simple-minded" while denouncing the use of insults.

Once again, gonna let you sort out that illogical mess.

I'm afraid that your stupidity has grown rather tiresome, you're like a broken dvd player repeating the same fictional delusion over and over. You have been amusing, clearly incels are not people to feel sympathy for. Have fun with your miserable life. Have fun never having a relationship. Have fun using insults fit for a 6 year old. I will ignore you and all your incel crybaby friends from now on.

Well, bye.


You need to get laid more than anyone else in this sub.

Please, the guy was extremely rude and unable to be reasoned with

Extremely low iq comment.

An incell that can't handle the truth, how original...

Hmmm. . . sounds familiar. . .

Do you think it's a bit weird that it's normal for women to obsessively train "the sexiest" body part, buy specific training gear to accentuate it, often take photos & videos specifically of it and post them online for people to see & talk about? It feels like they're really promoting objectification of themselves. It's all about sex and yet nobody seems willing to acknowledge it. The dissonance is off the charts for me.

My nigga don't hate on goblet squats they be good.

Literally only training legs with body-weight or like 15 lb weights, and doing that stupid exercise on the smith machine when there is a perfectly good leg press or lunges that activate supports makes you the most low-tier, basic, despicable member of the gym

women found out doing stuff like that allows them to post pictures of their ass fully bent over and get attention while not being considered a slut at the same time. kek

Clench your O ring when you do squats. Get the dick out. Get the dick out.

Serious. bro. do you even lift?

Femoids should be banned from the gym. Its one of our safe spaces.

I think you might be missing a prime reason to gym. I only battle pokemon gyms. . . nvm.

Try going in the nigth or like 11:00 Am, almost no roasties

At pokemon gym?

No, true gym, i used to go to one 5 days per/Week, but being a subhuman was too much for me to handle, except of course in those hours when there was almost no people.

I was just trying to make a funny. I just go pokemon. I get that though. You go to do it not to worry about some assholes judging you.

This is true. The main reason I workout close to midnight. No socialising, only the weights.

women can get in very good shape with out the gym, but go to the gym for attention and validation

But men need the gym to get in shape?

The standards are higher for men. Women just need to be thin / average, although a lot of men also like fat (thicc/curvy/chubby) women. Women are more depended on good fat distribution genetics.

...what? Why can't I go to the gym? How else do you expect me to gain muscles and be in shape? I'm not about to spend 5k on weight machines

Frankly I agree, sometimes gym is the best option, financially or otherwise. But I also think the gym thot persona is probably not as common as its made out to be here

Just don’t eat like a pig. Works for 99% of women.

Lol, that is such a blatant untruth. Women actually have a harder time losing weight and maintaining than men.

Calories in vs calories out. Most females I know just don’t eat like a pig and they have normal physiques. I hardly know any female that goes to the gym personally.

That doesn't create muscle though. My friends and I go to the gym to lift weights and build our strength. Also, if you dont exercise you would need to eat very few calories to maintain weight with no activity. It is much healthier to go to a gym. Not sure why that shouldn't be allowed?

I never said that women shouldn’t be allowed in the gym but to be honest with you I don’t think a lot of women who go to the gym. They just do a bunch of hippy shit, don’t sweat, use the lightest weights possible and never increase weights. I mean I don’t judge them as they might have different goals or just come to the gym to socialize and there isn’t anything wrong with that, I just don’t take them serious. Also let’s be real for a second, a weightlifting workout doesn’t burn a lot of calories and the minimal increase in muscle you have as a female won’t increase your TDEE that much.

Dude, my friends and I deadlift 130 and 150 weights. That's a large percentage of our body weight. I think you are making a lot of unfair generalizations that aren't untrue, especially about muscle increase. Also if your weightlifting isn't burning a lot calories, you're doing it wrong or using lower weights.

Dude, my friends and I deadlift 130 and 150 weights.

You mean kilogram?

