Im done with this.

78  2018-05-03 by SaltzPyre1

In a few weeks Ill be turning 28, and it truly dawned on me how much of a failure I am. I have accomplished nothing, and my peers have all moved on to the next phases of their lives. They are getting married, having kids, moving up in careers, and Im still living at home.

And so I decided Im done. Im done with the mediocrity, and feeling like a worthless pile of shit. Starting tomorrow I will not be coming back here. Im too blackpilled to believe that any kind of relationship with a woman will be possible for me, but Ill not spend my life ldar'ing. Im gonna improve my lot for myself and myself alone.

Im tired of being an obese PoS. Im tired of not being truly independent. And Im tired of putting myself down worse than any bully ever could. Love, and affection are just parts of life Ill never experience, but I'll be damned if I let that rule me.

I am my own man, and Ill make do.

And a last minuet fuck you to everyone. All the Incel's, all the normies, all the Chad's and Stacy's and especially all the stupid ass journalists.

You're all stupid.


Good on you! Keep up this motivation when times are tough, you can do it :)

I hope you have good luck in life.

Good luck my friend. Never give up :)

see ya tomorrow


Crab mentality

Godspeed and good luck

you know what? good for you, you do that!

Happy MGTOWing

Haha nothing wrong with MGTOW

An MGTOW is an incel who hasn't taken the blackpill.

An MGTOW is an incel in a good mood.

Not really :-P

See you tommorow!

Hey, elorei74, just a quick heads-up:
tommorow is actually spelled tomorrow. You can remember it by one m, two rs.
Have a nice day!

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Do you just go around all day nitpicking others, you pretentious piece of shit? Suprise motherfucker, nobody cares. Have a sence of decency and get your head out of your ass. Try and do something meaningful tommorow, fuckhead.


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happy coping, see you very soon

Good. Think I'm stupid all you want, its no skin off my back, but i sincerely hope your life improves and that, with or without a woman, you find happyness and fulfillment.

Thanks, bot!

Im tired of being an obese PoS

Lmao, you're such a failure, you can't even succeed at being an incel.

Gtfo out of here volvel cretin.

/>shitting on a fat dude who wants to lose weight

Good luck dude

(He'd be back tomorrow)

Starting tomorrow

You already failed.

fatcels are vocels

i have no sympathy

>shitting on someone expressing desire and commitment to lose weight and not be the so-called "fatcels" you all seem to despise

Wew lad

Actually, saying fatcel is volcel is really encouraging. It means that you cant really be objective about your looks when fat and you should try work on yourself to lose weight. Its very motivational. You understand that, right?

Not in the way everyone tones it.

"hurr fuck off, fatty" and being encouraging are different things.

Also most fat dudes date and have sex, so obviously "fatcels" are doing something wrong

Peace out!

Fatcels are volcels in like 90% of cases.

Good luck man

Over 25 you should be able to get grants for school, I went back and Iā€™m 28 going into junior year. I got tired of working minimizing wage jobs and decided to put my brain to use. I also get free counseling through the school and cheap meds.

If your obese I bet your not an incel you just have fat holding you back

You're all stupid

Allowed himself to become obese in the first place.

Who's the stupid one, again!?

At least he's trying to fix it, asshole

Starting tomorrow

He hasn't tried to fix anything yet. He's just venting

It's been three days

Tomorrow is always another day away. It looks like he's stopped posting on Reddit, so there is hope that he's abandoned braincels forever. But we will never know for sure if he's actually taken action

/>incels bullying you for being fat in spite of you wanting to commit to lose weight


go for it, get off this sub. its cucked anyways

Just eat a Snickers bro.

chew it over with twix.

C u 2mor


Fuck you too! Hope your copes work out, boyo. šŸ˜‰šŸ‘Œ

are you hanging it up?

Nice!!! I wish you all the best and a lot of purple love šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

The black pill is true. but it might not be for u. Go full bluepill

Go forth child and becomeh dah man.

That is what I like to read. Don't disappoint me. The best of luck to you, and may you move on to greener pastures.

Stop eating shit, dress nice and get some confidence and limit your internet usage and wont come back, unless its to view the zoo.

Don't fucking do it. DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING DO IT!

Living well and DGAF. That's the ultimate fuck you.

LDAR is ALWAYS an option, my rotund frend.

For what it's worth, you have my support! Only you can make yourself happy. Its not going to be easy, and there are definitely days it's going to suck. Take each day at a time and you'll find fulfillment.