No, of course you don’t. For a female that claims to be serious that’s really not a lot, definitely beginner level.

I think you are making a lot of unfair generalizations that aren't untrue

I agree that my generalizations are NOT untrue. Yea, I know you meant that they are untrue. Anyways, it’s just my observation of going to a couple of different gyms over the years.

especially about muscle increase

Even guys overestimate how much muscle they build, it’s mostly fat, glycogen and water.

Also if your weightlifting isn't burning a lot calories, you're doing it wrong or using lower weights.

A regular weightlifting workout doesn’t burn more than 200 calories probably. That’s not a lot for my standards.

I mean, for only 6 months, lifting 90-100% of our body weight regularly is not light? I dont think it is anything to mock, but you do you, man.

Thanks for catching the typo. But honestly, just let women do what they want/need to do. And dont pretend that you know more about our bodies than us. Because you don't.

Muscle increase is good. I'm not here to be bodybuilder. I just want to be stronger and toned.

It burns fat however for longer than cardio even after the movement has stopped as it is a high intensity workout.

I mean, for only 6 months, lifting 90-100% of our body weight regularly is not light? I dont think it is anything to mock, but you do you, man.

I didn’t really mock you. It’s just the tone you are talking with and I’ve had to keep your ego in check. Btw girls who are actually somewhat serious about lifting squat that weight and if they are actually serious about lifting they bench that weight.

But honestly, just let women do what they want/need to do.

Like I’ve said the women I saw might have different goals and I don’t judge them, I just don’t take them serious.

And dont pretend that you know more about our bodies than us. Because you don't.

Classical logical fallacy. You don’t need to be a woman to know anything about a woman’s body, how they respond to weightlifting etc.

You should really think about humbling yourself instead of acting like you know it all. People might have made different experiences than you, doesn’t mean that they are invalid. You seem really offended even though I never intended you to be. This passive-aggressive tone puts people off. Shower your personality and it will get better, promise.

You literally just said in the sentence before that you dont take women seriously? But okay. I never said I knew it all, but your tone came off very condescending and passive aggressive so I responded in turn.

Have a good night!

You literally just said in the sentence before that you dont take women seriously?

Read everything again, maybe another time though. It can be fun to read your reddit history years (or months) later and cringe at the things you wrote and the way you wrote. Now I don’t mean that this is cringeworthy, it’s just something fun to do in general.

Have a good night, too.

It's much harder for women to build and maintain muscle than it is for men due to our lower testosterone. Not eating like a pig sure helps lose weight/not gain weight but you'll still be 'soft' you gotta workout to tone up and stay fit.

nah bro I go to the gym looking like a 12 yr old boy in all my sports bras and sweaty clothes. I'm there to be fit and strong, and tbh anyone talking to me at the gym is just annoying. maybe some girls like to look hot and be flirty at the gym--and there's nothing wrong with them wanting to do that--but most throw on old t-shirts and aim to break a sweat.

these huge generalizations usually aren't productive.

I can say from experience that angle abuse and vanity span the gender divide.

I speak from experience, nothing short of extreme academic achievement gives me the kind of self confidence that looking in a mirror when you have muscles popping does. It's a physical testament to success, like an all A report card.

Nike Shox, women love those shoes for some reason.

It's why I go to the gym.

Good bot, bad autocorrect

Then you are naive towards human behaviour and psychology, sorry. I study evolutionary psychology, it gives us an understanding of why males and females act how they do.

hmmmm. . . the fact you are replying here implies otherwise.

oooor maybe... don't hate on women? let them workout in peace?

I'm afraid that your stupidity has grown rather tiresome, you're like a broken dvd player repeating the same fictional delusion over and over. You have been amusing, clearly incels are not people to feel sympathy for. Have fun with your miserable life. Have fun never having a relationship. Have fun using insults fit for a 6 year old. I will ignore you and all your incel crybaby friends from now on.